Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Damn! 220 pages so far. Maybe gay marriage is the most important issue facing the USA. Are we that screwed up?

How many threads have you started about gay marriage now?

this one asks a question about american priorities. Sorry if you have reading comprehension issues.
Damn! 220 pages so far. Maybe gay marriage is the most important issue facing the USA. Are we that screwed up?

How many threads have you started about gay marriage now?

this one asks a question about american priorities. Sorry if you have reading comprehension issues.

This one asks if gay marriage is the priority.

You can tell because the words 'gay marriage' are in the title.

So how many threads have you started about gay marriage?

your reading comprehension skills are very limited, you continue to prove that.

Its apparently good enough to notice

1) That you've started yet another thread on gay marriage

2) That you're running from my simple question about how many threads you've started on gay marriage. Have you lost count?

But tell us again about how a thread titled 'Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?' isn't about gay marriage. I can always use another giggle.
(Reader, the word "homo-phobe" literally means: An irrational fear of one's self. Which doesn't exist.

noun ho·mo·phobe \-ˌfōb\
: a person who hates or is afraid of homosexuals or treats them badly
Homophobe Definition of homophobe by Merriam-Webster

Oh! LOOK KIDS! A dictionary accepted their pretense ... why its as if that changes something. now you're ignoring the dictionary on the meaning of words?

Colloquialisms are not facts, dumbass. They're words or phrases that are not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation.

Thus, when I refer to you as a MOONBAT... I am not claiming that you are a winged rodent which resides within the lunar environment, I am using the term as a means to belittle you for your inferior intellectual means and tendency toward the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

But hey.. In fairness to you, as a person saddled with mental disorder, there's no way you could have known that.
There is a Moonbat around here alright, you my little friend. Even the meds, good as they are, will be of limited value.
Damn! 220 pages so far. Maybe gay marriage is the most important issue facing the USA. Are we that screwed up?

How many threads have you started about gay marriage now?

this one asks a question about american priorities. Sorry if you have reading comprehension issues.
Damn! 220 pages so far. Maybe gay marriage is the most important issue facing the USA. Are we that screwed up?

How many threads have you started about gay marriage now?

this one asks a question about american priorities. Sorry if you have reading comprehension issues.

This one asks if gay marriage is the priority.

You can tell because the words 'gay marriage' are in the title.

So how many threads have you started about gay marriage?

your reading comprehension skills are very limited, you continue to prove that.

Its apparently good enough to notice

1) That you've started yet another thread on gay marriage

2) That you're running from my simple question about how many threads you've started on gay marriage. Have you lost count?

But tell us again about how a thread titled 'Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?' isn't about gay marriage. I can always use another giggle.

of course its about gay marriage. the number of posts have confirmed my hypothesis that gay marriage may in fact be the highest priority issue with many people on both sides.

Now,, what lesson shall we learn from that? Do you have any idea?
Colloquialisms are not facts, dumbass. They're words or phrases that are not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation.

You are literally ignoring the dictionary on the meaning of words and then insisting that whatever you make up is the real meaning of words.

You just proved my point again: your entire basis of argument is you insisting that your subjecitive opinion is objective truth. When in reality, its just your subjective opinion. You made a definition for the noun 'homophobe'. Literally pulled it from thin air. Even the root word you claimed to draw it from was your imagination. As homo means 'same' or 'human' depending on if you're using the greek or latin roots. Not 'self'.

But you still insist that your imaginary made up definition is the only 'real' definition.

Which is exactly my point. This is the core of your every failure. You do this with every debate, on every topic. You make up your own personal definitions. And then insist that we're bound to them because you imagine you speak for English, or God, or Nature, or 'Natural Law', or 'objective truth', or the 'creator' or whatever Appeal to Authority fallacy you wish to cling to.

But its still just your made up, subjective, imaginary personal opinion. See how that works?
a combining form appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant“same” ( homology); on this model, used in the formation ofcompound words ( homomorphic)

Homo Define Homo at


1590-1600; < Latin homō man; OL hemō the earthly one (see humus );akin to Latin hūmānus human; cognate with Old English guma, Old Irishduine, Welsh dyn man, Lithuanian žmónės men

Homo Define Homo at

Great.. so you're wanting to correct me by pointing to another sense of the word?

