Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

If it's a choice, it's constitutionally protected as the right to the pursuit of happiness. If it's mental illness, it's no different than right wing ideology. If it's inherent, it's no different that hair color.
Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

If it's a choice, it's constitutionally protected as the right to the pursuit of happiness. If it's mental illness, it's no different than right wing ideology. If it's inherent, it's no different that hair color.

BOTTOMLINE= TO YOU! IS MAN'S LAWS MORE IMPORTANT THAN GOD'S LAWS??? GOD says sexual perversion is an abomination!!! I choose to believe GOD!!! and you??
Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

If it's a choice, it's constitutionally protected as the right to the pursuit of happiness. If it's mental illness, it's no different than right wing ideology. If it's inherent, it's no different that hair color.

BOTTOMLINE= TO YOU! IS MAN'S LAWS MORE IMPORTANT THAN GOD'S LAWS??? GOD says sexual perversion is an abomination!!! I choose to believe GOD!!! and you??

I guess Moses didn't have enough room to include it in with the 10 commandments, but making graven images made the cut?

Nice. My avatar just got me a place in Hadies....
If it's a choice, it's constitutionally protected as the right to the pursuit of happiness. If it's mental illness, it's no different than right wing ideology. If it's inherent, it's no different that hair color.

BOTTOMLINE= TO YOU! IS MAN'S LAWS MORE IMPORTANT THAN GOD'S LAWS??? GOD says sexual perversion is an abomination!!! I choose to believe GOD!!! and you??

I guess Moses didn't have enough room to include it in with the 10 commandments, but making graven images made the cut?

Nice. My avatar just got me a place in Hadies....

YES!!! ALL OF GOD'S WORD IS GOD'S WORD, read and understand in context so you will understand what GOD is saying= sexual perversion is an ABOMINATION!!
Thanks [MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION]
Since natural healing is very broad to describe (I did try, sorry if I missed the mark on it)
please describe the spiritual healing you have no problem with.

I'd rather go with yours which I trust would only be positive and true
(or we could spend all day and night talking
about natural healing and not address any issues if you ask me to spell it out.
That will go nowhere and you are much more precise and to the point.)

So let's go with yours instead. I have no problem with that.
(If there is some conflict
that matters, we can work it out faster starting with you
rather than with me trying to spell it out. Sorry I tried,
it's not necessary since you are ok with spiritual healing so we can go with that)

I was asking what natural healing was.

I tried to describe it, but there are different types and different applications.
The main thing is that it is "natural" it is based on how the mind/body work
to heal themselves by nature, so the process happens freely and is all positive.

After I answered or tried to,
I read your post that you "have no problem with spiritual healing"

So whatever the "spiritual healing" is that you "have no problem with"
that is what I mean by natural healing. Or it's close enough.

the point is that it is NOT the coercive fraudulent abusive forced conversion
that is malpractice and/or criminal.

The main point I got out of this is that
I cannot make any reference that seems to link healing, natural healing, etc.
with "anything to do" with that forced conversion crap or it confuses two unrelated things.

Once you said you had no problem with spiritual healing,
I am fine with going with the type you understand is not a problem.

Everyone I know refers to their own process in different terms
so I am not going to haggle with you or anyone on how you see this process.

The MAIN difference is between
natural/spiritual which is effective and lasting
versus fraudulent fake or forced which fails and causes harm.
(there is also a distinction from negative spiritual forces like
voodoo sorcery spells curses, etc. which CLASH with positive healing
prayer and cause greater risk of damage disrupting the life forces)

I think it is obvious we are both OPPOSED to the negative/wrongful approaches
and only support that which is spiritually natural, positive and works freely.
YES!!! ALL OF GOD'S WORD IS GOD'S WORD, read and understand in context so you will understand what GOD is saying= sexual perversion is an ABOMINATION!!

Good Morning [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION]
And how many people have you helped overcome "sexual perversion" by this method?

Inevitable wants to compare cases documented medically in APA / psychological terms.

If you can share cases of people who overcame their "sexual perversion"
by being preached to in this manner, maybe it does work for those people.

