Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

BS... The argument for gay marriage is LIBERTY!!!!!! We either have it or we don't. This is not an issue of whether gay marriage is better for the species than heterosexual marriage. This is an issue of whether we have LIBERTY OR WE DON'T HAVE LIBERTY.

Liberty is the right to be left alone from government, liberty is not the right to demand things from government.

Why does government need to give people perks and tax breaks for screwing each other? This is why leftists are so delusional and out of touch with reality. You look at all the despotic governments in the world, Arab countries who kill gays and Jews and Christians just for being, and you say OMG, two fags want to fuck and government would give them tax breaks. WTF? They don't have liberty!
BULLSHIT. Liberty is not the RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE. What the hell is wrong with you?

As for your tax break question... go ahead and push for removal of marriage tax breaks, I agree they are discriminatory against singles, and should not be there.

In the meantime, you're going to push to add more discrimination, great strategy
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?
WOW liberty is JUST A CONCEPT. WTF is wrong with you? Huh? Yes, liberalism is a mental disease. One in which I am not afflicted.

Yes, liberty is a concept. A very good one that is the basis for our constitution and our body of law. But it is a very fragile concept that is constantly challenged by those who would mandate what others believe and what they consider normal and acceptable behavior.

This country was founded to get away from the minority rulers of europe, the kings and dictators. And today you libs support minority views being forced on everyone else.

thats why I say that liberalism is a mental disease.
Incorrect. Liberty is concrete. You want my liberty, come take it from me you Authoritarian piece of shit. Your authority over gays is done. It's over. Get over it. You need a tissue?

Courts have to give me gay marriage because I want it, I don't want to convince anyone, I don't want to work for it, I wannnnnnntttttt ittttt. Give it to me now! Just give it to me.


They you offer Redfish a hanky? That's classic
Dude, your off your meds.
Bullshit. You're not the first bigot, you are one of many. You learned to be a biggot, you were not born with it. You were "brain washed" into believing that you and YOU ALONE should have the AUTHORITY to decide WHO GETS LIBERTY based on your bigotry and hatred and WHO DOESN'T.

Right, when clearly he doesn't have that power, you do. You're the one advocating judicial fiat
Bullshit. I'm arguing the constitutionality of taking AWAY THE RIGHTS OF A MINORITY GROUP BASED ON DISCRIMINATION.

Government marriage IS discrimination, all of it. Think about it, hello. You can't fight for discrimination while claiming to be against it, you leftist retard
BS... The argument for gay marriage is LIBERTY!!!!!! We either have it or we don't. This is not an issue of whether gay marriage is better for the species than heterosexual marriage. This is an issue of whether we have LIBERTY OR WE DON'T HAVE LIBERTY.

Liberty is the right to be left alone from government, liberty is not the right to demand things from government.

Why does government need to give people perks and tax breaks for screwing each other? This is why leftists are so delusional and out of touch with reality. You look at all the despotic governments in the world, Arab countries who kill gays and Jews and Christians just for being, and you say OMG, two fags want to fuck and government would give them tax breaks. WTF? They don't have liberty!
BULLSHIT. Liberty is not the RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE. What the hell is wrong with you?

As for your tax break question... go ahead and push for removal of marriage tax breaks, I agree they are discriminatory against singles, and should not be there.

In the meantime, you're going to push to add more discrimination, great strategy
HUH? How is REMOVING DISCRIMINATION... ADDING DISCRIMINATION? Are you mentally handicapped too?
OMG, two fags want to fuck and government would give them tax breaks. WTF? They don't have liberty!
BULLSHIT. Liberty is not the RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE. What the hell is wrong with you?

You just lost the argument that you are not a leftist, clearly with that statement you are
Bullshit. And you are nothing but a piece of shit liar now. I'm more conservative than you will ever be. Authoritarian policies have nothing to do with left vs right issues, ya dumb ass. You are pushing some dumb ass argument that the right is against liberty. OMFG

You didn't grasp the point. This is what you said that cost you the argument: Liberty is not the RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE. The right to demand things from others, including government, is pure leftism. It's ridiculous. That is not actual liberty in any way, it's Orwellian doublespeak. You cannot demand things from others without infringing on someone else's liberty. Sorry, you're called out on strikes
Courts have to give me gay marriage because I want it, I don't want to convince anyone, I don't want to work for it, I wannnnnnntttttt ittttt.
Rights aren't up for a vote of the the people, we are not a democracy. How long before you accept that?
But arguing courts need to implement gay government marriage through criminal circumvention of the Constitution which gives the power to make that determination to the legislature is pure authoritarian leftism
Um, the reason these laws got tossed is because they were deemed unconstitutional. That's not going around around the Constitution, that's respecting it.
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Bullshit. You're not the first bigot, you are one of many. You learned to be a biggot, you were not born with it. You were "brain washed" into believing that you and YOU ALONE should have the AUTHORITY to decide WHO GETS LIBERTY based on your bigotry and hatred and WHO DOESN'T.