Which using your sense means that Homo-phobia means The IRRATIONAL FEAR OF SAME.

This is fun... lets try another.

Homo- the genus of primates of which modern humans.


Using THAT historic sense, we see that Homophobia is the irrational fear of PRIMATES!

Golly... yet NO etymology provides for ANY means for the existence of Homophobia as you NEED to use it.

Now who could have seen THAT comin'?
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Colloquialisms are not facts, dumbass. They're words or phrases that are not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation.

You are literally ignoring the dictionary...

Am I?

Colloquialism: a word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation.


Again reader... they're the intellectual equivalent of: FOOD.
a combining form appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant“same” ( homology); on this model, used in the formation ofcompound words ( homomorphic)

Homo Define Homo at


1590-1600; < Latin homō man; OL hemō the earthly one (see humus );akin to Latin hūmānus human; cognate with Old English guma, Old Irishduine, Welsh dyn man, Lithuanian žmónės men

Homo Define Homo at

Great.. so you're wanting to correct me by pointing to another sense of the word?

This is a demonstration of your failure of process. As its yet another iteration of the same stupid ass mistake you make on virtually every topic, in every debate.

You don't give a fuck what the word actually means. You don't care what objective sources like the dictionary says (even though you cite the dictionary). You don't care what the root words mean. That you have no idea what you're talking about.


That in your ignorance (willful and otherwise), you still insist that your made up definition is the 'real definition', while ignoring the anything that contradicts you. Any objective source. Even your own.

Clinging impotently to your made up, subjective, relativistic, personal opinion as the only possible authoritative source.

It doesn't matter if we're talking about the meaning of words, your imaginary 'natural law of marriage', your bizarre claims about the 'creator of the universe', regardless of the topic you use the exact same stupid ass process: insisting that whatever you imagine must be objective truth.

Um, no. It isn't. As you just demonstrated yet again.
BS... The argument for gay marriage is LIBERTY!!!!!! We either have it or we don't. This is not an issue of whether gay marriage is better for the species than heterosexual marriage. This is an issue of whether we have LIBERTY OR WE DON'T HAVE LIBERTY.

Liberty is the right to be left alone from government, liberty is not the right to demand things from government.

Why does government need to give people perks and tax breaks for screwing each other? This is why leftists are so delusional and out of touch with reality. You look at all the despotic governments in the world, Arab countries who kill gays and Jews and Christians just for being, and you say OMG, two fags want to fuck and government would give them tax breaks. WTF? They don't have liberty!
BULLSHIT. Liberty is not the RIGHT TO BE LEFT ALONE. What the hell is wrong with you?

As for your tax break question... go ahead and push for removal of marriage tax breaks, I agree they are discriminatory against singles, and should not be there.

In the meantime, you're going to push to add more discrimination, great strategy
HUH? How is REMOVING DISCRIMINATION... ADDING DISCRIMINATION? Are you mentally handicapped too?

OK, this is going way to fast for you. I'll explain the obvious.

Marriage is discrimination. It causes people to be treated differently by government. Government loves to discriminate and pit people against each other, it grows their power

You are for giving more people access to government marriage, this discrimination

That means you are for expanding discrimination

Yet you are arguing against discrimination

Which means you are arguing to reduce discrimination, by expanding discrimination

Was that clear enough for you? I thought it was butt obvious the first time. Not getting an argument no matter how clear is so leftist of you, leftists never get arguments but their own. In a debate, you comprehend the other person's argument and rebut it, you know, like I'm doing to you. Leftists just repeat their assertions comprehending nothing but what they think, you know, like you're doing to me
No, ya dumb ass. Marriage is not discrimination. Pissing on a minority group and telling them they are not worthy of marriage, that is discrimination.
There is a Moonbat around here alright, you ...


OK, so you're down to the lofty "NUH HUH" defense?

Well... Looks like I've done all I can to this point. They're completely out of anything which rises above the intellectual plain of kindergarten.

Someone come find me if they manage to crawl out of the play pin.
a combining form appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant“same” ( homology); on this model, used in the formation ofcompound words ( homomorphic)

Homo Define Homo at


1590-1600; < Latin homō man; OL hemō the earthly one (see humus );akin to Latin hūmānus human; cognate with Old English guma, Old Irishduine, Welsh dyn man, Lithuanian žmónės men

Homo Define Homo at

Great.. so you're wanting to correct me by pointing to another sense of the word?

