Is homosexuality a choice or not

I've never heard anyone claim there is a gay gene. If there were, it would quickly die out. Few gays reproduce.

Homosexuality is an inclination - a compulsion to do something that is perverse and immoral. But everyone has compulsions to do things that are immoral; we just fight them.

Nobody is persecuted for being homosexual. It's always for giving in to that compulsion.

The good side of homosexuality is that males are all carnal by nature, so then objects of your desire are likely to be agreeable to your advances. Doesn't work that well for heterosexuals, especially those of us who are not Tom Cruise.
Obviously, absence of evidence isn't evidence.

Where's the evidence that they're born that way?

And…….once again, without this connection, it can’t be considered an immutable trait, so not deserving of special consideration under the law.
Homosexuality exists at about the same rate across the world regardless of how permissive or restrictive the society. Were it a choice there would barely be any gay people where they kill you for it.
Whether its a choice or not does not make it permissible or more acceptable

Everyone has a choice about how they behave
Are there any people who identify as homosexual who chose to be so? A minuscule number, sure. But for the majority who identify as such, no, it was not a matter of choice. It just is.
See post #52
Whether its a choice or not does not make it permissible or more acceptable

Everyone has a choice about how they behave
Yes, some people choose to attempt to police America's bedrooms. I have a much bigger problem these compassionless busybodies than any gay person.
Yes, some people choose to attempt to police America's bedrooms. I have a much bigger problem these compassionless busybodies than any gay person.
Thats a damn lie

We want to keep homo’s away from children

But gays are free to do disgusting things to other adult gays in their bedrooms

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