Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

I guess Moses didn't have enough room to include it in with the 10 commandments, but making graven images made the cut?

Nice. My avatar just got me a place in Hadies....

YES!!! ALL OF GOD'S WORD IS GOD'S WORD, read and understand in context so you will understand what GOD is saying= sexual perversion is an ABOMINATION!!

God didn't write the bible, or even put it together. Your b.s. is no different than Muslims declaring Mohamed scripture as "God's word". In fact, Mohamed says the same as you.

Hi [MENTION=45484]hangover[/MENTION] [MENTION=49278]Bruce_T_Laney[/MENTION] [MENTION=48922]I.P.Freely[/MENTION]
Inevitable and others did request not to use this thread for Bible discussion off topic.

I asked [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION] to please post his own testimony in the style of
the links [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] posted of people who overcame their own sexual issues.

If you are in agreement that this would be on topic, for GISMYS to describe
his OWN "mental illness" "choice of perversion" or "sins he overcame"
so that this can be compared with calling homosexuality these things,
I would like to see him explain using his own words from his own experiences.
If it works for those other people to change their homosexuality, it can work for him to "change" his ways
and help others to do the same as they are effective with their sharing using that method.

If he continues to post again, will you please ask him to post in this manner of self-healing
and stay on topic? I believe it will help, if we all ask in unity so the msg is consistent.

Thank you, and please post the Bible responses on GISMYS Bible threads for that. He has tons of them.
And I will do the same if we can agree to take the conversation over there where he is asking for feedback.
Not here per Inevitable and other requests, sorry I was trying to help as well.

Yours truly, Emily
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So you like shit disturbers ? I hear they can be very amicable and polite people - Have you had your stool pushed in by one lately ?

Oh , my apoloogies - I must have misunderstood you - So you don't support inter-species intimacy - so what about inter generational intimacy , do you support the Gays on their quest to lower the age of consent ?

If two consenting adults from different generations want to get intimate with each other, that's their business. I don't support anybody's quest to lower the age of consent, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Cool Beans ... so what age do you consider an "Adult" to be ? In the Dark Ages "Adulthood" was shortly after they ceased suckling their mother teats - do you believe gays should have the rights to wean them off their mothers teats with the use of a "pacifier"

For most of the USA, the legal age of consent is 18. I'm comfortable with that legal definition.
The reason I say "most of the USA", is because some states do allow marriage at younger ages provided parental consent is given.
Now then, completely defining "legal consent" (as it pertains to having sex) can be a bit grey in my mind. For example, if two 16 year old youth agree to have sex with each other I'm not going to be bothered by that. However, if a 21 year old and 16 year old agree to have sex, I see that a bit differently (and so does the law), I would be opposed to that situation. Then there is the really grey situation. Suppose you have an 18 year old high school student that is dating a 17 and 9 month old high school student. Suppose they agree to have sex with each other. In the eyes of the law, that is statutory rape committed by the 18 year old even though they are a mere 3 months apart in age. I sort of have a problem with charging that 18 year old with rape.
Please note that in my examples I never the specified genders of the involved individuals because it matters not to me whether it was a heterosexual or homosexual interaction. I view them both the same. Also, for the purposes of my examples I am assuming that both individuals are of sound mind and do not suffer any mental deficiency or retardation.
If two consenting adults from different generations want to get intimate with each other, that's their business. I don't support anybody's quest to lower the age of consent, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Cool Beans ... so what age do you consider an "Adult" to be ? In the Dark Ages "Adulthood" was shortly after they ceased suckling their mother teats - do you believe gays should have the rights to wean them off their mothers teats with the use of a "pacifier"

