Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, thoughthere are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

when you first became aware of sex... did you have that funny feeling we all have towards the person you fell for the first time or did you choose the person you fell for ... that's the real question you should ask .... nobody ever chooses what sex experiance they want
the best book on natural healing is
"The Healing Light" by Agnes Sanford

She describes natural healing energy in life as the flow of electricity through a house.
So we have to make sure the power source is turned on, and the circuit is continuous and not disrupted.

what is 'natural healing'?

when life energy flows through the human mind/body to "heal themselves"

if we have too much stress, or hold on to unforgiven resentment, this blocks the flow of energy
through our minds and affects our bodies, and our relationships. if we weaken our natural ability
to heal, this causes unhealthy imbalance or disease that our mind/body ideally would eliminate on its own.

to remove "blocks to healing" to open up the flow of life energy
the therapy involves identifying areas of unforgiven issues/memories or unresolved conflicts,
in the mind or spirit (from this life or possibly inherited unconsciously from previous generations in a cycle);
and going through whatever process the person needs to remove/forgive/let go of these blocks in their mind or spirit.
(they can use 12 step recovery, steps to forgiveness, or for deeper rooted causes in unconscious levels,
karmic regression therapy or deliverance prayer can be used for generational issues.

Once the causes of blockage are identified and removed by agreeing/praying to receive forgiveness and healing,
then the natural flow of life energy is restored, and this healing is reflected in changes in the spirit, mind, body and even relationships with other people.

Examples: I already listed the references to generational/deliverance prayer.
[MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] if you don't related to those methods,
then related forms of healing from past influences carried in the spirit include:
* Buddhist past life regression therapy
* Healing dialogue groups facilitated by the Center for the Healing of Racism which help remediate painful racial injuries, perceptions and biases deeply embedded and passed down spiritually, but using a secularized method of guided discussion to identify the root memories and sharing with the group to "release" the emotions attached to each one
* 17 steps to Forgiveness
Steps to Forgiveness

All these work by the same process, of forgiveness to facilitate the natural healing process.
(But for the DEEPLY engrained conditions, like schizophrenic people whose personalities are completely taken over by "demonic voices and obsessions," that level is addressed using exorcism and deliverance, and I do not know of any other method that works on truly demonic sickness that overtakes the mind of people where they cannot will it away. Because there are so many false faith healers and fraudulent practices out there, the ONLY people I recommend personally for deliverance/exorcism are my friend Olivia Reiner, who used this to help one of my friends get rid of demonic rages caused by child abuse and rape, and Dr. MacNutt's ministry whose book on HEALING explains the difference between personal prayer that most people do on their own, intercessory prayer, and the deliverance/exorcism prayer that is only for special cases. For those two people, I trust and refer them for formal medical research studies on this field and method of treatment.)
being gay isn't a sickness, it isn't a problem with their mind... its what they are and there isn't any amount of steps that vwill change who they are...
"""spiritual death" also includes "spiritual change" which
opens the door to "ETERNITY IN THE LAKE OF FIRE"

And God uses the Lake of Fire to burn away all impurities until these are extinct.
So they are gone, and only the good remains, which is eternal.

"He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death." Revelation 2:11

God will use several stages including the Judgment to correct all wrongs
so that all may be saved. Jesus/Justice was sent to save the world, so God's will is done.
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being gay isn't a sickness, it isn't a problem with their mind... its what they are and there isn't any amount of steps that vwill change who they are...

We were talking about what is natural healing, which applies to all people and areas of life.

Of course, if people are naturally the way they are, there is nothing to heal.

I am talking about the cases where people were not happy and wanted to change.
* some go through healing prayer, remain unchanged, but come to forgiveness and peace with it so they are still healed spiritually even if they didn't change their orientation, etc.
so this helps many people to accept their natural orientation, not change it!
* some go through healing, and come out as gay or transgender after they let go of fear
and guilt about it; whatever is natural for them, that's what brings them peace.
* some go through healing and change their orientation/relationships to heterosexual, where they identify this is naturally who they are

This process isn't directly about homosexuality,
and that's why Inevitable complained it was off topic.

