Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Hey moron, liberty is not a left vs right issue and neither is incest, or rape, or murder, or pedophilia.
To bad you don't realize how to the left you are

its a mental disease, they cannot help themselves.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?
WOW liberty is JUST A CONCEPT. WTF is wrong with you? Huh? Yes, liberalism is a mental disease. One in which I am not afflicted.
How is liberalism a mental disease?
You have provided an opinion of yours. We are pointing out it is neither logical or realistic.

Meanwhile I believe this is day 15 of you still arguing about gay marriage after telling us all you had more important things to discuss.

the point of this thread, which is appartently too complex for you, it to demostrate that gay marriage is in fact an issue that people care about and have very strong opinions on.

Maybe it is the most important issue facing us, because it will define where our society and culture go in the next few years.

What continues to amaze me is the inherent contradiction within the left. You want gay marriage because of fairness and equality, but you would deny other forms of "marriage" because you consider them abnormal or icky or dangerous to society. You are unable to comprehend that they are all symptoms of a dumbing down of society to a system where anything goes and nothing is considered wrong.

As I have said many times, liberalism is a mental disease, there is no other explanation for its inherent contradictions and falacies.
Your strong hatred of gays is clouding your judgement. Just because you hate gays and incest does not make gay relationships incestual relationships. The only link between your bigotry of gays and incest is you.

quote where I ever said I hate gays. You won't find it.

You're still a bigot. You want to deny gays equal rights, period.

Catholic priests who molest choir boys are all gay, every one of them. Pedifiles are predominately gay, that has been proven.

Wrong. Just the opposite has been proven. Keep displaying your ignorance actually helps the pro equality side.

you realy need to look up the definition of incest. Incest involves opposite sex sexual relationships within familial boundries. two sisters doing mutual carpet munching, however repulsive, is not incest.

Yes, it's still incest, perv.
What's a gay? You are homosexuals and you always had equal rights

Are you ignorant? Or a liar? or both?

Up until a few years ago- up until the Supreme Court said 'no' in Lawrence v. Texas- it was illegal for homosexual men to have sex in some states.
At various times there were laws passed to fire gays from jobs. The State department fired gays. The military fired gays.

Same rights?

Only an idiot would make that claim.
Keys is posting facts, those of you on the left are posting failed talking points.
Hey moron, liberty is not a left vs right issue and neither is incest, or rape, or murder, or pedophilia.
To bad you don't realize how to the left you are

its a mental disease, they cannot help themselves.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?

WTF is wrong with you?

Considering everyone who disagrees with you to be mentally ill? Seriously?
To bad you don't realize how to the left you are

its a mental disease, they cannot help themselves.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?
WOW liberty is JUST A CONCEPT. WTF is wrong with you? Huh? Yes, liberalism is a mental disease. One in which I am not afflicted.

Sometimes, yes. But arguing courts need to implement gay government marriage through criminal circumvention of the Constitution which gives the power to make that determination to the legislature is pure authoritarian leftism

The Supreme Court has overturned State marriage laws three times- it wasn't 'criminal circumvention' then- it won't be this time.
Sometimes, yes. But arguing courts need to implement gay government marriage through criminal circumvention of the Constitution which gives the power to make that determination to the legislature is pure authoritarian leftism
No one is arguing that gays be forced to marry by the government.

True, but irrelevant since no one said they are

What they are arguing is that it is unconstitutional for a government to ban homosexual marriages. Which of course it is. Just as it was unconstitutional for a government to ban interracial marriages. Such types of discrimination is not constitutional.

Homosexual marriages are not "banned" they are just not recognized. u

Actually- they are both banned and not recognized.

From Georgia
(a) This state shall recognize as marriage only the union of man and woman. Marriages between persons of the same sex are prohibited in this state.
(b) No union between persons of the same sex shall be recognized by this state as entitled to the benefits of marriage. This state shall not give effect to any public act, record, or judicial proceeding of any other state or jurisdiction respecting a relationship between persons of the same sex that is treated as a marriage under the laws of such other state or jurisdiction. The courts of this state shall have no jurisdiction to grant a divorce or separate maintenance with respect to any such relationship or otherwise to consider or rule on any of the parties' respective rights arising as a result of or in connection with such relationship.[3]
BS... The argument for gay marriage is LIBERTY!!!!!! We either have it or we don't. This is not an issue of whether gay marriage is better for the species than heterosexual marriage. This is an issue of whether we have LIBERTY OR WE DON'T HAVE LIBERTY.