This is a demonstration of your failure of process. As its yet another iteration of the same stupid ass mistake you make on virtually every topic, in every debate.

You don't give a fuck what the word actually means. You don't care what objective sources like the dictionary says (even though you cite the dictionary). You don't care what the root words mean. That you have no idea what you're talking about.


That in your ignorance (willful and otherwise), you still insist that your made up definition is the 'real definition', while ignoring the anything that contradicts you. Any objective source. Even your own.

Clinging impotently to your made up, subjective, relativistic, personal opinion as the only possible authoritative source.

It doesn't matter if we're talking about the meaning of words, your imaginary 'natural law of marriage', your bizarre claims about the 'creator of the universe', regardless of the topic you use the exact same stupid ass process: insisting that whatever you imagine must be objective truth.

Um, no. It isn't. As you just demonstrated yet again.

Again folks, she comes to defend her own subjective use of the pretense: Homophobia, by defining it as "THE IRRATIONAL FEAR OF SAME".

Now, in that referenced definition, where does one find ANY means to show EVEN THE POTENTIAL for a medical condition which presents as AN IRRATIONAL FEAR OF HOMOSEXUALS?





Anyone got anything on that?





Anyone at all?
Liberty, boys, is the ability to act freely, or not act, with given boundaries. A business owner is not at the same liberty as the man on the street. They are required to follow different sets of rules. Being a liberal, I'm big on the right to be left the hell alone, but even that has limits and society limits liberty as it does most other things. If it didn't we'd have anarchy, not society, and liberty would be at serious risk because few would have the power necessary to enforce it. Your liberty, like your property, is protected by what society creates. For that there is a price to be paid, limits on both liberty and property.

Liberty is not the right to demand anything from others, that infringes on the liberty of others. Not having gay government marriage doesn't prevent gays from doing whatever the fuck they want, including fucking each other
Oh so now the dumb ass says the right to free speech is not liberty. Kaz, face it, in the land of morons, you are king. And news flash demanding liberty, DOES NOT INFRINGE ON YOUR LIBERTY YOU DUMB ASS. You don't own Gays, you dumb shit. Get off them. You don't have the right to shit all over a minority group just because the power of the vote makes you believe so. Not in this country dumb ass, we have a Constitution. Oh and btw your POWER IS FLEETING Satan! I see you.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?
WOW liberty is JUST A CONCEPT. WTF is wrong with you? Huh? Yes, liberalism is a mental disease. One in which I am not afflicted.

Yes, liberty is a concept. A very good one that is the basis for our constitution and our body of law. But it is a very fragile concept that is constantly challenged by those who would mandate what others believe and what they consider normal and acceptable behavior.

This country was founded to get away from the minority rulers of europe, the kings and dictators. And today you libs support minority views being forced on everyone else.

thats why I say that liberalism is a mental disease.
Incorrect. Liberty is concrete. You want my liberty, come take it from me you Authoritarian piece of shit. Your authority over gays is done. It's over. Get over it. You need a tissue?

I will not sacrifice my liberty in order to give you your definition of liberty. I don't give a shit what gays do in private, but you are demanding that I sanction it as legitimate human behavior.

But you are too stupid to realize what you are asking.
FYI: The Word they're groping for is Homosexualphobia.

But to use that word, would begin an actual discussion, wherein they would need to present evidence that a contest of the normalization of the sexual deviancy, presents evidence of irrational fear.

And THAT is a debate in which they have no HOPE to prevail. As this and tens of thousands of other threads, just like this, demonstrate, to an absolute certainty.

You see, to set the term up in honest terms, invokes honest debate. And the MOMENT that they engage in what is established as an honest debate, they lose... because, as Relativist, they are INTRINSICALLY... (look it up PMH) DISHONEST.
Someone come find me if they manage to crawl out of the play pin [sic].
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Well of course... because you offered an invalid defense, were summarily called on it... your opposition naturally must have conceded through the act of calling you on that invalid defense.

There can be NO DOUBT that such makes perfect sense to the feminized Male, saddled with intellectual relativism. :cuckoo:


I guess I will never tire of the feminized male bowing up in pant wetting, butch regalia.

LOL! Adorable...

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