One higher purpose I see for homosexuality
is that it raises awareness of the power of unconditional love and forgiveness
to transform people and relationships.

It's not just about the homosexuality itself, which is used as an easy target.

What people are really gaining from discussing and debating these issues is greater
understanding life on a higher level, where it isn't just what you see on the surface.

And the SAME process of spiritual healing used to resolve gender/orientation issues,
has many more applications to healing abuse, addiction, and other conditions. So many more people can be helped who understand this process that applies to all people.

So that is another good purpose coming out of this.
the best book on natural healing is
"The Healing Light" by Agnes Sanford

She describes natural healing energy in life as the flow of electricity through a house.
So we have to make sure the power source is turned on, and the circuit is continuous and not disrupted.

If the electricity isn't flowing, we check for what is causing that, so we can restore it.

what is 'natural healing'?

when life energy flows through the human mind/body to "heal themselves"

if we have too much stress, or hold on to unforgiven resentment, this blocks the flow of energy
through our minds and affects our bodies, and our relationships. if we weaken our natural ability
to heal, this causes unhealthy imbalance or disease that our mind/body ideally would eliminate on its own.
(some people are able to shed cancer cells on their own, but if the body holds on to resentment or
unforgiven blockages, cancer cells can build up in areas of the body more excessively than what can be naturally shed)

to remove "blocks to healing" to open up the flow of life energy
the therapy involves identifying areas of unforgiven issues/memories or unresolved conflicts,
in the mind or spirit (from this life or possibly inherited unconsciously from previous generations in a cycle);
and going through whatever process the person needs to remove/forgive/let go of these blocks in their mind or spirit.
(they can use 12 step recovery, steps to forgiveness, or for deeper rooted causes in unconscious levels,
karmic regression therapy or deliverance prayer can be used for generational issues.

Once the causes of blockage are identified and removed by agreeing/praying to receive forgiveness and healing,
then the natural flow of life energy is restored, and this healing is reflected in changes in the spirit, mind, body and even relationships with other people.

(What I find curious about the healing process is the connection with other people.
A mother praying to forgive and heal issues with her own mother, may lead to her child healing as a result.
My friend Olivia who prayed for a young child with cancer, was not able to help her in time to save her from dying,
but the entire family who forgave each other were healed, because they were trying to save the child, and instead healed themselves.)

Examples: I already listed references to generational/deliverance prayer (freespiritualhealing | Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy)
[MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] if you don't related to those methods,
other related forms of healing from past influences "carried in the spirit" include:
* Buddhist past life regression therapy to identify areas of negative karma and let go
* Healing dialogue groups facilitated by the Center for the Healing of Racism which help remediate painful racial injuries, perceptions and biases deeply embedded and passed down spiritually, but using a secularized method of guided discussion to identify the root memories and sharing with the group to "release" the emotions attached to each one
* 17 steps to Forgiveness
Steps to Forgiveness

All these work by the same process, of forgiveness to facilitate the natural healing process.
(But for the DEEPLY engrained conditions, like schizophrenic people whose personalities are completely taken over by "demonic voices and obsessions," that level is addressed using exorcism and deliverance, and I do not know of any other method that works on truly demonic sickness that overtakes the mind of people where they cannot will it away. Because there are so many false faith healers and fraudulent practices out there, the ONLY people I recommend personally for deliverance/exorcism are my friend Olivia Reiner, who used this to help one of my friends get rid of demonic rages caused by child abuse and rape, and Dr. MacNutt's ministry whose book on HEALING explains the difference between personal prayer that most people do on their own, intercessory prayer, and the deliverance/exorcism prayer that is only for special cases. For those two people, I trust and refer them for formal medical research studies on this field and method of treatment.)
ok now back to the first question you didn't answer. what on God's green earth does this have to do with homosexuality?
The APA lists no known causes for homosexual, thoughthere are some hypotheses. What do you think and why?

when you first became aware of sex... did you have that funny feeling we all have towards the person you fell for the first time or did you choose the person you fell for ... that's the real question you should ask .... nobody ever chooses what sex experiance they want
I agree with you, I don't believe it is something somebody just chooses.
being gay isn't a sickness, it isn't a problem with their mind... its what they are and there isn't any amount of steps that vwill change who they are...