Right, when clearly he doesn't have that power, you do. You're the one advocating judicial fiat
Bullshit. I'm arguing the constitutionality of taking AWAY THE RIGHTS OF A MINORITY GROUP BASED ON DISCRIMINATION.

You cannot "tak(e) away" that which you never had. You need to learn the English language and stop arguing like a government loving leftist
WHO NEVER HAD LIBERTY? What drugs are you on?

Back to the playground for you, huh?

I'll type slower since you can't keep up. We never had gay government marriage, which is what you were talking about. You can't take away gay government marriage when there was never gay government marriage. I mean duh.

Stop arguing like a liberal, and I'm not just talking about your positions
BS... The argument for gay marriage is LIBERTY!!!!!! We either have it or we don't. This is not an issue of whether gay marriage is better for the species than heterosexual marriage. This is an issue of whether we have LIBERTY OR WE DON'T HAVE LIBERTY.

Liberty is the right to be left alone from government, liberty is not the right to demand things from government.

Why does government need to give people perks and tax breaks for screwing each other? This is why leftists are so delusional and out of touch with reality. You look at all the despotic governments in the world, Arab countries who kill gays and Jews and Christians just for being, and you say OMG, two fags want to fuck and government would give them tax breaks. WTF? They don't have liberty!
BULLSHIT. Liberty is not the RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE. What the hell is wrong with you?

As for your tax break question... go ahead and push for removal of marriage tax breaks, I agree they are discriminatory against singles, and should not be there.

In the meantime, you're going to push to add more discrimination, great strategy
HUH? How is REMOVING DISCRIMINATION... ADDING DISCRIMINATION? Are you mentally handicapped too?

OK, this is going way to fast for you. I'll explain the obvious.

Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government. Government loves to discriminate and pit people against each other, it grows their power

You are for giving more people access to government marriage, this discrimination

That means you are for expanding discrimination

Yet you are arguing against discrimination

Which means you are arguing to reduce discrimination, by expanding discrimination

Was that clear enough for you? I thought it was butt obvious the first time. Not getting an argument no matter how clear is so leftist of you, leftists never get arguments but their own. In a debate, you comprehend the other person's argument and rebut it, you know, like I'm doing to you. Leftists just repeat their assertions comprehending nothing but what they think, you know, like you're doing to me
Liberty, boys, is the ability to act freely, or not act, with given boundaries. A business owner is not at the same liberty as the man on the street. They are required to follow different sets of rules. Being a liberal, I'm big on the right to be left the hell alone, but even that has limits and society limits liberty as it does most other things. If it didn't we'd have anarchy, not society, and liberty would be at serious risk because few would have the power necessary to enforce it. Your liberty, like your property, is protected by what society creates. For that there is a price to be paid, limits on both liberty and property.
Courts have to give me gay marriage because I want it, I don't want to convince anyone, I don't want to work for it, I wannnnnnntttttt ittttt.
Rights aren't up for a vote of the the people, we are not a democracy. How long before you accept that?

Begging the question, I already addressed that.

See Mr. Brown, this is you arguing in this discussion, not getting a point and reasserting your position.

Thanks for coming in and demonstrating my point how leftists argue, Paint
But arguing courts need to implement gay government marriage through criminal circumvention of the Constitution which gives the power to make that determination to the legislature is pure authoritarian leftism
Um, the reason these laws got tossed is because they were deemed unconstitutional. That's not going around around the Constitution, that's respecting it.