For most of the USA, the legal age of consent is 18. I'm comfortable with that legal definition.
The reason I say "most of the USA", is because some states do allow marriage at younger ages provided parental consent is given.
Now then, completely defining "legal consent" (as it pertains to having sex) can be a bit grey in my mind. For example, if two 16 year old youth agree to have sex with each other I'm not going to be bothered by that. However, if a 21 year old and 16 year old agree to have sex, I see that a bit differently (and so does the law), I would be opposed to that situation. Then there is the really grey situation. Suppose you have an 18 year old high school student that is dating a 17 and 9 month old high school student. Suppose they agree to have sex with each other. In the eyes of the law, that is statutory rape committed by the 18 year old even though they are a mere 3 months apart in age. I sort of have a problem with charging that 18 year old with rape.
Please note that in my examples I never the specified genders of the involved individuals because it matters not to me whether it was a heterosexual or homosexual interaction. I view them both the same. Also, for the purposes of my examples I am assuming that both individuals are of sound mind and do not suffer any mental deficiency or retardation.

I am assuming that both individuals are of sound mind and do not suffer any mental deficiency ....

So then you exclude homosexuals from this ?
Cool Beans ... so what age do you consider an "Adult" to be ? In the Dark Ages "Adulthood" was shortly after they ceased suckling their mother teats - do you believe gays should have the rights to wean them off their mothers teats with the use of a "pacifier"

For most of the USA, the legal age of consent is 18. I'm comfortable with that legal definition.
The reason I say "most of the USA", is because some states do allow marriage at younger ages provided parental consent is given.
Now then, completely defining "legal consent" (as it pertains to having sex) can be a bit grey in my mind. For example, if two 16 year old youth agree to have sex with each other I'm not going to be bothered by that. However, if a 21 year old and 16 year old agree to have sex, I see that a bit differently (and so does the law), I would be opposed to that situation. Then there is the really grey situation. Suppose you have an 18 year old high school student that is dating a 17 and 9 month old high school student. Suppose they agree to have sex with each other. In the eyes of the law, that is statutory rape committed by the 18 year old even though they are a mere 3 months apart in age. I sort of have a problem with charging that 18 year old with rape.
Please note that in my examples I never the specified genders of the involved individuals because it matters not to me whether it was a heterosexual or homosexual interaction. I view them both the same. Also, for the purposes of my examples I am assuming that both individuals are of sound mind and do not suffer any mental deficiency or retardation.

I am assuming that both individuals are of sound mind and do not suffer any mental deficiency ....

So then you exclude homosexuals from this ?

Did you not understand this part.
Please note that in my examples I never the specified genders of the involved individuals because it matters not to me whether it was a heterosexual or homosexual interaction.
For most of the USA, the legal age of consent is 18. I'm comfortable with that legal definition.
The reason I say "most of the USA", is because some states do allow marriage at younger ages provided parental consent is given.
Now then, completely defining "legal consent" (as it pertains to having sex) can be a bit grey in my mind. For example, if two 16 year old youth agree to have sex with each other I'm not going to be bothered by that. However, if a 21 year old and 16 year old agree to have sex, I see that a bit differently (and so does the law), I would be opposed to that situation. Then there is the really grey situation. Suppose you have an 18 year old high school student that is dating a 17 and 9 month old high school student. Suppose they agree to have sex with each other. In the eyes of the law, that is statutory rape committed by the 18 year old even though they are a mere 3 months apart in age. I sort of have a problem with charging that 18 year old with rape.
Please note that in my examples I never the specified genders of the involved individuals because it matters not to me whether it was a heterosexual or homosexual interaction. I view them both the same. Also, for the purposes of my examples I am assuming that both individuals are of sound mind and do not suffer any mental deficiency or retardation.

So then you exclude homosexuals from this ?

Did you not understand this part.
Please note that in my examples I never the specified genders of the involved individuals because it matters not to me whether it was a heterosexual or homosexual interaction.

Did you not nderstand that I am toying with you ? :lol:

However - you did culminate you post with the statement re: Mental Deficiencies - which by default would include homosexuals
Let's sum up and go get brunch. :)

- If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then homosexuals can't be faulted for being that way.