We were talking about what is natural healing, which applies to all people and areas of life.

Of course, if people are naturally the way they are, there is nothing to heal.

I am talking about the cases where people were not happy and wanted to change.
* some go through healing prayer, remain unchanged, but come to forgiveness and peace with it so they are still healed spiritually even if they didn't change their orientation, etc.
so this helps many people to accept their natural orientation, not change it!
* some go through healing, and come out as gay or transgender after they let go of fear
and guilt about it; whatever is natural for them, that's what brings them peace.
* some go through healing and change their orientation/relationships to heterosexual, where they identify this is naturally who they are

This process isn't directly about homosexuality,
and that's why Inevitable complained it was off topic.

One higher purpose I see for homosexuality
is that it raises awareness of the power of unconditional love and forgiveness
to transform people and relationships.

It's not just about the homosexuality itself, which is used as an easy target.

What people are really gaining from discussing and debating these issues is greater
understanding life on a higher level, where it isn't just what you see on the surface.

And the SAME process of spiritual healing used to resolve gender/orientation issues,
has many more applications to healing abuse, addiction, and other conditions. So many more people can be helped who understand this process that applies to all people.

So that is another good purpose coming out of this.

ALMIGHTY GOD says you are wrong!!!=== God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies among themselves.

25 They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature.

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense for their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not fitting. Romans 1:24-28
Hi [MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] I'm sorry I misunderstood

1. If you believe in spiritual healing and natural healing I am referring to the same thing.
So we both agree this approach is not a problem. Sorry for that misunderstanding.

2. If you are using "conversion therapy" to mean ONLY the abusive fraudulent coercive practices, I agree those have nothing to do with natural/spiritual healing.
so I agree with that part. However, the term cannot be used so broadly that it BANS or punishes the practice of spiritual/natural healing and the free choice of people to apply it to their own lives.
3. I do know of people who have done healing using natural/spiritual methods to help people change their lives and no longer have homosexual desires attractions or relationships.
(My friend Olivia helped a young woman heal of the cycle of abuse to end the pattern of abusing people in lesbian relationships. Another man she helped was freed of heroin addiction and a pedophile addiction. NO, she does not go around targeting homosexuals; if someone asks for help, she helps, so it's usually cancer cases or problem/abusive relationships that she focused on the most. Her team has been working with prominent gay activists and have no problem understanding that "they are the way they are" and that's between them and God. As long as they are healed, that's God business. Maybe you are right, there ARE people lying to themselves and really not changing but covering it up. But that means they are NOT fully healed. When people are fully healed, I go by what they say because they have nothing to hide; so that's what I base my conclusions on, where I found people have different answers and paths.)

What terms do you propose to distinguish these: the spiritual from the abusive fraud?
I totally agree to stop all fraud and abuse/malpractice
and support the spiritual/natural healing to replace and prevent that from going on.
If people have access to the effective natural therapy
that's the best way I know to totally get rid of anything to the contrary.

nothing can be brought to conversion therapy to make it legitimate. I don't for one momentbelieve that people can be raped gay or abused into homosexuality so there is no way to "heal" from it. conversion therapy is pure quackery and it serves only one purpose and that it's too torture homosexuals into confirming to dark ages versions of Christianity.

I have no problem with spiritual healing, HOW DARE YOU shove such false words into my mouth.

I asked you several times what natural healing was and you havecompletely failed to answer that question.

I have also mentioned that homosexuality isn't something anybody needs to be healed from. I don't buy for a moment that it is asymptom of abuse or rape, youhaven't made that case, you have purposely avoided that statement.

I am going to continue to post these statements you avoid and call you out on false claims until you adress them and stop making them.

A. I don't agree with targeting homosexuality as something that needs to be healed from.
YOU kept saying that, putting words in MY MOUTH, so that's why I didn't repeat them, because I don't agree and that was coming from you.

I SAID that I listen to people and if they say it is natural for them, I believe them!
I thought I made that clear. I let and trust people to figure out for themselves what is or what is not right for them, and I support them in sticking to what is natural for them.