Yet none of you can name anyone who being gay changes who they can marry. You keep comparing to blacks. The difference between government not having mixed race marriages and gay marriages is this. Being black changed who you could marry for every black. Being gay changed who you could make for zero gays. Wow, that is the same... LOL.
Liberty, boys, is the ability to act freely, or not act, with given boundaries. A business owner is not at the same liberty as the man on the street. They are required to follow different sets of rules. Being a liberal, I'm big on the right to be left the hell alone, but even that has limits and society limits liberty as it does most other things. If it didn't we'd have anarchy, not society, and liberty would be at serious risk because few would have the power necessary to enforce it. Your liberty, like your property, is protected by what society creates. For that there is a price to be paid, limits on both liberty and property.

Liberty is not the right to demand anything from others, that infringes on the liberty of others. Not having gay government marriage doesn't prevent gays from doing whatever the fuck they want, including fucking each other
Hey moron, liberty is not a left vs right issue and neither is incest, or rape, or murder, or pedophilia.


You can NOT make that shit up!

I don't think it is possible to frame the entire problem better than THAT!

Come on people. We have some real problems in this country

18 trillion in debt
half the country on some form of govt handout
deficit spending every year
no confidence in congress or the president
the mid east burning
radical islam killing thousands because or religion
more americans in poverty than ever before
hundreds of trillions in unfunded liabilities
racial violence in our cities

and we spend hours arguing about gay marriage???? WTF is wrong with us? And yes, I am guilty of it too.

I have made my last post on a gay thread. I hope many of you will follow suit. Let the court do its job and live with the rulings

We have much more important issues to deal with than whether two gays or lesbians can call their union a marriage.
So your for gay marriage then?
Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government.
It does not so much discriminate as allow for different rules to be applied because the marriage contract is in force, but yes, their status is different than that of single people. A classic example would be the protection allowing spouses not to be compelled to testify against each other, which does not apply to unmarried couples. If you can find a compelling reason, the government, and others are allowed to discriminate, like churches being allowed to hire ministers only of their faith. Discrimination exists, it's not going away, the question is, is there a compelling reason for it?
But arguing courts need to implement gay government marriage through criminal circumvention of the Constitution which gives the power to make that determination to the legislature is pure authoritarian leftism
Um, the reason these laws got tossed is because they were deemed unconstitutional. That's not going around around the Constitution, that's respecting it.

Yet none of you can name anyone who being gay changes who they can marry. You keep comparing to blacks. The difference between government not having mixed race marriages and gay marriages is this. Being black changed who you could marry for every black. Being gay changed who you could make for zero gays. Wow, that is the same... LOL.
It seems you want to ignore the obvious, gays do not fall in love with, and therefore want to marry, the opposite sex. Since they are required to be two adults, like other people able to marry, and since marriage is a state-approved contract, and in addition since no compelling government interest is served by not allowing gays to wed, there is no valid reason for them not being equally able to marry the one they love. See how that works now?

The reason why the Loving decision comes up is because the Supreme Court stepped in and said your state rules cannot override Equal Protection, which is also true in this case.
Liberty, boys, is the ability to act freely, or not act, with given boundaries. A business owner is not at the same liberty as the man on the street. They are required to follow different sets of rules. Being a liberal, I'm big on the right to be left the hell alone, but even that has limits and society limits liberty as it does most other things. If it didn't we'd have anarchy, not society, and liberty would be at serious risk because few would have the power necessary to enforce it. Your liberty, like your property, is protected by what society creates. For that there is a price to be paid, limits on both liberty and property.

Liberty is not the right to demand anything from others, that infringes on the liberty of others. Not having gay government marriage doesn't prevent gays from doing whatever the fuck they want, including fucking each other
When I go in to buy a cake, from a person that sells cakes, I am not demanding anything. That's what they do. It's a business transaction and since we set the rules businesses are required to follow, hiring practices, accounting rules, land use, fire codes, etc., we are well within our rights to say - Sell to one, Sell to all. What you want is Anarchy, which you mistaken call Liberty, and that's not what we have here.
Courts have to give me gay marriage because I want it, I don't want to convince anyone, I don't want to work for it, I wannnnnnntttttt ittttt.
Rights aren't up for a vote of the the people, we are not a democracy. How long before you accept that?

Begging the question, I already addressed that.

See Mr. Brown, this is you arguing in this discussion, not getting a point and reasserting your position.

Thanks for coming in and demonstrating my point how leftists argue, Paint
Well, if you addressed it any differently than I did, you're simple dead wrong. Your rights aren't up for a vote of the people either way. It's none of their business actually. In a true democracy it might be, but that's not our system here.

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