Is Growing Inequality Caused By Liberal Public Policies?

I think yes! Because all these social conflicts are always fueled by libs.
They're trying to protect their voters (all minorities, including blacks and homosexuals) but by their actions they discriminate other part of society!
Why not end our Drug War to lower our tax burden and increase social spending, Person on the Right?

So you want to legalize all drugs? would you make druggies pay for them or give them out free?
well, we do have a Commerce Clause and we could be generating revenue merely to Use capitalism for all of its worth.

So, lets see now, you want the evil capitalists to control drugs and make obscene profits from them and then you want the govt to add taxes to the price of drugs. But, how will the druggies afford their habits?

You must like big corporations and their evil CEOs.

Why not just make them free to everyone and start kids on them in the 3rd grade so they can destroy their bodies by age 12?
sorry; i didn't realize Capitalism was Useless to the Right. it should be much better to be able to reduce uncertainty in our markets with an FDA label on any drugs.

You mean like cigarettes and beer? Do Budweiser and the tobacco companies make a profit?

capitalism is the only system that has ever worked, the question is whether legalized drugs are good or bad for a society.
What caused the inequality

1. Supply Side Economics
2. Union busting
3 Declining middle class benefits for healthcare, retirement
4. Decreased enforcement of labor laws
5 Shipping jobs overseas
All of those things were in place before Obama took office. Yet inequality is worse, not better, since he took over. How do you explain that>?
Let's see...

All those things were in place before Obama took office
Obama has been blocked from changing things
Inequality has gotten worse

Thanks Rabbi, guess you are right

Obama and The Democrats had everything in their favor from 2007-2015.....especially from 2009-2011 when they had the White House, Senate, and The House. Plus, Obama as used excessively the Executive Orders. He has not been blocked.

Did The Democrats Ever Really Have 60 Votes In The Senate And For How Long

This is what smart people do. If they make a statement, they back it up with facts. Stupid people simply make a statement backed by nothing. Sure am glad I'm smart.
Why not end our Drug War to lower our tax burden and increase social spending, Person on the Right?

So you want to legalize all drugs? would you make druggies pay for them or give them out free?
well, we do have a Commerce Clause and we could be generating revenue merely to Use capitalism for all of its worth.

So, lets see now, you want the evil capitalists to control drugs and make obscene profits from them and then you want the govt to add taxes to the price of drugs. But, how will the druggies afford their habits?

You must like big corporations and their evil CEOs.

Why not just make them free to everyone and start kids on them in the 3rd grade so they can destroy their bodies by age 12?
sorry; i didn't realize Capitalism was Useless to the Right. it should be much better to be able to reduce uncertainty in our markets with an FDA label on any drugs.

You mean like cigarettes and beer? Do Budweiser and the tobacco companies make a profit?

capitalism is the only system that has ever worked, the question is whether legalized drugs are good or bad for a society.
Yes, something like that.
A janitor is willing to work hard, but they will never get rich. Willing to work will not make it in the US. Having opportunity to move up does.

That's why evil liberal policies like education credits (or free education) and universal healthcare give people the opportunity to be successful. They don't have to worry about crippling debt that holds people back from being successful. Liberal policies actually give a shit about people's success.

Yet, things are getting worse even though these policies have been in place for a long time.

That's because things aren't changing where they need to be and that is in peoples' attitudes.

Yes, getting an education is key, yet the drop out rate is still too high. If young people drop out of high school and do stupid things that break the law, a janitor job is the best they can hope for.

Middle class children don't qualify for help with school and the children end up paying student loans for years. Once a person graduates from college, they are equal with other college graduates and all should bear responsibility for their loans. Many of the students offered free rides ended up quitting school. Finances weren't a factor, something else made them give up. It's attitude. Where does that attitude come from?
Fewer kids drop out than ever before and nobody flunks out anymore. The schools are desperate for tuition money. I know of colleges where the instructors are told that if a kid fails, it's the teacher's fault and the teacher had better work with that student and make sure they all pass.
Fewer kids drop out than ever before and nobody flunks out anymore. The schools are desperate for tuition money. I know of colleges where the instructors are told that if a kid fails, it's the teacher's fault and the teacher had better work with that student and make sure they all pass.
If they still flunked people back a grade, the schools would be 90% Republican.

We have had our science institutions science the 19th century, infrastructure investment since the 19th century and been educating our youth like forever...They never use to do what you fuckers are saying.

Do you want to know what is the cause of it???
1. The rich are pulling us back to the 19th century and all the reforms of the early 20th century is being rolled back. This has allowed these bastards to become extremely wealthy on the backs of the workers. Guess who's the middle class and why it is becoming smaller. Look at the stoke market before you scream about the health of our 1%.

2. The rich have outsourced our entire industries, so they can use slave labor in southern Asia. SO much for America. America has been fucked by the 1% and yet you want more tax breaks for them? lol

3. We have raised a couple of generations of ever lazier assholes that have no discipline to improve themselves. The black community won't do a damn thing to improve their lot but blame!

