Is homosexuality a choice or not

This article sheds some light on the now debunked article in the OP.

In 2015 and 2016, however, a researcher named Paul Sullins published two studies that doubled down on Regnerus' claim that children of gay parents are more depressed. The latest was published last summer in a journal that requires authors to pay in order to be published. Both were debunked. Still, Regnerus wrote about Sullins' study favorably for the Witherspoon Institute's blog last June and Sullins appeared on an FRC panel around the same time, decrying the negative impact that gay marriage has had on society—citing his own study. The Christian right has created a ridiculous feedback loop by making their own studies to bolster the policy they back. The final step is aligning with politicians that can implement the legislation, which has never been a problem.

Its easy to see how Blaster got taken in by an article which is seemungly a scientific study. In reality it is a lot less than that.
Claiming something is "debooonked" without citing the debooonker.

But it's Vice....GIGO.
Bullshit. Given the history of homosexuality in America and the legal atrocities committed against them for decades on end I can;t believe the right is only thinking of the children. If this were true you would apply equal scrutiny to the people you actually trust to dump your kids off on.
This is not decades ago when queers were physically abused with no legal protection
It was homosexuals who introduced the claim that they could not help themselves due to a genetic defect

They said they were born a certain way. Being left handed is not a genetic defect, it's just the way it is.

We are merely dealing with nonsense that libs brought up

You are simply trying to defend your hate.
occupied makes the best point.

But also, why does it matter? Do you feel justified in hating gays if it were a choice?

I never made a choice to be straight. I cannot imagine being in love with a man. A gay man cannot imagine being in love with a woman. And the OP should stop imagining what they do when they are together.
I didnt hate gays when i was told "What people do behind closed doors, is none of my business". Once the fags opened that door and shoved their immoral actions in my face, demanding that i accept them as normal, the RED LINE was drawn. Then when the queers thought they could start screwing with children, that is when the tolerant people got real angry.
If you are born gay, you cannot go straight.
Right. But the only reason it matters political is because of the bad laws - protected classes, identity politics, etc. That's at the heart of this. Otherwise, who gives a shit?
If “protected class” is a political issue its libs who made it so
If “protected class” is a political issue its libs who made it so
ok, ok. You hate libs and you hate homos. Whatever. The point is, what we need to be debating is the actual source of the problem: ill-conceived civil rights laws that promote identity politics instead of equal rights.
They said they were born a certain way. Being left handed is not a genetic defect, it's just the way it is.

You are simply trying to defend your hate.
There is no reason for Nature to prefer right hand over left hand

But survival of the species is a valid preference

So being gay is a genetic defect
There is no reason for Nature to prefer right hand over left hand

But survival of the species is a valid preference

So being gay is a genetic defect

Many straight people either choose to not have kids or are unable to. There seems to be no threat of extinction is there?

Again, you are simply trying to justify your hate.

There has always been homosexuality but here we are with billions of people.
Right. But like so many pointless debates we have, the real issue is bad law.
Right...But the "bad law" we're talking about here -like statutory marriage- has become so embedded into everyday life, that most think that it's completely normal and natural to go begging to bureaucrats, for permission to do that which is within their inherent right to do.

We're about eight layers deep into the matrix here.
I didnt hate gays when i was told "What people do behind closed doors, is none of my business". Once the fags opened that door and shoved their immoral actions in my face, demanding that i accept them as normal, the RED LINE was drawn. Then when the queers thought they could start screwing with children, that is when the tolerant people got real angry.
If you are born gay, you cannot go straight.
Oh God. You really have suffered havent you ?
committing murder /rape is a choice in some societies you are killed for it .still find rapist and murderers in all societies
Libs have an unfortunate habit of resorting to personal insults when they are losing a debate
Obviously you failed to read the post to which I was responding.
Reading deficiencies among MAGADUMUANS is often observed.
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything.

When have left-handed people demanded that the entire world celebrate and lionize them, to the point that they can do whatever lewd sex acts they can dream up on the streets?
You want to
force gay people to be straight
Trans people to be like you
Transvestites to stop wearing ladies clothes...

And when I was a kid a teacher tried to force me to be right handed...

But no one's forcing anyone to do anything...

The total lack of self awareness is astounding


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