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Is Hillary The Biggest Liar in US Presidential History?

I looked I could not find where it made that statement. either I missed it or it is just another lie.
  1. The Occidental Weekly : Hillary Clinton: the most ...
    One Response to “Hillary Clinton: the most honest candidate in the race” Doug on February 26th, 2016 8:46 pm

  2. The Most Honest Presidential Candidate Is --- Hillary Clinton
    Republicans hate (and fear) Hillary Clinton. And for years now, they have accused her of being dishonest -- and sadly, many of Bernie Sanders' supporters ...

  3. Fact checkers confirm Hillary Clinton is more ...
    The factual bottom line is that Hillary Clinton is the most honest candidate in the 2016 election. Bernie Sanders is a close second, making them the two most ...

from 3- It may come as a surprise considering how often her opponents have tried to ding her for honesty issues. But according to campaign-long data from respected fact checking entity PolitFact, the picture looks very different.

That what I have been saying all along. She is a pathological liar who doesn't know how to lie. Having left-leaning organizations use the other candidates as a measure of Mrs. Tuzla Clinton's honesty is really quite laughable.

No matter what you wanted 1 lie of her's. You have been given several, and your defense, is she isn't the biggest liar. Wow.
ONE LIE, not BS spam, dupe. Technically broke. They were rushed off the field at Tuzla- your video has lots of scenes- that are irrelevant- that is NOT atypical ceremony- the whole thing is irrelevant.. Politifact says she's the most honest.

Hitlery Clinton is a criminal that should be in jail just for the crimes she and Bill committed when they were raping, pillaging and plundering the slack jawed yokels that put them in power in Arkansas. Hitlery used the Arkansas DHP to strong arm victims of Bill's sexual trysts to make sure that they kept their mouths shut. Larry Nichols and former CIA Chip Tatum have the dirt on both the Bush and the Clinton crime syndicate that moved cocaine in and out of the Mena airstrip. Hitlery used her position at the Rose Law firm to launder the drug money through a CIA approved bank that was later busted....some how the Bush and Clinton clan were able to distance themselves from it even though their hands were dirty......must be nice to be apart of the protected class.....
Yup, you believe ALL the Pubcrappe...

George H Bush flew under the repub flag and he is just as guilty if not more so than the Clintons. Nichols and Tatum had front side seats to this whole nasty affair and participated and played their part........you act like I am telling you that there is no Santa Claus.....
Hillary is a serial liar, any writer worth their salt could write a hefty book of her lies and deceptions. I think she actually prefers to lie even when it would be easier to speak the truth.
When she lied to the faces of the Benghazi parents she could have easily said "I am so sorry, your loss is the country's loss. He was a true hero". Instead she chooses to say "We are gonna get the person that made that video!"

Hillary has been the victim of a smear Campaign for 25 years .

Benghazi is a perfect example . Millions spent on that GOP backed witchhunt . Hillary testified for like 11 hours ?? And what was the result ? No wrongdoing . Even republicans admitted the whole investigation was politically motivated bullshit .

You hang on to your bullshit, it seems to work for you.
Is Hillary The Biggest Liar in US Presidential History?
Nope, Ronald "guns for hostages" Reagan still owns that dubious title.

George W. Bush telling the country Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, then launching an attack that killed hundreds of thousands of people in our name makes that one look trivial.

Yep, 9/11/01 was a total false flag event and a PNAC invention to push a globalist agenda to steal resources......glad that you are one of the folks that are awake...both bought and paid political parties supported this fiasco that de-stabilized the Middle East. Spread the word.......
Travelgate, Foster, anything Rush beck Savage say. You got a whole alternate planet....
I don't listen to anything the paid opposition has to say about anything. There once was a time that Limbaugh spoke out against the Federal Reserve foreign banking interests...but once he became syndicated and got millions? He never allowed the fraud of this entity to be discussed on his show and he cuts off any callers that attempt to bring it up....he is a sell out....so is Beck, so is Levin....an alleged constitutionalist scholar....they are the controlled opposition so the frustrated masses have something to direct their displeasure towards...but nothing ever changes....see how that works?
francoHFW, so you believe the official story of 9/11??????/ I noticed that you laughed at my contention that it was an inside job by certain rogue elements of this corporate "gubermint".....I would be more than happy to debate you on this if you have the nads.
Or is she merely mentally ill?
You decide. And money on whether any of the libs here bother to watch this.

no the biggest liar trophy goes to GWB who managed to scare the bejeezus out of republicans on his way to a bullshit war

You sure are one, dumb, fucking, subversive bastard, NO NOTHING!

More fucking DemoRATS voted for it, including the Hildebeast, than didn't vote for it!

