Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

So it's right - when it suits your purposes , but wrong when it works against them !? That's pretty Childish - don't you think ??
They were wrong in thefirst place,they layer corrected their error.

Yes okay they "Layer" corrected it - uh hmmm - so what else did they do in Layers ?

Perhaps you should correct some of your errors - you seem to have them in abundance. Begginning with your choice of lifestyle

758 posts and still going in circles.

Gays don't choose any more than you do but bottom line is, even it were a "choice", its no one's business.

If people would stop peeking in other people's windows, there would be a lot fewer problems in the world.

They were wrong in thefirst place,they layer corrected their error.

Yes okay they "Layer" corrected it - uh hmmm - so what else did they do in Layers ?

Perhaps you should correct some of your errors - you seem to have them in abundance. Begginning with your choice of lifestyle

758 posts and still going in circles.

Gays don't choose any more than you do but bottom line is, even it were a "choice", its no one's business.

If people would stop peeking in other people's windows, there would be a lot fewer problems in the world.

""ALL"" SIN IS MAN'S CHOICE= GOOD OR EVIL,RIGHT OR WRONG,BELIEVE GOD'S WORD OR TRY TO DENY THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD!!! Live in the light or live in darkness, You get to chose!
They were wrong in thefirst place,they layer corrected their error.

Yes okay they "Layer" corrected it - uh hmmm - so what else did they do in Layers ?

Perhaps you should correct some of your errors - you seem to have them in abundance. Begginning with your choice of lifestyle

758 posts and still going in circles.

Gays don't choose any more than you do but bottom line is, even it were a "choice", its no one's business.

If people would stop peeking in other people's windows, there would be a lot fewer problems in the world.


It's not about "peaking into ther peoples windows" - who really gives a rats ass ? - It's about gay activists prying into other peoples heads ,
invading their living rooms with their constant barrages of vile propaganda,

attacking their houses of worship because they refuse to bow down,

destroying peoples lives and careers because they dare to disagree with the Lords of Perversion,

It's about trying to pass off a mental degeneracy and sick and unhealthy anti-sexual perversion as something admirable -

BUT WORST OF ALL it's about invading our schools, our childrens entertainment and our childrens minds with their detestable agenda . Gay is not Okay and it's not an acceptable "alternative lifestyle"
BELIEVE AND FACE TRUTH!!!== For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.

21 For when they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God, nor were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:20-22
That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1
DAYS are comming very soon when the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; 16and they said to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; 17for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" Revelation 6:16 JESUS= KING OF KINGS,LORD OF LORDS
I love it when someone beat their bible while condemning the sexual acts of gays, and yet my bet those that beat their bibles have also sin in their youth but now want to ignore their own sins while condemning the gay and lesbian community...

I also love those that beat their bible while worshiping a religion that was created by a Pagan Roman to control the mass public with ignorant worshiping of false words, and lie...

Also King David was bi-sexual, and some claim Jesus himself was gay because he walked around with 12 man and a whore, but who am I to judge?

Also the Bible words were to lure the close minded away from the Pagan sexual ways in the Greek and Roman society, but again keep beating your bible...
I love it when someone beat their bible while condemning the sexual acts of gays, and yet my bet those that beat their bibles have also sin in their youth but now want to ignore their own sins while condemning the gay and lesbian community...

I also love those that beat their bible while worshiping a religion that was created by a Pagan Roman to control the mass public with ignorant worshiping of false words, and lie...

Also King David was bi-sexual, and some claim Jesus himself was gay because he walked around with 12 man and a whore, but who am I to judge?

Also the Bible words were to lure the close minded away from the Pagan sexual ways in the Greek and Roman society, but again keep beating your bible...

BEWARE!!!! BEWARNED!! There is a very high cost to those that allow satan to use them as his TOOL,FOOL,PUPPET!!!
Thanks [MENTION=49586]Inevitable[/MENTION]
Since natural healing is very broad to describe (I did try, sorry if I missed the mark on it)
please describe the spiritual healing you have no problem with.

I'd rather go with yours which I trust would only be positive and true
[MENTION=22295]emilynghiem[/MENTION]Go with my what exactly?

Hi Inevitable
With whatever "spiritual healing" you said "you don't have a problem with"
If you don't have a problem with it I assume it is
* natural
* true and effective and right for that person to choose or use to describe their process of healing (ie not forced fake or fraud)
* effective and positive
* causes no harm or risk but freely chosen and safe

It is easier to start with your understanding of "spiritual healing"
and work from there, rather than for me to try to define the
millions of different ways people have experienced healing naturally
and try to define that without error or conflict with your experiences,
since everyone is different and understands this in a unique way

Since you and I are discussing with each other, and you are better
at narrowing things down to the common core, I say we start with
your perspective and stick with where mine agrees with yours in
order to cut out as much extra verbiage from my "talking around the points"
unnecessarily, and just get to and keep directly with the points that are on target.

