Is gay marriage the most important issue in the USA?

jake said that unisex restrooms were ok with him. you two are so similar in your rants I get you mixed up.

Pretty much every small restaurant I go to has a 'unisex restroom'- heck we have one in our own home.

Somehow we survive that indignity.

do you go in one at a time or all together?

You seem oddly curious as to bathroom habits.

Do you have separate gender specific bathrooms at your house?

My guess is that Redfish does not. Because bathrooms in one's home, are to be used within the strict purpose of the rules of the household require; which in this instance is a home that does not recognize gender neutrality and does respect the natural distinctions, which establish the natural boundaries, regarding gender.

come on libs, remember restrooms in schools, airports, shopping centers. Do you really want them to be unisex?

Why do you ask?

You were the one who brought up restrooms.

You were the one who was horrified by the idea of taking little girls into men's restrooms- until you admitted you had done the same thing.
And yet despite that manic orgy of caps lock and exclamation points, there is still no marriage in nature.


Once again the would-be 'contributor', a Relativist, must remove humanity from nature, to have any hope of sustaining it's fatally flawed rationalization.

ROFL! Adorable...

And once again, you don't even disagree with me. There is no marriage in nature. Making a natural law of marriage an impossibility.

You're stuck, Keyes. We invented marriage. And it is whatever we say it is.
If a civil union gives you all of the rights, priviledges, and "cash and prizes" that married couples get, what is your objection?

I thought your crusade was for equal rights, but its not really is it? You want the govenment to mandate societal acceptance of your aberant lifestyle by calling your gay union a marriage.

This is not about rights with you fools, its all about the word. your hypocrisy is noted.
Why are you such an lying bitch?

Marriage is not about cash and prizes. A civil union is not a marriage. Why should government mandate that gay marriage is a civil union only?

If you want to change the thousands of laws in this country regarding marriage to state civil unions, by all means go ahead and do it. I'm not stopping you. That said, you can't deny gays the right to life, that would be against the constitution. Get over it.

cash and prizes is not my term-------it is one used by your comrades from the gay mafia every day. It is used as a justification for gay marriage.

Your words, not mine. But I am glad to see that you think it is bullshit.

LOL gay mafia- sort of like your comrades from the Christo-fascists.......

The justification for 'gay marriage' is simple- its just marriage- exactly as my wife and I are married- but between two people of the same gender.

The justification is that there is no reason to discriminate against a gay couple and deny them the exact same status as my wife and I enjoy.
This I find funny......Homosexuals are forcing their sexual choices on culture demanding that all recognize it as normal or face GOVERNMENTAL consequences. Christians are telling some homosexuals they will not be part of a ceremony they see as a sin. ...... Which one sounds more fascist? The people vote in many states to say marriage is between a man and a woman....Homosexuals demand the GOVERNMENT over turn a legal vote to again normalize their sexual choices instead of just sucking it it and trying to get it passed at a latter date.....Again which is fascist?

Christians for years not only told homosexuals that they were 'evil'- they actively passed laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- imprisoning and chemically castrating those convicted of homosexuality- passed laws denying employment to homosexuals, passed laws denying marriage to homosexuals.

Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws making it illegal to be a Christian- or illegal to worship Jesus? Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws denying jobs to Christians?

And which is Fascists- what Christians have done for decades to homosexuals- or what homosexuals are not doing to Christians?
Homosexuals are sinners. That is a fact. Whether that bugs you is your issue not Christians. Unlike Muslims Christians don't kill homosexuals. They just don't support sin. Stop acting like a child and suck it up.
Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.

That is not what SCOTUS ruled. They may rule that was next month, and then you lefties can celebrate as the weddings of gays, siblings, parent/child, begin. same sex sibling marriage will happen once SSM becomes legal. It will be done for tax reasons, not sex, and there will be no way to prevent it.

SCOTUS previous rulings said that all american citizens have the rights under the 14th amendment to equal treatment, they did not mention gay marriage in that decision. Yes, it was implied but not specifically mentioned.

If you get the ruling you want in June will you STFU about this? I will accept that ruling even thought I think it will damage our society and that such issues should be decided by the people not judges.