From what I see, it turns more people away from the Bible and Christianity.
Is this what you intend?
Are you trying to be a stumbling block and cause rejection or provoke your neighbor?

GISMYS all the people I have ever heard of change their lives and lifestyles
did so by forgiveness and healing of past sins or karma. It was not by preaching at them.


Your method causes more people to rebel against Christianity God and the Bible.
My friend Daron will not forgive Christians as long as people like you keep preaching this way.

You can blame that unforgiveness on Daron, and he will merely blame it on you for causing it.

Is THIS what you want to cause? Twice as many people refusing to forgive each other?

That is twice as many stumbling blocks, turning people from God by SPREADING UNFORGIVENESS.
Why would you keep doing this if it is causing more problems than it is solving?

All the cases of people healed of sexual perversion, addiction or abuse
(not about "preaching that the Bible condemns sexual perversion" which is not
one of the steps in the successful treatment and spiritual process).

The first step is forgiving, so all things may be resolved. So if you skip that step, people stay stuck.
Since you appear to stay stuck GISMYS I can only assume there is something you are not forgiving so you keep preaching instead.
Thanks but no thanks, this does not help people, or anyone here.

The most I see is that you are challenging people to forgive you for preaching,
but the better way is to forgive others first so they learn to forgive you by example.
If you are trying to teach forgiveness, the opposite is happening by spreading more unforgiveness of you for preaching at people.

Please pray for another way to be more effective than this. God will always answer your prayers.
Thanks GISMYS: May you continue to receive more forgiveness healing wisdom and insights from God.
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YES!!! ALL OF GOD'S WORD IS GOD'S WORD, read and understand in context so you will understand what GOD is saying= sexual perversion is an ABOMINATION!!

Good Morning [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION]
And how many people have you helped overcome "sexual perversion" by this method?

[MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] wants to compare cases documented medically in APA / psychological terms.

If you can share cases of people who overcame their "sexual perversion"
by being preached to in this manner, maybe it does work for those people.

From what I see, it turns more people away from the Bible and Christianity.
Is this what you intend?
Are you trying to be a stumbling block and cause rejection or provoke your neighbor?

GISMYS all the people I have ever heard of change their lives and lifestyles
did so by forgiveness and healing of past sins or karma. It was not by preaching at them.

Your method causes more people to rebel against Christianity God and the Bible. My friend Daron will not forgive Christians as long as people like you keep preaching this way.

You can blame that unforgiveness on Daron, and he will merely blame it on you for causing it.

Is THIS what you want to cause? Twice as many people refusing to forgive each other?

That is twice as many stumbling blocks. Why would you keep doing this if it is causing more problems than it is solving?

GISMYS can name ONE PERSON here that you have helped change their minds by preaching that "the Bible condemns sexual perversion"? Who are you trying to address?

If you are trying to address me as a "Pharisee" I do promote the type of spiritual healing that cures people of sexual abuse and addictions or "sexual perversions"
These methods are all based on SPIRITUAL FORGIVENESS AND HEALING
and not about "preaching that the Bible condemns sexual perversion" which is not
one of the steps in the successful treatment.

The first step is forgiving. So if you skip that step, people stay stuck.
Since you appear to stay stuck GISMYS I can only assume there is something you are not forgiving so you keep preaching instead. Thanks but no thanks, this does not help people.

Please pray for another way to be more effective than this. Thanks GISMYS
May you continue to receive more forgiveness healing wisdom and insights from God.

First you must WANT to overcome sexual perversion, TURN TO GOD,GOD AND GOD'S WORD ARE THERE TO HELP YOU OVERCOME ANY SIN.
So then you are supporting the "rights" of homosexuals to fornicate with children and hamsters ?

Hmmmmm ... berry berry interesting -
Glad you brought that out in the open - that took a lot of courage - coming out like that - do you think PETA might have a thing or two to say about that kind of activity - ya know hamsters have rights too ? You know those PETA people they are so homophobic - don't you agree ?

I don't know if you completely lack comprehension, have the actual IQ of a GreenBean, or are just a shit disturber. Either way, I said nothing resembling your false statement poorly phrased as an attempted question.

