Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

What the above idiot is doing, is taking laws designed to prevent injustices against people of a given genetic minority, and asserting it upon BEHAVIOR.

Which is of course about as SUBJECTIVE as it can get.

Says you.

No Skylar, says REALITY.

(Reader, take a moment to go back through Skylar's posting history and examine for yourself the fallacious moonbattery that she applies as she consistently seeks to set EVERY fact presented to her as the mere opinion of the person advancing the fact. What you're literally seeing there, is yet another symptom of the mental disorder that also presents as sexual deviancy. This establishing that the disorder is a function of sociopathy rooted in delusion. It's actually quite fascinating to observe. As there is truly no reason which can crack the shell of the illusions that comprise the overall delusion.)
It is truly only a matter of time until you are under supervised care, if not already.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

And Keyes starts with his bizarre summary declarations of victory....just before he starts with is excuses to run.

(setting my clock). Keyes rout in 5, 4, 3, 2 and.....

(Reader, did you see how it wanted to appear to engage the argument, but it did so by avoiding the argument. In point of fact, the Study I cited in the argument it deleted, is reality... it was a formal trial, using stringent scientific methods, which sought to observe the effects of populations under increasing stress... it was repeated several times with precisely the same outcome.

What's more, is that at the time, the study was HERALDED FAR AND WIDE by The Ideological Left... until some time in the late 70s, when someone realized that the 'incidents of thievery', were analogous to a 'sense of entitlement' thus equated to liberalism/socialism. At which time all references to the book vanished in what seemed like INSTANTLY.

Yet, it is still available... with several copies resting comfortably on my own shelves and those of my children... and more importantly, the laws of nature that it observed remain in full force and effect.

And just LOOK at how they NEED to deny those laws... and this from a weasel who JUST professed to being a ardent adherent TO: THE LAW.

ROFLMNAO! Now HOW cool is THAT?)


And look, not a single mention of gay marriage.

Can we take it from your utter abandonment of your own arguments and the thread's topic that we've reached the part of your argument where you run?
It is truly only a matter of time until you are under supervised care, if not already.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, did you see how it wanted to appear to engage the argument, but it did so by avoiding the argument. In point of fact, the Study I cited in the argument it deleted, is reality... it was a formal trial, using stringent scientific methods, which sought to observe the effects of populations under increasing stress... it was repeated several times with precisely the same outcome.

What's more, is that at the time, the study was HERALDED FAR AND WIDE by The Ideological Left... until some time in the late 70s, when someone realized that the 'incidents of thievery', were analogous to a 'sense of entitlement' thus equated to liberalism/socialism. At which time all references to the book vanished in what seemed like INSTANTLY.

Yet, it is still available... with several copies resting comfortably on my own shelves and those of my children... and more importantly, the laws of nature that it observed remain in full force and effect.

And just LOOK at how they NEED to deny those laws... and this from a weasel who JUST professed to being a ardent adherent TO: THE LAW.

ROFLMNAO! Now HOW cool is THAT?)
The only ones under stress by gay marriage are little homophobes like yourself. The rest of society is moving on like it's no big deal, because it isn't.
At which time all references to the book vanished in what seemed like INSTANTLY.

Yup. No reference anywhere. The Population Bomb 9781568495873 Paul R. Ehrlich Books

Can't find that book no matter how hard you try. I mean, there is absolutely no way you could find that book in 3 seconds by merely typing its title on Amazon.

You definitely can't find it in hardcover, can't find it in paper back, can't find it used in mass produced paperback for only a penny with $3.99 shipping. Nor can you purchase it with an Amazon gift card, credit card or pay pal.

Sigh.....reality really has nothing to do with your batshit, does it?
I'm not gay

True. There is no potential for gayety, in sexual deviancy. But rest assured, you're a sexual deviant. And as is always the case, the flavor of your deviancy is irrelevant. All society needs to know is that you've no regard for soundly reasoned rules, mores, taboos, or morality... as all you are concerned with is your own needs, wants and desires, which reign supreme to all else... . (That's sorta the downside to deviancy, scamp and why we outlawed the exercise of such in the first place. And it's the reason that lifting sanctions against such was FOOLISH beyond measure.)

Now, if it helps... no one here is surprised by that, except ... apparently, YOU! Which again points to the nature of your mental disorder as that common to DELUSION!
I'm not gay

True. There is no potential for gayety, in sexual deviancy. But rest assured, you're a sexual deviant.

Because he got a blow job from his wife?

If that's your standard 'sexual deviant' and 'going to war', that 'no blowjobs!' rule is really gonna cut into your recruiting pitch.
If he wants to ban blowjobs, I'll be armed to the teeth, which ones needs to be careful with....
At which time all references to the book vanished in what seemed like INSTANTLY.