The country is moving left socially, you may think that is good, I don't. Time will tell who is right.
So you are saying the way to stop incest is by restricting the rights of gays. ROFL

thats what you fools are saying----------that allowing gay marriage will not promote sibling marriage, but it will.
Let me get this straight. Only 2 percent of potential sibling couples are gay... 98 percent of all potential sibling couples are heterosexual. Heterosexual couples have been allowed to get married. Now gays will be allowed to get married. If the 98 percent of marriages that are heterosexual did not lead to incest, why is the 2 percent of marriages that are same sex going to lead to incest?
Why are you such an lying bitch?

Marriage is not about cash and prizes. A civil union is not a marriage. Why should government mandate that gay marriage is a civil union only?

If you want to change the thousands of laws in this country regarding marriage to state civil unions, by all means go ahead and do it. I'm not stopping you. That said, you can't deny gays the right to life, that would be against the constitution. Get over it.

cash and prizes is not my term-------it is one used by your comrades from the gay mafia every day. It is used as a justification for gay marriage.

Your words, not mine. But I am glad to see that you think it is bullshit.

LOL gay mafia- sort of like your comrades from the Christo-fascists.......

The justification for 'gay marriage' is simple- its just marriage- exactly as my wife and I are married- but between two people of the same gender.

The justification is that there is no reason to discriminate against a gay couple and deny them the exact same status as my wife and I enjoy.
This I find funny......Homosexuals are forcing their sexual choices on culture demanding that all recognize it as normal or face GOVERNMENTAL consequences. Christians are telling some homosexuals they will not be part of a ceremony they see as a sin. ...... Which one sounds more fascist? The people vote in many states to say marriage is between a man and a woman....Homosexuals demand the GOVERNMENT over turn a legal vote to again normalize their sexual choices instead of just sucking it it and trying to get it passed at a latter date.....Again which is fascist?

Christians for years not only told homosexuals that they were 'evil'- they actively passed laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- imprisoning and chemically castrating those convicted of homosexuality- passed laws denying employment to homosexuals, passed laws denying marriage to homosexuals.

Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws making it illegal to be a Christian- or illegal to worship Jesus? Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws denying jobs to Christians?

And which is Fascists- what Christians have done for decades to homosexuals- or what homosexuals are not doing to Christians?
Homosexuals are sinners. That is a fact. Whether that bugs you is your issue not Christians. Unlike Muslims Christians don't kill homosexuals. They just don't support sin. Stop acting like a child and suck it up.
ROFL Who made you god?
Same sex sibling marriage has nothing to do with with same sex marriage. ...


Reader, recognize the perversion of reasoning which brought us: "National Socialism is not socialism."

... Same sex sibling marriage ...

Marriage, is the Joining of One Man and One Woman...

....and one man. Or one woman and one woman. Or one man and one woman.


You see, Nature defines Marriage through its design of the human species. Wherein Nature designed the human physiology with two distinct, but complimenting genders; with each respectively designed to join with the other.

In this we know the purpose of the genders, thus the purpose for the legal joining of two individuals, one male, one female, in legal terms, so as to provide the highest of probabilities that the offspring intrinsic to such, will be well rounded, sound and capable of repeating the process, thus assuring the viability of the species.

It is through the obtuse deceit intrinsic to your perverse reasoning, that we can know that your would-be 'design', will assure inviability for the species.

But to be perfectly honest,
there are no notions which have been cultivated by Relativism, which have not resulted in chaos, calamity and catastrophe... thus assuring us, that Relativism is... the means by which evil is advanced.

Of course you're invited to offer some examples of what you feel Relativism; which is to say subjectivism of every stripe: from Left-think on the whole to it's countless facets among which are 'liberalism, progressivism, socialism, communism... etc..., has grown, which has not lead to individual and collective disaster.
Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.

And there is no COMPELLING state interest in denying gays or for that matter straight same sex couples the rights and benefits of marriage. Actually I've been chatting with a few others on this board and they can't find a compelling state interest in denying those rights to same sex siblings, rather straight or gay, or opposite sex siblings when one or the other can't procreate. Strange. Isn't it?
Nope, because as you have been shown up, your argument fails.

Funny, cuz my arguments are those used by same sex marriage proponents.

Ya know what that means, right?

Who's side are you on anyway?
Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.