Liberty is the right to be left alone from government, liberty is not the right to demand things from government.

Why does government need to give people perks and tax breaks for screwing each other? This is why leftists are so delusional and out of touch with reality. You look at all the despotic governments in the world, Arab countries who kill gays and Jews and Christians just for being, and you say OMG, two fags want to fuck and government would give them tax breaks. WTF? They don't have liberty!
BULLSHIT. Liberty is not the RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE. What the hell is wrong with you?

As for your tax break question... go ahead and push for removal of marriage tax breaks, I agree they are discriminatory against singles, and should not be there.

In the meantime, you're going to push to add more discrimination, great strategy
HUH? How is REMOVING DISCRIMINATION... ADDING DISCRIMINATION? Are you mentally handicapped too?

OK, this is going way to fast for you. I'll explain the obvious.

Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government. Government loves to discriminate and pit people against each other, it grows their power

You are for giving more people access to government marriage, this discrimination

That means you are for expanding discrimination

Yet you are arguing against discrimination

Which means you are arguing to reduce discrimination, by expanding discrimination

Was that clear enough for you? I thought it was butt obvious the first time. Not getting an argument no matter how clear is so leftist of you, leftists never get arguments but their own. In a debate, you comprehend the other person's argument and rebut it, you know, like I'm doing to you. Leftists just repeat their assertions comprehending nothing but what they think, you know, like you're doing to me

Yet- here you are arguing that marriage is discriminatory- and you want to keep it more discriminatory- and object to marriage being less discriminatory.
Bullshit. You're not the first bigot, you are one of many. You learned to be a biggot, you were not born with it. You were "brain washed" into believing that you and YOU ALONE should have the AUTHORITY to decide WHO GETS LIBERTY based on your bigotry and hatred and WHO DOESN'T.

Right, when clearly he doesn't have that power, you do. You're the one advocating judicial fiat
Bullshit. I'm arguing the constitutionality of taking AWAY THE RIGHTS OF A MINORITY GROUP BASED ON DISCRIMINATION.

You cannot "tak(e) away" that which you never had. You need to learn the English language and stop arguing like a government loving leftist
WHO NEVER HAD LIBERTY? What drugs are you on?

Back to the playground for you, huh?

I'll type slower since you can't keep up. We never had gay government marriage, which is what you were talking about. You can't take away gay government marriage when there was never gay government marriage. I mean duh.

The funny part is how you continually get it wrong.

Yes- we did have 'gay government marriage'- if by that we mean the legal wedding of two same gender people- in California.

And then we in California specifically passed laws to make that illegal- to ban 'gay government marriage'.

And then the courts found that that ban was a violation of the California Constitution.

So voters changed our Constitution.

And then a federal court found that passing a law to specifically ban gay couples from marrying was unconstitutional.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?
WOW liberty is JUST A CONCEPT. WTF is wrong with you? Huh? Yes, liberalism is a mental disease. One in which I am not afflicted.

Yes, liberty is a concept. A very good one that is the basis for our constitution and our body of law. But it is a very fragile concept that is constantly challenged by those who would mandate what others believe and what they consider normal and acceptable behavior.

This country was founded to get away from the minority rulers of europe, the kings and dictators. And today you libs support minority views being forced on everyone else.

thats why I say that liberalism is a mental disease.
Incorrect. Liberty is concrete. You want my liberty, come take it from me you Authoritarian piece of shit. Your authority over gays is done. It's over. Get over it. You need a tissue?

Courts have to give me gay marriage because I want it, I don't want to convince anyone, I don't want to work for it, I wannnnnnntttttt ittttt. Give it to me now! Just give it to me.