B. NO, I did not mean to make any false claims nor purposely avoided anything.

Where you put words into my mouth I don't believe and didn't say, of course
I'm not going to repeat that because I CAN'T EVEN RELATE TO THAT NOTION.
That is totally OUTSIDE AND FOREIGN TO my understanding to "target homosexuality as something that needs to be fixed/healed/changed or whatever"

Wasn't trying to avoid it, just don't relate to it AT ALL.
Like asking me "do you still beat your wife" when I don't even have a wife.
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Homosexuality is a disease, like Alcoholism, like Obesity.

Of course, that is just a little humor, I just hope our government defines what Homosexuality is and makes some laws and regulations to enforce the definition.

We really do need the smart liberal people to define what a relationship is, we need the government to define what we are, sexually, we need smart liberal people to spend billions of our dollars on this subject.

After all, homosexuality was always a benefit to society, especially primitive societies.

but in all seriousness, there are billions of people, I am sure some people are born homosexual, its the law of averages. but on the other hand some guys are simply so horny, or over-sexed, and are kind of ugly and can not meet woman so they turn to what is easy gratification.

Some homosexuals are taught to be homosexual.

Billions of people means there is not one answer to the OP. There are many reasons why become are or choose to be homosexaul, the most basic reason is sex feels good and for some it does not matter where it comes from.
Hi [MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] I'm sorry I misunderstood

1. If you believe in spiritual healing and natural healing I am referring to the same thing.
So we both agree this approach is not a problem. Sorry for that misunderstanding.

2. If you are using "conversion therapy" to mean ONLY the abusive fraudulent coercive practices, I agree those have nothing to do with natural/spiritual healing.
so I agree with that part. However, the term cannot be used so broadly that it BANS or punishes the practice of spiritual/natural healing and the free choice of people to apply it to their own lives.
3. I do know of people who have done healing using natural/spiritual methods to help people change their lives and no longer have homosexual desires attractions or relationships.
(My friend Olivia helped a young woman heal of the cycle of abuse to end the pattern of abusing people in lesbian relationships. Another man she helped was freed of heroin addiction and a pedophile addiction. NO, she does not go around targeting homosexuals; if someone asks for help, she helps, so it's usually cancer cases or problem/abusive relationships that she focused on the most. Her team has been working with prominent gay activists and have no problem understanding that "they are the way they are" and that's between them and God. As long as they are healed, that's God business. Maybe you are right, there ARE people lying to themselves and really not changing but covering it up. But that means they are NOT fully healed. When people are fully healed, I go by what they say because they have nothing to hide; so that's what I base my conclusions on, where I found people have different answers and paths.)

What terms do you propose to distinguish these: the spiritual from the abusive fraud?
I totally agree to stop all fraud and abuse/malpractice
and support the spiritual/natural healing to replace and prevent that from going on.
If people have access to the effective natural therapy
that's the best way I know to totally get rid of anything to the contrary.

nothing can be brought to conversion therapy to make it legitimate. I don't for one momentbelieve that people can be raped gay or abused into homosexuality so there is no way to "heal" from it. conversion therapy is pure quackery and it serves only one purpose and that it's too torture homosexuals into confirming to dark ages versions of Christianity.

I have no problem with spiritual healing, HOW DARE YOU shove such false words into my mouth.

I asked you several times what natural healing was and you havecompletely failed to answer that question.

I have also mentioned that homosexuality isn't something anybody needs to be healed from. I don't buy for a moment that it is asymptom of abuse or rape, youhaven't made that case, you have purposely avoided that statement.

I am going to continue to post these statements you avoid and call you out on false claims until you adress them and stop making them.

A. I don't agree with targeting homosexuality as something that needs to be healed from.
YOU kept saying that, putting words in MY MOUTH, so that's why I didn't repeat them, because I don't agree and that was coming from you.

I SAID that I listen to people and if they say it is natural for them, I believe them!
I thought I made that clear. I let and trust people to figure out for themselves what is or what is not right for them, and I support them in sticking to what is natural for them.