During the 50's and 60's this equality was much smaller. Guess, what, we invested a shit ton in our infrastructure, science and r&d programs. America lead the ffin world in infrastructure, science and education! Yes, we were number one! We're not going to get their again by cutting and gutting what we have left.
What caused the inequality

1. Supply Side Economics
2. Union busting
3 Declining middle class benefits for healthcare, retirement
4. Decreased enforcement of labor laws
5 Shipping jobs overseas
All of those things were in place before Obama took office. Yet inequality is worse, not better, since he took over. How do you explain that>?
Let's see...

All those things were in place before Obama took office
Obama has been blocked from changing things
Inequality has gotten worse

Thanks Rabbi, guess you are right

Obama and The Democrats had everything in their favor from 2007-2015.....especially from 2009-2011 when they had the White House, Senate, and The House. Plus, Obama as used excessively the Executive Orders. He has not been blocked.

Did The Democrats Ever Really Have 60 Votes In The Senate And For How Long

This is what smart people do. If they make a statement, they back it up with facts. Stupid people simply make a statement backed by nothing. Sure am glad I'm smart.

If you people cannot win with control of the White House, The Senate, The House, and The Media, how much more power do you need, smart guy?
Fewer kids drop out than ever before and nobody flunks out anymore. The schools are desperate for tuition money. I know of colleges where the instructors are told that if a kid fails, it's the teacher's fault and the teacher had better work with that student and make sure they all pass.

This is biting our nation in the ass as we fall further down the list of nations in education. One day we won't even be within the top 30 at this rate. A top educational system is based on standards and hard work. Not handing it to you...
What caused the inequality

1. Supply Side Economics
2. Union busting
3 Declining middle class benefits for healthcare, retirement
4. Decreased enforcement of labor laws
5 Shipping jobs overseas
All of those things were in place before Obama took office. Yet inequality is worse, not better, since he took over. How do you explain that>?
Let's see...

All those things were in place before Obama took office
Obama has been blocked from changing things
Inequality has gotten worse

Thanks Rabbi, guess you are right

Obama and The Democrats had everything in their favor from 2007-2015.....especially from 2009-2011 when they had the White House, Senate, and The House. Plus, Obama as used excessively the Executive Orders. He has not been blocked.

Did The Democrats Ever Really Have 60 Votes In The Senate And For How Long

This is what smart people do. If they make a statement, they back it up with facts. Stupid people simply make a statement backed by nothing. Sure am glad I'm smart.

If you people cannot win with control of the White House, The Senate, The House, and The Media, how much more power do you need, smart guy?

It isn't like you republicans have any plan besides cut, slash and burn and granting the rich more tax breaks! Weird how things didn't start sliding down hill until Nixion opened trade with China and Reagan sweet tax breaks. After those breaks the global corporations want crazy, but the little guy was completely fucked. Both of these events caused the inequality!
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.
Have you ever heard of a concept that compares exceptions to rules? If all it takes is hard work, there are millions of fa,ilies working their collective asses off. What you cite are the exceptions, those blessed with great talents.

The notion that Liberalism created inequality is bunk. And the statement that
Liberalism has failed each time it's been tried is bunk on steroids.

This whole proposition screams 'blame the victims!
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.
Have you ever heard of a concept that compares exceptions to rules? If all it takes is hard work, there are millions of fa,ilies working their collective asses off. What you cite are the exceptions, those blessed with great talents.

The notion that Liberalism created inequality is bunk. And the statement that
Liberalism has failed each time it's been tried is bunk on steroids.

This whole proposition screams 'blame the victims!

We became the most powerful country on earth because we invested in infrastructure, science, r&d and education throughout the first 70 years of the 20th century. Reagan came around in told us..."Well, we can't invest in shit"! Blame thousands of years of growing the economy of great nations based on investment into your own country.
bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.

Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

Carson grew up in abject poverty with no father. Cain made it on his own, Gates invented something that the entire world wanted, so did Jobs, the entertainers and athletes did it by skill, talent, and hard work.

The ones who inherited wealth, increased their wealth by working. They created jobs and tax paying american workers.

The point is that american remains the best place to come from nothing and become something.
Not anymore. Student loan debt is the biggest obstacle at this moment to moving into the middle class. Only liberals want to fix that but the bankers and their republican partners have no interest.

why do liberal institutions charge so much for school? I thought they cared about young people?
All of those things were in place before Obama took office. Yet inequality is worse, not better, since he took over. How do you explain that>?
Let's see...

All those things were in place before Obama took office
Obama has been blocked from changing things
Inequality has gotten worse

Thanks Rabbi, guess you are right

Obama and The Democrats had everything in their favor from 2007-2015.....especially from 2009-2011 when they had the White House, Senate, and The House. Plus, Obama as used excessively the Executive Orders. He has not been blocked.

Did The Democrats Ever Really Have 60 Votes In The Senate And For How Long

This is what smart people do. If they make a statement, they back it up with facts. Stupid people simply make a statement backed by nothing. Sure am glad I'm smart.

If you people cannot win with control of the White House, The Senate, The House, and The Media, how much more power do you need, smart guy?