(same with GreenBean instead of arguing about what he is
calling mental illness, let's start with the type of experiences
he believes are true where people changed and look at their language
for it. i didn't see anyone call homosexuality a mental illness. in fact one
man said he got no help at all from psychiatric counselors trying to approach
it the traditional way with therapy, so that does not work. what i saw was
very forgiving and understanding language talking about their OWN
spiritual experiences and changes in life, not condemning themselves
or other people (even themselves or people who may have abused them
which they didn't blame either). so if we can agree on common language there, we don't have to argue
what is mental illness what is choice if these people don't talk that way in the first place.

I was also looking for the article about a gay priest who came to terms that
he was homosexual by birth for spiritual reasons, in order to compare the language
he uses to describe his process of coming to terms with this. by seeing the common
process I thought it would be more clear that just because they change or don't
change doesn't mean it's false or true, the common factor is the spiritual realization)
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BOTTOMLINE= TO YOU! IS MAN'S LAWS MORE IMPORTANT THAN GOD'S LAWS??? GOD says sexual perversion is an abomination!!! I choose to believe GOD!!! and you??

I guess Moses didn't have enough room to include it in with the 10 commandments, but making graven images made the cut?

Nice. My avatar just got me a place in Hadies....

YES!!! ALL OF GOD'S WORD IS GOD'S WORD, read and understand in context so you will understand what GOD is saying= sexual perversion is an ABOMINATION!!

God didn't write the bible, or even put it together. Your b.s. is no different than Muslims declaring Mohamed scripture as "God's word". In fact, Mohamed says the same as you.
BEWARE!!!! BEWARNED!! There is a very high cost to those that allow satan to use them as his TOOL,FOOL,PUPPET!!![/QUOTE]:cuckoo::eek::cuckoo:

Satan is the inner demon or evil that lives within us... Just like God is the inner Good that lives within us... They're made up to excuse our good and evil deeds...

Yin and Yang but alas those that beat their Bible believe in the fairy tale of Satan to scare themselves into keeping the evil in check...
I guess Moses didn't have enough room to include it in with the 10 commandments, but making graven images made the cut?

Nice. My avatar just got me a place in Hadies....

YES!!! ALL OF GOD'S WORD IS GOD'S WORD, read and understand in context so you will understand what GOD is saying= sexual perversion is an ABOMINATION!!

God didn't write the bible, or even put it together. Your b.s. is no different than Muslims declaring Mohamed scripture as "God's word". In fact, Mohamed says the same as you.

LOL!!! I CHOSE TO BELIEVE GOD'S WORD and just pity the poor lost fools!=== All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

17 that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly equipped for all good works.
2 timothy 3:16
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BELIEVE AND FACE TRUTH!!!== For from the creation of the world the invisible things of Him are clearly seen, being understood through the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.

21 For when they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God, nor were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Romans 1:20-22
That man is a fool who says to himself, “There is no God!” Anyone who talks like that is warped and evil and cannot really be a good person at all.Psalm 14:1===Only a fool would say to himself, “There is no God.” And why does he say it? Because of his wicked heart, his dark and evil deeds. His life is corroded with sin. PSALM 53:1
DAYS are comming very soon when the kings of the earth and the great men and the commanders and the rich and the strong and every slave and free man hid themselves in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains; 16and they said to the mountains and to the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the presence of Him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; 17for the great day of their wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" Revelation 6:16 JESUS= KING OF KINGS,LORD OF LORDS

Good Morning [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION]
Arise and Shine! --

GreenBean posted testimonies of people who changed their lives
and no longer desire homosexual relations with others. If you READ their testmonies
posted on "peoplecanchange" (see his links below) :

These fellow Christian believers do NOT condemn other people
They speak in a forgiving understanding spirit, through Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit,
to SHARE their healing experiences with others, in loving words with no fear of condemnation.
All the fear and unforgiveness is gone.

Do you see the difference?

GISMYS show me where any of these people who completely transformed spiritually
use any "Bible preaching and condemnation of sexual perversions"
to change their lives or to reach out to anyone else to change. Where is this done?

Why were these people successful?
Look at how they talk about their OWN lives with Forgiveness, NOT other people with "unforgiveness and judgment."

Read the testimonies that GreenBean posted.

