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Is Homosexuality a Mental Disorder ?

Nope, the difference is in the part of the brain that defines sexuality.

Try again.

The pituitary gland?

The "gay brain" is just a little less credible than the claim that humans and dinosaurs walked together before the flood.

Actually, it's not pointed to one particular piece of the brain, it's more like the structure of the region that controls sexuality.

And..................based on my experiences in life, as well as all the gay people that I've known over the years, I'd be willing to bet that the scientists are right on this. Most gays react to thinking about having sex with someone of the opposite gender as what most straights do when they think about having sex with someone of the same gender.
Actually, it's not pointed to one particular piece of the brain, it's more like the structure of the region that controls sexuality.

Actually, it's a pile of complete bullshit that has ZERO supporting evidence and has been refuted by medical science every time some fraud floats it.

And..................based on my experiences in life, as well as all the gay people that I've known over the years, I'd be willing to bet that the scientists are right on this. Most gays react to thinking about having sex with someone of the opposite gender as what most straights do when they think about having sex with someone of the same gender.

Oh, scientist ARE right, the "gay brain" is a complete fraud. Who was that fucker with his lies about hypothalamus size? Oh yeah, Simon LeVay - proven a complete and utter fraud. Actually falsified photographs in his desperation to provide a physical link, where none exists.
There is no bioligical or genetic cause for "gay" inclinations. The gay community has been searching in vain for one for generations but it is a preposterous idea to start with. Essentially all gays are descended from heterosexuals. Done. Case closed.

Gay behaviour in animals is aberrant, and in almost all cases the result of a lack of females available to copulate with. Analogous to heterosexual men buggering each other in prison, or in the English navy.

Absent some deformity (e.g., hermaphroditism) there is no ambiguity about human sexuality. The sex organs have obvious purposes and to use them overwise is a perversion. The fact that they can be stimulated by abnormal means (masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, vibrators) does not render the abnormal normal, any more than carving statues out of treetrunks with a chainsaw makes that a normal use of the saw.
So does that excuse a pedophile who's brain points his sexual urges towards children? What about someone who's attracted to goats -- does the the shape of their brain excuse their behavior?
"Excuse?" Again you conflate understanding with approval

Pedophilia seems to combine the normal affection for children with erotic impulses, which, in the simplest terms, is an example of neurological malfunction -- crossed wires, as it were. I would suggest the same circumstance applies to bestiality or any form of sexual deviance.

Understanding the essential cause of certain sexual compulsions, such as pedophilia, does not mean I approve of (excuse) its exercise or consider it socially acceptable. Every example of pedophilic contact necessarily involves a victim, meaning it is a criminal exercise and should be treated as such. But as far as your reference to goats, in order to offer an opinion on that sort of sexual activity I would need to know how the goats feel about it.
No two brains are alike. I'm sure that if someone took a picture of a murderer's brain and compared it to Mother Teresa's brain they would look different but that doesn't mean that murder should be excused.
The same may be said for any organ. A leg, for example. But a trained professional will recognize an abnormal shape or size of some part, such as the knee, or shin, or femur, in relation to the other parts.

I recently had an MRI. When I saw the pictures my cervical spine looked to me like an ordinary cervical spine. But the orthopedist who diagnosed my condition showed me the subtle, pain-inducing deformity of one vertebra called stenosis.
There is no bioligical or genetic cause for "gay" inclinations.
I don't know about genetic, but I am absolutely convinced that homosexuality, like heterosexuality, has a biological (hormonal) cause.

The gay community has been searching in vain for one for generations but it is a preposterous idea to start with. Essentially all gays are descended from heterosexuals.
If there is a genetic factor in one's homosexual orientation the simplest explanation for its progressive transmission would be bisexual forebears somewhere along the line.

Gay behaviour in animals is aberrant, and in almost all cases the result of a lack of females available to copulate with.
Aberrant and abnormal as in unusual, yes. But quite natural. List of animals displaying homosexual behavior - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Analogous to heterosexual men buggering each other in prison, or in the English navy.
One either is heterosexual, homosexual, or bi-sexual. One who engages in homosexual activity is either homosexual or bi-sexual. If one has latent bi-sexual tendencies being in prison will cause them to manifest.