... a shit disturber

So you like shit disturbers ? I hear they can be very amicable and polite people - Have you had your stool pushed in by one lately ?

Either way, I said nothing resembling your false statement poorly phrased as an attempted question

Oh , my apoloogies - I must have misunderstood you - So you don't support inter-species intimacy - so what about inter generational intimacy , do you support the Gays on their quest to lower the age of consent ?

If two consenting adults from different generations want to get intimate with each other, that's their business. I don't support anybody's quest to lower the age of consent, regardless of their sexual orientation.
YES!!! ALL OF GOD'S WORD IS GOD'S WORD, read and understand in context so you will understand what GOD is saying= sexual perversion is an ABOMINATION!!

Good Morning [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION]
And how many people have you helped overcome "sexual perversion" by this method?

[MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION] wants to compare cases documented medically in APA / psychological terms.

If you can share cases of people who overcame their "sexual perversion"
by being preached to in this manner, maybe it does work for those people.

From what I see, it turns more people away from the Bible and Christianity.
Is this what you intend?
Are you trying to be a stumbling block and cause rejection or provoke your neighbor?

GISMYS all the people I have ever heard of change their lives and lifestyles
did so by forgiveness and healing of past sins or karma. It was not by preaching at them.

Your method causes more people to rebel against Christianity God and the Bible. My friend Daron will not forgive Christians as long as people like you keep preaching this way.

You can blame that unforgiveness on Daron, and he will merely blame it on you for causing it.

Is THIS what you want to cause? Twice as many people refusing to forgive each other?

That is twice as many stumbling blocks. Why would you keep doing this if it is causing more problems than it is solving?

GISMYS can name ONE PERSON here that you have helped change their minds by preaching that "the Bible condemns sexual perversion"? Who are you trying to address?

If you are trying to address me as a "Pharisee" I do promote the type of spiritual healing that cures people of sexual abuse and addictions or "sexual perversions"
These methods are all based on SPIRITUAL FORGIVENESS AND HEALING
and not about "preaching that the Bible condemns sexual perversion" which is not
one of the steps in the successful treatment.

The first step is forgiving. So if you skip that step, people stay stuck.
Since you appear to stay stuck GISMYS I can only assume there is something you are not forgiving so you keep preaching instead. Thanks but no thanks, this does not help people.

Please pray for another way to be more effective than this. Thanks GISMYS
May you continue to receive more forgiveness healing wisdom and insights from God.

First you must WANT to overcome sexual perversion, TURN TO GOD,GOD AND GOD'S WORD ARE THERE TO HELP YOU OVERCOME ANY SIN.

Many fail in their fight against sin by attempting to overcome it by their own strength rather than relying on God’s Spirit. Paul acknowledges this human deficiency. He knew full well the impact of the law of human nature and conduct. “. . . Evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good,” he wrote (Romans:7:21). This scripture describes the struggle of Paul’s—and every Christian’s—corrupt nature with his new godly nature.

It is through Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice for sin and by His nature dwelling in us (Galatians:2:20), that we can live a new, godly life. We can be redeemed “from every lawless deed” and purified as “His own special people, zealous for good works” (Titus:2:14). With God’s help we can overcome.
If it's a choice, it's constitutionally protected as the right to the pursuit of happiness. If it's mental illness, it's no different than right wing ideology. If it's inherent, it's no different that hair color.

BOTTOMLINE= TO YOU! IS MAN'S LAWS MORE IMPORTANT THAN GOD'S LAWS??? GOD says sexual perversion is an abomination!!! I choose to believe GOD!!! and you??

I guess Moses didn't have enough room to include it in with the 10 commandments, but making graven images made the cut?

Nice. My avatar just got me a place in Hadies....
Any Unnatural sexual lust or acts are included in TWO commandments under
* Thou shalt not commit ADULTERY
Jesus said even having unnatural LUST in our hearts is already Adultery in spirit
* Thou shalt not COVET thy neighbor's wife .... or anything that is thy neighbor's

I always pointed out the focus should be against adultery, and that would cover any "unnatural lust" between either heterosexual or homosexual partners
The Republican Party changed the Texas platform to remove the language targeting "homosexuality" and replacing it with broader terms of "sexual sins"
to cover rape, adultery, incest, any sexual abuses in general which are really the problem. So they got this right.