Which U.S. Senators voted for the resolution that authorized the use of force in Iraq? 29 Democratic US Senators, and all but one (R-RI, Chafee) Republican. The full roll call on H.J.Res. 114, 107th Congress, A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq, is here. The vote count was YEAs 77, NAYs 23.
Or is she merely mentally ill?
You decide. And money on whether any of the libs here bother to watch this.

no the biggest liar trophy goes to GWB who managed to scare the bejeezus out of republicans on his way to a bullshit war

You sure are one, dumb, fucking, subversive bastard, NO NOTHING!

More fucking DemoRATS voted for it, including the Hildebeast, than didn't vote for it!

Which U.S. Senators voted for the resolution that authorized the use of force in Iraq? 29 Democratic US Senators, and all but one (R-RI, Chafee) Republican. The full roll call on H.J.Res. 114, 107th Congress, A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq, is here. The vote count was YEAs 77, NAYs 23.

Love ya like a brother, Vigilante...your posts are brilliant with incredible insight but the war in Iraq was an abject failure and the perfect example of knee-jerk reactionism due to a psy-op job that was the orchestrated event that was 9/11/01. I would wager my soul that it was a total inside job with certain rogue elements of this corporate government playing a huge part and they not only knew this would happen but played an instrumental part in it and for many, many reasons most of which were financial. I have gone down the rabbit hole and there once wasn't a bigger denier than me. The big overall picture is so plain to me now that I have thrown off the programming. Democrats only distanced themselves from this debacle when it became politically expedient...but until then, they had their hands just as bloody as anyone else.
Or is she merely mentally ill?
You decide. And money on whether any of the libs here bother to watch this.

no the biggest liar trophy goes to GWB who managed to scare the bejeezus out of republicans on his way to a bullshit war

You sure are one, dumb, fucking, subversive bastard, NO NOTHING!

More fucking DemoRATS voted for it, including the Hildebeast, than didn't vote for it!

Which U.S. Senators voted for the resolution that authorized the use of force in Iraq? 29 Democratic US Senators, and all but one (R-RI, Chafee) Republican. The full roll call on H.J.Res. 114, 107th Congress, A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq, is here. The vote count was YEAs 77, NAYs 23.

Love ya like a brother, Vigilante...your posts are brilliant with incredible insight but the war in Iraq was an abject failure and the perfect example of knee-jerk reactionism due to a psy-op job that was the orchestrated event that was 9/11/01. I would wager my soul that it was a total inside job with certain rogue elements of this corporate government playing a huge part and they not only knew this would happen but played an instrumental part in it and for many, many reasons most of which were financial. I have gone down the rabbit hole and there once wasn't a bigger denier than me. The big overall picture is so plain to me now that I have thrown off the programming. Democrats only distanced themselves from this debacle when it became politically expedient...but until then, they had their hands just as bloody as anyone else.

What objective was not met in the Iraq war that made it an "abject failure?" I believe that if iI were to have had a vote in the matter, as did Mrs. Tuzla Clinton, I would have voted no to war. But I didn't and the US did go to war. It was impressive how our military took down Saddam with precision, quickly and with far fewer casualties than the left wing predicted. Was the peace perfect? Not by my measure but that is what happens when dealing with people not far removed from the stone age.
Since there is no way to fact check everyone from Washington to Obama I can't say. I can say she has very bad numbers when it comes to being considered honest and trustworthy.
Actually, Politifact says she's the most honest of all candidates. Only brainwashed functional morons believe the 25 years of RW/Fox/Rush etc etc etc bs, ALL debunked in the real world.

I looked I could not find where it made that statement. either I missed it or it is just another lie.
  1. The Occidental Weekly : Hillary Clinton: the most ...
    One Response to “Hillary Clinton: the most honest candidate in the race” Doug on February 26th, 2016 8:46 pm

  2. The Most Honest Presidential Candidate Is --- Hillary Clinton
    Republicans hate (and fear) Hillary Clinton. And for years now, they have accused her of being dishonest -- and sadly, many of Bernie Sanders' supporters ...

  3. Fact checkers confirm Hillary Clinton is more ...
    The factual bottom line is that Hillary Clinton is the most honest candidate in the 2016 election. Bernie Sanders is a close second, making them the two most ...

from 3- It may come as a surprise considering how often her opponents have tried to ding her for honesty issues. But according to campaign-long data from respected fact checking entity PolitFact, the picture looks very different.

That what I have been saying all along. She is a pathological liar who doesn't know how to lie. Having left-leaning organizations use the other candidates as a measure of Mrs. Tuzla Clinton's honesty is really quite laughable.

No matter what you wanted 1 lie of her's. You have been given several, and your defense, is she isn't the biggest liar. Wow.
Give me ONE. And not debateable Tuzla AGAIN.

It won't matter you will just want one more. Tuzla is not debatable we have the video, we have Sinbad, and we have CBS news all telling you that her story was a complete and utter fabrication. If there ever was a less debatable total BS lie it is Tuzla.

That said, go with her NAFTA lies. That meets all the criteria for a lie you asked for.
Or is she merely mentally ill?
You decide. And money on whether any of the libs here bother to watch this.