Only a small percentage of prison inmates engage in homosexual activity. Lack of access to females will not induce compensatory, or "temporary," homosexual behavior. One either is or is not.

Absent some deformity (e.g., hermaphroditism) there is no ambiguity about human sexuality. The sex organs have obvious purposes and to use them overwise is a perversion. The fact that they can be stimulated by abnormal means (masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, vibrators) does not render the abnormal normal, any more than carving statues out of treetrunks with a chainsaw makes that a normal use of the saw.
There is nothing abnormal about masturbation, oral sex, or the use of masturbatory aids (vibrators). And using a chain saw to carve statues is not at all abnormal if that is all a given chain saw is used for. But if all you normally do with a chain saw is cut down and trim trees, then you suddenly start carving statues with your saw, that would be abnormal.
There is no bioligical or genetic cause for "gay" inclinations. The gay community has been searching in vain for one for generations but it is a preposterous idea to start with. Essentially all gays are descended from heterosexuals. Done. Case closed.

Gay behaviour in animals is aberrant, and in almost all cases the result of a lack of females available to copulate with. Analogous to heterosexual men buggering each other in prison, or in the English navy.

Absent some deformity (e.g., hermaphroditism) there is no ambiguity about human sexuality. The sex organs have obvious purposes and to use them overwise is a perversion. The fact that they can be stimulated by abnormal means (masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, vibrators) does not render the abnormal normal, any more than carving statues out of treetrunks with a chainsaw makes that a normal use of the saw.

I was going to comment more on this, but then you went and called masturbation abnormal, losing all credibility. :lol:
I don't believe homosexuality even exists. It's a made-up term used to persecute those who display a simple natural variation of sexuality. I don't believe in hetereosexuality either. There's just 'sexuality.' Males and females who prefer romantic and sexual relationships with their own sex have occured throughout human history. The terms though are relatively new. One of the less noble accomplishments of human beings is the inclination to categorize everything. For whatever reason, rather than viewing ourselves as one species, we seem to need to break ourselves up into categories. Free/Oppressed, rich/poor, democrat/republican, straight/gay are just a few examples. But these are all just ideas as concrete as fairy dust but not as pretty.

It doesn't matter what you choose to believe, homosexuality does exist. In most cases, it is the cause of a hormone imbalance. Scientists have done CAT scans/ MRI's on the brains of homosexuals and heterosexuals, the physical make up of their brains ARE in fact, different.
Gay brains structured like those of the opposite sex
Brain scans have provided the most compelling evidence yet that being gay or straight is a biologically fixed trait.

The scans reveal that in gay people, key structures of the brain governing emotion, mood, anxiety and aggressiveness resemble those in straight people of the opposite sex.

The differences are likely to have been forged in the womb or in early infancy, says Ivanka Savic, who conducted the study at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.

"This is the most robust measure so far of cerebral differences between homosexual and heterosexual subjects," she says.

Who actually CHOOSES to become a homosexual? They were born that way. Has nothing to do with mental illness. Not a shrink and not a doc, but that is what I believe. Who would want the shunning, the ridicule, the hate by CHOICE? Nobody.

Absolutely nobody. That is why it is surprising that the diagnosis of Gender confusion, or more properly, Gender Dimorphism has been taken out, or has never been put in the DSM at all. We now know, and there is more evidence that this is a legitimate hormonally caused abnormality that no one would ever consciously choose for their offspring. There seem to be multiple causes for this abnormal hormonal development syndrome.

A Review of Scientific Research on Homosexuality


In 1959 a report was published with the title, "Organizing action of prenatally administered testosterone propionate on the tissues mediating mating behavior in the female guinea pig" by Charles H. Phoenix, Robert W. Goy, Arnold A. Gerall, and William C. Young [6]. This was one of those "animal studies" -- of interest only to psychologists and neurologists. In 1991, the popular journal, Science, published a paper that revisited the 1959 report and included many more recent studies. Their paper came to the conclusion:

"This finding indicates that INAH [part of the hypothalamus] is dimorphic with sexual orientation, at least in men, and suggests that sexual orientation has a biological substrate." [4]

Ever since Science published the article, I've been waiting for the big changes. But they have been slow. Public opinion still maintains that homosexuals have chosen to live a deviant lifestyle. Some of the worst hate towards homosexuals -- from an anti-homosexual religious group that targets veteran's funerals [below] -- comes from the belief that it is a chosen lifestyle.