Everyone is yelling about defending the choice of reparative therapy in the platform,
but what about this positive correction that I believe promotes a unified approach.
Focus on stopping sexual abuse and relationship abuse, and that covers everything!
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BOTTOMLINE= TO YOU! IS MAN'S LAWS MORE IMPORTANT THAN GOD'S LAWS??? GOD says sexual perversion is an abomination!!! I choose to believe GOD!!! and you??

I guess Moses didn't have enough room to include it in with the 10 commandments, but making graven images made the cut?

Nice. My avatar just got me a place in Hadies....

Any Unnatural sexual lust or acts are included in TWO commandments under
* Thou shalt not commit ADULTERY
Jesus said even having unnatural LUST in our hearts is already Adultery in spirit
* Thou shalt not COVET thy neighbor's wife .... or anything that is thy neighbor's

I always pointed out the focus should be against adultery, and that would cover any "unnatural lust" between either heterosexual or homosexual partners

I'm sorry, but by that logic, any sex except for between married couples, would be considered a sin. I don't have a problem understanding that, but that would make sex between unmarried gay men, no worse an offence than sex between two unmarried straight people (man and women)
I guess Moses didn't have enough room to include it in with the 10 commandments, but making graven images made the cut?

Nice. My avatar just got me a place in Hadies....

Any Unnatural sexual lust or acts are included in TWO commandments under
* Thou shalt not commit ADULTERY
Jesus said even having unnatural LUST in our hearts is already Adultery in spirit
* Thou shalt not COVET thy neighbor's wife .... or anything that is thy neighbor's

I always pointed out the focus should be against adultery, and that would cover any "unnatural lust" between either heterosexual or homosexual partners

I'm sorry, but by that logic, any sex except for between married couples, would be considered a sin. I don't have a problem understanding that, but that would make sex between unmarried gay men, no worse an offence than sex between two unmarried straight people (man and women)

I don't know if you completely lack comprehension, have the actual IQ of a GreenBean, or are just a shit disturber. Either way, I said nothing resembling your false statement poorly phrased as an attempted question.

So you like shit disturbers ? I hear they can be very amicable and polite people - Have you had your stool pushed in by one lately ?

Either way, I said nothing resembling your false statement poorly phrased as an attempted question

Oh , my apoloogies - I must have misunderstood you - So you don't support inter-species intimacy - so what about inter generational intimacy , do you support the Gays on their quest to lower the age of consent ?

If two consenting adults from different generations want to get intimate with each other, that's their business. I don't support anybody's quest to lower the age of consent, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Cool Beans ... so what age do you consider an "Adult" to be ? In the Dark Ages "Adulthood" was shortly after they ceased suckling their mother teats - do you believe gays should have the rights to wean them off their mothers teats with the use of a "pacifier"
Many fail in their fight against sin by attempting to overcome it by their own strength rather than relying on God’s Spirit. Paul acknowledges this human deficiency. He knew full well the impact of the law of human nature and conduct. “. . . Evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good,” he wrote (Romans:7:21). This scripture describes the struggle of Paul’s—and every Christian’s—corrupt nature with his new godly nature.

It is through Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice for sin and by His nature dwelling in us (Galatians:2:20), that we can live a new, godly life. We can be redeemed “from every lawless deed” and purified as “His own special people, zealous for good works” (Titus:2:14). With God’s help we can overcome.

Yes, agreed.
and the FIRST step to letting go so God's will can be done naturally
is to FORGIVE.
[MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] the more WE FORGIVE and let God in to correct these things,
the LESS you will feel the need to preach about it.

Please let us focus on letting God in to correct things by HIS will not ours.

Again, the scripture in Matthew that we focus on removing
the BEAMS from our own eyes BEFORE pointing out the splinter in our neighbors'

The more we work on ourselves, God helps us and takes care of others the same
way. They have to find and remove their splinters themselves their own way.

We cannot do this for others or point it out for them. That is for them to do with God.
For you and me, we focus on ourselves which is our business with God.

