Is "Impeachment" more Fake News?

I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
It's ALL Fake News with these folks. It's 73 feet from Pelosi's door to McConnell's and the impeachment articles may never make it!

They Lie About EVERYTHING!

PUNCH BACK TWICE AS HARD: GOP demands apology after liberal PAC features ‘regretful’ Trump voter who didn’t vote in 2016.

An allegedly regretful Trump voter in Pennsylvania, highlighted in videos by a Democratic political action committee and by The New York Times, never actually voted in 2016.​

News organization JET 24, an ABC affiliate, found after checking county voting records that Mark Graham of Erie County, Pennsylvania, did not vote in the presidential election three years ago.​

Mr. Graham is featured in videos funded by America Bridge, a Democratic PAC, as part of a $5 million advertising campaign in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.​

In an ad, Mr. Graham states, “I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because I thought he would make a change.” But he laments the change was “not for the good,” and complains that the president “plays favorites for people like himself … he doesn’t understand life around here.”​

He was also featured in two New York Times articles about dissatisfied Trump voters and swing voters. The Times has since issued corrections and verified that Mr. Graham did not vote in 2016.​

Fake news. But to be fair, I think it would be awfully hard to find people who voted for Trump in 2016 who are disappointed.
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
Nancy violates the house rules as she is required to "immediately transmit any impeachment articles to the senate for trial upon completion and with the consent of the House". I wonder if she thinks the rules do not apply to her?
You mean, abuse of power? LOL
This impeachment nonsense is just more BS we’ve been hearing from a group of butthurt democrats.

I have no doubt about Trump winning again in 2020. :113:
Hmmm, how can we distract from the Failed Coup, Epstein's black book, and the exposure of our money laundering scheme. Hmmmm. I know!! Let's impeach Trump!!
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
Pelosi will delivery the bill of impeachment when the senate republicans agrees to a fair trial. McConnell is working with the administration lawyers to make sure there are no witnesses called and no fair trial, just political rhetoric and a vote. Pelosi should sit on the the bill impeachment for 6 months if necessary until the Senate agrees to do their duty.
Fuck that.... Pelosi has NO SAY in what happens and Trump must be allowed to mount a defense unlike the House sham.... Pelosi wont be able to sit on the Articles as SCOTUS will force her to withdraw them or transmit them as Trump has a right to a speedy trial. Not to mention that Pelosi is violating house rules by sitting on the articles she is mandated to IMMEDIATELY TRANSMIT TO THE SENATE.
Actually Pelosi does have a say. She can hold the bill of impeachment until McConnell agrees to a fair trial which means the senators hear the House charges, the House witnesses Trump would not allow to testify, the Trump defense, and the witnesses for the defense. Once all evidence is presented, the senators vote. This is called a Senate Trial. What McConnell has proposed is no witnesses, political rhetoric, and a quickly vote to acquit. That is a kangaroo court.

The House spent a lot time and effort on the impeachment and Pelosi, is right in not allow the Senate to simple ignore it's duty of a fair trial.
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I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
Pelosi will delivery the bill of impeachment when the senate republicans agrees to a fair trial. McConnell is working with the administration lawyers to make sure there are no witnesses called and no fair trial, just political rhetoric and a vote. Pelosi should sit on the the bill impeachment for 6 months if necessary until the Senate agrees to do their duty.
Fuck that.... Pelosi has NO SAY in what happens and Trump must be allowed to mount a defense unlike the House sham.... Pelosi wont be able to sit on the Articles as SCOTUS will force her to withdraw them or transmit them as Trump has a right to a speedy trial. Not to mention that Pelosi is violating house rules by sitting on the articles she is mandated to IMMEDIATELY TRANSMIT TO THE SENATE.
Actually Pelosi does have a say. She can hold the bill of impeachment until McConnell agrees to a fair trial which means the senators hear the House charges, the House witnesses Trump would not allow to testify, the Trump defense, and the witnesses for the defense. Once all evidence is presented, the senators vote. This is called a Senate Trial. What McConnell has proposed is no witnesses, political rhetoric, and a quickly vote to acquit. That is a kangaroo court.

