Is Healthcare a Right? Obama Says "Yes!"

If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.

Winner, winner chicken dinner
There you have it

I don't want my tax money going for someone else to live

Libertarian utopia

Representatives on both sides of the political aisle have voted for EVERY major social legislation in our Country's history. EXCEPT for Obamacare. (This should give you a hint at just how odious this law is and in supporting it just how much Dems are willing to put Party before country.)

I said that to say that the Left has no monopoly on compassion.

Why can't you realize this means slavery for all of us until the end of the Republic should it remain?

Since this law touches every person in America, I think the people should be voting on it. We all know the Democrats wrote it and the Democrats passed it but most of the people don't like it. This should go on state ballots to see what states want to be covered. If we don't have 2/3rds participation, Obamacare is out. Vote next November 2014.

Delay everything until then. Keep working on that website. In the meantime, work on security and the rest of the glitches... Republicans can work on their own plan and keep the people updated on that. Allow Americans the best plan there can be.
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Winner, winner chicken dinner
There you have it

I don't want my tax money going for someone else to live

Libertarian utopia

Representatives on both sides of the political aisle have voted for EVERY major social legislation in our Country's history. EXCEPT for Obamacare. (This should give you a hint at just how odious this law is and in supporting it just how much Dems are willing to put Party before country.)

I said that to say that the Left has no monopoly on compassion.

Why can't you realize this means slavery for all of us until the end of the Republic should it remain?

Since this law touches every person in America, I think the people should be voting on it. We all know the Democrats wrote it and the Democrats passed it but most of the people don't like it. This should go on state ballots to see what states want to be covered. If we don't have 2/3rds participation, Obamacare is out. Vote next November 2014.

Delay everything until then. Keep working on that website. In the meantime, work on security and the rest of the glitches... Republicans can work on their own plan and keep the people updated on that. Allow Americans the best plan there can be.

Couldn't agree more. Changes this fundamental need broad support, even enthusiasm, to succeed.
"There is only one fundamental right (all the others are its consequences or corollaries): a man’s right to his own life. Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action; the right to life means the right to engage in self-sustaining and self-generated action—which means: the freedom to take all the actions required by the nature of a rational being for the support, the furtherance, the fulfillment and the enjoyment of his own life. (Such is the meaning of the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.)

The concept of a “right” pertains only to action—specifically, to freedom of action. It means freedom from physical compulsion, coercion or interference by other men.

Thus, for every individual, a right is the moral sanction of a positive—of his freedom to act on his own judgment, for his own goals, by his own voluntary, uncoerced choice. As to his neighbors, his rights impose no obligations on them except of a negative kind: to abstain from violating his rights.

The right to life is the source of all rights—and the right to property is their only implementation. Without property rights, no other rights are possible. Since man has to sustain his life by his own effort, the man who has no right to the product of his effort has no means to sustain his life. The man who produces while others dispose of his product, is a slave.

Bear in mind that the right to property is a right to action, like all the others: it is not the right to an object, but to the action and the consequences of producing or earning that object. It is not a guarantee that a man will earn any property, but only a guarantee that he will own it if he earns it. It is the right to gain, to keep, to use and to dispose of material values." -Ayn Rand

Bump, for the brain-dead libs.
Most Of The World Has A Constitutional Right To Health Care, But Not The US, Even With Obamacare On The Way

More than half of the world's countries have some degree of a guaranteed right to public health and medical care for their citizens, written into their national constitutions.

The study found that 73 United Nations member countries guaranteed the right to medical care services, while 27 countries aspired to protect this right in 2011.

The United States is one of 86 countries whose constitutions do not guarantee their citizens any kind of health protection. This is particularly true in the case of countries with older constitutions that have not been meaningfully amended since constitutional rights to health became common practice. The United States Constitution was written in 1776, and all major amendments to it, found in the Bill of Rights, are all pertinent, but none really regard health care.

So you can't go to the ER expecting care even if you can't pay for it.