Note: Nobody can change someone's mind by preaching at them.

When you let the Plumbers into the house to fix the plumbing,
you don't need to keep calling the Plumbers and yelling at all the neighbors
There's a break in the system and the houses are flooding!
There's a break in the system and the houses are flooding!
There's a break in the system and the houses are flooding!

over and over

The neighbors who already trust the Plumbers to come in and fix things
already know and do not need to hear you yell and scream about it

The neighbors who don't TRUST YOU and think you are preaching to preach
will think you are yelling for nothing and complain about you

Would you really expect neighbors who don't want to hear you yell and preach
to "change their minds" about slamming the door in your face

We all know this does NOT work
So let's keep asking God to find another way to fix all the houses without preaching.
Many fail in their fight against sin by attempting to overcome it by their own strength rather than relying on God’s Spirit. Paul acknowledges this human deficiency. He knew full well the impact of the law of human nature and conduct. “. . . Evil is present with me, the one who wills to do good,” he wrote (Romans:7:21). This scripture describes the struggle of Paul’s—and every Christian’s—corrupt nature with his new godly nature.

It is through Jesus Christ, through His sacrifice for sin and by His nature dwelling in us (Galatians:2:20), that we can live a new, godly life. We can be redeemed “from every lawless deed” and purified as “His own special people, zealous for good works” (Titus:2:14). With God’s help we can overcome.

Yes, agreed.
and the FIRST step to letting go so God's will can be done naturally
is to FORGIVE.
[MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] the more WE FORGIVE and let God in to correct these things,
the LESS you will feel the need to preach about it.

Please let us focus on letting God in to correct things by HIS will not ours.

Again, the scripture in Matthew that we focus on removing
the BEAMS from our own eyes BEFORE pointing out the splinter in our neighbors'

The more we work on ourselves, God helps us and takes care of others the same
way. They have to find and remove their splinters themselves their own way.

We cannot do this for others or point it out for them. That is for them to do with God.
For you and me, we focus on ourselves which is our business with God.

Note: Nobody can change someone's mind by preaching at them.

When you let the Plumbers into the house to fix the plumbing,
you don't need to keep calling the Plumbers and yelling at all the neighbors
There's a break in the system and the houses are flooding!
There's a break in the system and the houses are flooding!
There's a break in the system and the houses are flooding!

over and over

The neighbors who already trust the Plumbers to come in and fix things
already know and do not need to hear you yell and scream about it

The neighbors who don't TRUST YOU and think you are preaching to preach
will think you are yelling for nothing and complain about you

Would you really expect neighbors who don't want to hear you yell and preach
to "change their minds" about slamming the door in your face

We all know this does NOT work
So let's keep asking God to find another way to fix all the houses without preaching.

ME FORGIVE???? NO!! IT IS GOD'S forgivness that is needed by sexual perverts and GOD will forgive those that confess and repent and HE will wash them clean BUT they must first admit their sin IS sin,confess and repent and seek to stop doing evil.
I'm sorry, but by that logic, any sex except for between married couples, would be considered a sin. I don't have a problem understanding that, but that would make sex between unmarried gay men, no worse an offence than sex between two unmarried straight people (man and women)

Hi Mad_Cabbie
that's why I don't start too literally,
where people haggle legalistically over the "letter of the law" and lose the SPIRIT or meaning/point

the point is to respect committed partners and partnerships
This is on a spiritual level first
(then whatever laws or actions happen in the physical world follow from that)

If we follow the law in spirit, then the physical things follow from there, not vice versa.
the REAL issue is to make sure people are "paired up" with their "true spiritual partners"

Otherwise it causes discord if both people really belong with other partners instead
(which is adultery "in spirit" if people are having sex with someone else's spiritual partner.
it is not just based on who is legally married, but who is married in spirit as partners.)

It makes sense to me people would need to resolve this issue first
BEFORE trying to decide on sex, marriage, laws, etc after the fact

If we can't even agree on what determines a true spiritual partner or partnership
we have no business trying to impose laws on marriage because of religious differences.
Even if we did agree, that is still a spiritual/religious concept and not for the state to decide.

so this is why I am saying it is a spiritual matter first
before it becomes a religious or legal matter after that.

