Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

I am against judicial tyranny destroying more and more of the constitution so homosexuals can lie to themselves that this will make them normal.

Except in the case of marriage equality, the Constitution is being upheld...specifically the 14th Amendment.

Y'all are cute when you're shrill and losing though.
Hey stupid homosexuality is a choice.

When did you realize you wanted to suck a guys cock?

You do love the playground insults

Even if it were true that sexual orientation is a choice (it's not), that is not a response. Religion is a choice and yet if you tried to say that Protestants couldn't marry, you'd run afoul of the Constitution, wouldn't you?

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Oh, and I forgot:

OK, I'll answer your questions one more time. After that when you ask me again, I'm just going to call you stupid

You are stupid
I am against judicial tyranny destroying more and more of the constitution so homosexuals can lie to themselves that this will make them normal.

Except in the case of marriage equality, the Constitution is being upheld...specifically the 14th Amendment.

Y'all are cute when you're shrill and losing though.
Hey stupid homosexuality is a choice.

When did you realize you wanted to suck a guys cock?

You do love the playground insults

Sucking a cock is "insulting"? I was establishing his position of authority. He believes he chose so I wanted to know when he chose and if he found himself equally attracted to males and females. He made the claim, I want to know how much he knows about it.

Even if it were true that sexual orientation is a choice (it's not), that is not a response. Religion is a choice and yet if you tried to say that Protestants couldn't marry, you'd run afoul of the Constitution, wouldn't you?

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

It's a perfectly valid analogy. Thantos believes that sexual orientation is a choice. Religion is a choice and yet if we were to say only Protestants could not civilly marry, I'm sure Thantos would believe such a law would be unconstitutional (just like bans on gays civilly marrying each other are)

Are you and the wife still having kids?
Except in the case of marriage equality, the Constitution is being upheld...specifically the 14th Amendment.

Y'all are cute when you're shrill and losing though.
Hey stupid homosexuality is a choice.

When did you realize you wanted to suck a guys cock?

You do love the playground insults

Even if it were true that sexual orientation is a choice (it's not), that is not a response. Religion is a choice and yet if you tried to say that Protestants couldn't marry, you'd run afoul of the Constitution, wouldn't you?

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
Hey stupid homosexuality is a choice.

When did you realize you wanted to suck a guys cock?

You do love the playground insults

Even if it were true that sexual orientation is a choice (it's not), that is not a response. Religion is a choice and yet if you tried to say that Protestants couldn't marry, you'd run afoul of the Constitution, wouldn't you?

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
When did you realize you wanted to suck a guys cock?

You do love the playground insults

Even if it were true that sexual orientation is a choice (it's not), that is not a response. Religion is a choice and yet if you tried to say that Protestants couldn't marry, you'd run afoul of the Constitution, wouldn't you?

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
When did you realize you wanted to suck a guys cock?

You do love the playground insults

Even if it were true that sexual orientation is a choice (it's not), that is not a response. Religion is a choice and yet if you tried to say that Protestants couldn't marry, you'd run afoul of the Constitution, wouldn't you?

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.

Yes they can...exactly the same way lots and lots of straight couples do...with Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)

Today, approximately 1.5% of all infants born in the United States every year are conceived using ART.
So, yes, we can and do reproduce just like hundreds of thousands of straight couples do every year. We also adopt. 4% of ALL adoptions are to same sex parents.
You do love the playground insults

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?

They don't usually engage in coitus, however...not when there are perfectly good turkey basters around.
You do love the playground insults

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?
Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?

They don't usually engage in coitus, however...not when there are perfectly good turkey basters around.
Yes, well didn't want to go into artificial insemination alternatives as I keep hoping some lesbian couple will ask me to.. well nvm.
Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?
What makes you think homosexuals are incapable of heterosexual acts? And no, just because some girl prefers girls over men does not mean she is incapable of choosing to have sex with a man to get pregnant. People have sex all the time, being gay does not prevent normal intercourse, nor does it prevent them from walking in a straight line, nor does it prevent them from talking like heteros. ROFL
Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?

No, we used scientific means. IVF and AI are not heterosexual or gay, they're science. Adoption is adoption.

How children are created is relevant to parenting (and to civil marriage, obviously)
Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?
What makes you think homosexuals are incapable of heterosexual acts? And no, just because some girl prefers girls over men does not mean she is incapable of choosing to have sex with a man to get pregnant. People have sex all the time, being gay does not prevent normal intercourse, nor does it prevent them from walking in a straight line, nor does it prevent them from talking like heteros. ROFL
Perversion is a learned response
Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?

No, we used scientific means. IVF and AI are not heterosexual or gay, they're science. Adoption is adoption.

How children are created is relevant to parenting (and to civil marriage, obviously)
Which means you can not have your girlfriends or wife's baby
But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?
What makes you think homosexuals are incapable of heterosexual acts? And no, just because some girl prefers girls over men does not mean she is incapable of choosing to have sex with a man to get pregnant. People have sex all the time, being gay does not prevent normal intercourse, nor does it prevent them from walking in a straight line, nor does it prevent them from talking like heteros. ROFL
Perversion is a learned response
Is that your excuse for your perverted acts on gays?
But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?

