Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Here is what Kaz is saying: Waaaah I hate marriage so I want to make sure gays can't marry-

of course I am married and I want my benefits of marriage but I want to make sure to deny Gays marriage

1) I said marriage is not equal to government marriage, they have nothing to do with each other. One is a union of a man and a woman, at least with the intent being for life. Government marriage is a faux legal contract which gives some citizens perks over others. I say a faux contract because a real contract is negotiated between citizens

2) I did not say to deny gays government marriage, I said you should get it through the Constitutional legislative process instead of the criminals courts.

They can't get it through Legislation. .

Ummmmm actually- and not surprisingly- you are of course wrong.

On February 13, 2012, Washington Governor Christine Gregoire signed legislation that established full marriage rights for same-sex couples in the state of Washington. Opponents mounted a challenge that required voters to approve the statute at a referendum, which they did on November 6
Here is what Kaz is saying: Waaaah I hate marriage so I want to make sure gays can't marry-

of course I am married and I want my benefits of marriage but I want to make sure to deny Gays marriage

1) I said marriage is not equal to government marriage, they have nothing to do with each other. One is a union of a man and a woman, at least with the intent being for life. Government marriage is a faux legal contract which gives some citizens perks over others. I say a faux contract because a real contract is negotiated between citizens

2) I did not say to deny gays government marriage, I said you should get it through the Constitutional legislative process instead of the criminals courts.

They can't get it through Legislation. Because, at their core, reasonable people sense the danger that is normalizing DEVIANCY; which is to say the perverse reasoning that justifies unhealthy sexual behavior as something other than what it is... a disembodied obsession with sex, acquired through the obsessive desensitization to normal sexual behavior. A 'trained' response, which separates the being from a healthy sexual apatite... a twist on sexual gluttony.

Take any deviancy and you'll find an obsession....
What part of the people don't get a vote on the rights of others are you still not getting?
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, the courts have no say
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, marriage isn't either as a matter of fact, but Equality before the Law is, which isn't up for a vote of the people and why you're fucked.


Yes... Let's just allow those presenting with mental disorder, to reject human physiology and the laws of nature relevant to such, which provide for two distinct but complimenting genders, designed specifically to Join Two Beings, into one sustainable being... so that the mentally ill can feel "EQUAL".

Here's the problem with that... in terms of law, the mentally ill are equal. That two men cannot be legitimately joined as one being... doesn't change that.

And that the mentally ill feel otherwise... is irrelevant.

Ya see scamp... that's sorta the downside to being mentally ill. You're fuckin' crazy and because of THAT, you don't get to alter critical public institutions, in the hopes that it will make you feel sane. Because you're not sane. And without regard to the PLETHORA of reasons for adhering to natural law, forcing the entire culture to turn from it, WILL NOT MAKE YOU SANE.

Now, I don't expect you to understand, because you're nuckin' futs... but I set the reasoning out there, so that you might have a CHANCE to understand.

And that is all a reasonable person can do, within the scope of civility.

Now please... do not push this beyond the scope of civility. No one wants to go beyond that ... and if you had the capacity to recognize reality, you'd know that those LEAST wanting to do there, would be YOU and your teeny tiny little cult.
Here is what Kaz is saying: Waaaah I hate marriage so I want to make sure gays can't marry-

of course I am married and I want my benefits of marriage but I want to make sure to deny Gays marriage

1) I said marriage is not equal to government marriage, they have nothing to do with each other. One is a union of a man and a woman, at least with the intent being for life. Government marriage is a faux legal contract which gives some citizens perks over others. I say a faux contract because a real contract is negotiated between citizens

2) I did not say to deny gays government marriage, I said you should get it through the Constitutional legislative process instead of the criminals courts.

They can't get it through Legislation. Because, at their core, reasonable people sense the danger that is normalizing DEVIANCY; which is to say the perverse reasoning that justifies unhealthy sexual behavior as something other than what it is... a disembodied obsession with sex, acquired through the obsessive desensitization to normal sexual behavior. A 'trained' response, which separates the being from a healthy sexual apatite... a twist on sexual gluttony.

Take any deviancy and you'll find an obsession....
What part of the people don't get a vote on the rights of others are you still not getting?

The part where for a right to exist, there must be correlating responsibilities...

So let's talk this out, shall we?

Now to what responsibilities are you adhering here, in claiming what right?
They can't get it through Legislation. Because, at their core, reasonable people sense the danger that is normalizing DEVIANCY...

