Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Hey moron, liberty is not a left vs right issue and neither is incest, or rape, or murder, or pedophilia.
To bad you don't realize how to the left you are

its a mental disease, they cannot help themselves.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?

WTF is wrong with you?

Considering everyone who disagrees with you to be mentally ill? Seriously?

The only rational explanation for the way liberals think and act is mental illness. You have my sympathy and I hope that someday medical science will find a cure. Until then, we will listen to your rantings as we listen to frogs croak in the night.
GAY marriage is the most important thing EVER and EVER! Forget about starvation or global warming or cancer, GAY GAY GAY. What bothers me is this bloody fixation on such a obviously pointless debate...

Says yet another individual that can't help posting in "gay threads" all about how disinterested they are in "gay threads".

Go start or find a discussion thread about starvation or climate change or cancer. This one was quite clear about what it was. It was another "gay thread" talking about how disinterested you should be about "gay threads".

A herp and a derp.
Again, when one of the two major viable political parties in our nation thinks that a it is okay to discriminate against a group of Americans who have broken no laws and base their approval on behavior they find reprehensible, it rises to be among the most important topics of the day.

I'm sure there are a great many who find idolizing folks on television like the folks who apprear on and are Kardashians, Ru Paul, Duck Dynasty, etc to be reprehensible. I"m sure many find pornography reprehensible. But nobody is saying that these people shouldn't be allowed to marry. Both reality TV and the porn industry are growing. Yet somehow, the homosexual community has become the one that it is okay to discriminate against?
Keys is posting facts, those of you on the left are posting failed talking points.
Hey moron, liberty is not a left vs right issue and neither is incest, or rape, or murder, or pedophilia.
To bad you don't realize how to the left you are
I'm for liberty. If you think liberty is an issue owned by the left, then you're a moron. An authoritarian moron to be specific.
What a out right fucking lie! You are for government tyranny!
BEHAVIOR... is not a valid basis for minority status, in terms of legal protections.
Then why are religions and religious practices protected? Choices, usually, and behaviors, always. Since we protect them you lose, yet again.
That my good sir is specifically called out in the constitution. Being a fag is not called out.
Fags lose in the end cause they all have miserable lives so might as well go back into their holes.
Fags lost this debate because the disease makes rational thought difficult.
Guns are in there, and so is Equality, which is why the court rejects your childish fear of homosexuals.
I already said they should be equal. Marriage between homos isn't marriage at all so it is not a right that homos should receive. We need to see homos for what they are. Mentally ill sexual deviants. How is that not equal? I would expect the same if I chose to take a disgusting life like that.

See, from my point of view- we need to see that bigots like you are mentally ill sexual deviants.
We're not the one fucking each other in the butts and molesting children so how does that work out?
To bad you don't realize how to the left you are

its a mental disease, they cannot help themselves.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?

WTF is wrong with you?

Considering everyone who disagrees with you to be mentally ill? Seriously?

The only rational explanation for the way liberals think and act is mental illness. You have my sympathy and I hope that someday medical science will find a cure. Until then, we will listen to your rantings as we listen to frogs croak in the night.
Given your posting history, you're in no position to accuse others of being 'mentally ill.'
Then why are religions and religious practices protected? Choices, usually, and behaviors, always. Since we protect them you lose, yet again.
That my good sir is specifically called out in the constitution. Being a fag is not called out.
Fags lose in the end cause they all have miserable lives so might as well go back into their holes.
Fags lost this debate because the disease makes rational thought difficult.
Guns are in there, and so is Equality, which is why the court rejects your childish fear of homosexuals.
I already said they should be equal. Marriage between homos isn't marriage at all so it is not a right that homos should receive. We need to see homos for what they are. Mentally ill sexual deviants. How is that not equal? I would expect the same if I chose to take a disgusting life like that.

See, from my point of view- we need to see that bigots like you are mentally ill sexual deviants.
We're not the one fucking each other in the butts and molesting children so how does that work out?

We don't know that you aren't fucking someone in the butt.

