Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
You're a homo lover therefore you are liberal. Liberals only care about homos rights. They don't care about people who want to marry their mothers even though they believe in that kind of sick shit. Conclusion: you are a fag
Guess you missed my any two can marry part eh?
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
You're a homo lover therefore you are liberal. Liberals only care about homos rights. They don't care about people who want to marry their mothers even though they believe in that kind of sick shit. Conclusion: you are a fag
:lol: You don't like marriage equality or LGBT. OK. Move to Iran, because it is not going to return to the old, bad ways.
He's going to try Fargo ND, same difference only the faggots will be able to marry there as well.
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks

OH! Now Supe... that's not entirely true.

Besides standing steadfastly for the 'rights' of Woman and sexual deviants, the aged and the physically challenged, they are also full time advocates of the rights of Islam... who FTR: are full-time mass-murderers of those people, including the Woman "Pam Geller", who recently held a contest to help others exercise their rights, which offended Islam... and sure enough, as if by cue... The Ideological Left came RUSHING IN... to support Islam's right to murder, and not just the Woman GELLER... but all of those people exercising their Rights, inside that contest.

Because, if nothing else, never let it be said that the Ideological Left has ever met a principle that it didn't reject.

But hey...

In fairness to the Left... That is the nature of Evil, and who could expect them to be anything but what they are...
How adorable. Keys continues to give a melting mess of degeneracy in his pursuit of a national government run by his version of the Bible.

How the far right goes on about marriage equality as if it is the most important issue ev-ah.
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
You're a homo lover therefore you are liberal. Liberals only care about homos rights. They don't care about people who want to marry their mothers even though they believe in that kind of sick shit. Conclusion: you are a fag
Guess you missed my any two can marry part eh?
Have fun with all the married butt sex you want. I won't participate. Liberals are a joke though. They engage in far more racism than the right ever has. Liberals are a bunch of racist, sexist, and even worse.. self hating homos I've ever talked to. They like everyone but the cis gendered white male who they discriminate against.
Oh no, it is Same sex marriage that opens the door, I oppose it also.
For what reason? You don't seem to have one. It can't be tradition since gay marriage and incest marriage have both existed. Give us a compelling reason?

The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

As concessions go, that was suitably lame for you, but you've consistently turned from the point, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Opposition to SSM is irrational, period.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

But only because that is how Nature designed human physiology.
How adorable. Keys continues to give a melting mess of degeneracy in his pursuit of a national government run by his version of the Bible.

How the far right goes on about marriage equality as if it is the most important issue ev-ah.
Ever since the left has taken over the education system with in the US they have continued to degrade it to teaching immoral principles and worse that's what they spend half their time doing therefore making us get behind in technology and things that matter.
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
You're a homo lover therefore you are liberal. Liberals only care about homos rights. They don't care about people who want to marry their mothers even though they believe in that kind of sick shit. Conclusion: you are a fag
Guess you missed my any two can marry part eh?
Have fun with all the married butt sex you want. I won't participate. Liberals are a joke though. They engage in far more racism than the right ever has. Liberals are a bunch of racist, sexist, and even worse.. self hating homos I've ever talked to. They like everyone but the cis gendered white male who they discriminate against.
I've enjoyed married butt since the wife let me do her, about 20 years ago.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
You're a homo lover therefore you are liberal. Liberals only care about homos rights. They don't care about people who want to marry their mothers even though they believe in that kind of sick shit. Conclusion: you are a fag
Guess you missed my any two can marry part eh?
Have fun with all the married butt sex you want. I won't participate. Liberals are a joke though. They engage in far more racism than the right ever has. Liberals are a bunch of racist, sexist, and even worse.. self hating homos I've ever talked to. They like everyone but the cis gendered white male who they discriminate against.
I've enjoyed married butt since the wife let me do her, about 20 years ago.
Lies. You're a kissless virgin.
For what reason? You don't seem to have one. It can't be tradition since gay marriage and incest marriage have both existed. Give us a compelling reason?

The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

As concessions go, that was suitably lame for you, but you've consistently turned from the point, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Opposition to SSM is irrational, period.