Yup. No reference anywhere. The Population Bomb 9781568495873 Paul R. Ehrlich Books

Can't find that book no matter how hard you try. I mean, there is absolutely no way you could find that book in 3 seconds by merely typing its title on Amazon.

You definitely can't find it in hardcover, can't find it in paper back, can't find it used in mass produced paperback for only a penny with $3.99 shipping. Nor can you purchase it with an Amazon gift card, credit card or pay pal.

Sigh.....reality really has nothing to do with your batshit, does it?
The Green Revolution killed that book, but good. Those guys, and Malthus...
What the above idiot is doing, is taking laws designed to prevent injustices against people of a given genetic minority, and asserting it upon BEHAVIOR.

Which is of course about as SUBJECTIVE as it can get.

Says you.

No Skylar, says REALITY.

Nope, says you. You're still just pitching your personal opinion as 'reality'. And its still just your subjective opinion.

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court has cited cases involving raced based discrimination 4 times in rulings that overturned discrimination against gays. You insist that race based discrimination has no legal relevance to gay rights. The Supreme Court says otherwise.

Objectively, the Supreme Court is simply a better source when defining legal relevance than you are, citing yourself.

(Reader, take a moment to go back through Skylar's posting history and examine for yourself the fallacious moonbattery that she applies as she consistently seeks to set EVERY fact presented to her as the mere opinion of the person advancing the fact.

Save that you're not presenting facts. You're merely presenting your personal opinion and insisting they are facts. You claim to speak for God, you claim to speak for 'objective morality', you claim to speak for 'nature', 'natural law' and 'reality'.

You don't. Its just you. Citing you. Your subjective opinion defines nothing objectively.

Get used to the idea.
The only ones under stress by gay marriage are little homophobes

So, to show foundation for your premise, you felt it would help if you advanced a contrivance which otherwise does not exist in nature?

Which AGAIN, is yet another piece of evidence that sustains the every growing certainty that the root of your mental disorder... is DELUSION!

(Reader, the word "homo-phobe" literally means: An irrational fear of one's self. Which doesn't exist.

What the Cult of Sexual Deviancy did, as a means to cow those who recognize it for what it is, by just making up a word which they felt 'sounded scientific'. Thus it appeals to science, despite having no basis IN SCIENCE, much like "GLOBAL WARMING", unless you're reading this in the Southern Hemisphere, wherein you're leaving summer OKA: Global Warming Season, and into Winter, OKA: Climate Change Season.

In short the term is A LIE! A Deceit, FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant, domonstrating the intention of those advancing such as NEFARIOUS, thus EVIL. Which, at the end of the day is truly all one needs to know about this crap.
I'm not gay

True. There is no potential for gayety, in sexual deviancy. But rest assured, you're a sexual deviant. And as is always the case, the flavor of your deviancy is irrelevant. All society needs to know is that you've no regard for soundly reasoned rules, mores, taboos, or morality... as all you are concerned with is your own needs, wants and desires, which reign supreme to all else... . (That's sorta the downside to deviancy, scamp and why we outlawed the exercise of such in the first place. And it's the reason that lifting sanctions against such was FOOLISH beyond measure.)

Now, if it helps... no one here is surprised by that, except ... apparently, YOU! Which again points to the nature of your mental disorder as that common to DELUSION!
It's not deviant when most people do it. The delusion is yours, and learn how to quote correctly.

And remember, that's not ever, that's just in the past year...
Nope, says you.

OH! Well DAMN! Who knew that you were prepared to repeat yourself. Proving that your argument MUST BE TRUE!


Anyone need anything else?

I mean honestly... these people are what is otherwise known in nature, as: FOOD!

They are truly fuckin' HELPLESS!


Once they're dead, THEIR SPECIFIC HERITAGE is GONE! And based upon the above cited intellectual means... I say GOOD RIDDANCE.
(Reader, the word "homo-phobe" literally means: An irrational fear of one's self. Which doesn't exist.

Says you, citing your subjective opinion. The dictionary on the other hand tells a very different story:


a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.

Homophobe Define Homophobe at

But because you subjectively made up your own definition, we're expected to ignore the objective standards of the dictionary?

Laughing....nope, my little homophobe. The dictionary is far better source on the meanings of words than you are. But thanks again for demonstrating how you keep trying to peddle your personal opinion as objective truth.

What the Cult of Sexual Deviancy did, as a means to cow those who recognize it for what it is, by just making up a word which they felt 'sounded scientific'. Thus it appeals to science, despite having no basis IN SCIENCE, much like "GLOBAL WARMING", unless you're reading this in the Southern Hemisphere, wherein you're leaving summer OKA: Global Warming Season, and into Winter, OKA: Climate Change Season. warming? Really? You're raising the Red Herring fallacy to an art form.

