Is Healthcare a Right? Obama Says "Yes!"

Rightwinger and many just like him, believe they have a right to someone elses property and service.
Again, dullard, you've missed the point entirely.

Does it have anything to do with Libertarians screaming.....I got mine, the hell with you?

Obfuscation. A typical tactic of the lying, cheating, stealing and murdering progressive mentality.

Actually, it is the official motto of Libertarians everywhere....I got mine, fuck the rest of you

Nowhere is it more evident than their hatred of healthcare
OK, troll. Trololololllolllolllollolll

Troll away. It's all you're good at. You certainly do not have the intellectual prowess to engage in real debate here. Just like most LOLberal morons that frequently troll around the USMB.
Is Healthcare a Right? Obama Says "Yes!"

And of course, again he's wrong. It cannot be a right, when it is mandated, fined if you don't get it and jailed if you don't pay the fine. The last time I read the Bill of Rights, they just don't work that way.

But this is what our leader said in the White House September 26, 2013.

The White House ✔ @WhiteHouse Follow
President Obama: "In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for a fortunate few—it is a right." #Obamacare
9:57 AM - 26 Sep 2013

So, liberals, defend your leader, or tell me he was having yet another bad day. What do you think?

Nothing that requires someone else to give you anything is a right.

Give us an example
Is Healthcare a Right? Obama Says "Yes!"

And of course, again he's wrong. It cannot be a right, when it is mandated, fined if you don't get it and jailed if you don't pay the fine. The last time I read the Bill of Rights, they just don't work that way.

But this is what our leader said in the White House September 26, 2013.

The White House ✔ @WhiteHouse Follow
President Obama: "In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for a fortunate few—it is a right." #Obamacare
9:57 AM - 26 Sep 2013

So, liberals, defend your leader, or tell me he was having yet another bad day. What do you think?

Nothing that requires someone else to give you anything is a right.

Give us an example

Medical services.
Does it have anything to do with Libertarians screaming.....I got mine, the hell with you?

Obfuscation. A typical tactic of the lying, cheating, stealing and murdering progressive mentality.

Actually, it is the official motto of Libertarians everywhere....I got mine, fuck the rest of you

Nowhere is it more evident than their hatred of healthcare

Affordable Care Act is about government control

July 08, 2012 12:00 am • By Doug Ross,

The Affordable Care Act consists primarily of taking away many of our liberties by advocating health care for the less fortunate.

The government does not possess the authority to require an individual to purchase health insurance, so why try trick the uniformed into thinking the government knows what is best for them?

The Affordable Care Act is about government control over a large market and the welfare of those people. As more companies drop their health insurance plans, those individuals will be required to join a government-controlled health plan and be subservient to that ideology.

This is just what the socialistic president wants — more people dependent on government and therefore more control over those individual lives. Again, just smoke and mirrors. Watch this hand while I steal your liberties.

— Jack Jaros, Whiting

Affordable Care Act is about government control
We spend more money on healthcare than any other first world nation by a wide margin.

This idea that "Medicare for all" would be impossible because there isn't enough money spent on healthcare today is obvious nonsense.

Also, it's nonsense to suggest that we need to integrate the horrible BS we foist on our veterans. What we do there is an embarrassment.

And, your various other posits are baseless nonsense.

It depends what is counted.
Of course we spend more money, than nations who cut off patients form dialysis after they are 75, we also spend much more than nations which deny joint replacements after certain age, we spend an enormously higher amount of money on surgically treating broken hips in people who are in nursing homes and have Alzheimer's, we spend unbelievable amount of money providing second and even a third liver transplants to the patients with hep C and alcoholism, we throw the money out the window providing lung transplants for the 10 yo ( through court order) where the medical science knows and warns against transplant of adult lungs to a child and anywhere else in the world a pair of good lungs won't be wasted in such a way; we also spend a gigantic amount of money on state-of-the-art oncology treatments ( where the rest of the world is satisfied with a mediocre results).

yes, all of the above ( and much more) makes our healthcare the most expensive in the world. It also makes it THE BEST.

Would you like to go to the standards of the medical care of those countries which cut off the dialysis at 75, which don't consider TKA to be necessary at 80 or who do not allow liver transplants in a hep C or alcoholic patient?
WHO rates us as 65th on the list of nations ranked by health care distribution. We have a LOT of people who simply don't get health care.

Also, other nations (all of whom are single payer) have competitive health care stats in key areas such as longevity. They also have lower abortion rates even when they don't have laws against abortion as strict as ours. I would contend that a factor in this is that women in other countries can be fully confident that they will have the health care they need for themselves and their babies - something that young American women not financially established can not be sure of.

