Is Healthcare a Right? Obama Says "Yes!"

How have your labor, skills or supplies gone for Medical Services?

Answer is......they haven't.

As a libertarian, you are only concerned with what is yours. The idea that others may receive is repulsive. But that is why Libertarians have never run any country...they do not get along with others

Others receiving is awesome! We endorse it whole-heartedly. You know better...

No. RW doesn't know better. That's the problem.....:thup:

Nah, he gets it. But he's trying to sell a different story. He's trying to claim that libertarians oppose altruism, which isn't true. We oppose the initiation of force as a means to an end.

It doesn't help that there plenty of dull witted conservatives wandering around who are willing to play the straight man for his schtick.
Is Healthcare a Right? Obama Says "Yes!"

And of course, again he's wrong. It cannot be a right, when it is mandated, fined if you don't get it and jailed if you don't pay the fine. The last time I read the Bill of Rights, they just don't work that way.

But this is what our leader said in the White House September 26, 2013.

The White House ✔ @WhiteHouse Follow
President Obama: "In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for a fortunate few—it is a right." #Obamacare
9:57 AM - 26 Sep 2013

So, liberals, defend your leader, or tell me he was having yet another bad day. What do you think?
I'm sure the Pope agrees with Obama.
Is Healthcare a Right? Obama Says "Yes!"

And of course, again he's wrong. It cannot be a right, when it is mandated, fined if you don't get it and jailed if you don't pay the fine. The last time I read the Bill of Rights, they just don't work that way.

But this is what our leader said in the White House September 26, 2013.

The White House ✔ @WhiteHouse Follow
President Obama: "In the United States of America, health care is not a privilege for a fortunate few—it is a right." #Obamacare
9:57 AM - 26 Sep 2013

So, liberals, defend your leader, or tell me he was having yet another bad day. What do you think?
I'm sure the Pope agrees with Obama.

No, the Pope is intelligent. He knows the difference between a right and an entitlement. Obama is trying to push yet another entitlement into a right. I think he figures he filled his quota of entitlements for several decades.

We have a right to be free. We have a right to believe in any religion or no religion at all. We have the right of free speech. Look at the Bill of Rights. Do you see the difference between a right and an entitlement?

Rights are not bought or sold. They are not mandated or forced to be bought. No one is taxed on it to buy it for someone else.

Rights are natural. They come from within. It is intrinsic. Healthcare is not natural, it is manmade, it is extrinsic.

Obama is just playing with words again. He can't get away with this, this time.
Nothing that requires someone else to give you anything is a right.

Give us an example

If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.

You pay taxes for the good of the country as a whole. Some programs you benefit from others you do not. Like most taxpayers, you whine about the programs you do not benefit directly from

Do you support taxpayer funded schools? You are being taxed to educate someone elses child
Give us an example

If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.

Winner, winner chicken dinner
There you have it

I don't want my tax money going for someone else to live

Libertarian utopia

Did you digest what I said? I am talking about the terms you are using. Do you now know the difference between a right and an entitlement? Do you see where healthcare for all is an entitlement, not a right?

If your healthcare is being subsidized, it is an entitlement, just as much as EBT cards. Do you see that now?
Give us an example

If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.

You pay taxes for the good of the country as a whole. Some programs you benefit from others you do not. Like most taxpayers, you whine about the programs you do not benefit directly from

Do you support taxpayer funded schools? You are being taxed to educate someone elses child

All people contribute and reap the rewards of free compulsory K-12 education. That is open to all, not just a fraction of the population. That would fall into the same category al infrastructure.
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If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.

Winner, winner chicken dinner
There you have it

I don't want my tax money going for someone else to live

Libertarian utopia

Did you digest what I said? I am talking about the terms you are using. Do you now know the difference between a right and an entitlement? Do you see where healthcare for all is an entitlement, not a right?

If your healthcare is being subsidized, it is an entitlement, just as much as EBT cards. Do you see that now?

If that is the case...