Can you speak that way using your OWN experiences with how you changed your OWN life?
That is more effective. Why can't you share that way and be more effective as they are?

Look at what works. not preaching not condemnation or threats of judgment.
these people ran from that and did not get help that way. look what worked for them.
and look how they share with others that worked.

they are not posting preaching on that website. no screaming about judgment and hell.

if that is what worked, GISMYS, wouldn't they be preaching as you do here
in order to help more people? look what they've posted instead:
can you do the same?

GISMYS I ask you to take up the same challenge of these brave witnesses.
to go through the same forgiveness and healing process they did,
and "come out" with your true voice you naturally speak with,
blessed by God with love and healing words of comfort not condemnation.

drop the mask of preaching judging and condemning that is
what you think society needs to hear, and speak with others with the
words God gives you to repent of your own ways, and come clean
as these other people did who "speak the truth with love" not fear.

Thank you GISMYS
if your experiences with healing do not belong on this thread
please post on your other threads in your OWN words using
your OWN experience as your own personal testimony given by God
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Let's sum up and go get brunch. :)

- If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then homosexuals can't be faulted for being that way.

- If homosexuality is a choice or preference, they can be condemned for choosing what some religions consider a sin.

Choose your position and move on. Sheesh.
It would be one thing if the words were by God, but the words on those pages were by men that wanted to control the mindless drones that need something to believe in...

You worship the words by Romans and Greeks, and in fact you worship more of a Pagan religion than the actual words of Jesus, or Moses...
it would be one thing if the words were by god, but the words on those pages were by men that wanted to control the mindless drones that need something to believe in...

You worship the words by romans and greeks, and in fact you worship more of a pagan religion than the actual words of jesus, or moses...

satan has you blinded and is playing you for a fool!!
I love it when someone beat their bible while condemning the sexual acts of gays, and yet my bet those that beat their bibles have also sin in their youth but now want to ignore their own sins while condemning the gay and lesbian community...

I also love those that beat their bible while worshiping a religion that was created by a Pagan Roman to control the mass public with ignorant worshiping of false words, and lie...

Also King David was bi-sexual, and some claim Jesus himself was gay because he walked around with 12 man and a whore, but who am I to judge?

Also the Bible words were to lure the close minded away from the Pagan sexual ways in the Greek and Roman society, but again keep beating your bible...

BEWARE!!!! BEWARNED!! There is a very high cost to those that allow satan to use them as his TOOL,FOOL,PUPPET!!!
but your god sound such a boring twat.
Ps what was your favorite sex position.........I am assuming you have a good memory.
You are born gay and it is not a mental illness...

Proof Please :eusa_whistle:

Hi GreenBean: if you have no friends who were naturally born gay: You can call my friend Ray Hill, a prominent gay atheist activist, and talk with him about how he is naturally how he is. He teaches the same concept of free grace in life, and forgiveness so you don't make yourself "mentally ill" keeping inventory on yourself or others. 713 523 6969. this is posted publicly on freespiritualhealing | Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy and he helps anyone who calls. He overcame alcoholic addiction by adding Buddhist meditation practice to AA, and has helped many others regardless if they are Christian or other faiths, he does not believe in a personified God or Jesus, but doesn't mind people who do as long as you can tolerate him as well. He is very fair about equal respect. He works on peace and justice alongside other Christians and people of all faiths. He memorized the Bible by the time he was 19, so he can talk with anyone about anything. He just counsels people to focus on where they place their own faith, and help the same people of a group work together and not worry about what other groups believe and put their faith in. He is very kind wise and funny; he has been through or seen just about any horrible thing people do to others, and helps them make peace with his natural sense of humor about life and the human condition. maybe he knows what you are saying about alcoholic addiction and tendencies inherited from the past. I have no doubt he is one of those specially called to be as he is to help people from his viewpoint. Please call him if you have any doubts some people are born that way for a reason. He is wonderful and I'm sure you will get more out of talking with him than you might expect! He is great!
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Let's sum up and go get brunch. :)

Choose your position and move on. Sheesh.

- If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then homosexuals can't be faulted for being that way.

If homosexuality were a Birth Defect which it's not - we'dbe able to identify queers in the womb and that at that time - would you argue against abortion as feverently as you now argue for it ?

Mongoloids are a birth defect - Mongoloids can not be faulted for being born with Down Syndrome - but then again Mongoloids don't run around harassing people like queers do.

- If homosexuality is a choice or preference, they can be condemned for choosing what some religions consider a sin.

You don't have to be religous to recognize the homosexuality is an abomination - just intelligent - free thinking and unbiased

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