I just don't see your comparison as being a significant argument against single payer systems.

gosh, you are THICK.
WHO and stats :lol:

you know how the stats are composed, right.
Or, you, most likely do not.
Should I remind you Mark Twain or you are educated enough to know it?

The lower abortion rates in Europe are simply because in the vast majority of the world the abortion on demand is limited at 12 weeks and in some cases restricted even before that.

If something is criminal - it is not going to be performed legally - so it does not add to the statistics.

The highest abortion rates in this country are in the blue leftard states where medicaid rolls are overblown and the "poor" already have all the needed comparable care.
So your "argument" is futile - availability of care does not decrease the abortion rate.
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Medical services.

What are you giving up?

Labor, skills and supplies.

Are you truly this fuckin' dumb, or just trolling the part?

Dont answer that. It's rhetorical.

How have your labor, skills or supplies gone for Medical Services?

Answer is......they haven't.

As a libertarian, you are only concerned with what is yours. The idea that others may receive is repulsive. But that is why Libertarians have never run any country...they do not get along with others
What are you giving up?

Labor, skills and supplies.

Are you truly this fuckin' dumb, or just trolling the part?

Dont answer that. It's rhetorical.

How have your labor, skills or supplies gone for Medical Services?

Answer is......they haven't.

As a libertarian, you are only concerned with what is yours. The idea that others may receive is repulsive. But that is why Libertarians have never run any country...they do not get along with others

Others receiving is awesome! We endorse it whole-heartedly. You know better...
Labor, skills and supplies.

Are you truly this fuckin' dumb, or just trolling the part?

Dont answer that. It's rhetorical.

How have your labor, skills or supplies gone for Medical Services?

Answer is......they haven't.

As a libertarian, you are only concerned with what is yours. The idea that others may receive is repulsive. But that is why Libertarians have never run any country...they do not get along with others

Others receiving is awesome! We endorse it whole-heartedly. You know better...

No. RW doesn't know better. That's the problem.....:thup:
Is Healthcare a Right? Obama Says "Yes!"

And of course, again he's wrong. It cannot be a right, when it is mandated, fined if you don't get it and jailed if you don't pay the fine. The last time I read the Bill of Rights, they just don't work that way.

But this is what our leader said in the White House September 26, 2013.

The White House ✔ @WhiteHouse Follow
President Obama: "In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for a fortunate few—it is a right." #Obamacare
9:57 AM - 26 Sep 2013

So, liberals, defend your leader, or tell me he was having yet another bad day. What do you think?

Nothing that requires someone else to give you anything is a right.

Give us an example

If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.
What are you giving up?

Labor, skills and supplies.

Are you truly this fuckin' dumb, or just trolling the part?

Dont answer that. It's rhetorical.

How have your labor, skills or supplies gone for Medical Services?

Answer is......they haven't.

As a libertarian, you are only concerned with what is yours. The idea that others may receive is repulsive. But that is why Libertarians have never run any country...they do not get along with others

No one is saying that others cannot have what I do, give it to him...the question here is, is it a right? No. Maybe an entitlement if you want it to be, but not a right. Rights cannot be bought or sold. Rights are intrinsic. Not extrinsic.
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Nothing that requires someone else to give you anything is a right.

Give us an example

If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.

Winner, winner chicken dinner
There you have it

I don't want my tax money going for someone else to live

Libertarian utopia
The majority of the civilized world looks at healthcare as a basic human right

The only exception is those who believe in .....Let em die

You bet...that is just what we said in WWII. All those civilized worlds wound up with a lot of bodies in mass graves because they were so smart. And the let me die crowd came in and saved their asses.l

Labor, skills and supplies.

Are you truly this fuckin' dumb, or just trolling the part?

Dont answer that. It's rhetorical.

How have your labor, skills or supplies gone for Medical Services?

Answer is......they haven't.

As a libertarian, you are only concerned with what is yours. The idea that others may receive is repulsive. But that is why Libertarians have never run any country...they do not get along with others

No one is saying that others cannot have what I do, give it to him...the question here is, is it a right? No. Maybe an entitlement if you want it to be, but not a right. Rights cannot be bought or sold. Rights are intrinsic. Not extrinsic.

They'll never focus on a topic like this. They are like the parrots in 1984. Give them a stimulus like (maybe people need to provide for themselves) and like Pavlov's dog they start foaming at the mouth and talking out the ass.

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