Is hillary getting more fatter?

Thanks for all the votes, bedwetters.

How do you think most women react to misogyny as blatant as this?

Oh, I forgot. None of you has ever actually spoken to a woman. My bad.
Says the party that applauds their men folk when they pelt women they don't like with eggs.
So you don't deny never having talked to a woman?
Talk to my wife, daughter, and there female friends....NONE of them would vote for a woman that protected a rapist over a 12 year old, or one that MAKES EXCUSES for a confirmed sexual abuser husband!
Philandering and sexual abuse are two different things.

Just saying

is this evidence of sexual abuse, or Philandering....$850,000 settlement?

Paula Jones - Where Are They Now: The Clinton...,28804...
... Paula Jones accused the President of ... Eventually she accepted an $850,000 settlement,
Her nickname among her staff is "PORKY"

Rise above the grammar school bullshit bruh. We have PLENTY to attack & none of it has anything to do with her weight or sex.
her weight most likely keeps her from getting sex.
that being said, how can we be sure that she just isnt putting on some fat so she can hibernate after Donald hands her her ass in the elections.

I have not been paying much attention to both of them for month's, I say she better start laying off the pizza, she is getting fat.

That pizza and clam juice diet causes lard ass syndrome
So you don't deny never having talked to a woman?
Talk to my wife, daughter, and there female friends....NONE of them would vote for a woman that protected a rapist over a 12 year old, or one that MAKES EXCUSES for a confirmed sexual abuser husband!
Philandering and sexual abuse are two different things.

Just saying

is this evidence of sexual abuse, or Philandering....$850,000 settlement?

Paula Jones - Where Are They Now: The Clinton...,28804...
... Paula Jones accused the President of ... Eventually she accepted an $850,000 settlement,
Looks like evidence of greed to me. Not saying there is no merit but where I come from if you are wronged you seek justice not a payday.
Neither are any of these.

Check out the photos of the tired old hag who wants to rule this country. God forbid. Please pass them around...

1. She must have poked herself in the eye apparently...


2. Hillary has a flat hair day...


3. Seriously, me, I worked for a freakin community agitator?


4. Yes, right now, I do regret that bottle of Jack Daniels last night.


5. If YOU only knew what I know about Bill...


6. Joy, one more event filled weekend at the UN.


7. Jet lag takes its toll and it ain't pretty...


8. What the hell do you mean there aren't any M&M's at the afterparty?


9. Eye of newt and wing of bat, mix it all up and drink from the vat...


10. ...'Did John brush his teeth this morning?'


11. "Benghazi, Smenghazi, what difference does it make?"


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