Ignorance about the cause of homosexuality has been responsible for many teen suicides as well as violence against teens who are perceived as different by their classmates. School officials, even parents of homosexual children, do little to clarify this condition and seem often to turn away from the issue all together.

. . . . . .

Homosexuality is a congenital condition much like being "left handed". Before you dismiss the analogy remember there were times in history when being left-handed (the archaic meaning of "sinister") meant you were possessed by evil. You could have been hanged, burned, stoned to death or buried alive. Having personally lived in an Arab country, I can assure you that being left-handed was something that I did my best to hide. Today we know that left handedness is the result of excess testosterone slowing the growth of the left-hemisphere in the developing fetal brain.[2] It's not a choice. It's a condition.

Ironically, homosexuality is caused much the same way as being left-handed. Instead of excess testosterone, the developing male fetus receives too little, often too late.

Researchers naturally focus on an organ in the brain called the hypothalamus because it is known to be responsible for gender preference. It is also what is called dimorphic, meaning its structure is different in males and females. There's also differences in the hypothalamus between homosexuals and heterosexuals. Recent studies of the different sections or nuclei have revealed much that was not known before. And there have also been some surprises.

With advances in laboratory technology, a specific region of the hypothalamus, called the sexually dimorphic nucleus (SDN), has been the focus of some interesting research. The SDN is the most conspicuous anatomical male/female difference in the mammalian brain. The nuclei is 3 to 8 times larger in males than in females. Another nuclei of the hypothalamus, INAH-3, reveals that heterosexual males have double the volume of both homosexual and female subjects.

. . . . . .

In 1972, Dr. Ward had no idea that androstendione in male pregnancies would prevent or inhibit the hypothalamus to develop into a healthy male brain, but this stress-related hormone now appears to do just that. The brain makes its gender commitment very early in development and, once committed to either male or female, it can not change.

The interference with environmental testosterone in the later stages of pregnancy does little or nothing to inhibit gender development of the body. By mid-pregnancy, the gonads can produce enough systemic testosterone to develop the body along male plans; however, problems do happen in these later stages [11]. Sometimes the receptors which receive testosterone are defective or greatly reduced in number. This is generally seen as a defect resulting from the initial blocking of testosterone by the presence of other androgens [7]. This can inhibit the effectiveness of testosterone and cause a less effective defeminization.

In Doctor Ward's own words:

"...The present data support the hypothesis that exposure of pregnant rats to environmental stressors modifies the normal process of sexual behavior differentiation in male fetuses by decreasing functional testosterone and elevating androstenedione levels during prenatal development. During stress conditions plasma testosterone emanating from the gonads decreases while adrenal androstenedione rises. The molecular structure of the two androgens, being very similar, it is postulated that the two hormones compete for the same receptor sites. Since androstenedione is a less potent androgen than testosterone, the decrease in male copulatory ability and increased lordotic potential seen in the prenatally stressed animals of the present study would be expected. The relative difference in potency between testosterone and androstendione has been repeatedly demonstrated. [Ibid.]

There is much, much more at this site. Also, it gives a great explanation as to the evolutionary role of homosexuality, as it has clearly been with mankind for eons.

The point here, is that this condition has been more widely studied than the mysterious condition of ADHD, or even Autism, which both have prevalence in the DSM.

What is the purpose of Homosexuality? If it has a biological component, then it must have an evolutionary meaning, it didn't arise by chance. Sure, it is an abnormality, but one would assume that all abnormalities would be selected out by environmental and social pressures.

Likewise, what is the chemical and biological reason for the seeming rise in rate of homosexuality in the industrialized world? One possibly hypothesis is chemical pollution. (Others of course, have mentioned childhood sexual trauma and abuse.)

Chemical Pollution Linked to Upsurge in Homosexuality Transgenderism
Another study, published by the International Journal of Andrology, zeroes in on an environmental pollutant and shows how it can mutate key areas of the brain affecting the tendency towards sexual preference.