I believe not dying is a right
Winner, winner chicken dinner
There you have it

I don't want my tax money going for someone else to live

Libertarian utopia

Did you digest what I said? I am talking about the terms you are using. Do you now know the difference between a right and an entitlement? Do you see where healthcare for all is an entitlement, not a right?

If your healthcare is being subsidized, it is an entitlement, just as much as EBT cards. Do you see that now?

If that is the case...

I believe not dying is a right

No kidding? Good luck enforcing that one!
If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.

You pay taxes for the good of the country as a whole. Some programs you benefit from others you do not. Like most taxpayers, you whine about the programs you do not benefit directly from

Do you support taxpayer funded schools? You are being taxed to educate someone elses child

All people contribute and reap the rewards of free compulsory K-12 education. That is open to all, not just a fraction of the population. That would fall into the same category al infrastructure.

Just like a free education is open to all regardless of their economic standing, so should healthcare
You pay taxes for the good of the country as a whole. Some programs you benefit from others you do not. Like most taxpayers, you whine about the programs you do not benefit directly from

Do you support taxpayer funded schools? You are being taxed to educate someone elses child

All people contribute and reap the rewards of free compulsory K-12 education. That is open to all, not just a fraction of the population. That would fall into the same category al infrastructure.

Just like a free education is open to all regardless of their economic standing, so should healthcare

RW - are you, at least, able to understand the very fundamental difference between 'rights' that are services rendered, vs 'rights' that are inalienable freedoms? We're mostly arguing over equivocation on definitions. Both sides are banking on the notion that government is there to 'protect our rights'. Liberals want to expand the role of government by expanding the definition of rights, which just seems underhanded and Orwellian.

In education, for example, most Americans are comfortable with the idea of government funded basic education, but the question of whether it's a 'right' is another matter. Certainly, as a basic service paid for by our taxes, we should all have more or less equal access to the education services government provides - and we could create something similar for basic health care. But it still wouldn't be a 'right' in the way freedom of speech is a right. Do you see the difference, even if you still maintain government ought to provide health care?
Did you digest what I said? I am talking about the terms you are using. Do you now know the difference between a right and an entitlement? Do you see where healthcare for all is an entitlement, not a right?

If your healthcare is being subsidized, it is an entitlement, just as much as EBT cards. Do you see that now?

If that is the case...

I believe not dying is a right

No kidding? Good luck enforcing that one!


Rightwinger is a true blue moron. :lmao:
All people contribute and reap the rewards of free compulsory K-12 education. That is open to all, not just a fraction of the population. That would fall into the same category al infrastructure.

Just like a free education is open to all regardless of their economic standing, so should healthcare

RW - are you, at least, able to understand the very fundamental difference between 'rights' that are services rendered, vs 'rights' that are inalienable freedoms? We're mostly arguing over equivocation on definitions. Both sides are banking on the notion that government is there to 'protect our rights'. Liberals want to expand the role of government by expanding the definition of rights, which just seems underhanded and Orwellian.

In education, for example, most Americans are comfortable with the idea of government funded basic education, but the question of whether it's a 'right' is another matter. Certainly, as a basic service paid for by our taxes, we should all have more or less equal access to the education services government provides - and we could create something similar for basic health care. But it still wouldn't be a 'right' in the way freedom of speech is a right. Do you see the difference, even if you still maintain government ought to provide health care?

Thank you dblack!
"There is only one fundamental right (all the others are its consequences or corollaries): a man’s right to his own life. Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action; the right to life means the right to engage in self-sustaining and self-generated action—which means: the freedom to take all the actions required by the nature of a rational being for the support, the furtherance, the fulfillment and the enjoyment of his own life. (Such is the meaning of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.)

The concept of a “right” pertains only to action—specifically, to freedom of action. It means freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by other men.

Thus, for every individual, a right is the moral sanction of a positive—of his freedom to act on his own judgment, for his own goals, by his own voluntary, uncoerced choice. As to his neighbors, his rights impose no obligations on them except of a negative kind: to abstain from violating his rights.