And there is no COMPELLING state interest in denying gays or for that matter straight same sex couples the rights and benefits of marriage. Actually I've been chatting with a few others on this board and they can't find a compelling state interest in denying those rights to same sex siblings, rather straight or gay, or opposite sex siblings when one or the other can't procreate. Strange. Isn't it?
Nope, because as you have been shown up, your argument fails.

Funny, cuz my arguments are those used by same sex marriage proponents.

Ya know what that means, right?

Who's side are you on anyway?
No. Incest is not the same as gay marriage.
Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.

And there is no COMPELLING state interest in denying gays or for that matter straight same sex couples the rights and benefits of marriage. Actually I've been chatting with a few others on this board and they can't find a compelling state interest in denying those rights to same sex siblings, rather straight or gay, or opposite sex siblings when one or the other can't procreate. Strange. Isn't it?
Nope, because as you have been shown up, your argument fails.

Funny, cuz my arguments are those used by same sex marriage proponents.

Ya know what that means, right?

Who's side are you on anyway?
No. Incest is not the same as gay marriage.

What's incest? Two people not having sex?

What are you, 106?
cash and prizes is not my term-------it is one used by your comrades from the gay mafia every day. It is used as a justification for gay marriage.

Your words, not mine. But I am glad to see that you think it is bullshit.

LOL gay mafia- sort of like your comrades from the Christo-fascists.......

The justification for 'gay marriage' is simple- its just marriage- exactly as my wife and I are married- but between two people of the same gender.

The justification is that there is no reason to discriminate against a gay couple and deny them the exact same status as my wife and I enjoy.
This I find funny......Homosexuals are forcing their sexual choices on culture demanding that all recognize it as normal or face GOVERNMENTAL consequences. Christians are telling some homosexuals they will not be part of a ceremony they see as a sin. ...... Which one sounds more fascist? The people vote in many states to say marriage is between a man and a woman....Homosexuals demand the GOVERNMENT over turn a legal vote to again normalize their sexual choices instead of just sucking it it and trying to get it passed at a latter date.....Again which is fascist?

Christians for years not only told homosexuals that they were 'evil'- they actively passed laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- imprisoning and chemically castrating those convicted of homosexuality- passed laws denying employment to homosexuals, passed laws denying marriage to homosexuals.

Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws making it illegal to be a Christian- or illegal to worship Jesus? Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws denying jobs to Christians?

And which is Fascists- what Christians have done for decades to homosexuals- or what homosexuals are not doing to Christians?
Homosexuals are sinners. That is a fact. Whether that bugs you is your issue not Christians. Unlike Muslims Christians don't kill homosexuals. They just don't support sin. Stop acting like a child and suck it up.
ROFL Who made you god?
Maybe you should read the word of God instead of sucking penis and you might learn something
Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.

And there is no COMPELLING state interest in denying gays or for that matter straight same sex couples the rights and benefits of marriage. Actually I've been chatting with a few others on this board and they can't find a compelling state interest in denying those rights to same sex siblings, rather straight or gay, or opposite sex siblings when one or the other can't procreate. Strange. Isn't it?
Nope, because as you have been shown up, your argument fails.

Funny, cuz my arguments are those used by same sex marriage proponents.

Ya know what that means, right?

Who's side are you on anyway?
No. Incest is not the same as gay marriage.
They are both perverse and sins against nature.
And yet despite that manic orgy of caps lock and exclamation points, there is still no marriage in nature.


Once again the would-be 'contributor', a Relativist, must remove humanity from nature, to have any hope of sustaining it's fatally flawed rationalization.

ROFL! Adorable...

And once again, you don't even disagree with me. There is no marriage in nature.


Reader, do you see how easy this is?

The would-be 'contributor' NEEDS to maintain its addled 'belief' that humanity does NOT EXIST: IN NATURE!

LOL! This drivel rests upon the same intellectual ground as 'WeeCatcher' recently advised us... "2+2 does not always equal 4".

Proving once again that the key to defeating Leftists in debate, rests in two fundamental elements:

1- Find a leftist.

2- Get them to speak.
Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.

