Zone1 Is holiness worthwhile?


Not all who wander are lost
Oct 21, 2014
I read recently that it is only in Christianity where the name of God is used as a profanity. By Christians. It seems we cannot honor even God or keep his name holy. If it isn't even worthwhile to honor the name of God and keep it holy (meaning unblemished) is there anything in this life worthy of honor and keeping holy?

Atheists who swear or sometimes use profanity: Do you ever profane the names of Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Shiva, Hercules? Then why is it acceptable to swear by the name of God or Jesus?

What is worthy of honor and holiness in your life?
It’s not used as “profanity”, it’s used in vein.
Couldn't help laughing...vain. I doubt it is used in transfusions (veins). :)

Seriously though, it is also used as profanity. Interesting that society has agreed some words are not to be used. But no protest about using the name of God in vain.
I read recently that it is only in Christianity where the name of God is used as a profanity. By Christians. It seems we cannot honor even God or keep his name holy. If it isn't even worthwhile to honor the name of God and keep it holy (meaning unblemished) is there anything in this life worthy of honor and keeping holy?

Atheists who swear or sometimes use profanity: Do you ever profane the names of Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Shiva, Hercules? Then why is it acceptable to swear by the name of God or Jesus?

What is worthy of honor and holiness in your life?
To me it is just another word to be used to convey my emotion or views. Only people are worthy of honor in my life. Some individuals no so much but almost all groups of people.

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