And the only ones molesting children are child molesters. The majority of which are men molesting girls.
Keys is posting facts, those of you on the left are posting failed talking points.
Hey moron, liberty is not a left vs right issue and neither is incest, or rape, or murder, or pedophilia.
To bad you don't realize how to the left you are
I'm for liberty. If you think liberty is an issue owned by the left, then you're a moron. An authoritarian moron to be specific.
What a out right fucking lie! You are for government tyranny!

Waaaah waaah- No- you are for government tyranny!.....

I would laugh- but of course its true- you want the government to regulate how American have consensual sex.

Doesn't get much more tyranical than that.
To bad you don't realize how to the left you are

its a mental disease, they cannot help themselves.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?

WTF is wrong with you?

Considering everyone who disagrees with you to be mentally ill? Seriously?

The only rational explanation for the way liberals think and act is mental illness. t.

the only rational explanation for you coming to that conclusion is that you are mentally ill.
Nothing funnier than the people who fear Government Control siding with big Gov to CONTROL people's actions.
I mean. I hear if you make a gay person mad, they will throw feathers at you really hard. They NEED to be controlled. (R)ight?
Keys is posting facts, those of you on the left are posting failed talking points.
Hey moron, liberty is not a left vs right issue and neither is incest, or rape, or murder, or pedophilia.
To bad you don't realize how to the left you are
I'm for liberty. If you think liberty is an issue owned by the left, then you're a moron. An authoritarian moron to be specific.
What a out right fucking lie! You are for government tyranny!
So you can have an opinion that differs from the courts, but I can't? Why is that?
Your opinion is fine, just stop stating what is obviously untrue as true. The reality is, the majority and the courts think your opinion belongs in the past.

You are one stupid fuck.

Show where I said the courts haven't ruled for gay marriage. I keep saying they did, idiot. What is wrong with you? Do you have any higher brain functions at all?
Half agree, they should "just get rid of every benefit for everyone from being married" period
Not gonna happen. Marriage is something most adults should, and will, take part in. It's hard to really grow up if you don't. We want people to marry, it's good for society.

So are you not married or did it just not do the job?

BTW, your argument is fundamentally flawed in that you equate marriage and government marriage, they have nothing in common
Married means only one thing here, that you have a valid license from the state, or a common law marriage recognized by the state. There is no other form that matters. If the state does not recognize it, it's not marriage.

And, I've been married since dirt was new.

LOL, nothing leftists do is anything unless government blesses it. Funny but sad
You have a childish view of government. I do what the law requires. The law does not require me to be here, or even bless me being here, to argue with mental or literal children. That I do on my own.

Yet another non-sequitur and you call my views childish
Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government. Government loves to discriminate and pit people against each other, it grows their power
No, ya dumb ass. Marriage is not discrimination. Pissing on a minority group and telling them they are not worthy of marriage, that is discrimination.

It's sad how badly the government schools have failed you. Learn the English language
Liberty is not the right to demand anything from others, that infringes on the liberty of others. Not having gay government marriage doesn't prevent gays from doing whatever the fuck they want, including fucking each other
Oh so now the dumb ass says the right to free speech is not liberty


I did? Show me that quote. What you're pulling out of your ass stinks, think you can just leave it there?

Kaz, face it, in the land of morons, you are king. And news flash demanding liberty, DOES NOT INFRINGE ON YOUR LIBERTY YOU DUMB ASS. You don't own Gays, you dumb shit. Get off them. You don't have the right to shit all over a minority group just because the power of the vote makes you believe so. Not in this country dumb ass, we have a Constitution. Oh and btw your POWER IS FLEETING Satan! I see you.


Gotcha, that rant is classic. You are going unhinged. If you actually had an argument, you would be able to process what I actually said and respond to it. You would want to do that. All you have is screaming and ranting and you're a lazy piece of shit who can't work for what you want and actually convince people. Being the mind numb leftist that you are, you just run to the courts to decree it
its a mental disease, they cannot help themselves.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?
WOW liberty is JUST A CONCEPT. WTF is wrong with you? Huh? Yes, liberalism is a mental disease. One in which I am not afflicted.

Sometimes, yes. But arguing courts need to implement gay government marriage through criminal circumvention of the Constitution which gives the power to make that determination to the legislature is pure authoritarian leftism

The Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times- it wasn't 'criminal circumvention' then- it won't be this time.

Begging the question. Gay marriage isn't in the Constitution, the courts have no say

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