B. NO, I did not mean to make any false claims nor purposely avoided anything.

Where you put words into my mouth I don't believe and didn't say, of course
I'm not going to repeat that because I CAN'T EVEN RELATE TO THAT NOTION.
That is totally OUTSIDE AND FOREIGN TO my understanding to "target homosexuality as something that needs to be fixed/healed/changed or whatever"

Wasn't trying to avoid it, just don't relate to it AT ALL.
Like asking me "do you still beat your wife" when I don't even have a wife.

ALMIGHTY GOD says you are wrong!!!=== God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies among themselves.

25 They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature.

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense for their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not fitting. Romans 1:24-28

Calm down, [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] Please do not get excited about wrong things, but about the good things going on here!
Inevitable and I actually agree on spiritual healing!
By applying that to all situations, then we can remove and correct all these other problems.

Shall we agree to apply the correction and healing process to remove all errors and conflicts otherwise causing suffering and division?

Especially if we are all Christian here, we are called to unite in agreement, that God's truth be established and God's will be done. Thank you, GISMYS, and please pray for complete unity in understanding common truth between Inevitable, Kaz, me, you and all others joined in Christ Jesus to fulfill God's higher plans and greater purpose for all humanity. Amen!
ALMIGHTY GOD says you are wrong!!!=== God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies among themselves.

25 They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature.

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense for their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not fitting. Romans 1:24-28

Calm down, [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] Please do not get excited about wrong things, but about the good things going on here!
Inevitable and I actually agree on spiritual healing!
By applying that to all situations, then we can remove and correct all these other problems.

Shall we agree to apply the correction and healing process to remove all errors and conflicts otherwise causing suffering and division?

Especially if we are all Christian here, we are called to unite in agreement, that God's truth be established and God's will be done. Thank you, GISMYS, and please pray for complete unity in understanding common truth between Inevitable, Kaz, me, you and all others joined in Christ Jesus to fulfill God's higher plans and greater purpose for all humanity. Amen!

The choice to live in the abomination of sexual perversion is the cause of "all errors and conflicts otherwise causing suffering and division?BELIEVE AND OBEY GOD'S WORD!!
If a show of hands isn't an appropriate way to determine mental illness, than they were wrong in the 50s for using that method to add homosexuality to the list of mental illnesses.

ALL sin is a mental lliness of poor non-thinking choice!!!
you haven't a slightest clue what you are even talking about. Your garbage doesn't deserve to be addressed.

Dear [MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] I thought I made it clear I disagree with labeling homosexuality as a "mental illness" I guess you missed the other thread where I asked GreenBean: how could he say it is a "mental illness" then condemn people for "choosing" that lifestyle: since when is "mental illness" a choice, which way is it?

(As for GISMYS if his statement is affirming, in essence, all people are "sinners" and we all experience "mental illness", this actually BACKS UP what you are saying that homosexuals are no more "mentally ill" than the rest of the population -- if you equate mental illness with choosing sin, then everyone falls under that since we all sin and fall short by making imperfect choices and not having perfectly clear minds all the time.)
ALMIGHTY GOD says you are wrong!!!=== God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies among themselves.

25 They changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women changed the natural use into that which is against nature.

27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another, men with men, working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense for their error which was meet.

28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not fitting. Romans 1:24-28

Calm down, [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] Please do not get excited about wrong things, but about the good things going on here!
Inevitable and I actually agree on spiritual healing!
By applying that to all situations, then we can remove and correct all these other problems.

Shall we agree to apply the correction and healing process to remove all errors and conflicts otherwise causing suffering and division?

Especially if we are all Christian here, we are called to unite in agreement, that God's truth be established and God's will be done. Thank you, GISMYS, and please pray for complete unity in understanding common truth between Inevitable, Kaz, me, you and all others joined in Christ Jesus to fulfill God's higher plans and greater purpose for all humanity. Amen!