And there is no COMPELLING state interest in denying gays or for that matter straight same sex couples the rights and benefits of marriage. Actually I've been chatting with a few others on this board and they can't find a compelling state interest in denying those rights to same sex siblings, rather straight or gay, or opposite sex siblings when one or the other can't procreate. Strange. Isn't it?
Nope, because as you have been shown up, your argument fails.

Funny, cuz my arguments are those used by same sex marriage proponents.

Ya know what that means, right?

Who's side are you on anyway?
No. Incest is not the same as gay marriage.

What's incest? Two people not having sex?

What are you, 106?
You don't know what incest is?


Incest: sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry. (Websters)

Here's the "legal" definition:
Laws vary by state, but generally, a person commits incest if he marries or engages in sexual intercourse with a person he knows to be, either legitimately or illegitimately: His ancestor or descendant by blood or adoption; or His brother or sister of the whole or half-blood or by adoption; or His stepchild or stepparent, while the marriage creating the relationship exists; or His aunt, uncle, nephew or niece of the whole or half-blood. In some states incest also includes copulation or cohabitation between first cousins, but the majority of jurisdictions permit marriage between such cousins. Incest is a crime in all states, even if consensual by both parties. However, it is often related to sexual abuse since usually the younger person is a victim of the predatory sexual activities of an older relative. Statutes generally do not require the perpetrator to be a certain number of years older than the victim. Victims of incest and sexual abuse are strongly encouraged to talk to an adult they trust to protect themselves and others from further abuse and take advantage of the many resources available to help them heal. (Incest Law Legal Definition
Redfish is melting.

SCOTUS, as Redfish well knows, says marriage is a constitutional right. What Redfish believes is for Redfish only.

And there is no COMPELLING state interest in denying gays or for that matter straight same sex couples the rights and benefits of marriage. Actually I've been chatting with a few others on this board and they can't find a compelling state interest in denying those rights to same sex siblings, rather straight or gay, or opposite sex siblings when one or the other can't procreate. Strange. Isn't it?
Nope, because as you have been shown up, your argument fails.

Funny, cuz my arguments are those used by same sex marriage proponents.

Ya know what that means, right?

Who's side are you on anyway?
No. Incest is not the same as gay marriage.
They are both perverse and sins against nature.
Who's this nature person?
And there is no COMPELLING state interest in denying gays or for that matter straight same sex couples the rights and benefits of marriage. Actually I've been chatting with a few others on this board and they can't find a compelling state interest in denying those rights to same sex siblings, rather straight or gay, or opposite sex siblings when one or the other can't procreate. Strange. Isn't it?
Nope, because as you have been shown up, your argument fails.

Funny, cuz my arguments are those used by same sex marriage proponents.

Ya know what that means, right?

Who's side are you on anyway?
No. Incest is not the same as gay marriage.
They are both perverse and sins against nature.
Who's this nature person?
You think you're clever. You are not .
LOL gay mafia- sort of like your comrades from the Christo-fascists.......

The justification for 'gay marriage' is simple- its just marriage- exactly as my wife and I are married- but between two people of the same gender.

The justification is that there is no reason to discriminate against a gay couple and deny them the exact same status as my wife and I enjoy.
This I find funny......Homosexuals are forcing their sexual choices on culture demanding that all recognize it as normal or face GOVERNMENTAL consequences. Christians are telling some homosexuals they will not be part of a ceremony they see as a sin. ...... Which one sounds more fascist? The people vote in many states to say marriage is between a man and a woman....Homosexuals demand the GOVERNMENT over turn a legal vote to again normalize their sexual choices instead of just sucking it it and trying to get it passed at a latter date.....Again which is fascist?

Christians for years not only told homosexuals that they were 'evil'- they actively passed laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- imprisoning and chemically castrating those convicted of homosexuality- passed laws denying employment to homosexuals, passed laws denying marriage to homosexuals.

Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws making it illegal to be a Christian- or illegal to worship Jesus? Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws denying jobs to Christians?

And which is Fascists- what Christians have done for decades to homosexuals- or what homosexuals are not doing to Christians?
Homosexuals are sinners. That is a fact. Whether that bugs you is your issue not Christians. Unlike Muslims Christians don't kill homosexuals. They just don't support sin. Stop acting like a child and suck it up.
ROFL Who made you god?
Maybe you should read the word of God instead of sucking penis and you might learn something
I'm a heterosexual christian. I've read the bible many times over.
Nope, because as you have been shown up, your argument fails.