I would presume that 99.9% of this nation was against gay marriage in 2002. People and candidates have a right to change their minds over time, it doesn't mean they're liars.

Obviously, the opt is a Bernie Sanders supporter, and I doubt that in 2002 Bernie Sanders would have told you
that he was for gay marriage.


Bernie Sander's is done, you can stick a fork in him. He's had a run in the smaller caucus states that typically produce less than 1% of either party that bothers to put up with the pain of getting out on a Tuesday night to sit around a 3 hour meeting to cast a vote. Only underdog supporters will do that. Had these same states been primary states where several days of voting are done, along with mail-in ballots, Hillary Clinton would have won all of them, and Bernie Sanders would be a distant memory right now. There's only 2 small caucus states left for Bernie to win.

We are headed into large closed primary states where Bernie Sanders gets clobbered. New York, home to Hillary Clinton and 2 time senator of, she is currently leading by 32 points, and then after that onto Pennsylvania, where she is also leading by double digits.

It is mathematically impossible for Sanders to close this delegate gap and win the nomination. She is leading by 2.4 million in the popular vote and she is only going to gain millions more by the time this is over. Sanders would have to win every single state coming up, including New York, and not only win them, but win them BIG with 74% of the vote, or 3 out of every 4 delegates left. Even then he would have to convince 700 Democrat Super Delegates to dump the party faithful, Hillary Clinton, and support him. Someone who just changed his party status to Democrat to run on this ticket, and someone who's never supported or worked for any other Democrat to get elected. That's not going to happen.

These continual attacks by Sanders and his campaign only significantly make it harder on her in the general. Because these accusations will be used by Republicans in the general election. This is what you're supporting now.
It’s Really Hard To Get Bernie Sanders 988 More Delegates
Bernie Sanders’s path to the nomination is getting very narrow

It's all in the Bernie Sanders, futile attempt to get more campaign cash, that you can bet he will not share with other Democrats for their races. Sanders should do the right thing and drop out of this race.


Other then her opportunistic Senate run when was New York ever Clinton's home?
What lies?
Only someone who is mentally ill would support a liar like that.
George H Bush flew under the repub flag and he is just as guilty if not more so than the Clintons. Nichols and Tatum had front side seats to this whole nasty affair and participated and played their part........you act like I am telling you that there is no Santa Claus.....
Indeed, the Bush-coined "New World Order" is about as left as you can get.
Nope. Turns out compared to all the other politicians, she's honest. You just demonized her. You guys do that to liberal women. Let me throw out some names.

Gretchen Whitmer (tried to kidnap her)
Pelosi (tried to beat her with a hammer)

You guys really hate these liberal women. You're like the taliban or Iranian leadership. Banning abortion and shit too? Weird.
Before and after the '64 election LBJ produced the biggest whopper concerning his vision for the US role in Vietnam.
Nope. Turns out compared to all the other politicians, she's honest. You just demonized her. You guys do that to liberal women. Let me throw out some names.

Gretchen Whitmer (tried to kidnap her)
Pelosi (tried to beat her with a hammer)

You guys really hate these liberal women. You're like the taliban or Iranian leadership. Banning abortion and shit too? Weird.
No liberal can can accuse me of supporting inequality. I hate them all pretty much equally!

Nope. Turns out compared to all the other politicians, she's honest. You just demonized her. You guys do that to liberal women. Let me throw out some names.

Gretchen Whitmer (tried to kidnap her)
Pelosi (tried to beat her with a hammer)

You guys really hate these liberal women. You're like the taliban or Iranian leadership. Banning abortion and shit too? Weird.
What's WRONG with you??
My comment was about a list of both male and female politicians from both parties! Get a grip. You are very insecure.
George W. Bush telling the country Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, then launching an attack that killed hundreds of thousands of people in our name makes that one and the others look trivial. And let's not forget the 985 lies that W. told over the course of 8 years.
We had to fight that war. We had to make Muslims pay for what they did to us on 9/11.
We had to fight that war. We had to make Muslims pay for what they did to us on 9/11.
Ever think 9/11 and many other events were ochestrated by war-mongers on OUR side to justify their money-making wars? The elder Bush was head of the CIA and part of the CIA's job is shifting power balance, instigating or smoothing social unrest, creating propaganda, scapegoats and patsies...except they're supposed to do it overseas NOT HERE!

Ever think it was a little weird that George H.W. Bush, former CIA director and VP, almost became president when Reagan was shot??? Do you know how many people involved with the assassination attempt were Yale (Skull & Bones) graduates? When elder Bush finally DID become president he wasted no time in promoting his New World Order and getting Americans to "seig heil" it. Then his own son ends up president during 9/11. How convenient for the New World Order.

People really REALLY need to consider that over the decades the media has "explained" events as very different than they actually were. It's not hard to do when you control Intelligence and media agencies. Dumb people down over a few generations and they'll believe an entirely different explanation, and the ones who actually know/knew the truth will be either dead or living with dementia.
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