Same sex Civil Marriage passed through legislative action in the following jurisdictions:

Delaware – Legislatively - 2013
District of Columbia – Legislatively - 2009
Hawaii – Legislatively - 2013
Illinois – Legislatively - 2013
New Hampshire – Legislatively - 2009
New York – Legislatively - 2011
Rhode Island – Legislatively - 2013
Vermont – Legislatively - 2009

Same sex Civil Marriage won at the ballot box the last 4 times it was on a General Election ballot:

Maine – Ballot – 2012
Maryland – Ballot - 2012
Minnesota – Ballot/Legislatively - 2012
Washington – Ballot - 2012

Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, the courts have no say
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, marriage isn't either as a matter of fact, but Equality before the Law is, which isn't up for a vote of the people and why you're fucked.


Yes... Let's just allow those presenting with mental disorder, to reject human physiology and the laws of nature relevant to such, which provide for two distinct but complimenting genders, designed specifically to Join Two Beings, into one sustainable being... so that the mentally ill can feel "EQUAL".

Here's the problem with that... in terms of law, the mentally ill are equal. That two men cannot be legitimately joined as one being... doesn't change that.

And that the mentally ill feel otherwise... is irrelevant.

Ya see scamp... that's sorta the downside to being mentally ill. You're fuckin' crazy and because of THAT, you don't get to alter critical public institutions, in the hopes that it will make you feel sane. Because you're not sane. And without regard to the PLETHORA of reasons for adhering to natural law, forcing the entire culture to turn from it, WILL NOT MAKE YOU SANE.

Now, I don't expect you to understand, because you're nuckin' futs... but I set the reasoning out there, so that you might have a CHANCE to understand.

And that is all a reasonable person can do, within the scope of civility.

Now please... do not push this beyond the scope of civility. No one wants to go beyond that ... and if you had the capacity to recognize reality, you'd know that those LEAST wanting to do there, would be YOU and your teeny tiny little cult.
I am unsure of the exact word count there but it adds up to nothing, while completely ignoring the crux of the issue, equality, which is what the courts are ruling on. Not marriage, boys, equality before the law. That's what fucks you when laws are deemed unconstitutional...
Now to what responsibilities are you adhering here, in claiming what right?
The right is to be treated equally by the state. Since the treatment of gays is unequal, the courts are tossing said laws. Your rights aren't up for a vote of the people, and neither are theirs.

Imagine a law that said only married people could own houses or raise children? Since unmarried couples and singles would then be treated unequally the court would be perfectly justified to toss said laws. Same thing in this case, unequal is invalid here, in most cases.
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They can't get it through Legislation. Because, at their core, reasonable people sense the danger that is normalizing DEVIANCY...

Same sex Civil Marriage passed through legislative action in the following jurisdictions:

Delaware – Legislatively - 2013
District of Columbia – Legislatively - 2009
Hawaii – Legislatively - 2013
Illinois – Legislatively - 2013
New Hampshire – Legislatively - 2009
New York – Legislatively - 2011
Rhode Island – Legislatively - 2013
Vermont – Legislatively - 2009

Same sex Civil Marriage won at the ballot box the last 4 times it was on a General Election ballot:

Maine – Ballot – 2012
Maryland – Ballot - 2012
Minnesota – Ballot/Legislatively - 2012
Washington – Ballot - 2012


12 states...


Now, what instrument provides for the common disposition wherein a state can institute laws that bind other states?

Oh! I know this one... It's a thing that sets the rules for all states, which precludes any state from setting law that binds other states without the consent of those states... MAN~ WHAT IS THAT THING?

Seems like it has something to do with a binding agreement, that joins all the states on which the consent to be governed by that thing rests ENTIRELY! And that without that thing, the hole thing just dissolves...

OH! I wish I could remember what that thing is... I just feel off my constitution today... federally speaking, I just don't seem to be legislatively capable of getting it going.

Maybe you're having the same problem.

I know that for me, sometimes I feel like just voting myself a million bucks and going down to the bank and letting them know that I've done all the homework and have long debated the issues and ... well, I'm happy to report that after much deliberation, I've agreed that I will take from the bank: A Million Bucks.

But something tells me that all of the hard work and MY GREAT NEED, which founded my legislative agreement with myself... will be insufficient, in terms of getting the bank to give me the couple grand I have in that bank and the other 998,000 bucks from the others banking at that bank.