Great !!!!!
Healthcare should be a choice not something the Govenment is trying to push on us. I get so sick of these insurance companies calling me and harassing me. Since Obamacare was trying to get started I have had calls from N.C. to California just about everyday (sometimes more than once) trying to sell me insurance that I don't even need. My hubby is still working and we have (at least right now) great insurance. Now, at the end of next year when he retires it will be a different story. When I get old enough I will need insurance because he is going to retire but I don't need to be harassed right now. I have a feeling there is going to be alot of dead people when the time comes because alot are not going to use Obamacare and the rest are not going to be able to afford any other insurance because the price of insurance at all companies are going up because of Obamacare. Also some have forgotten if we have a illness that will not go away Obamacare will not pay for that. Obamacare has just made a complete mess out of our life!! Doesn't Washington have enough to do without sticking their noses in our personal business. I think we have enough sense to choose our insurance without it being forced on us. I've had insurance since I first started working and did not need the Government's "help".
Most Of The World Has A Constitutional Right To Health Care, But Not The US, Even With Obamacare On The Way

More than half of the world's countries have some degree of a guaranteed right to public health and medical care for their citizens, written into their national constitutions.

The study found that 73 United Nations member countries guaranteed the right to medical care services, while 27 countries aspired to protect this right in 2011.

The United States is one of 86 countries whose constitutions do not guarantee their citizens any kind of health protection. This is particularly true in the case of countries with older constitutions that have not been meaningfully amended since constitutional rights to health became common practice. The United States Constitution was written in 1776, and all major amendments to it, found in the Bill of Rights, are all pertinent, but none really regard health care.

So you can't go to the ER expecting care even if you can't pay for it.

Great !!!!!

Every hospital should have it's own policy regarding that.
Most Of The World Has A Constitutional Right To Health Care, But Not The US, Even With Obamacare On The Way

More than half of the world's countries have some degree of a guaranteed right to public health and medical care for their citizens, written into their national constitutions.

The study found that 73 United Nations member countries guaranteed the right to medical care services, while 27 countries aspired to protect this right in 2011.

The United States is one of 86 countries whose constitutions do not guarantee their citizens any kind of health protection. This is particularly true in the case of countries with older constitutions that have not been meaningfully amended since constitutional rights to health became common practice. The United States Constitution was written in 1776, and all major amendments to it, found in the Bill of Rights, are all pertinent, but none really regard health care.

So you can't go to the ER expecting care even if you can't pay for it.

Great !!!!!

Every hospital should have it's own policy regarding that.

While I would agree that Reagan's law should be repealed, I think it is up the the individual communities to decide how to deal with this. If we want to push this on hospitals, we should pay them....not let them go out of business.

My point was that RightWingDick was really WrongWingDick when he intonated that we don't give people access to care.
If you tax me to pay for someone else's healthcare, that is not my right not the other person's right. I don't pay someone to have free speech. Someone doesn't have to pay for me to have free speech. It is a right. It cannot be bought or sold.

Winner, winner chicken dinner
There you have it

I don't want my tax money going for someone else to live

Libertarian utopia

Did you digest what I said? I am talking about the terms you are using. Do you now know the difference between a right and an entitlement? Do you see where healthcare for all is an entitlement, not a right?

If your healthcare is being subsidized, it is an entitlement, just as much as EBT cards. Do you see that now?

You pay taxes for the good of the country as a whole. Some programs you benefit from others you do not. Like most taxpayers, you whine about the programs you do not benefit directly from

Do you support taxpayer funded schools? You are being taxed to educate someone elses child

All people contribute and reap the rewards of free compulsory K-12 education. That is open to all, not just a fraction of the population. That would fall into the same category al infrastructure.

Just like a free education is open to all regardless of their economic standing, so should healthcare

Does that mean you now understand that health care is not a right?
There can be no such thing as an "unchosen obligation"
Forcing some to pay for others is immoral, no matter who makes the claim or how large their number.
Additionally, there would be much more charitable help for the truly needy if people weren't looted by their government to the tune of 30-50% taxation of their income.

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