In short the term is A LIE! A Deceit, FRAUDULENTLY advanced as a means to influence the Ignorant, domonstrating the intention of those advancing such as NEFARIOUS, thus EVIL. Which, at the end of the day is truly all one needs to know about this crap.

So let me see if I have this correct. Its 'fraudulent', 'nefarious' and 'evil' use the dictionary to define words rather than accept whatever you made up?

Or are you still on your 'Global Warming' excuse to flee the gay marriage debate? I don't speak Batshit, so you'll forgive me if I have a little difficulty following your train of thought.
its a mental disease, they cannot help themselves.
Liberty is a mental disease? WTF is wrong with you?

Liberty is a concept. liberalism is a mental disease. WTF is wrong with you?
WOW liberty is JUST A CONCEPT. WTF is wrong with you? Huh? Yes, liberalism is a mental disease. One in which I am not afflicted.

Yes, liberty is a concept. A very good one that is the basis for our constitution and our body of law. But it is a very fragile concept that is constantly challenged by those who would mandate what others believe and what they consider normal and acceptable behavior.

This country was founded to get away from the minority rulers of europe, the kings and dictators. And today you libs support minority views being forced on everyone else.

thats why I say that liberalism is a mental disease.
Incorrect. Liberty is concrete. You want my liberty, come take it from me you Authoritarian piece of shit. Your authority over gays is done. It's over. Get over it. You need a tissue?

I will not sacrifice my liberty in order to give you your definition of liberty. I don't give a shit what gays do in private, but you are demanding that I sanction it as legitimate human behavior.

But you are too stupid to realize what you are asking.
I'm not gay

True. There is no potential for gayety, in sexual deviancy. But rest assured, you're a sexual deviant. And as is always the case, the flavor of your deviancy is irrelevant. All society needs to know is that you've no regard for soundly reasoned rules, mores, taboos, or morality... as all you are concerned with is your own needs, wants and desires, which reign supreme to all else... . (That's sorta the downside to deviancy, scamp and why we outlawed the exercise of such in the first place. And it's the reason that lifting sanctions against such was FOOLISH beyond measure.)

Now, if it helps... no one here is surprised by that, except ... apparently, YOU! Which again points to the nature of your mental disorder as that common to DELUSION!
It's not deviant when most people do it. The delusion is yours, and learn how to quote correctly.

And remember, that's not ever, that's just in the past year...

Bad news Scamp... Most people are not sexual deviants.

And you can wallow in the shallow hope that a man who engages in one or all forms of sodomy with his female wife is the same thing as sexual deviancy, but you'd be wrong. As it remains, a man joining with a woman... .

But how cool would it be for you, IF two wrongs made homosexuals something other than sexual deviants?

MAN! Wouldn't that be great for you, IF reality was NOT what it is and was what you needed it to be?

Oh well... that was fun.

Meanwhile you're still a fuckin' perv, advocating for the destruction of civilization and I'm still here enjoying a little intellectual batting practice, knockin' your rationalizations down as fast as you can post 'em.

WOW~ That went quick, didn't it?
I will not sacrifice my liberty in order to give you your definition of liberty. I don't give a shit what gays do in private, but you are demanding that I sanction it as legitimate human behavior.
Your approval is not required. Why exactly did you ever believe that it was?
Nope, says you.

OH! Well DAMN! Who knew that you were prepared to repeat yourself. Proving that your argument MUST BE TRUE!

I'm not citing me. I'm citing the Supreme Court that has 4 times cited race based cases in rulings defending gay rights. And you already know about these cases. We can tell by how you keep omitting any mention of them in your replies. And refuse to discuss them.

You always reveal to us where you know your argument is weakest by what you fastidiously run from.

Now why would I ignore the Supreme Court on the legal relevance of race based discrimination cases with gay rights.....and instead believe you citing yourself? Why would any rational person?

Smiling...keep running.


Anyone need anything else?

I mean honestly... these people are what is otherwise known in nature, as: FOOD!

Gays are 'food'? So you're going to eat them now?

Jesus, dude. Are you okay?
(Reader, the word "homo-phobe" literally means: An irrational fear of one's self. Which doesn't exist.

noun ho·mo·phobe \-ˌfōb\
: a person who hates or is afraid of homosexuals or treats them badly
Homophobe Definition of homophobe by Merriam-Webster

Oh! LOOK KIDS! A dictionary accepted their colloquial pretense ... why, its as if that changes something.

Homo- Self.

Phobia: Irrational fear.

Homo-phobia: An irrational Fear of Self.

But ... LOL! ... by all means you feel free to repeat that as many times as you think you need to, before it 'comes true'.

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