Is homosexuality a choice or not

The opening of the actual study

"Across human societies and in both sexes, some 2 to 10% of individuals report engaging in sex with same-sex partners, either exclusively or in addition to sex with opposite-sex partners. Twin and family studies have shown that same-sex sexual behavior is partly genetically influenced, but previous searches for the specific genes involved have been underpowered to detect effect sizes realistic for complex traits."

See what you want to see but don't call it the truth.
Thank you
I might agree, but those other choices are not given protected class status.

All are being protected the same. Leave people alone and there is no need for rules to see that people are left alone.
Because without the connection being homosexual cannot be considered an immutable trait, thus not eligible as a protected class.
Heh. .... ahh, more of the protected classes horseshit. That's the problem. Whether homosexuality is genetic or not should matter to no one outside homosexuals and scientists. It shouldn't be a political debate.

But it does, and is, only because we're taking a really idiotic approach to "civil rights" law. This is what identity politics creates.
Does someone choose to be left-handed?
society used to try to force left-handed kids to be righthanded.

With often negative results.

What are the effects of forcing a left-handed child to be right-handed?

The possible primary consequences of converting handedness are as follows: memory disorders (especially in the recall of learned material) disturbances in concentration (being easily tired) legasthenic problems or dyslexia (i.e. problems in reading and writing)"
Heh. .... ahh, more of the protected classes horseshit. That's the problem. Whether homosexuality is genetic or not should matter to no one outside homosexuals and scientists. It shouldn't be a political debate.

But it does, and is, only because we're taking a really idiotic approach to "civil rights" law. This is what identity politics creates.
"WE" aren't taking any such idiotic approach...Those who do are but a small and very vocal, sometimes violent, minority.
Heh. .... ahh, more of the protected classes horseshit. That's the problem. Whether homosexuality is genetic or not should matter to no one outside homosexuals and scientists. It shouldn't be a political debate.

But it does, and is, only because we're taking a really idiotic approach to "civil rights" law. This is what identity politics creates.
It was homosexuals who introduced the claim that they could not help themselves due to a genetic defect

We are merely dealing with nonsense that libs brought up
This article sheds some light on the now debunked article in the OP.

In 2015 and 2016, however, a researcher named Paul Sullins published two studies that doubled down on Regnerus' claim that children of gay parents are more depressed. The latest was published last summer in a journal that requires authors to pay in order to be published. Both were debunked. Still, Regnerus wrote about Sullins' study favorably for the Witherspoon Institute's blog last June and Sullins appeared on an FRC panel around the same time, decrying the negative impact that gay marriage has had on society—citing his own study. The Christian right has created a ridiculous feedback loop by making their own studies to bolster the policy they back. The final step is aligning with politicians that can implement the legislation, which has never been a problem.

Its easy to see how Blaster got taken in by an article which is seemungly a scientific study. In reality it is a lot less than that.
society used to try to force left-handed kids to be righthanded.

With often negative results.

What are the effects of forcing a left-handed child to be right-handed?

The possible primary consequences of converting handedness are as follows: memory disorders (especially in the recall of learned material) disturbances in concentration (being easily tired) legasthenic problems or dyslexia (i.e. problems in reading and writing)"
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything.

When have left-handed people demanded that the entire world celebrate and lionize them, to the point that they can do whatever lewd sex acts they can dream up on the streets?
Maybe gays are just confused. Some people might have a hard time learning their born sexual role like some other people have trouble learning math.
Thats a damn lie

We want to keep homo’s away from children

But gays are free to do disgusting things to other adult gays in their bedrooms
Bullshit. Given the history of homosexuality in America and the legal atrocities committed against them for decades on end I can't believe the right is only thinking of the children. If this were true you would apply equal scrutiny to the people you actually trust to dump your kids off on.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

Of course it is a choice, a bad choice, but still a choice. Man has always been made to be with a woman, that is why they have the junk down there to make a baby with that woman. But it is Satan's will that men with men and women with women go against nature by doing illicit actions that can and will eventually cause all sorts of diseases. Yeah, i know Majic Johnson got Aides but i think he was whoring around with men and women.

An event somewhere in the lives of straight individuals, cause traumatic mental illness to said individual and then they turn away from the opposite sex....
It was homosexuals who introduced the claim that they could not help themselves due to a genetic defect

We are merely dealing with nonsense that libs brought up
Right. But the only reason it matters political is because of the bad laws - protected classes, identity politics, etc. That's at the heart of this. Otherwise, who gives a shit?

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