Funny, cuz my arguments are those used by same sex marriage proponents.

Ya know what that means, right?

Who's side are you on anyway?
No. Incest is not the same as gay marriage.
They are both perverse and sins against nature.
Who's this nature person?
You think you're clever. You are not .
Yes, I am. I have an IQ that would give you a nose bleed if you could only fathom it.
LOL gay mafia- sort of like your comrades from the Christo-fascists.......

The justification for 'gay marriage' is simple- its just marriage- exactly as my wife and I are married- but between two people of the same gender.

The justification is that there is no reason to discriminate against a gay couple and deny them the exact same status as my wife and I enjoy.
This I find funny......Homosexuals are forcing their sexual choices on culture demanding that all recognize it as normal or face GOVERNMENTAL consequences. Christians are telling some homosexuals they will not be part of a ceremony they see as a sin. ...... Which one sounds more fascist? The people vote in many states to say marriage is between a man and a woman....Homosexuals demand the GOVERNMENT over turn a legal vote to again normalize their sexual choices instead of just sucking it it and trying to get it passed at a latter date.....Again which is fascist?

Christians for years not only told homosexuals that they were 'evil'- they actively passed laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- imprisoning and chemically castrating those convicted of homosexuality- passed laws denying employment to homosexuals, passed laws denying marriage to homosexuals.

Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws making it illegal to be a Christian- or illegal to worship Jesus? Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws denying jobs to Christians?

And which is Fascists- what Christians have done for decades to homosexuals- or what homosexuals are not doing to Christians?
Homosexuals are sinners. That is a fact. Whether that bugs you is your issue not Christians. Unlike Muslims Christians don't kill homosexuals. They just don't support sin. Stop acting like a child and suck it up.
ROFL Who made you god?
Maybe you should read the word of God instead of sucking penis and you might learn something

Friend, it would serve no purpose for these creatures to read the word of God, as they do not possess the spirit which is essential to seeing truth.
This I find funny......Homosexuals are forcing their sexual choices on culture demanding that all recognize it as normal or face GOVERNMENTAL consequences. Christians are telling some homosexuals they will not be part of a ceremony they see as a sin. ...... Which one sounds more fascist? The people vote in many states to say marriage is between a man and a woman....Homosexuals demand the GOVERNMENT over turn a legal vote to again normalize their sexual choices instead of just sucking it it and trying to get it passed at a latter date.....Again which is fascist?

Christians for years not only told homosexuals that they were 'evil'- they actively passed laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- imprisoning and chemically castrating those convicted of homosexuality- passed laws denying employment to homosexuals, passed laws denying marriage to homosexuals.

Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws making it illegal to be a Christian- or illegal to worship Jesus? Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws denying jobs to Christians?

And which is Fascists- what Christians have done for decades to homosexuals- or what homosexuals are not doing to Christians?
Homosexuals are sinners. That is a fact. Whether that bugs you is your issue not Christians. Unlike Muslims Christians don't kill homosexuals. They just don't support sin. Stop acting like a child and suck it up.
ROFL Who made you god?
Maybe you should read the word of God instead of sucking penis and you might learn something
I'm a heterosexual christian. I've read the bible many times over.
Obviously you didn't comprehend it
Christians for years not only told homosexuals that they were 'evil'- they actively passed laws making it illegal to be homosexuals- imprisoning and chemically castrating those convicted of homosexuality- passed laws denying employment to homosexuals, passed laws denying marriage to homosexuals.

Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws making it illegal to be a Christian- or illegal to worship Jesus? Where are the homosexuals trying to pass laws denying jobs to Christians?

And which is Fascists- what Christians have done for decades to homosexuals- or what homosexuals are not doing to Christians?
Homosexuals are sinners. That is a fact. Whether that bugs you is your issue not Christians. Unlike Muslims Christians don't kill homosexuals. They just don't support sin. Stop acting like a child and suck it up.
ROFL Who made you god?
Maybe you should read the word of God instead of sucking penis and you might learn something
I'm a heterosexual christian. I've read the bible many times over.
Obviously you didn't comprehend it
Sure I did.

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