No, we used scientific means. IVF and AI are not heterosexual or gay, they're science. Adoption is adoption.

How children are created is relevant to parenting (and to civil marriage, obviously)
Which means you can not have your girlfriends or wife's baby

Actually, yes, I could have carried her child if we'd had enough money for that sort of thing. We didn't. We did it the old fashioned guy watching porn in the living room and doing his thing into a cup.

Again, 1.5 million babies were born using ART last year. Many of those NOT the genetic material of both the male and female of the couple.

Now explain what that has to do with anything?
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?
What makes you think homosexuals are incapable of heterosexual acts? And no, just because some girl prefers girls over men does not mean she is incapable of choosing to have sex with a man to get pregnant. People have sex all the time, being gay does not prevent normal intercourse, nor does it prevent them from walking in a straight line, nor does it prevent them from talking like heteros. ROFL
Perversion is a learned response
Is that your excuse for your perverted acts on gays?
I know lots of happy people but I am pretty sure I didn't do perverted things with all of them.
That's s lie. Homosexuals can not produce. What they can do is use the genetic material of someone of the opposite sex to create a baby but the homosexual couple themselves did not reproduce.
Homosexuals have kids every day. What makes you think homosexuals can't have kids? Are you a moron? Here's how it works.. Gay guy walks up to woman, says let's make a baby. She agrees they engage in coitus. Nine months later baby comes out. See how that works?
Then they used heterosexual means ....a baby will never be produced using homosexual means..... that is a fact. Also is homosexuality was genetic then wouldn't it be impossible for a homosexual to have heterosexual relations?

No, we used scientific means. IVF and AI are not heterosexual or gay, they're science. Adoption is adoption.

How children are created is relevant to parenting (and to civil marriage, obviously)
Which means you can not have your girlfriends or wife's baby

Actually, yes, I could have carried her child if we'd had enough money for that sort of thing. We didn't. We did it the old fashioned guy watching porn in the living room and doing his thing into a cup.

Again, 1.5 million babies were born using ART last year. Many of those NOT the genetic material of both the male and female of the couple.

Now explain what that has to do with anything?
Let me rephrase that then.... you and your partner can not have a baby with your and her DNA. It is impossible.
kaz said:
When did you realize you wanted to suck a guys cock?

You do love the playground insults

Sucking a cock is "insulting"? I was establishing his position of authority. He believes he chose so I wanted to know when he chose and if he found himself equally attracted to males and females. He made the claim, I want to know how much he knows about it.[/quote]

No you stupid piece of shit, saying I was gay is when that had nothing to do with what I said. It was pure playground. How do you possibly get this response out of that? You sure do a lot of kool-aid swillng for someone who can be lucid. This sure wasn't it, it was butt obvious what the playground part was
I am against judicial tyranny destroying more and more of the constitution so homosexuals can lie to themselves that this will make them normal.

Except in the case of marriage equality, the Constitution is being upheld...specifically the 14th Amendment.

Y'all are cute when you're shrill and losing though.
Hey stupid homosexuality is a choice.

When did you realize you wanted to suck a guys cock?

You do love the playground insults

Sucking a cock is "insulting"? I was establishing his position of authority. He believes he chose so I wanted to know when he chose and if he found himself equally attracted to males and females. He made the claim, I want to know how much he knows about it.

Even if it were true that sexual orientation is a choice (it's not), that is not a response. Religion is a choice and yet if you tried to say that Protestants couldn't marry, you'd run afoul of the Constitution, wouldn't you?

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

It's a perfectly valid analogy. Thantos believes that sexual orientation is a choice. Religion is a choice and yet if we were to say only Protestants could not civilly marry, I'm sure Thantos would believe such a law would be unconstitutional (just like bans on gays civilly marrying each other are)

Are you and the wife still having kids?

Not getting the relevance to that either for my OP post because the "concept of marriage' is that it's for life or my personal view which is that taxes should be flat
Hey stupid homosexuality is a choice.

When did you realize you wanted to suck a guys cock?

You do love the playground insults

Even if it were true that sexual orientation is a choice (it's not), that is not a response. Religion is a choice and yet if you tried to say that Protestants couldn't marry, you'd run afoul of the Constitution, wouldn't you?

What a ridiculous analogy. Fuck your brains out with a chick, I don't give a shit. Just stop using it as a chance to stick your hand in other people's wallets. Have non-reproductive sex on your own dime

Heterosexuals have non-reproductive sex 'on your dime' all the time, based on your reasoning.

Why do you give them a pass? Other than because you're a bigot.

Swish, missed my OP post again, that isn't what I said.

And not wanting to give people tax breaks to mate when they can't reproduce is being a "bigot." Noted

But that's not what your OP said. Your OP singles out gay people and does not include straight people having non productive sex.

(Gays can and do reproduce...Stupid bigots don't realize that gay does not equal infertile)

Wow, instead of saying my view, I should have referred to the "concept of marriage."

Wait a second, I did...

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