Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?

Some more enlightened Christians are trying to mature Christianity.

[ame=]'Hell' as an invention of the church - YouTube[/ame]

The Christian invention of hell and Christian strong desire for it to exist, shows a hatred that is quite deep within the Christian tribal soul.

[ame=]Carlton Pearson: To Hell and Back (Part 1) - YouTube[/ame]

Jesus would not cast the first stone yet Christians adamantly demand that he cast the last killing stone called hell.

You will reap what you sow Christian.

This will be you unless you repent from your hating ways. You are corrupting Jesus and his good archetypal name.

I predict this following for you if you do not lose your hate for those who just happen by accident of birth to not believe as you do. Beware.

[ame=]South park - Kenny go to hell - YouTube[/ame]

Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?

Some more enlightened Christians are trying to mature Christianity.

'Hell' as an invention of the church - YouTube

The Christian invention of hell and Christian strong desire for it to exist, shows a hatred that is quite deep within the Christian tribal soul.

Carlton Pearson: To Hell and Back (Part 1) - YouTube

Jesus would not cast the first stone yet Christians adamantly demand that he cast the last killing stone called hell.

You will reap what you sow Christian.

This will be you unless you repent from your hating ways. You are corrupting Jesus and his good archetypal name.

I predict this following for you if you do not lose your hate for those who just happen by accident of birth to not believe as you do. Beware.

South park - Kenny go to hell - YouTube


Christians didn't (and haven't) demanded anything like's all spelled out in the NT, spoken to us by God (Jesus) it.
I don't hate anyone that doesn't believe as i do. I won't worry about what you think anyway, God's the only one that matters and He alone knows what's in my heart.
Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?

Hey fag, the Bible doesn't teach "love the sinner".

Jesus would not cast the first stone yet Christians adamantly demand that he cast the last killing stone called hell.

Hey fag, Jesus claimed to the Christ of the God who invented stone casting.
Enlightened? You reason that knowlege of God comes from revelation, right? That He is the Source of all Spiritual truth.

People can't make things up and have it be an accurate representative of Christianity.
Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?

Hey fag, the Bible doesn't teach "love the sinner".

Jesus would not cast the first stone yet Christians adamantly demand that he cast the last killing stone called hell.

Hey fag, Jesus claimed to the Christ of the God who invented stone casting.

I would say this is telling us to love the sinner....

Luke 6:32
“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them.

but i have no idea what you were saying in your second comment!
I would say this is telling us to love the sinner....

Luke 6:32
“If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them.

Loving those who don't love you doesn't require that you love sinners, unless you think all the non-sinners love you. Jesus taught his followers to love one another, to love their brothers. Not to love sinners.

Psalm 139
21 Do I not hate those who hate You, O Lord?
And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?
22 I hate them with the utmost hatred;
Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?

No, Hell is not like loving the sinner. Hell is like hating the sinner.

Psalm 5:5 The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.
Is hell anything like -- do unto others and love the sinner?

Some more enlightened Christians are trying to mature Christianity.

'Hell' as an invention of the church - YouTube

The Christian invention of hell and Christian strong desire for it to exist, shows a hatred that is quite deep within the Christian tribal soul.

Carlton Pearson: To Hell and Back (Part 1) - YouTube

Jesus would not cast the first stone yet Christians adamantly demand that he cast the last killing stone called hell.

You will reap what you sow Christian.

This will be you unless you repent from your hating ways. You are corrupting Jesus and his good archetypal name.

I predict this following for you if you do not lose your hate for those who just happen by accident of birth to not believe as you do. Beware.

South park - Kenny go to hell - YouTube


Christians didn't (and haven't) demanded anything like's all spelled out in the NT, spoken to us by God (Jesus) it.
I don't hate anyone that doesn't believe as i do. I won't worry about what you think anyway, God's the only one that matters and He alone knows what's in my heart.

If you would follow such a sick theology then you are not a good person.

Better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity in heaven watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.

Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone. That is why God would not do such because then, heaven would be hell.

If those in heaven did not go insane then they could not have once been human or good.

You should think of hell just a bit and recognize that God would not create such an immoral construct. Lose your barbaric tribal mentality. We are in 2012, not 112.

[ame=]Satan and God: who is the good guy? - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]God is not Good - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Hell: an excessive punishment - YouTube[/ame]

I think hell is a message board where you and rdean are the only posters, and rdean is the moderator.
Enlightened? You reason that knowlege of God comes from revelation, right? That He is the Source of all Spiritual truth.

People can't make things up and have it be an accurate representative of Christianity.


Almost nothing of Christianity is original. They usurped the Jewish God of war and then plagiarized almost every othe religion for their words of wisdom.

Read the book of the dead and other Eastern religions and see the 10 commandments.
Count the number of virgin births. Jesus was about number 6.

Who made up shit?
Even the O T ---S O B God did not have a hell. It took hate filled Christians to come up with such immorality.

Have fun in heaven watching your children burn in the hell that you crave so much for others.

