Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

"next logical step"? :eusa_eh: Maybe in an eXtreme rw'ers mind. No, your thread title names the subject. Project much :talktothehand:

If SSM is legally sanctioned, what legal argument will you bring to prohibit same sex sibling marriage?
If I wanted to, I don't, the same arguments that keep a brother and sister apart. Incest is mostly illegal here.

Sodomy was also illegal in most states just a few years ago.
Fine, but no one paid any attention since that's mostly a heterosexual thing.

If no one paid any attention, then why did they have laws against it, and why did queers work so hard to get the laws overturned?
Stupid law, since nearly everyone does it.
Same sex sibling marriage will be forced on me whether I approve or not.
But surely you're okay with it, since no compelling reason against it can be found?

Oh no, it is Same sex marriage that opens the door, I oppose it also.
For what reason? You don't seem to have one. It can't be tradition since gay marriage and incest marriage have both existed. Give us a compelling reason?

The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

Maybe, maybe not, but soon we'll not only have same sex marriage, followed by same sex sibling marriage and the states will start scrambling to create legislation to stop it and all sibling marriage.

But surely you're okay with it, since no compelling reason against it can be found?

Oh no, it is Same sex marriage that opens the door, I oppose it also.
For what reason? You don't seem to have one. It can't be tradition since gay marriage and incest marriage have both existed. Give us a compelling reason?

The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

Maybe, maybe not, but soon we'll not only have same sex marriage, followed by same sex sibling marriage and the states will start scrambling to create legislation to stop it and all sibling marriage.

Gay marriage is a done deal. Nothing they can do about that. As for incest marriage, it's traditional so they'll have to fight that out in the courts. Either way, you have no rational reason against gay marriage, which means your opposition is irrational.
Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

To families with children, taking care of children is their most important issue.

To a straight couple where one of them is sick, insurance is the most important issue. So they get married.

Now folks... the same mental disorder that presents as sexual deviancy, also 'advised' us that Marriage is an archaic construct, which bears no importance to civilization... further attacking Fathers, in their non-stop assault on patriarchy.

WELL ... it turns out that a couple of generations after that pearl of wisdom was accepted, 'straight couples, where one of them is sick, insurance is the most important issue. So they get married.'

The coolest part is that the demented would-be 'contributor' who offered that drivel, has no clue, how pitiful it literally is.
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
Oh no, it is Same sex marriage that opens the door, I oppose it also.
For what reason? You don't seem to have one. It can't be tradition since gay marriage and incest marriage have both existed. Give us a compelling reason?

The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

Maybe, maybe not, but soon we'll not only have same sex marriage, followed by same sex sibling marriage and the states will start scrambling to create legislation to stop it and all sibling marriage.

Gay marriage is a done deal. Nothing they can do about that. As for incest marriage, it's traditional so they'll have to fight that out in the courts. Either way, you have no rational reason against gay marriage, which means your opposition is irrational.

Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal. No paradox exists.

Until that happens, all the talks is just nonsense.
No paradox exists.

No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal.

Until that happens, all the talks is just slobbering.

The argument for legalization of same sex marriage is EXACTLY the same argument for same sex sibling marrige.

Either it works for both or it works for neither.
Why does the Right have so little Faith along so little clue and so little Cause? Is Individual Liberty too much of a moral challenge for the Right.
You're a lying POS. There are as many people on the left that piss on gays as there are on the right. The only difference is the left needed the votes in 2008 and some folks on the right are stubborn as hell.

so, what you are saying is that the dem/libs patronized the gays in order to get their votes and they really don't give a shit about gay marriage. Do the gays know that?
More posts on a gay thread, Red Minnow? Can't quit the topic?

There are quite a few fish who display homosexual behavior in nature.

How does a fish display homosexual behavior?

Some babies are born with two heads.

Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
You're a lying POS. There are as many people on the left that piss on gays as there are on the right. The only difference is the left needed the votes in 2008 and some folks on the right are stubborn as hell.

so, what you are saying is that the dem/libs patronized the gays in order to get their votes and they really don't give a shit about gay marriage. Do the gays know that?
More posts on a gay thread, Red Minnow? Can't quit the topic?

There are quite a few fish who display homosexual behavior in nature.

How does a fish display homosexual behavior?

Some babies are born with two heads.

Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.
Go nibble on males genitals and see if it attracts females. I'm not going to. lol
For what reason? You don't seem to have one. It can't be tradition since gay marriage and incest marriage have both existed. Give us a compelling reason?

