Is homosexuality a choice or not

Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

What age were you when you made the choice to be heterosexual, assuming that you are not homosexual?
The protections are not needed because it is or is not genetic. The protection is needed because law abiding American citizens are harassed, shunned, and persecuted.
Prior to the sea change in accepting LGBT+ folks

Gays could be legally denied jobs, housing, end of life visitation with loved ones, marriage rights, medical insurance...and more

THAT is why there is protected status
Prior to the sea change in accepting LGBT+ folks

Gays could be legally denied jobs, housing, end of life visitation with loved ones, marriage rights, medical insurance...and more

THAT is why there is protected status

Should someone who chooses to have obscenity tattooed on their face garner special protection under the law?
You want to
force gay people to be straight
Trans people to be like you
Transvestites to stop wearing ladies clothes...

And when I was a kid a teacher tried to force me to be right handed...

But no one's forcing anyone to do anything...

The total lack of self awareness is astounding

You really are fucking stupid....Not wanting to force anyone to do anything, sub-moron.

You want people to "stay out of your bedroom", yet you insist on dragging "your bedroom" out into the public square.

Well, fuck you.
The protections are not needed because it is or is not genetic. The protection is needed because law abiding American citizens are harassed, shunned, and persecuted.
It's funny. At first read, I thought you meant that the "law abiding American citizens" being harrassed, shunned and persecuted where those who don't approve of homosexuality. But perhaps I was mistaken.
You really are fucking stupid....Not wanting to force anyone to do anything, sub-moron.

You want people to "stay out of your bedroom", yet you insist on dragging "your bedroom" out into the public square.

Well, fuck you.
Two gays folks walking down the street holding hands is NOT "dragging your bedroom" into the public square.

It's people living their lives
It's funny. At first read, I thought you meant that the "law abiding American citizens" being harrassed, shunned and persecuted where those who don't approve of homosexuality. But perhaps I was mistaken.
You're "mistaken" a lot
It's funny. At first read, I thought you meant that the "law abiding American citizens" being harrassed, shunned and persecuted where those who don't approve of homosexuality. But perhaps I was mistaken.
Not approving of sexual deviants parading around nearly naked wearing bondage gear, and waggling their dicks around in front of kids, is now "harassing, shunning and persecuting".

Maybe that's nine or ten layers deep into the matrix.
You really are fucking stupid....Not wanting to force anyone to do anything, sub-moron.

You want people to "stay out of your bedroom", yet you insist on dragging "your bedroom" out into the public square.

Well, fuck you.
How do you dress in public?
With whom do you hold hands in public?
Who do you date in public?

pretty sure you don't keep your bedroom secrets in the bedroom do you spunky?

Do try to be a little less stupid. Given how close you are to absolute zero IQ I'd guess there lots of room on the upside.
Logic and reason (some people still have the capacity for that) gives me hope.

This exchange is fascinating. It's a discussion on transgenderism, but the ideas involved directly apply to this discussion. Start watching at 7:30. It's fascinating watching them agree, even though they probably don't want to.


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