Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

Gay marriage is a done deal. Nothing they can do about that. As for incest marriage, it's traditional so they'll have to fight that out in the courts. Either way, you have no rational reason against gay marriage, which means your opposition is irrational.

Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.
What difference does it make if people have orgies in the street?
It blocks traffic. I hate gawkers. But, if the city will issue the permit, fuck yourselves blind for all I care.
No paradox exists.

No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal.

Until that happens, all the talks is just slobbering.

The argument for legalization of same sex marriage is EXACTLY the same argument for same sex sibling marrige.

Either it works for both or it works for neither.
Yet again, so?

It's a big deal to those not in favor of incest, since you are.......
I don't have to be in favor or not. To be rational means there has to be a good reason to oppose something, and you can't find one besides you don't like it.

^^^^ and you are a head case ^^^^
Gay marriage is a done deal. Nothing they can do about that. As for incest marriage, it's traditional so they'll have to fight that out in the courts. Either way, you have no rational reason against gay marriage, which means your opposition is irrational.

Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.

Nuff said ^^^^ the guys a head case
No, I'm rational. You're the headcase that wants laws to reflect what you feel. You don't even have valid arguments for said laws.
Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.

Nuff said ^^^^ the guys a head case
No, I'm rational. You're the head case that wants laws to reflect what you feel.

Sorry dude, not going there with a delusional head case.
Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.

Nuff said ^^^^ the guys a head case
No, I'm rational. You're the headcase that wants laws to reflect what you feel.

You want legal incest, by any rational reasoning, that makes you a head case.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.

Nuff said ^^^^ the guys a head case
No, I'm rational. You're the head case that wants laws to reflect what you feel.

Sorry dude, not going there with a delusional head case.
You already have gone there, and lost, utterly. You have nothing but your irrational opposition to something you don't even have valid reasons against.
How adorable. Keys continues to give a melting mess of degeneracy in his pursuit of a national government run by his version of the Bible.

How the far right goes on about marriage equality as if it is the most important issue ev-ah.
Ever since the left has taken over the education system with in the US they have continued to degrade it to teaching immoral principles and worse that's what they spend half their time doing therefore making us get behind in technology and things that matter.
The reason we are behind is because we don't respect teachers or education in this country. It's filled with people like you...
Wrong. Teacher is a highly respected job. It's the curriculum designed for social brainwashing rather than science, math, basic English....
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.

I think I went into a bit more detail. That's ok coming from someone who approves of incest
What difference does someone fucking their sister make to me, or you? Oh right, none. You should learn to be rational and objective.

Nuff said ^^^^ the guys a head case
No, I'm rational. You're the headcase that wants laws to reflect what you feel.

You want legal incest, by any rational reasoning, that makes you a head case.
I don't want it, don't even have to approve of it, but the state better have a compelling reason against it, and you can't find one so far. The best you have is bad offspring, which if not possible with such a coupling means even that even that reason fails to stand up. What the state can be opposed to is offspring of incest, in which it has an interest, nothing more. Who you fuck is frankly none of their business, or mine, or yours. That's being rational.
How adorable. Keys continues to give a melting mess of degeneracy in his pursuit of a national government run by his version of the Bible.

How the far right goes on about marriage equality as if it is the most important issue ev-ah.
Ever since the left has taken over the education system with in the US they have continued to degrade it to teaching immoral principles and worse that's what they spend half their time doing therefore making us get behind in technology and things that matter.
The reason we are behind is because we don't respect teachers or education in this country. It's filled with people like you...
Wrong. Teacher is a highly respected job. It's the curriculum designed for social brainwashing rather than science, math, basic English....
Teachers are treated like shit here. Just ask them.

And educated people are ignored, just eggheads. That is why this country is getting its ass handed to it.
Incest marriage is incest marriage Pops. You must fix this, it's a grave injustice. You supporting only the faggots who are brothers is simply unfair. Don't all people deserve to marry their close relatives?

Then why does your side argue for it?
It is you that is arguing for it. If any two can marry then that means any two eh?

Yep, no compelling government interest in denying them.

Go ahead, express the compelling state interest in denying same sex siblings from marriage.

You won't, you can't.
Doesn't bother me, what I can't figure out is why you are opposed? There doesn't seem to be any compelling reason against SSSM that I can see. You got one, or not?

Just glad I'm not the Justice who's legacy will have to be:

A. Granting gays greater access to marriage than straights


B. Legalizing incest.
Oh c''re not fooling anyone, you want to be B.
How adorable. Keys continues to give a melting mess of degeneracy in his pursuit of a national government run by his version of the Bible.

How the far right goes on about marriage equality as if it is the most important issue ev-ah.
Ever since the left has taken over the education system with in the US they have continued to degrade it to teaching immoral principles and worse that's what they spend half their time doing therefore making us get behind in technology and things that matter.
The reason we are behind is because we don't respect teachers or education in this country. It's filled with people like you...