We'd have to agree on the spiritual level or we will never resolve the other two levels
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First you must WANT to overcome sexual perversion, TURN TO GOD,GOD AND GOD'S WORD ARE THERE TO HELP YOU OVERCOME ANY SIN.
And how can any such person WANT to change themselves
if all they WANT is for you to "quit preaching at them?"

If your preaching distracts and sends them in the wrong direction
how is this helping to bring in God's will to make any corrections?

Isn't it adding MORE misunderstanding and conflicts that now need to be forgiven and corrected? On TOP of what was already a problem? How is this helping anyone?
First you must WANT to overcome sexual perversion, TURN TO GOD,GOD AND GOD'S WORD ARE THERE TO HELP YOU OVERCOME ANY SIN.
And how can any such person WANT to change themselves
if all they WANT is for you to "quit preaching at them?"

If your preaching distracts and sends them in the wrong direction
how is this helping to bring in God's will to make any corrections?

Isn't it adding MORE misunderstanding and conflicts that now need to be forgiven and corrected? On TOP of what was already a problem? How is this helping anyone?

Didn't you jump all over me when I pointed out you were wrong about it not being a choice? Didn't you claim that you didn't actually hold that position?

I don't believe it's a choice. No, you and I never spoke about that.

We spent a significant part of my posts in this tread discussing it.

But feel free to pretend we didn't.

Dear [MENTION=23420]Quantum Windbag[/MENTION] and [MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION]
It is clear to me that Inevitable's position is and always has been it is not a choice.
(I disagree also for people who "report for themselves" that their sexuality WAS a choice, I trust each person to speak for themselves without other people imposing, either way)

I also misunderstood and thought Inevitable was opposed to natural spiritual healing.

Inevitable misunderstood me and thought I either supported the mental illness approach or the abusive types of conversion /malpractice based on the assumption that homosexuality needed to be targeted, fixed cured or changed.

I can assure you that is not what I meant or believe.
Nor did Inevitable mean one thing and turn around and say something else,
especially not about choice which I could see is clearly his position it isn't a choice.

Sorry this happens online.
Clearly it happens to the best of people since I have no doubt that
you Inevitable and I are all consistent with what we believe and mean,
and the miscommunication that happens is not our intent.

I believe we are all correct in our knowledge and assessment
and only miscommunicate where we misunderstand each other's experiences
that are outside our own. We might expand and see that
for some people it is a choice and for some people it is not.

But that will not change our original positions, just because we acknowledge other people's experiences that are different from ours. We will still believe the same thing we were saying from the beginning, and understand we are not talking about the same things that make other people answer differently. These are not in conflict with each other.

The spiritual process going on includes all these experiences as valid, and it's mostly our communication that fails because of our lack of terms to distinguish the higher spiritual changes and differences between people's perceptions and experiences. The Buddhist terms may clarify some of these distinctions, but just given English/scientific terms of "mental illness" doesn't work to describe the spiritual changes people have gone through.

Even the term "choice" can be debated theologically and spiritually on what level of choice you are talking about; some people do not believe we have free will at all but just the illusion of free will, others think all things in life are choice etc.

Of course we are going to misunderstand and may never see things the same way.
If we stick to where we agree, we can focus and communicate on those points.
So let's focus there and forgive the rest that gets messed up online. Just happens,
even to the best most consistent of us. Thanks to both of you, please keep on
and let's not haggle over the snags that don't matter. The content is more valuable.

Nope I am saying you are preaching to the wrong choir.

And the ones who do need this help respond not to preaching
but to forgiveness and counseling that heals past wrongs.

Your METHOD of preaching is the problem, the CONTENT of God's word and it's enforcement DO NOT RELY on you preaching it THIS WAY.

God's word and God's will is still unchanged.

So your preaching (not God's word) sends the wrong impression of YOU
(not God's word)

I guess the problem is you cannot distinguish the CONTENT (God's word)
from YOUR PREACHING which is YOU (not God's word)

You keep thinking I am defying or diminishing the truth of God's word
when I am addressing YOUR WAY of preaching it. Do you see the difference?

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