Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

I'm not gay

True. There is no potential for gayety, in sexual deviancy. But rest assured, you're a sexual deviant. And as is always the case, the flavor of your deviancy is irrelevant. All society needs to know is that you've no regard for soundly reasoned rules, mores, taboos, or morality... as all you are concerned with is your own needs, wants and desires, which reign supreme to all else... . (That's sorta the downside to deviancy, scamp and why we outlawed the exercise of such in the first place. And it's the reason that lifting sanctions against such was FOOLISH beyond measure.)

Now, if it helps... no one here is surprised by that, except ... apparently, YOU! Which again points to the nature of your mental disorder as that common to DELUSION!
It's not deviant when most people do it. The delusion is yours, and learn how to quote correctly.

And remember, that's not ever, that's just in the past year...

Bad news Scamp... Most people are not sexual deviants.

And you can wallow in the shallow hope that a man who engages in one or all forms of sodomy with his female wife is the same thing as sexual deviancy, but you'd be wrong. As it remains, a man joining with a woman... .

But how cool would it be for you, IF two wrongs made homosexuals something other than sexual deviants?

MAN! Wouldn't that be great for you, IF reality was NOT what it is and was what you needed it to be?

Oh well... that was fun.

Meanwhile you're still a fuckin' perv, advocating for the destruction of civilization and I'm still here enjoying a little intellectual batting practice, knockin' your rationalizations down as fast as you can post 'em.

WOW~ That went quick, didn't it?
Since I'm a straight man fucking my wife, regardless of how, you are barking up the wrong tree, as usual. Tell us though, if I'm getting blown by two women at the same time, am I sexual deviant?
(Reader, the word "homo-phobe" literally means: An irrational fear of one's self. Which doesn't exist.

noun ho·mo·phobe \-ˌfōb\
: a person who hates or is afraid of homosexuals or treats them badly
Homophobe Definition of homophobe by Merriam-Webster

Oh! LOOK KIDS! A dictionary accepted their colloquial pretense ... why, its as if that changes something.

Homo- Self.

Phobia: Irrational fear.

Homo-phobia: An irrational Fear of Self.

But ... LOL! ... by all means you feel free to repeat that as many times as you think you need to, before it 'comes true'.
Antisemitism is a hatred and fear of Jews, even though other races, including Arabs, are Semites. Words are not just what you believe them to be.
Since I'm a straight man fucking my wife...

LOL! Well of course you are. You're perfectly normal. I mean, what other perfectly normal person doesn't spend endless hours advocating for the normalization of sexual deviancy?

"Its perfectly normal..." You bet.
I'm a liberal, a real one, and we fight for the rights of others. I also enjoy killing off the stupid arguments of right-wingers, like you, on a public forum for all to see.
Since I'm a straight man fucking my wife...

LOL! Well of course you are. You're perfectly normal. I mean, what other perfectly normal person doesn't spend endless hours advocating for the normalization of sexual deviancy?

"Its perfectly normal..." You bet.

liberal normalcy = if it feels good at the time, its normal
Antisemitism is a hatred and fear of Jews... .

Nope Antisemitism is the opposition to semites.

Want to know how I know that?

Here, I'll share the wealth:

Anti-: opposed to, against

Semite: a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.

(Reader, the word "homo-phobe" literally means: An irrational fear of one's self. Which doesn't exist.

noun ho·mo·phobe \-ˌfōb\
: a person who hates or is afraid of homosexuals or treats them badly
Homophobe Definition of homophobe by Merriam-Webster

Oh! LOOK KIDS! A dictionary accepted their pretense ... why its as if that changes something. now you're ignoring the dictionary on the meaning of words? You already cited the dictionary is your own source, remember:

"But how cool is it that for your thesis to stand, the DICTIONARY can NOT be used to define the words at issue!

ROFLMNAO! Relativists..."

Post 752

Ted Cruz Natural Born Page 76 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Yet its you who is ignoring the dictionary. The very source you cited. You do realize that you just proved my point, right? Your entire argument is you insisting that your personal opinion is objective truth. And you've just ignored your own source to do it. I said, you have no standards save one: agreement with what you already believe. You'll ignore anything, even your own sources, if it contradicts what you want to believe. And just make up your own.

Which is about as subjective and relativistic as it gets. As you're about to demonstrate for us so, so elegantly:

Homo- Self.

Nope. Homo means 'same' in 'greek. And 'human or 'man' in latin.

a combining form appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant“same” ( homology); on this model, used in the formation ofcompound words ( homomorphic)

Homo Define Homo at


1590-1600; < Latin homō man; OL hemō the earthly one (see humus );akin to Latin hūmānus human; cognate with Old English guma, Old Irishduine, Welsh dyn man, Lithuanian žmónės men

Homo Define Homo at

Remember, don't actually know what the fuck you're talking about. And yet in your ignorance, you still insist that anything that contradicts you must be wrong (stunningly, even the dictionary), and anything you make up must be right.


Even logically, your claims are a train wreck: as if 'homo' means 'self', wouldn't 'homosexual' merely be someone who masturbates? Your own logic just destroyed your entire basis of argument if applied consistently. And of course, your 'logic' is just you ignorantly making shit up.

As you just demonstrated, my little relativist.
Since I'm a straight man fucking my wife...

LOL! Well of course you are. You're perfectly normal. I mean, what other perfectly normal person doesn't spend endless hours advocating for the normalization of sexual deviancy?

