Is homosexuality a choice or not

Nonsense. Look at birth records....You will not find 'homosexual' listed as the baby's sex.
You won't find heterosexual either.
That homosexual men have male genitals is only proof that they have gender dysphoria that, for the health of the person so afflicted, should to be corrected to the proper gender (the gender aligned with their genitals).
That's not what gender dysphoria is. Of course you are free to create your own definitions but just because you use the same words as educated and learned individuals doesn't mean you know what you're talking about or how to use those terms in their proper context.
Oral sex between heterosexual couples is normal, oral sex between homosexuals is not normal because any genital stimulation between heteros could result in a new human being.
No. Oral sex, even among heterosexual couples wont result in a new human being. 😄
Genital stimulation between homos will never result in a new human being.
Do you have a problem understanding arguments? The thread is about whether homosexuality is a choice not whether homosexual sex can result in procreation. The fact that homosexual sex can't result in procreation isn't evidence that homosexuality is a choice either, that's not how logic and rational thinking works.
'Nature' is observed interactions and, millions of years of evolution proves heteros are obviously favored.
The act of having favorites is again, an emotional and thus a chemical response. Nature isn't an organism. It is an idea. It obviously can't have favorites. You're so stupid that you think metaphores about what nature wants are objective evidence of preference. 😄
Genetically homosexuality is a dead end. Yet, people have and make choices and I am not here to denigrate anyone choosing to be homosexual but it's not and never going to be aligned with nature or normalcy and should not be pitched in any way to young children.
All biological life is a dead end. The sustainability of habital worlds in a universe increasing in entropy is finite.
Until same sex couples were allowed to marry, if one of them could not respond in a hospital or medical situation, their partner had no say in what happened.
so you had to use the way back machine to find something to complain about,,,

thats a demon of your own making by wanting a bigger government,,
they shouldnt be involved in marriage in any way,,
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.
Boy, pity you didn't bother to read the abstracts of any of the studies, including the one you're supposedly commenting on.

They find multiple loci implicated in same-sex sexual behavior indicating that, like other behavioral traits, nonheterosexual behavior is polygenic.
Homosexuality exists at about the same rate across the world regardless of how permissive or restrictive the society. Were it a choice there would barely be any gay people where they kill you for it.
A person does not choose what turns them on, but they certainly choose what actions they take in response to it.

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