Enlightened? You reason that knowlege of God comes from revelation, right? That He is the Source of all Spiritual truth.

People can't make things up and have it be an accurate representative of Christianity.


Almost nothing of Christianity is original. They usurped the Jewish God of war and then plagiarized almost every othe religion for their words of wisdom.

Read the book of the dead and other Eastern religions and see the 10 commandments.
Count the number of virgin births. Jesus was about number 6.

Who made up shit?
Even the O T ---S O B God did not have a hell. It took hate filled Christians to come up with such immorality.

Have fun in heaven watching your children burn in the hell that you crave so much for others.


I don't want anyone in hell. Which is precisely why I speak out against the ignorance written in this thread.
I think hell is a message board where you and rdean are the only posters, and rdean is the moderator.

So I can get out of hell by refusing to post? Seems simple enough.

Nope. You have to post, it is part of the hell experience. Refusing to post could go on for a million years, but eventually you would have to post. You would weaken and think that it couldn't be that bad...and you would post.

A million years later, you would do the same thing.

And a million years after that....

I don't want anyone in hell. Which is precisely why I speak out against the ignorance written in this thread.

If so, then do so from a moral POV if you dare.
If ignorance then you should be able to refute and not just bitch.

If the bible is true, as you seem to think it is even though it is all myth, then you might recall that it says that your God also gave Satan the power to deceiver the whole world.

So what should you do?

Go by moral standards, right?

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Is hell good?

Better to shovel coal in hell than to spend eternity in heaven watching friends, neighbors and our children in torture and flame forever.
Only a sick mind would conceive of such a situation or wish it upon anyone. That is why God would not do such because then, heaven would be hell.
If those in heaven did not go insane then they could not have once been human or good.

You should think of hell just a bit and recognize that God would not create such an immoral construct. Lose your barbaric tribal mentality. We are in 2012, not 112.

If you are going to go by morality, then question your morality.

Judgment and punishment go hand in hand.

Our human laws have a form of punishment where the penalty is graduated to fit the crime. An eye for an eye type of justice. As scriptures urge when they are not preaching death for miniscule sins.
God‘s punishment seems to surpass this standard.

The definition I am comparing here is the eternal fire and torture type of hell and I am not particularly interested in the myriad of other definitions and theories that some use to supplant this traditional view.

To ascertain if hell would be a moral construct or not, all you need do is answer these simple question for yourself.

1. Is it good justice for a soul to be able to sin for only 120 years and then have to suffer torture for 12000000000000000000000000 + years?

2. Is it good justice for small or mediocre sinners to have to bear the same sentence as Hitler, Stalin and other genocidal maniacs?
This might actually include God if you see Noah’s flood as God using genocide and not justice against man. Pardon the digression.

Punishment is usually only given to change attitude or actions and cause the sinner to repent.

3. Is it good justice to continue to torture a soul in hell if no change in attitude or actions are to result?

4. If you answered yes to these questions, then would killing the soul not be a better form of justice than to torture it for no possible good result or purpose?

Is hell a moral construct or not?

Please explain your reasons and know that ---just because God created it ---does not explain your moral judgment. It is your view I seek and not God’s as no one can speak for God.

As for my dropping being a Gnostic Christian and becoming Christian. No thanks, my soul is too important for me to join a religion based on human sacrifice that in and of itself is immoral.

You go ahead though and line up for heaven in that line on the right but do not be surprised when you join Kenny in hell. That is the place for those who will try to profit from God having his son needlessly murdered

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GOD did not want anyone in Hell but since we all sin and die we call go there it is the grave of mankind that is what hell is.
GOD did not want anyone in Hell but since we all sin and die we call go there it is the grave of mankind that is what hell is.

How is it you can fathom what God wants and speak for him when your own bible says that he is unfathomable, unknowable and works in mysterious ways?


GOD did not want anyone in Hell but since we all sin and die we call go there it is the grave of mankind that is what hell is.

How is it you can fathom what God wants and speak for him when your own bible says that he is unfathomable, unknowable and works in mysterious ways?



Because he gave us his words in the bible and what I post is from the scriptures.
GOD did not want anyone in Hell but since we all sin and die we call go there it is the grave of mankind that is what hell is.

How is it you can fathom what God wants and speak for him when your own bible says that he is unfathomable, unknowable and works in mysterious ways?



Because he gave us his words in the bible and what I post is from the scriptures.

Sure. The same scriptures that convinced you that animals can talk human and that water will move on command.

You know what you can do with your delusional thinking.

Yet you ignore all the other quotes I gave you.
Real honest of you Christian.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Is hell good?

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How is it you can fathom what God wants and speak for him when your own bible says that he is unfathomable, unknowable and works in mysterious ways?



Because he gave us his words in the bible and what I post is from the scriptures.

Yet you ignore all the other quotes I gave you.
Real honest of you Christian.

Romans 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

Is hell good?


Death is the punishment for sin. Cherry picking scriptures and taking them out of context will get you nowhere.
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