The right to life is the source of all rights—and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain his life by his own effort, the man who has no right to the product of his effort has no means to sustain his life. The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a slave.

Bear in mind that the right to property is a right to action, like all the others: it is not the right to an object, but to the action and the consequences of producing or earning that object. It is not a guarantee that a man will earn any property, but only a guarantee that he will own it if he earns it. It is the right to gain, to keep, to use and to dispose of material values." -Ayn Rand
Give us an example

Medical services.

What are you giving up?

Our right NOT to buy health care insurance from the Government.

Friday, October 11, 2013 04:33 PM

Ben Carson: Obamacare Worst Thing Since Slavery

By: Todd Beamon

Retired pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Carson unleashed his
strongest attack yet on Obamacare on Friday, saying that President Barack
Obama's signature domestic policy achievement was "the worst thing that
has happened in this nation since slavery."

"It is slavery, in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the

Carson, who retired in May from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, said at a speech at the conservative Values Voter Summit in Washington.

"It was never about healthcare. It was about control. "That's why, when this administration took office, it didn't matter that the country was going off the cliff economically, all forces were directed toward getting this legislation passed," Carson added, with his comments drawing much applause from the event's 2,000 attendees.

"Why did they want to pass it so badly?" before answering with a comment from Vladimir Lenin. "He said that socialized medicine is the keystone to the establishment of a Socialist state. That's the problem."

The summit, which ends on Sunday, is sponsored by the Family Research Council, the Washington-based Christian right-leaning think tank that the Southern Poverty Center has labeled an anti-gay hate group.

Other sponsors include such nonprofit organizations as the Heritage Foundation, the American Family Association, American Values, and Liberty Counsel Action.

Among those speaking on Friday included Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas, Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Marco Rubio of Florida, and Tim Scott of South Carolina. Others included House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and former Sen. Rick Santorum of

Former Arkansas Gov. and GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and Heritage Foundation President Jim DeMint are also scheduled to speak at the summit.

Carson, who has been mentioned as a possible Republican presidential candidate in 2016, continued his attacks on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and other policies of the president that began with his comments in February at the National Prayer Breakfast as Obama sat on the dias.

Many of his remarks on Friday drew sustained applause from the audience.

"It is the most valuable thing you have," Carson said, referring to one's health. "Everything else pales into insignificance, compared to your health. And that's the reason why your health should be controlled by you and not the government."

He segued into his Obamacare critique by saying, "It's really time for the people, we the people of America, to stop being afraid of the government and put it in its place.

"Government plays a very important role when, in fact, it believes in the Constitution. That's the problem. When they begin to neglect the Constitution, when they begin to impose their own will."

Hinting at President Obama's decision to delay portions of the healthcare law for big business, Carson continued: "When they look at laws of the land and they say, 'OK, I think I'll enforce this one. This one I won't.' When they begin to treat people differently.

"When they say that people in the Executive Branch and in the Legislative Branch don't have to participate in certain programs, but everybody else has to … .

"That's not America. That's Russia," Carson said. "How did we allow that to happen in this nation?"

After his speech, Carson told The Hill that he would consider a White House run.

"[Running for president] is not something I have any desire to do whatsoever," he said, though adding "but I certainly listen.

"If the circumstances were to evolve in such a way that that seemed to be what God was calling me to do, I would certainly do it," he told the Hill. "And I would never turn my back on my fellow citizens, if there was a hue and cry for such."

© 2013 Newsmax. All rights reserved

Ben Carson: Obamacare Worst Thing Since Slavery

That's what we're giving up.

When the government controls your health care...they control you.
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Give us an example

If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.

Winner, winner chicken dinner
There you have it

I don't want my tax money going for someone else to live

Libertarian utopia

Representatives on both sides of the political aisle have voted for EVERY major social legislation in our Country's history. EXCEPT for Obamacare. (This should give you a hint at just how odious this law is and in supporting it just how much Dems are willing to put Party before country.)

I said that to say that the Left has no monopoly on compassion.

Why can't you realize this means slavery for all of us until the end of the Republic should it remain?

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