The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

Maybe, maybe not, but soon we'll not only have same sex marriage, followed by same sex sibling marriage and the states will start scrambling to create legislation to stop it and all sibling marriage.

Gay marriage is a done deal. Nothing they can do about that. As for incest marriage, it's traditional so they'll have to fight that out in the courts. Either way, you have no rational reason against gay marriage, which means your opposition is irrational.

Oh I do, it leads to a legal paradox that opens the door to same sex sibling marriage, and since that discriminates againt heterosexuals (based on their ability to procreate) a good chance that all sibling marriage become legal.

Nope, don't like it.

Oh and by the way, should SSM become law, the arguments for it would be EXACTLY the same all along the line.
So, your only reason is, I Don't Like It? Well, not enough for the courts or society at large. Guess that puts you out in the cold my friend.
Same sex sibling marriage will be forced on me whether I approve or not.
But surely you're okay with it, since no compelling reason against it can be found?

Oh no, it is Same sex marriage that opens the door, I oppose it also.
For what reason? You don't seem to have one. It can't be tradition since gay marriage and incest marriage have both existed. Give us a compelling reason?

The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

As concessions go, that was suitably lame for you, but you've consistently turned from the point, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
so, what you are saying is that the dem/libs patronized the gays in order to get their votes and they really don't give a shit about gay marriage. Do the gays know that?
More posts on a gay thread, Red Minnow? Can't quit the topic?

There are quite a few fish who display homosexual behavior in nature.

How does a fish display homosexual behavior?

Some babies are born with two heads.

Homosexual Behavior Among Fish Increases Attractiveness to Females - SciTech Daily

In many species, females are attracted to large, conspicuous males. But among animals that mate with many partners, males that manage to mate with more than one female can increases their chances of attracting others, even if they aren’t as conspicuous.

The scientists published their findings in the journal Biology Letters. In some species of fish, smaller, less flashy males can win over females by flirting with larger males. Researchers worked with the tropical freshwater fish Poecilia mexicana. Females were shown video footage of small, drab-colored males nipping the genital openings of larger, brightly colored males, an action which precedes mating in opposite-sex fish pairs.

After witnessing this behavior, the female fish indicated their newly awakened interest by spending more time swimming near the images of the less impressive males. The finding suggests that homosexual behavior can enhance a male’s ability to pass on his genes by attracting females that wouldn’t be interested in him otherwise.

Mollies aren’t the only fish that exhibit homosexual behavior. There are documented cases of at least 15 different species doing the same. Whether all of these species do so in an effort to attract more females hasn’t yet been determined.
Go nibble on males genitals and see if it attracts females. I'm not going to. lol

Like you felt the need to point that out?
No paradox exists.

No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal.

Until that happens, all the talks is just slobbering.
The argument for legalization of same sex marriage is EXACTLY the same argument for same sex sibling marrige. Either it works for both or it works for neither.
No, it's not, and you can't demonstrate that it is is. And you can't give an argument that the state does not have a compelling interest to continue to prevent it.
No paradox exists.

No one here has shown why the state does not have a compelling interest to keep incestuous marriage illegal.

Until that happens, all the talks is just slobbering.

The argument for legalization of same sex marriage is EXACTLY the same argument for same sex sibling marrige.

Either it works for both or it works for neither.
Yet again, so?
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
But surely you're okay with it, since no compelling reason against it can be found?

Oh no, it is Same sex marriage that opens the door, I oppose it also.
For what reason? You don't seem to have one. It can't be tradition since gay marriage and incest marriage have both existed. Give us a compelling reason?

The Paradox continues
Still no reason eh Pops? I guess you are just irrational.

As concessions go, that was suitably lame for you, but you've consistently turned from the point, your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Opposition to SSM is irrational, period.
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
You're a homo lover therefore you are liberal. Liberals only care about homos rights. They don't care about people who want to marry their mothers even though they believe in that kind of sick shit. Conclusion: you are a fag
No one has demonstrated marriage is an archaic construct. Only foolish people would suggest that.

Marriage is a construct that has changed in the last three millenniums, yes, but, that is a different matter.
That's the problem with you liberals. You only want rights for special interest groups. You don't fight for everyone who is discriminated against... Racist fucks
One, learn the definitions of the terms you use. Two, I have made no argument for a special interest group. Three, and you conclude the statement with an assertion that has no basis.
You're a homo lover therefore you are liberal. Liberals only care about homos rights. They don't care about people who want to marry their mothers even though they believe in that kind of sick shit. Conclusion: you are a fag
:lol: You don't like marriage equality or LGBT. OK. Move to Iran, because it is not going to return to the old, bad ways.

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