Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

I'm arguing the constitutionality of taking AWAY THE RIGHTS OF A MINORITY GROUP BASED ON DISCRIMINATION.

You're pretending that Marriage is something that it is not, then pretending that there's a right to advance that deception, that marriage is something that it's not, then fraudulently claiming that PRETEND RIGHTS ARE BEING DENIED.

You are crazier than an outhouse RAT!

Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
No one is arguing that gays be forced to marry by the government. What they are arguing is that it is unconstitutional for a government to ban homosexual marriages...

Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 of 50 States it includes one man and one man, or one woman and one woman.

Denying reality doesn't change reality, Keyes. No matter how hard you close your eyes, buddy.
I'm arguing the constitutionality of taking AWAY THE RIGHTS OF A MINORITY GROUP BASED ON DISCRIMINATION.

You're pretending that Marriage is something that it is not, then pretending that there's a right to advance that deception, that marriage is something that it's not, then fraudulently claiming that PRETEND RIGHTS ARE BEING DENIED.

Actually, that would be you. You keep making up requirements of marriage that don't exist. You insist that marriage involves an 'oath before the creator of the universe'. But it doesn't have to. You insist that marriage is about procreation. But infertile people get married or stay married all the time. You babble about an imaginary 'natural law of marriage'. But no such natural law exists.

Back in reality, no state requires any couple to procreate or be able to procreate in order to get married. Why then would we exclude gays from marriage based on their failure to meet a standard that doesn't exist and applies to no one?

Obviously we wouldn't. And in 37 of 50 States, we don't.
Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Just curious, since that is not true in most of the US, and soon all of the US, when exactly are you going to stop saying what isn't true, never?

You ask that question like such issues have the slightest relevance to Keyes. Remember.....his is one long Appeal to Authority fallacy. Where he insists his personal opinion is objective truth.

You can't get around that kind of batshit with something as trivial as reality.
Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Just curious, since that is not true in most of the US, and soon all of the US, when exactly are you going to stop saying what isn't true, never?
You're too stupid to comprehend the statement.
Not at all. If I say a pet is only a dog or a cat, and people have all kinds of other animals as pets, doesn't that make me a fucking moron?
You can't get around that kind of batshit with something as trivial as reality.
I would imagine but I like to state the obvious anyway so we cal discuss it. Ignoring reality is a form of mental illness. I'm interested to know just how ill he actually is?
Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Just curious, since that is not true in most of the US, and soon all of the US, when exactly are you going to stop saying what isn't true, never?
You're too stupid to comprehend the statement.
Not at all. If I say a pet is only a dog or a cat, and people have all kinds of other animals as pets, doesn't that make me a fucking moron?
It's something that has to be recognized. In the state I live in it is not recognized so therefore I am correct. It may be the same for him. So you're actually the stupid one.
Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Just curious, since that is not true in most of the US, and soon all of the US, when exactly are you going to stop saying what isn't true, never?
You're too stupid to comprehend the statement.
Not at all. If I say a pet is only a dog or a cat, and people have all kinds of other animals as pets, doesn't that make me a fucking moron?
It's something that has to be recognized. In the state I live in it is not recognized so therefore I am correct. It may be the same for him. So you're actually the stupid one.
Well, he doesn't say, "marriage is between one man and one woman, in my state", now does he? And in most states that isn't true. So, if I say a pet is only a dog or a cat without adding, well in my state that's true but not in most others, wouldn't you call me an idiot?

Coming to the defense of someone who's wrong just because you hate the other guy makes you a child (or a relation). Don't be.
When I go in to buy a cake, from a person that sells cakes, I am not demanding anything. That's what they do. It's a business transaction and since we set the rules businesses are required to follow, ...

So 'we' set the rules on who can sell cakes and to whom they must sell them... but 'we CANNOT set the rules on the standard of marriage?


Anyone need anything else?

The Cult is now advancing feckless NON SEQUITURS as the purest essence of what stands for Leftist 'reason'.
When I go in to buy a cake, from a person that sells cakes, I am not demanding anything. That's what they do. It's a business transaction and since we set the rules businesses are required to follow, ...

So 'we' set the rules on who can sell cakes and to whom they must sell them... but 'we CANNOT set the rules on the standard of marriage?
In case you hadn't noticed, there are rules about that as well eh?
Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Just curious, since that is not true in most of the US, and soon all of the US, when exactly are you going to stop saying what isn't true, never?
You're too stupid to comprehend the statement.
Not at all. If I say a pet is only a dog or a cat, and people have all kinds of other animals as pets, doesn't that make me a fucking moron?
It's something that has to be recognized. In the state I live in it is not recognized so therefore I am correct. It may be the same for him. So you're actually the stupid one.
Well, he doesn't say, "marriage is between one man and one woman, in my state", now does he? And in most states that isn't true. So, if I say a pet is only a dog or a cat without adding, well in my state that's true but not in most others, wouldn't you call me an idiot?

Coming to the defense of someone who's wrong just because you hate the other guy makes you a child (or a relation). Don't be.
It can be true to you. I deny marriages between homos. If fags get married I refuse to recognize it. If you choose to recognize it then go ahead but I don't.
It can be true to you. I deny marriages between homos. If fags get married I refuse to recognize it. If you choose to recognize it then go ahead but I don't.
Only children and the mentally ill ignore reality. Which are you? Maybe both I'd guess.
It can be true to you. I deny marriages between homos. If fags get married I refuse to recognize it. If you choose to recognize it then go ahead but I don't.
Only children and the mentally ill ignore reality. Which are you? Maybe both I'd guess.
Just because someone else changes the definition of something doesn't mean you have to go with it. It's the difference between two competing definitions of the same word. I choose to go with the non fag one.
Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.
Just curious, since that is not true in most of the US, and soon all of the US, when exactly are you going to stop saying what isn't true, never?

First, you're a liar.

The curiosity of liars is irrelevant to reasonable people. You do not live in the United States. You are a British Subject, who is trying to pass off Foreign Ideas Hostile to American Principle.

Now, setting aside that, let me school you on how it works HERE, actually IN the United States.

HERE... A State cannot pass a law that binds other states.

A problem that hopefully, the US Supreme Court will soon dispatch, putting an end to the sanctioning of this runaway lechery, which it should have done, LONG AGO, the moment Massachusetts went rogue.
It can be true to you. I deny marriages between homos. If fags get married I refuse to recognize it. If you choose to recognize it then go ahead but I don't.
Only children and the mentally ill ignore reality. Which are you? Maybe both I'd guess.
Just because someone else changes the definition of something doesn't mean you have to go with it. It's the difference between two competing definitions of the same word. I choose to go with the non fag one.
Time to learn to think like a lawyer, and grow up a bit. If the law says it's true, it is in all ways that really matter. You could call it Self Defense, but if the courts convict you of Murder, you're fucked. You can defend yourself until the end of time but you'll be doing it from behind bars.
It can be true to you. I deny marriages between homos. If fags get married I refuse to recognize it. If you choose to recognize it then go ahead but I don't.
Only children and the mentally ill ignore reality. Which are you? Maybe both I'd guess.
Just because someone else changes the definition of something doesn't mean you have to go with it. It's the difference between two competing definitions of the same word. I choose to go with the non fag one.
Time to learn to think like a lawyer, and grow up a bit. If the law says it's true, it is in all ways that really matter. You could call it Self Defense, but if the courts convict you of Murder, you're fucked. You can defend yourself until the end of time but you'll be doing it from behind bars.
I don't really know how the law really matters to me. If someone asks me about it I'll call them fags and move on. Doesn't effect me at all.

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