It isn't like you republicans have any plan besides cut, slash and burn and granting the rich more tax breaks! Weird how things didn't start sliding down hill until Nixion opened trade with China and Reagan sweet tax breaks. After those breaks the global corporations want crazy, but the little guy was completely fucked. Both of these events caused the inequality!

Democrats held all the cards and could not do anything. If what they were doing worked, The Hill would still be theirs.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.
Have you ever heard of a concept that compares exceptions to rules? If all it takes is hard work, there are millions of fa,ilies working their collective asses off. What you cite are the exceptions, those blessed with great talents.

The notion that Liberalism created inequality is bunk. And the statement that
Liberalism has failed each time it's been tried is bunk on steroids.

This whole proposition screams 'blame the victims!

We became the most powerful country on earth because we invested in infrastructure, science, r&d and education throughout the first 70 years of the 20th century. Reagan came around in told us..."Well, we can't invest in shit"! Blame thousands of years of growing the economy of great nations based on investment into your own country.

poor matt, he doesn't understand that "investment" means government spending, and government spending requires taxation increases.

Do you pay taxes Matt? would you like to pay twice as much?
Sacrificing the End of our War on Poverty to our War on Drugs is one Institutional Cause of Inequality, not liberals.
A thought provoking story. The following sentence gets to the crux of the problem;

In order to do well in the world, young children—no matter how bright, no matter how capable—must learn essential skills. There are three places to learn them: at home, in school and on the job

A lot of youths are no longer able to get summer jobs where they learn needed skills. Schools fail to prepare students for the real world. And, single parent homes leave children with lack of guidance urging them to improve their lives.

But we hear the mantra of Economic Equality and demands to “do something about it.” So, just what are we expected to do? Continue the very policies that got us to this point?

Read the piece @ Is Growing Inequality Caused By Liberal Public Policies - Forbes
This is what liberal professors are teaching: University of California visual arts class requires students to be naked for final exam

"A UNIVERSITY professor is requiring his students to be naked as part of their final exam for an advanced visual arts class — or fail."

What a creepy pervert this guy is, wow.
Never any blame for the people who have all the economic power in this country? Wake up to the fact that we live in a plutocracy and the government does the bidding of the wealthy and connected. Opportunity is dead, economic mobility is dead, the American dream itself is dead and the billionaires and Wall Street killed it.

bullshit. Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Beyonce, A Rod, Tom Brady, Drew Brees, Katie Couric, George Soros, the Koch brothers, Imelt, Trump.

anyone willing to work can make it in the USA, you losers and leeeches make me sick.
Have you ever heard of a concept that compares exceptions to rules? If all it takes is hard work, there are millions of fa,ilies working their collective asses off. What you cite are the exceptions, those blessed with great talents.

The notion that Liberalism created inequality is bunk. And the statement that
Liberalism has failed each time it's been tried is bunk on steroids.

This whole proposition screams 'blame the victims!

We became the most powerful country on earth because we invested in infrastructure, science, r&d and education throughout the first 70 years of the 20th century. Reagan came around in told us..."Well, we can't invest in shit"! Blame thousands of years of growing the economy of great nations based on investment into your own country.

poor matt, he doesn't understand that "investment" means government spending, and government spending requires taxation increases.

Do you pay taxes Matt? would you like to pay twice as much?
Would you eliminate government spending on infrastructure? Roads, airports, sewer and water systems just aren't that important to you? What about the space program? Did it benefit our economy, or was it tax payer money wasted?
Uh, several of your bright shining examples inherited their wealth.

Yes, so what? They used what they inherited to start businesses, create jobs, pay taxes---------how awful.
Success is much easier when you start on the finish line.

Carson grew up in abject poverty with no father. Cain made it on his own, Gates invented something that the entire world wanted, so did Jobs, the entertainers and athletes did it by skill, talent, and hard work.

The ones who inherited wealth, increased their wealth by working. They created jobs and tax paying american workers.

The point is that american remains the best place to come from nothing and become something.
Not anymore. Student loan debt is the biggest obstacle at this moment to moving into the middle class. Only liberals want to fix that but the bankers and their republican partners have no interest.

Really? There's a movement on the left to curtail administrators in higher ed?

Where Universities Can Be Cut InsideHigherEd

More on what the 'real' factors on on the costs:


Even more strikingly, an analysis by a professor at California Polytechnic University, Pomona, found that, while the total number of full-time faculty members in the C.S.U. system grew from 11,614 to 12,019 between 1975 and 2008, the total number of administrators grew from 3,800 to 12,183 — a 221 percent increase.

The rapid increase in college enrollment can be defended by intellectually respectable arguments. Even the explosion in administrative personnel is, at least in theory, defensible. On the other hand, there are no valid arguments to support the recent trend toward seven-figure salaries for high-ranking university administrators, unless one considers evidence-free assertions about “the market” to be intellectually rigorous.

What cannot be defended, however, is the claim that tuition has risen because public funding for higher education has been cut. Despite its ubiquity, this claim flies directly in the face of the facts.

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