The choice to live in the abomination of sexual perversion is the cause of "all errors and conflicts otherwise causing suffering and division?BELIEVE AND OBEY GOD'S WORD!!
what's it say in there about bearing false witness and not loving others as you would have them love you?
Acceptance IS a matter of choice. Tolerance is a matter of choice. What causes homosexuality is moot. All the excuses, the asides, moot as well. Homosexuality is a fact of life. So, other sexual dysfunctions. Mutually indulgent ones that involve adults that aren't going to be defended by anyone else NOW as a new class that needs their civil rights protected. So, I fear that this current obsession with providing homosexuals, AKA "gays", is leading to additional extended rights beyond the intent of the Constitution. Does the Constitution cover sexuality other than heterosexuality? Did the founding fathers think that 250 plus years in the future, the Constitution would cover just about any alternate sexual behavior other male-female coupling for the purpose of procreating (in the biblical sense) ?
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The choice to live in the abomination of sexual perversion is the cause of "all errors and conflicts otherwise causing suffering and division?BELIEVE AND OBEY GOD'S WORD!!

1. bad choices happen where there is
FEAR and Unforgiveness in the way of love and truth
so let
Perfect Love cast out all Fear
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
and focus on Forgiveness to bring mutual correction and agreement in truth

2. God's Word also says to REMOVE the beam from our eyes
before helping our neighbor to remove splinters from theirs

Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
and NOT be Hypocrites but Help each other. The more we can FORGIVE problems the more we can CORRECT them.
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The choice to live in the abomination of sexual perversion is the cause of "all errors and conflicts otherwise causing suffering and division?BELIEVE AND OBEY GOD'S WORD!!

1. bad choices happen where there is
FEAR and Unforgiveness in the way of love and truth
so let
Perfect Love cast out all Fear
1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
and focus on Forgiveness to bring mutual correction and agreement in truth

2. God's Word also says to REMOVE the beam from our eyes
before helping our neighbor to remove splinters from theirs

Matthew 7:5 You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.
and NOT be Hypocrites but Help each other. The more we can FORGIVE problems the more we can CORRECT them.

Those that choose to reject GOD AND the truth OF GOD'S WORD have good reason to live in fear now and on judgment day!! Only those that confess and repent and accept JESUS as their Lord AND SAVIOR have NO reason to fear as they are sons OF ALMIGHTY GOD!!
He was trying to draw a paralell bewenn sexual taboos in linking homosexuality to incest - while I agree the two are not the same - his point would have been better served had he used pedophilia or beastiality as an example.

I was drawing a parallel about 'rights', which Luddly Neddite introduced into the conversation.
Pedophilia or bestiality are not comparable as neither involves adult humans of the age of consent whilst my example did. Yer just trying to stir up shit.

So then you are supporting the "rights" of homosexuals to fornicate with children and hamsters ?

Hmmmmm ... berry berry interesting -
Glad you brought that out in the open - that took a lot of courage - coming out like that - do you think PETA might have a thing or two to say about that kind of activity - ya know hamsters have rights too ? You know those PETA people they are so homophobic - don't you agree ?

I don't know if you completely lack comprehension, have the actual IQ of a GreenBean, or are just a shit disturber. Either way, I said nothing resembling your false statement poorly phrased as an attempted question.
being gay isn't a sickness, it isn't a problem with their mind... its what they are and there isn't any amount of steps that vwill change who they are...

We were talking about what is natural healing, which applies to all people and areas of life.

Of course, if people are naturally the way they are, there is nothing to heal.

I am talking about the cases where people were not happy and wanted to change.
* some go through healing prayer, remain unchanged, but come to forgiveness and peace with it so they are still healed spiritually even if they didn't change their orientation, etc.
so this helps many people to accept their natural orientation, not change it!
* some go through healing, and come out as gay or transgender after they let go of fear
and guilt about it; whatever is natural for them, that's what brings them peace.
* some go through healing and change their orientation/relationships to heterosexual, where they identify this is naturally who they are

This process isn't directly about homosexuality,
and that's why Inevitable complained it was off topic.

One higher purpose I see for homosexuality
is that it raises awareness of the power of unconditional love and forgiveness
to transform people and relationships.

It's not just about the homosexuality itself, which is used as an easy target.

What people are really gaining from discussing and debating these issues is greater
understanding life on a higher level, where it isn't just what you see on the surface.

And the SAME process of spiritual healing used to resolve gender/orientation issues,
has many more applications to healing abuse, addiction, and other conditions. So many more people can be helped who understand this process that applies to all people.

So that is another good purpose coming out of this.

you are assuning they need to be natural healed because you feel their behavior needs to be healed

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