Sounds like you get that way too... .
Liberty is not the right to demand anything from others, that infringes on the liberty of others. Not having gay government marriage doesn't prevent gays from doing whatever the fuck they want, including fucking each other
Oh so now the dumb ass says the right to free speech is not liberty


I did? Show me that quote. What you're pulling out of your ass stinks, think you can just leave it there?

Kaz, face it, in the land of morons, you are king. And news flash demanding liberty, DOES NOT INFRINGE ON YOUR LIBERTY YOU DUMB ASS. You don't own Gays, you dumb shit. Get off them. You don't have the right to shit all over a minority group just because the power of the vote makes you believe so. Not in this country dumb ass, we have a Constitution. Oh and btw your POWER IS FLEETING Satan! I see you.


Gotcha, that rant is classic. You are going unhinged. If you actually had an argument, you would be able to process what I actually said and respond to it. You would want to do that. All you have is screaming and ranting and you're a lazy piece of shit who can't work for what you want and actually convince people. Being the mind numb leftist that you are, you just run to the courts to decree it
Do I really have to slow it down for you that much?

You said and I quote: "Liberty is not the right to demand anything from others, that infringes on the liberty of others."
Let's break that down for you.
Demanding anything from others has only been done in the context of public free speeches. You don't like what the gays are demanding in public, you don't have to listen to them. Thus what you said is the equivalent of "Liberty is not the right to" make public demands. Making public demands is the cornerstone of free speech. Thus, what you said is the equivalent of the right to free speech is not liberty. You are arguing that free speech, if done by gays, should be prohibited.

What screaming? What ranting. Oh you freaked out with the call caps... lol I'll bold stuff since your delicate eyes can't stand the "loudness" of all caps.
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"The Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times- it wasn't 'criminal circumvention' then- it won't be this time"

Kaz: Begging the question.

Nope, Kaz, it answers the question. SCOTUS has jurisdiction, you and Keys have your opinions, and that's that.
"The Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times- it wasn't 'criminal circumvention' then- it won't be this time"

Kaz: Begging the question.

Nope, Kaz, it answers the question. SCOTUS has jurisdiction, you and Keys have your opinions, and that's that.
I'll give them this, they are certainly dedicated to saying everyone else, including the courts, are wrong. God only knows what they will be saying after the SC rules against them in June...
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Every night I have trouble getting to sleep because I can't stop thinking about gays being .... normal. I have nightmares about it. I can't get enough sleep to stay alert.
They can't get it through Legislation. Because, at their core, reasonable people sense the danger that is normalizing DEVIANCY...

Same sex Civil Marriage passed through legislative action in the following jurisdictions:

Delaware – Legislatively - 2013
District of Columbia – Legislatively - 2009
Hawaii – Legislatively - 2013
Illinois – Legislatively - 2013
New Hampshire – Legislatively - 2009
New York – Legislatively - 2011
Rhode Island – Legislatively - 2013
Vermont – Legislatively - 2009

Same sex Civil Marriage won at the ballot box the last 4 times it was on a General Election ballot:

Maine – Ballot – 2012
Maryland – Ballot - 2012
Minnesota – Ballot/Legislatively - 2012
Washington – Ballot - 2012


12 states...
. .

Yep- 12 states which show that your boviating was once again just more cow dung.
"The Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times- it wasn't 'criminal circumvention' then- it won't be this time"

Kaz: Begging the question.

Nope, Kaz, it answers the question. SCOTUS has jurisdiction, you and Keys have your opinions, and that's that.
Bullshit. I'm arguing the constitutionality of taking AWAY THE RIGHTS OF A MINORITY GROUP BASED ON DISCRIMINATION.

You cannot "tak(e) away" that which you never had. You need to learn the English language and stop arguing like a government loving leftist
WHO NEVER HAD LIBERTY? What drugs are you on?

Back to the playground for you, huh?

I'll type slower since you can't keep up. We never had gay government marriage, which is what you were talking about. You can't take away gay government marriage when there was never gay government marriage. I mean duh.

The funny part is how you continually get it wrong.

Yes- we did have 'gay government marriage'- if by that we mean the legal wedding of two same gender people- in California.

And then we in California specifically passed laws to make that illegal- to ban 'gay government marriage'.

And then the courts found that that ban was a violation of the California Constitution.

So voters changed our Constitution.

And then a federal court found that passing a law to specifically ban gay couples from marrying was unconstitutional.