They you offer Redfish a hanky? That's classic

Here is what Kaz is saying: Waaaah I hate marriage so I want to make sure gays can't marry- of course I am married and I want my benefits of marriage but I want to make sure to deny Gays marriage
BEHAVIOR... is not a valid basis for minority status, in terms of legal protections.
Then why are religions and religious practices protected? Choices, usually, and behaviors, always. Since we protect them you lose, yet again.
That my good sir is specifically called out in the constitution. Being a fag is not called out.
Fags lose in the end cause they all have miserable lives so might as well go back into their holes.
Fags lost this debate because the disease makes rational thought difficult.
Guns are in there, and so is Equality, which is why the court rejects your childish fear of homosexuals.
I already said they should be equal. Marriage between homos isn't marriage at all so it is not a right that homos should receive. We need to see homos for what they are. Mentally ill sexual deviants. How is that not equal? I would expect the same if I chose to take a disgusting life like that.

See, from my point of view- we need to see that bigots like you are mentally ill sexual deviants.
Keys admits defeat. Good for him. Now he needs counseling. Keys is perhaps the best poster boy for American Creep on the entire Board. Superman is not even in Keys' league. And by the by, there are not enough gun in America to ever deprive Marriage Equality rights in our communities, so do not even pretend to threaten your betters.

Gay marriage is not the most important issue in America by far, and after the end of next month, it will become increasingly unimportant. By election time next year, marriage equality will not be an issue at all.
I'll make fags feel unwelcome.

I am sure that worries them terribly.
GAY marriage is the most important thing EVER and EVER! Forget about starvation or global warming or cancer, GAY GAY GAY. What bothers me is this bloody fixation on such a obviously pointless debate...
GAY marriage is the most important thing EVER and EVER! Forget about starvation or global warming or cancer, GAY GAY GAY. What bothers me is this bloody fixation on such a obviously pointless debate...

Looking at your posts I guess you think it is.
GAY marriage is the most important thing EVER and EVER! Forget about starvation or global warming or cancer, GAY GAY GAY. What bothers me is this bloody fixation on such a obviously pointless debate...

Looking at your posts I guess you think it is.
Don't think so hard then. It doesn't suit you.

Oh really- it doesn't take thinking hard to respond to one of your posts.
GAY marriage is the most important thing EVER and EVER! Forget about starvation or global warming or cancer, GAY GAY GAY. What bothers me is this bloody fixation on such a obviously pointless debate...

Looking at your posts I guess you think it is.
Don't think so hard then. It doesn't suit you.

Oh really- it doesn't take thinking hard to respond to one of your posts.

The irony of that post from a far left drone!
GAY marriage is the most important thing EVER and EVER! Forget about starvation or global warming or cancer, GAY GAY GAY. What bothers me is this bloody fixation on such a obviously pointless debate...

Looking at your posts I guess you think it is.
Don't think so hard then. It doesn't suit you.

Oh really- it doesn't take thinking hard to respond to one of your posts.

The irony of that post from a far left drone!
The irony of WHAT? I was kidding, and you get all GW Bush on me.
GAY marriage is the most important thing EVER and EVER! Forget about starvation or global warming or cancer, GAY GAY GAY. What bothers me is this bloody fixation on such a obviously pointless debate...

Looking at your posts I guess you think it is.
Don't think so hard then. It doesn't suit you.

Oh really- it doesn't take thinking hard to respond to one of your posts.

The irony of that post from a far left drone!
The irony of WHAT? I was kidding, and you get all GW Bush on me.

Are you admitting to be Syriusly as well?
Keys admits defeat. Good for him. Now he needs counseling. Keys is perhaps the best poster boy for American Creep on the entire Board. Superman is not even in Keys' league. And by the by, there are not enough gun in America to ever deprive Marriage Equality rights in our communities, so do not even pretend to threaten your betters.

Gay marriage is not the most important issue in America by far, and after the end of next month, it will become increasingly unimportant. By election time next year, marriage equality will not be an issue at all.
I'll make fags feel unwelcome.
some on the left believe gay bashers merely lack a sense of humor.
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