Marriage is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

But only because that is how Nature designed human physiology.
What was nature's design for jerking off, or oral sex? Following nature means nearly all fucking leads to nothing like babies, and was never meant to. I wouldn't go there if I were you.
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
You're a homo lover therefore you are liberal. Liberals only care about homos rights. They don't care about people who want to marry their mothers even though they believe in that kind of sick shit. Conclusion: you are a fag
Guess you missed my any two can marry part eh?
Have fun with all the married butt sex you want. I won't participate. Liberals are a joke though. They engage in far more racism than the right ever has. Liberals are a bunch of racist, sexist, and even worse.. self hating homos I've ever talked to. They like everyone but the cis gendered white male who they discriminate against.
I've enjoyed married butt since the wife let me do her, about 20 years ago.
Lies. You're a kissless virgin.
Sweetcheeks, I've been doing it longer than you've been alive.
How adorable. Keys continues to give a melting mess of degeneracy in his pursuit of a national government run by his version of the Bible.

How the far right goes on about marriage equality as if it is the most important issue ev-ah.
Ever since the left has taken over the education system with in the US they have continued to degrade it to teaching immoral principles and worse that's what they spend half their time doing therefore making us get behind in technology and things that matter.
The reason we are behind is because we don't respect teachers or education in this country. It's filled with people like you...
The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

Maybe, maybe not, but soon we'll not only have same sex marriage, followed by same sex sibling marriage and the states will start scrambling to create legislation to stop it and all sibling marriage.

Gay marriage is a done deal. Nothing they can do about that. As for incest marriage, it's traditional so they'll have to fight that out in the courts. Either way, you have no rational reason against gay marriage, which means your opposition is irrational.

Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
No paradox exists.

No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal.

Until that happens, all the talks is just slobbering.

The argument for legalization of same sex marriage is EXACTLY the same argument for same sex sibling marrige.

Either it works for both or it works for neither.
Yet again, so?

It's a big deal to those not in favor of incest, since you are.......
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

Maybe, maybe not, but soon we'll not only have same sex marriage, followed by same sex sibling marriage and the states will start scrambling to create legislation to stop it and all sibling marriage.

Gay marriage is a done deal. Nothing they can do about that. As for incest marriage, it's traditional so they'll have to fight that out in the courts. Either way, you have no rational reason against gay marriage, which means your opposition is irrational.

Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.
No paradox exists.

No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal.

Until that happens, all the talks is just slobbering.
The argument for legalization of same sex marriage is EXACTLY the same argument for same sex sibling marrige. Either it works for both or it works for neither.
No, it's not, and you can't demonstrate that it is is. And you can't give an argument that the state does not have a compelling interest to continue to prevent it.

Not until SSM is legal. Once it is, then the state must come up with a compelling reason to deny same sex siblings the right to the benefits to marriage.

Same sex siblings cannot procreate, so the state has no compelling reason.

If so, please be so kind as to stop whining and state what that might be.
Maybe, maybe not, but soon we'll not only have same sex marriage, followed by same sex sibling marriage and the states will start scrambling to create legislation to stop it and all sibling marriage.

Gay marriage is a done deal. Nothing they can do about that. As for incest marriage, it's traditional so they'll have to fight that out in the courts. Either way, you have no rational reason against gay marriage, which means your opposition is irrational.

Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.
What difference does it make if people have orgies in the street?
Maybe, maybe not, but soon we'll not only have same sex marriage, followed by same sex sibling marriage and the states will start scrambling to create legislation to stop it and all sibling marriage.

Gay marriage is a done deal. Nothing they can do about that. As for incest marriage, it's traditional so they'll have to fight that out in the courts. Either way, you have no rational reason against gay marriage, which means your opposition is irrational.

Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.

Nuff said ^^^^ the guys a head case
No paradox exists.

No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal.

Until that happens, all the talks is just slobbering.

The argument for legalization of same sex marriage is EXACTLY the same argument for same sex sibling marrige.

Either it works for both or it works for neither.
Yet again, so?

It's a big deal to those not in favor of incest, since you are.......
I don't have to be in favor or not. To be rational means there has to be a good reason to oppose something, and you can't find one besides you don't like it.
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
You're a homo lover therefore you are liberal. Liberals only care about homos rights. They don't care about people who want to marry their mothers even though they believe in that kind of sick shit. Conclusion: you are a fag
:lol: You don't like marriage equality or LGBT. OK. Move to Iran, because it is not going to return to the old, bad ways.

It's no longer LGBT, it's LGBTQSSS

Get with the times dude

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