Whiff again. Gay government marriage in California was created by the courts the first time as well, Skippy

It was not "created" by the Judicature; but, Eureka-ed by them; A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws;

Such laws by a legislature are Bills of Attainder.
True, but irrelevant since no one said they are

Homosexual marriages are not "banned" they are just not recognized. u

Actually- they are both banned and not recognized.

From Georgia
(a) This state shall recognize as marriage only the union of man and woman. Marriages between persons of the same sex are prohibited in this state.
(b) No union between persons of the same sex shall be recognized by this state as entitled to the benefits of marriage. This state shall not give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other state or jurisdiction respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other state or jurisdiction. The courts of this state shall have no jurisdiction to grant a divorce or separate maintenance with respect to any such relationship or otherwise to consider or rule on any of the parties' respective rights arising as a result of or in connection with such relationship.[3]

Nope, that was passed in 1996, after the courts were creating legislation, it was in response to the courts. The courts were not in response to that statute. Sorry, whiffed on that one

You seem even more indifferent to the facts than usual this morning.

Here was your claim:
Homosexual marriages are not "banned" they are just not recognized.

And my response pointed out- that homosexual marriages are indeed banned

From Georgia
(a) This state shall recognize as marriage only the union of man and woman. Marriages between persons of the same sex are prohibited in this state.
(b) No union between persons of the same sex shall be recognized by this state as entitled to the benefits of marriage. This state shall not give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other state or jurisdiction respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other state or jurisdiction. The courts of this state shall have no jurisdiction to grant a divorce or separate maintenance with respect to any such relationship or otherwise to consider or rule on any of the parties' respective rights arising as a result of or in connection with such relationship.[3]

And again, that was a legislative response to the courts, not a judicial response to legislation

I guess that is as close as you can come to admitting that your claim:

Homosexual marriages are not "banned" they are just not recognized.

Was flat out wrong

You're a terrible word parser, you suck at it
The courts say you have no clue when it comes to the law

Bam, really? That's so cool. Can you point me to that ruling? I'd love to read that

Feel free to read all of the Supreme Courts rulings regarding marriage.

You might want to start with Zablocki.

Yes, I'm familiary with that legislation from the bench.

You said they said that I don't know the law, I can't find "kaz" in the link, where is that?
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, the courts have no say
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, marriage isn't either as a matter of fact, but Equality before the Law is, which isn't up for a vote of the people and why you're fucked.

Yes, and gays are treated equally, so you're fucked to a critical mind

You can go on, and on, and on but your dog doesn't hunt

You learn that from your neighbors in Green Acres, Eddie?

Guns, religion, equality, the courts step in on laws passed about all three. That's how it works here, which screws you completely and I'm very happy about that.

Yes, being black changed who you could marry for every black, being gay changed who you could marry for no gay, they are equal. Got it, Daniel Webster
Here is what Kaz is saying: Waaaah I hate marriage so I want to make sure gays can't marry-

of course I am married and I want my benefits of marriage but I want to make sure to deny Gays marriage

1) I said marriage is not equal to government marriage, they have nothing to do with each other. One is a union of a man and a woman, at least with the intent being for life. Government marriage is a faux legal contract which gives some citizens perks over others. I say a faux contract because a real contract is negotiated between citizens

2) I did not say to deny gays government marriage, I said you should get it through the Constitutional legislative process instead of the criminals courts.

They can't get it through Legislation. Because, at their core, reasonable people sense the danger that is normalizing DEVIANCY; which is to say the perverse reasoning that justifies unhealthy sexual behavior as something other than what it is... a disembodied obsession with sex, acquired through the obsessive desensitization to normal sexual behavior. A 'trained' response, which separates the being from a healthy sexual apatite... a twist on sexual gluttony.

Take any deviancy and you'll find an obsession....
What part of the people don't get a vote on the rights of others are you still not getting?

There are no "rights" involved in the discussion. You have the right to be left alone, not to demand validation and free shit
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, the courts have no say
Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, marriage isn't either as a matter of fact, but Equality before the Law is, which isn't up for a vote of the people and why you're fucked.

Yes, and gays are treated equally, so you're fucked to a critical mind

You can go on, and on, and on but your dog doesn't hunt

You learn that from your neighbors in Green Acres, Eddie?

Guns, religion, equality, the courts step in on laws passed about all three. That's how it works here, which screws you completely and I'm very happy about that.

Yes, being black changed who you could marry for every black, being gay changed who you could marry for no gay, they are equal. Got it, Daniel Webster
Your idea of equal rights is you get to tie people down you don't like and piss on them while you tell them they don't have any rights.

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