"Its perfectly normal..." You bet.
I'm a liberal, a real one,

What you're a 'real' example of, is a hysterical feminized male of substandard intellectual means.
Damn! 220 pages so far. Maybe gay marriage is the most important issue facing the USA. Are we that screwed up?

How many threads have you started about gay marriage now?

this one asks a question about american priorities. Sorry if you have reading comprehension issues.
Damn! 220 pages so far. Maybe gay marriage is the most important issue facing the USA. Are we that screwed up?

How many threads have you started about gay marriage now?

this one asks a question about american priorities. Sorry if you have reading comprehension issues.

This one asks if gay marriage is the priority.

You can tell because the words 'gay marriage' are in the title.

So how many threads have you started about gay marriage?
Antisemitism is a hatred and fear of Jews... .

Nope Antisemitism is the opposition to semites.

Want to know how I know that?

Here, I'll share the wealth:

Anti-: opposed to, against

Semite: a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.

noun an·ti–Sem·i·tism \ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī-\
: hatred of Jewish people
Anti-Semitism Definition of anti-Semitism by Merriam-Webster

You keep making up what words mean, not a good thing to do...
Since I'm a straight man fucking my wife...

LOL! Well of course you are. You're perfectly normal. I mean, what other perfectly normal person doesn't spend endless hours advocating for the normalization of sexual deviancy?

"Its perfectly normal..." You bet.
I'm a liberal, a real one,

What you're a 'real' example of, is a hysterical feminized male of substandard intellectual means.
I stopped running to the playground lady many decades ago. Even then, she was usually scolding me, not protecting me...
(Reader, the word "homo-phobe" literally means: An irrational fear of one's self. Which doesn't exist.

noun ho·mo·phobe \-ˌfōb\
: a person who hates or is afraid of homosexuals or treats them badly
Homophobe Definition of homophobe by Merriam-Webster

Oh! LOOK KIDS! A dictionary accepted their pretense ... why its as if that changes something. now you're ignoring the dictionary on the meaning of words?

Colloquialisms are not facts, dumbass. They're words or phrases that are not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation.

Thus, when I refer to you as a MOONBAT... I am not claiming that you are a winged rodent which resides within the lunar environment, I am using the term as a means to belittle you for your inferior intellectual means and tendency toward the idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.

But hey.. In fairness to you, as a person saddled with mental disorder, there's no way you could have known that.

(Reader, by this time, you've probably begun to ask yourself, 'Why does Mr. Keys engage these idiots, who are so clearly beneath his intellectual station?', and that is a good question.

For generations, normal people, such as you and I have taken the position of disregarding these idiots, who were slowly infiltrating our culture's bureaucratic infrastructure.

And sadly, our ignoring them, actually gave them and others the erroneous impression that their idiocy was something of a higher intellectual value; that it was even equitable with sound reason.

And slowly over the decades, this has taken our nation from the most powerful economy in the world to a bankrupt hulk, governed by those who advance those feckless notions of foreign origin which are hostile to the principles in nature that sustain individual human; and by extension collective viability.

Now, in fairness... IF there had been an internet in the first decade of the 1900s... Woodrow Wilson would never have been elected... and the left would have been intellectual eviscerated then, as they are being sic eviscerated in the here and now.
Last edited:
Damn! 220 pages so far. Maybe gay marriage is the most important issue facing the USA. Are we that screwed up?

How many threads have you started about gay marriage now?

this one asks a question about american priorities. Sorry if you have reading comprehension issues.
Damn! 220 pages so far. Maybe gay marriage is the most important issue facing the USA. Are we that screwed up?

How many threads have you started about gay marriage now?

this one asks a question about american priorities. Sorry if you have reading comprehension issues.

This one asks if gay marriage is the priority.

You can tell because the words 'gay marriage' are in the title.

So how many threads have you started about gay marriage?

your reading comprehension skills are very limited, you continue to prove that.
Antisemitism is a hatred and fear of Jews... .

Nope Antisemitism is the opposition to semites.

Want to know how I know that?

Here, I'll share the wealth:

Anti-: opposed to, against

Semite: a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs.

noun an·ti–Sem·i·tism \ˌan-tē-ˈse-mə-ˌti-zəm, ˌan-ˌtī-\
: hatred of Jewish people
Anti-Semitism Definition of anti-Semitism by Merriam-Webster

You keep making up what words mean, not a good thing to do...

Once again... the intellectual giants of the Left come to assert colloquialism as literal fact.

Again Reader, what you're witnessing is the cognitive acuity common to the lowly vegetable. otherwise known in greater nature, as: FOOD.

Now let's be honest, do we really want FOOD to be setting the rules?
Antisemitism is a hatred and fear of Jews... .

Nope Antisemitism is the opposition to semites.

Says you. Again, the dictaionary disagrees:

[an-tee-sem-i-tiz-uh m, an-tahy-]
discrimination against or prejudice or hostility toward Jews.
Anti-semitism Define Anti-semitism at

And of course, you'll ignore the dictionary and make up whatever you want. Which is exactly my point. Your sole standard of credibility of any source (even your own sources) is if it agrees with what you already believe. If it doesn't, its summarily dismissed. Even the dictionary......despite the fact that you've cited the dictionary repeatedly.

You'll even ignore your own sources.

That's the Cherry Picking fallacy. When you ignore anything that doesn't conform to what you already believe. Worse, you ignore what you don't like.....and them literally make up whatever you do. 'Natural laws of marriage', pulled sideways out of your ass, new meanings for the term 'homophobe', new meanings for the term 'homo'...made up by you.

.......and this you call 'reality'? This you call 'objective'?

Nope. That's as subjective as it gets.

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