In conjunction with other studies revealing links between environmental toxins that affect the development of the amygdala in fetuses and infants, questions raising about the possibility that certain pollutants are impacting sexuality during early childhood.

It is important that we study science objectively and understand that people may have no choice in who they are and how they feel, when making policy decisions.

On the other hand, we should also listen to other interested parties in society who have, for centuries instinctively known when a condition that has been exhibited in humanity is a sign of illness and societal decay above a certain percentage of the population.

Like all things, balance should be sought.
Used to think you were reasonably intelligent. Anything other animals do is by definition 'natural.' It may not be a majority action, but it remains a natural variation. And simply because it isn't how sexual reproduction works is no reason to believe it's unnatural, deviant, or harmful.

Just because YOU have a problem with sex doesn't mean science and sexology agrees with you.

1. I have no problem with sex, and you don't think I do.
2. Of course, it is unnatural for any animal to have sex with one of its own sex. Nature is designed for animals to have heterosexual sex, not homosexual. If any animal does what nature does not design it to do, that is unnatural.
3. Saying >> "Anything other animals do is by definition 'natural." is one of he dumbest things I've ever seen in a forum.

What you just said is equivalent to saying it would be natural for fish to try to walk across the desert. Or natural for horses to jump off cliffs to fly across the ocean. Or dogs to climb trees. You do a better job of refuting your post than I do. :lol:

Unfortunately, I can post videos of all three of those things happening. Some fish do walk on land (well, 'waddle' might be more accurate,) horses do jump off cliffs (albeit into water,) and dogs climb trees routinely.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvRtOYGMWV8]Fish walking on land! - YouTube[/ame]
Walking fish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

dog climbs tree - Google Search
'Dogs climb trees'

Are pics n videos of horses jumping and being riden off cliffs but it seems unethical so not gonna post it. Can google if curious.

Over 1500 animals besides people exhibit homosexuality. It's a natural variation to sexuality. While I wouldn't go as far as to anthropomorphisize that as being 'preferential homosexuality' the behaviours exist naturally.

Homo/Heterosexuality are just words we invented to describe sexual behaviours. The obejctive reality though is because sex feels good and can result in orgasm, humans and other animals will seek it from any willing partner. And because animals don't have a big ol' stck up their butts about sex, they'll have 'homosexual' sex too.

I don't have to make an assclown out of your posts. You are doing a class A job of that your self. Pheeeeeeww!! (high-pitched whistle) Just another idiotic example of those who go around telling us that up is down, black is white, and cold is hot. :eusa_liar: :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

These moronic attempts at legitimizing an obvious mental aberration, is why queers will NEVER be accepted in society (except in idiot states > California, New York, etc), and the more they try to pass it off as normal, the more repressed they will be. For every unit of effort they expend to legitimize, there should and will be 10 units of effort to present the truth.
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Using the argument that homosexual behavior has been observed in the animal kingdom actually works against the "gay" agenda in that the percentage of animals that have been observed participating in that sort of activity are rare (comparatively speaking), thus vastly abnormal. If one believes in the idea of "natural selection" then one must conclude that nature will ultimately weed out "gay" organisms (considering the fact that they can't reproduce).
That reasoning presumes Natural process is flawless, but the fact is Nature is replete with exceptions and imperfections -- which includes humans with limited ability for abstract reasoning.

And one example of those exceptions and imperfections (AKA abnormalities) is homosexuality.
Actually, it's not pointed to one particular piece of the brain, it's more like the structure of the region that controls sexuality.

Actually, it's a pile of complete bullshit that has ZERO supporting evidence and has been refuted by medical science every time some fraud floats it.

And..................based on my experiences in life, as well as all the gay people that I've known over the years, I'd be willing to bet that the scientists are right on this. Most gays react to thinking about having sex with someone of the opposite gender as what most straights do when they think about having sex with someone of the same gender.

Oh, scientist ARE right, the "gay brain" is a complete fraud. Who was that fucker with his lies about hypothalamus size? Oh yeah, Simon LeVay - proven a complete and utter fraud. Actually falsified photographs in his desperation to provide a physical link, where none exists.