It's a genetic disorder.
Neither can Pedophiles be faulted for being that way because it's genetic.
Let's sum up and go get brunch. :)

Choose your position and move on. Sheesh.

- If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then homosexuals can't be faulted for being that way.

If homosexuality were a Birth Defect which it's not - we'dbe able to identify queers in the womb and that at that time - would you argue against abortion as feverently as you now argue for it ?

Mongoloids are a birth defect - Mongoloids can not be faulted for being born with Down Syndrome - but then again Mongoloids don't run around harassing people like queers do.

- If homosexuality is a choice or preference, they can be condemned for choosing what some religions consider a sin.

You don't have to be religous to recognize the homosexuality is an abomination - just intelligent - free thinking and unbiased
They've discovered man and women loving genes in our dna. We are on the brink of being able to detect whether a fetus is gay or not while still in the womb. Then we can abort them and solve the problem.
So then you exclude homosexuals from this ?

Did you not understand this part.
Please note that in my examples I never the specified genders of the involved individuals because it matters not to me whether it was a heterosexual or homosexual interaction.

Did you not nderstand that I am toying with you ? :lol:

However - you did culminate you post with the statement re: Mental Deficiencies - which by default would include homosexuals

I understand that you think you are clever and and think that you are "toying" with me.
But did you notice how I ignored this,
I hear they can be very amicable and polite people - Have you had your stool pushed in by one lately ?
and this,
do you believe gays should have the rights to wean them off their mothers teats with the use of a "pacifier"
That's me not falling for your un-clever toying, or as spoken in the common tongue, Trolling.
Yer not nearly as clever as you think you are.

By the way, homosexuality has never been proven to be a mental deficiency. Science disagrees with.
Let's sum up and go get brunch. :)

- If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then homosexuals can't be faulted for being that way.

It's a genetic disorder.
Neither can Pedophiles be faulted for being that way because it's genetic.

Hi [MENTION=49398]Slyhunter[/MENTION]
So people whose sexual behavior came from repeated abuse rape incest or molestation
* genetically designed to get raped or molested?
* genetically designed to ATTRACT rapists and molesters?

How do you explain the cases of people who reclaim their HETEROSEXUAL orientation as natural for them, and who instead cite UNNATURAL abuse for past homosexual behavior

Is this in the genes also, that some people are physically programmed
to be heterosexual, to attract molestors and get abused or raped,
and to change back to their natural orientation?

All that is genetic?
How can we tell which babies can change back so we don't abort those.
And if they have the "gene for attracting molesters," make sure they are guarded 24/7
Did you not understand this part.

Did you not nderstand that I am toying with you ? :lol:

However - you did culminate you post with the statement re: Mental Deficiencies - which by default would include homosexuals

I understand that you think you are clever and and think that you are "toying" with me.
But did you notice how I ignored this,
I hear they can be very amicable and polite people - Have you had your stool pushed in by one lately ?
and this,
do you believe gays should have the rights to wean them off their mothers teats with the use of a "pacifier"
That's me not falling for your un-clever toying, or as spoken in the common tongue, Trolling.
Yer not nearly as clever as you think you are.

By the way, homosexuality has never been proven to be a mental deficiency. Science disagrees with.

homosexuality has never been proven to be a mental deficiency.

Nor has it been proven otherwise - not a mental deficiency - perhaps, but an illness - indeed. ANyway it's a beautiful day _ I'm going out to enjoy some barbeQue - While you stay inside and roast your weaner .
I am assuming that both individuals are of sound mind and do not suffer any mental deficiency ....

So then you exclude homosexuals from this ?

Dear [MENTION=46353]GreenBean[/MENTION] where in those testimonies did anyone refer to their
past homosexual lifestyle or relations as a "mental deficiency or illness"

One who referred to a "sexual addiction" listed that with several other
areas related, but not wholly causing or describing his orientation.

The traditional approaches for "mental illness" did not help any of these people.

They describe their process and experiences as spiritual.

Why can't we talk in those same terms, of spiritual process and development
and change, if this is what worked for people who changed? Not mental illness?

