Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

the PEOPLE of california (a very blue state) voted against gay marriage twice. why were those people not allowed to decide? why was the will of the people ignored?

Nope. As rights aren't up to a vote. And same sex marriage bans violated the 14th amendment's equal protectio clause. Read up on Hollingsworth v. Perry.

Rights trump state power.
So gay marriage...

Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 states, it includes one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Denying reality doesn't change reality, Keyes. And same sex marriage is a reality.

it may be, and our society will have to live with that decision and accept the consequences of it.

Same sex sibling marriage will also become the norm. reducing the tax burden is a valid reason to get married.

you libs have made your case that marriage does not have to involve sex, so there ya go.
the PEOPLE of california (a very blue state) voted against gay marriage twice. why were those people not allowed to decide? why was the will of the people ignored?

Nope. As rights aren't up to a vote. And same sex marriage bans violated the 14th amendment's equal protectio clause. Read up on Hollingsworth v. Perry.

Rights trump state power.

Rights were, and are, established by votes, ya dumb shit.

Really- is your partisan blindness so bad that you don't see the right denigrate and insult anyone who does not agree with their far right conservative bullshit?

Define: The -far- right.

I asked, because, in reality, thus in truth... there is no such thing as a 'far' right. And this is because one either recognizes, respects, defends and adheres to, the laws of nature governing human behavior, or one does not.

Your opinion doesn't define the 'laws of nature governing human behavior'. But merely your subjective beliefs.

Sorry, keyes....but doubling down on the Appeal to Authority fallacy doesn't magically make it something other than a fallacy.
Keys, once again, you are no more an authority on these issues than is Howdy Doody. You have your say, and that is yhe extent of it.

and your authority comes from --------------------- clarabell or Mr green jeans?
So gay marriage...

Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 states, it includes one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Denying reality doesn't change reality, Keyes. And same sex marriage is a reality.

it may be, and our society will have to live with that decision and accept the consequences of it.

Same sex sibling marriage will also become the norm. reducing the tax burden is a valid reason to get married.

you libs have made your case that marriage does not have to involve sex, so there ya go.

Same sex sibling marriage has nothing to do with with same sex marriage. As sibling marriage is illegal regardless of the court's ruling, being pristinely irrelevant to it.

If your argument against same sex marriage had merit you wouldn't have had to abandon discussion of same sex marriage and cling to your red herring.

Remember that.
Keys, once again, you are no more an authority on these issues than is Howdy Doody. You have your say, and that is yhe extent of it.
and your authority comes from --------------------- clarabell or Mr green jeans?
See, you are back to personal opinion as authority. There is no way you or Clarabell Keys is going wiggle out of this.

both sides are expressing opinions, WTF is wrong with you?
And there is no marriage in nature. ...


Reader, do you follow this whiplash laden screed, wherein the would-be 'contributor' simultaneously rejects the laws of nature, cites the laws of nature, but only as such governs the lower animals... then comes to inform you that Humanity does not exist in nature.


You can NOT make this stuff up!

Can you IMAGINE the braying of discontent had I advanced the idea that The Ideological Left rejected the reality that humanity existed in nature?


Yet, there it is... demanding precisely that, all as a means to escape the unenviable consequences of its own fatally flawed, wholly perverse reasoning.
So gay marriage...

Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman.

And in 37 states, it includes one man and one man. And one woman and one woman.

Denying reality doesn't change reality, Keyes. And same sex marriage is a reality.

it may be, and our society will have to live with that decision and accept the consequences of it.

Same sex sibling marriage will also become the norm. reducing the tax burden is a valid reason to get married.

you libs have made your case that marriage does not have to involve sex, so there ya go.

Same sex sibling marriage has nothing to do with with same sex marriage. As sibling marriage is illegal regardless of the court's ruling, being pristinely irrelevant to it.

If your argument against same sex marriage had merit you wouldn't have had to abandon discussion of same sex marriage and cling to your red herring.

Remember that.

why would you make same sex sibling marriage illegal?
And there is no marriage in nature. ...


Reader, do you follow this whiplash laden screed, wherein the would-be 'contributor' simultaneously rejects the laws of nature, cites the laws of nature, but only as such governs the lower animals... then comes to inform you that Humanity does not exist in nature.


You can NOT make this stuff up!

Can you IMAGINE the braying of discontent had I advanced the idea that The Ideological Left rejected the reality that humanity existed in nature?


Yet, there it is... demanding precisely that, all as a means to escape the unenviable consequences of its own fatally flawed, wholly perverse reasoning.

And yet despite that manic orgy of caps lock and exclamation points, there is still no marriage in nature.

Destroying your entire 'natural law' argument regarding marriage.
And yet despite that manic orgy of caps lock and exclamation points, there is still no marriage in nature.


Once again the would-be 'contributor', a Relativist, must remove humanity from nature, to have any hope of sustaining it's fatally flawed rationalization.

ROFL! Adorable...
Same sex sibling marriage has nothing to do with with same sex marriage. ...


Reader, recognize the perversion of reasoning which brought us: "National Socialism is not socialism."

... Same sex sibling marriage ...

Marriage, is the Joining of One Man ...

....and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.

Again, you can deny reality. But reality doesn't actually change. And same sex marriage is a reality in 37 of 50 States.

Get used to the idea.

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