Yes... and of the two competing Ideologies, which one is it that rejects the principles of 'respect' for authority?


A point made all the more hysterical, by the longstanding disrespect for the laws forbidding the behavior that entailed men having sex with other men. Recall the heady days when assless-chap wearing boy-toys were prancing proudly down main street, declaring that they were sexual deviants and would be staying and that we should get used to the idea. Despite, of course... that deviant behavior was illegal.

Imagine the deceit so profound that those same tools are here decrying their undying devotion to 'The LAW!' and the unstated authority of the Teacher and 'Education' itself.

Of course, the problem is not a lack of respect for the teacher, or education.

The Problem is a lack of respect for the sexual intercourse the mind-bending responsibilities that such represents.

You know... that whole thing back in the 60s which attacked the Patriarch. The Feminist line which established "Person-hood" as separate and inequitable, above humanity; promising women a new world which did not require 'a man' to validate her, which two generation later has single parent families dependent upon the government, wherein schools are effectively day care, which decidedly DO NOT enjoy any power to punish children who fail to respect the teacher and which is quite sufficiently empowered to punish the teacher who demands her pupils to respect her.

Proving once again, that where evil is tolerated, what ever it does will result in chaos, calamity and catastrophe.
How adorable. Keys continues to give a melting mess of degeneracy in his pursuit of a national government run by his version of the Bible.

How the far right goes on about marriage equality as if it is the most important issue ev-ah.
Ever since the left has taken over the education system with in the US they have continued to degrade it to teaching immoral principles and worse that's what they spend half their time doing therefore making us get behind in technology and things that matter.
The reason we are behind is because we don't respect teachers or education in this country. It's filled with people like you...
Wrong. Teacher is a highly respected job. It's the curriculum designed for social brainwashing rather than science, math, basic English....
Teachers are treated like shit here. Just ask them.

And educated people are ignored, just eggheads. That is why this country is getting its ass handed to it.
Wrong. Education fails because most educators are liberal.
If SSM is legally sanctioned, what legal argument will you bring to prohibit same sex sibling marriage?
If I wanted to, I don't, the same arguments that keep a brother and sister apart. Incest is mostly illegal here.

Sodomy was also illegal in most states just a few years ago.
Fine, but no one paid any attention since that's mostly a heterosexual thing.

If no one paid any attention, then why did they have laws against it, and why did queers work so hard to get the laws overturned?
Stupid law, since nearly everyone does it.

Soon people will be saying laws against incest are stupid.
You're a lying POS. There are as many people on the left that piss on gays as there are on the right. The only difference is the left needed the votes in 2008 and some folks on the right are stubborn as hell.

so, what you are saying is that the dem/libs patronized the gays in order to get their votes and they really don't give a shit about gay marriage. Do the gays know that?
More posts on a gay thread, Red Minnow? Can't quit the topic?

There are quite a few fish who display homosexual behavior in nature.

How does a fish display homosexual behavior?

Some babies are born with two heads.

Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.

The paper itself says the behavior described is heterosexual.
Democrats mostly represent the poor and stupid or the super wealthy that don't know what middle class life is like. Here's my evidence.

No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal. No paradox exists.

Until that happens, all the talks is just nonsense.

According to PMH and other members of the GAYstapo, "Marriage has nothing to do with procreation or sex." That's one of the main arguments they use to justify so-called "gay marriage."
State the compelling government interest in denying same sex siblings from marriage.
There isn't one, so therefore you approve?

Same sex sibling marriage will be forced on me whether I approve or not.
But surely you're okay with it, since no compelling reason against it can be found?
My only compelling reason is that I don't want homos to be happy so then they will go to a different country.
Why don't YOU go to a different Iran. Or Russia?
Oh no, it is Same sex marriage that opens the door, I oppose it also.
For what reason? You don't seem to have one. It can't be tradition since gay marriage and incest marriage have both existed. Give us a compelling reason?

The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

As concessions go, that was suitably lame for you, but you've consistently turned from the point, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Opposition to SSM is irrational, period.

Support for SSM is irrational, period.
No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal. No paradox exists.

Until that happens, all the talks is just nonsense.

According to PMH and other members of the GAYstapo, "Marriage has nothing to do with procreation or sex." That's one of the main arguments they use to justify so-called "gay marriage."
One doesn't have to procreate or even have sex to get married.

One doesn't have to be married to procreate or to even have sex.

Oh look, they're right.
State the compelling government interest in denying same sex siblings from marriage.
There isn't one, so therefore you approve?

Same sex sibling marriage will be forced on me whether I approve or not.
But surely you're okay with it, since no compelling reason against it can be found?
My only compelling reason is that I don't want homos to be happy so then they will go to a different country.
Why don't YOU go to a different Iran. Or Russia?

We both know why you won't go to Iran or Russia, don't we?

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