As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> IT DOESN'T MATTER what the frauds of scientists or authors say.
All that is necessary is that we don't do the same STUPID thing that idiot states like California and New York have done > to legitimize this lunacy, by making its marriages legal, allowing queers to be teachers, etc.
There is no bioligical or genetic cause for "gay" inclinations. The gay community has been searching in vain for one for generations but it is a preposterous idea to start with. Essentially all gays are descended from heterosexuals. Done. Case closed.

Gay behaviour in animals is aberrant, and in almost all cases the result of a lack of females available to copulate with. Analogous to heterosexual men buggering each other in prison, or in the English navy.

Absent some deformity (e.g., hermaphroditism) there is no ambiguity about human sexuality. The sex organs have obvious purposes and to use them overwise is a perversion. The fact that they can be stimulated by abnormal means (masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, vibrators) does not render the abnormal normal, any more than carving statues out of treetrunks with a chainsaw makes that a normal use of the saw.

For this post, 2 words come to mind >> OF COURSE!!!

Or one word >> ABSOLUTELY!!!
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So does that excuse a pedophile who's brain points his sexual urges towards children? What about someone who's attracted to goats -- does the the shape of their brain excuse their behavior?
"Excuse?" Again you conflate understanding with approval

Pedophilia seems to combine the normal affection for children with erotic impulses, which, in the simplest terms, is an example of neurological malfunction -- crossed wires, as it were. I would suggest the same circumstance applies to bestiality or any form of sexual deviance.

Understanding the essential cause of certain sexual compulsions, such as pedophilia, does not mean I approve of (excuse) its exercise or consider it socially acceptable. Every example of pedophilic contact necessarily involves a victim, meaning it is a criminal exercise and should be treated as such. But as far as your reference to goats, in order to offer an opinion on that sort of sexual activity I would need to know how the goats feel about it.

WHO CARES what the causal reason is for homosexuality ? All that really is needed to be known is that this abnormality must not be allowed to be accepted by society.
As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> IT DOESN'T MATTER what the frauds of scientists or authors say.
All that is necessary is that we don't do the same STUPID thing that idiot states like California and New York have done > to legitimize this lunacy, by making its marriages legal, allowing queers to be teachers, etc.

To be honest, it doesn't matter what the scientists say. There's a constitution, the courts have interpreted a right to privacy, they have also upheld other rights.

Otherwise there'd be slaves, or segregation or things like that, oh, wait, the conservatives managed to keep each of those for 90 years or so each, and now this one has been there for a long time.

Who supports the US constitution huh?
I don't know about genetic, but I am absolutely convinced that homosexuality, like heterosexuality, has a biological (hormonal) cause.

Irrelevant. Stopping the loon cancer from spreading is all that really matters (especially with regard to children and education)

Homosexuality, whether done by humans or any other members of the animal kingdom, is a deviation from the natural order, and so is NOT natural. It is 100% contrary to nature. Just because a rare few animals do something doesn't make it "natural". I recall a 19th century case of a man who had an obsession with eating nails. To no one's surprise, he didn't live long after acquiring this unusual abnormality. To call this "natural" is beyond ridiculous. Same thing with any animal, human or otherwise, engaging in sex contrary to their body parts. It is isn't the physical damage of the nails that makes it unnatural. It, like homosexuality, is the non-conformance with the intent of the body parts, that does.
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As the Rock of WWE fame would say >> IT DOESN'T MATTER what the frauds of scientists or authors say.
All that is necessary is that we don't do the same STUPID thing that idiot states like California and New York have done > to legitimize this lunacy, by making its marriages legal, allowing queers to be teachers, etc.

To be honest, it doesn't matter what the scientists say. There's a constitution, the courts have interpreted a right to privacy, they have also upheld other rights.

Otherwise there'd be slaves, or segregation or things like that, oh, wait, the conservatives managed to keep each of those for 90 years or so each, and now this one has been there for a long time.

Who supports the US constitution huh?

Stop beating around the bush. What's your point (specifically) ???
Stop beating around the bush. What's your point (specifically) ???

Hmm, it seemed to be quite simple.

There's a US constitution, it protects the right of individuals from US federal and state interference.

It protects the right to privacy. How can people demand smaller government (ie keep out of people's lives) and then demand that they prevent gay people marrying? Or as was suggested, not be able to work in schools and other such jobs?

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