Are you okay about talking about alcoholic and Native American experiences
as a spiritual process of change and growth through for spiritual healing and health?

How about the terms spiritually healthy or unhealthy? Is that better?
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Let's sum up and go get brunch. :)

- If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then homosexuals can't be faulted for being that way.

It's a genetic disorder.
Neither can Pedophiles be faulted for being that way because it's genetic.

Hi [MENTION=49398]Slyhunter[/MENTION]
So people whose sexual behavior came from repeated abuse rape incest or molestation
* genetically designed to get raped or molested?
* genetically designed to ATTRACT rapists and molesters?
nope, not in those cases.
How do you explain the cases of people who reclaim their HETEROSEXUAL orientation as natural for them, and who instead cite UNNATURAL abuse for past homosexual behavior
acceptions. Nothing is 100% true 100% of the time. Not all people with the gene for Alcoholism have trouble drinking and not everyone that doesn't have that gene can drink safely. There are always exceptions to the rules.
Is this in the genes also, that some people are physically programmed
to be heterosexual, to attract molestors and get abused or raped,
and to change back to their natural orientation?

All that is genetic?
How can we tell which babies can change back so we don't abort those.
And if they have the "gene for attracting molesters," make sure they are guarded 24/7
You are going for the extremes.
I'm saying that if you have the gene that makes you more prone to be sexually attracted to underage kids, it isn't your fault, just like being gay. However acting on that urge and not controlling your behavior is your fault.

Other than your appearance I don't see how it is genetic that you would be more attractive to a molester. But there are some women who draw the worse out in men who end up being spousal abusers. That doesn't make it those womens faults they are being abused. But some victims were, yes, born victims.
This whole homosexual thing is very disgusting and disturbing this was one of the mean reasons God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah what do these people think God will do this time the judgment will be worst . This nation is CURSED! The innocent blood of over 55 million children murdered by their own parents through abortion cries out for VENGENCE! And now homosexuals thumb their proud noses at God!! God will NOT BE MOCKED! Judgment is here and now! Repent America.TFA.
They were wrong in thefirst place,they layer corrected their error.

Yes okay they "Layer" corrected it - uh hmmm - so what else did they do in Layers ?

Perhaps you should correct some of your errors - you seem to have them in abundance. Begginning with your choice of lifestyle

758 posts and still going in circles.

Gays don't choose any more than you do but bottom line is, even it were a "choice", its no one's business.

If people would stop peeking in other people's windows, there would be a lot fewer problems in the world.


What makes you think I didn't choose? Also, I have repeatedly stated that it isn't anyone' business, but you keep insisting that the government get involved in who people can sleep with. Perhaps you should rethink your position.
Let's sum up and go get brunch. :)

- If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then homosexuals can't be faulted for being that way.

- If homosexuality is a choice or preference, they can be condemned for choosing what some religions consider a sin.

Choose your position and move on. Sheesh.

it would be one thing if the words were by god, but the words on those pages were by men that wanted to control the mindless drones that need something to believe in...

You worship the words by romans and greeks, and in fact you worship more of a pagan religion than the actual words of jesus, or moses...

satan has you blinded and is playing you for a fool!!

Like homosexuality, that is none of your business.

Let's sum up and go get brunch. :)

- If homosexuality is genetic and not a choice, then homosexuals can't be faulted for being that way.

- If homosexuality is a choice or preference, they can be condemned for choosing what some religions consider a sin.

Choose your position and move on. Sheesh.

Science has conclusively proven that homosexuality is not genetic, so your first point is moot.

Why do you believe that people can be condemned based on a religion they don't believe?
it would be one thing if the words were by god, but the words on those pages were by men that wanted to control the mindless drones that need something to believe in...

You worship the words by romans and greeks, and in fact you worship more of a pagan religion than the actual words of jesus, or moses...

satan has you blinded and is playing you for a fool!!

Like homosexuality, that is none of your business.



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