The House spent a lot time and effort on the impeachment and Pelosi, is right in not allow the Senate to simple ignore it's duty of a fair trial.
That's like a Prosecutor not pressing charges until he's sure of a guilty verdict. The Stalinist democrats are either childish or criminally irresponsible. They're an embarrassment.
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
Pelosi will delivery the bill of impeachment when the senate republicans agrees to a fair trial. McConnell is working with the administration lawyers to make sure there are no witnesses called and no fair trial, just political rhetoric and a vote. Pelosi should sit on the the bill impeachment for 6 months if necessary until the Senate agrees to do their duty.
Fuck that.... Pelosi has NO SAY in what happens and Trump must be allowed to mount a defense unlike the House sham.... Pelosi wont be able to sit on the Articles as SCOTUS will force her to withdraw them or transmit them as Trump has a right to a speedy trial. Not to mention that Pelosi is violating house rules by sitting on the articles she is mandated to IMMEDIATELY TRANSMIT TO THE SENATE.
Actually Pelosi does have a say. She can hold the bill of impeachment until McConnell agrees to a fair trial which means the senators hear the House charges, the House witnesses Trump would not allow to testify, the Trump defense, and the witnesses for the defense. Once all evidence is presented, the senators vote. This is called a Senate Trial. What McConnell has proposed is no witnesses, political rhetoric, and a quickly vote to acquit. That is a kangaroo court.

The House spent a lot time and effort on the impeachment and Pelosi, is right in not allow the Senate to simple ignore it's duty of a fair trial.
That's like a Prosecutor not pressing charges until he's sure of a guilty verdict. The Stalinist democrats are either childish or criminally irresponsible. They're an embarrassment.
Pressing for a fair trial is neither childish nor irresponsible. The Senate creates the rules for the trial and those rules should include witnesses for both the procession and the defense. Trump want's to be exonerated of the charges and that is not going to happen in a kangaroo court.
I heard there was an impeachment rumor floating around. Has anything reached the Senate?

Are they waiting for Elvis and Bigfoot to walk the Articles of "Impeachment" (LOLz) over to the Senate?

What a farce.

What the rest of the world must think of the Stalinist democrats is just beyond me
Pelosi will delivery the bill of impeachment when the senate republicans agrees to a fair trial. McConnell is working with the administration lawyers to make sure there are no witnesses called and no fair trial, just political rhetoric and a vote. Pelosi should sit on the the bill impeachment for 6 months if necessary until the Senate agrees to do their duty.
Fuck that.... Pelosi has NO SAY in what happens and Trump must be allowed to mount a defense unlike the House sham.... Pelosi wont be able to sit on the Articles as SCOTUS will force her to withdraw them or transmit them as Trump has a right to a speedy trial. Not to mention that Pelosi is violating house rules by sitting on the articles she is mandated to IMMEDIATELY TRANSMIT TO THE SENATE.
Actually Pelosi does have a say. She can hold the bill of impeachment until McConnell agrees to a fair trial which means the senators hear the House charges, the House witnesses Trump would not allow to testify, the Trump defense, and the witnesses for the defense. Once all evidence is presented, the senators vote. This is called a Senate Trial. What McConnell has proposed is no witnesses, political rhetoric, and a quickly vote to acquit. That is a kangaroo court.

The House spent a lot time and effort on the impeachment and Pelosi, is right in not allow the Senate to simple ignore it's duty of a fair trial.
That's like a Prosecutor not pressing charges until he's sure of a guilty verdict. The Stalinist democrats are either childish or criminally irresponsible. They're an embarrassment.
Pressing for a fair trial is neither childish nor irresponsible. The Senate creates the rules for the trial and those rules should include witnesses for both the procession and the defense. Trump want's to be exonerated of the charges and that is not going to happen in a kangaroo court.
The articles of impeachment were brought by the house on party lines. I would have no problem with the senate dismissing the articles of impeachment on party lines. Turn about is fair play for those interested in "fair".
Pelosi will delivery the bill of impeachment when the senate republicans agrees to a fair trial. McConnell is working with the administration lawyers to make sure there are no witnesses called and no fair trial, just political rhetoric and a vote. Pelosi should sit on the the bill impeachment for 6 months if necessary until the Senate agrees to do their duty.
Fuck that.... Pelosi has NO SAY in what happens and Trump must be allowed to mount a defense unlike the House sham.... Pelosi wont be able to sit on the Articles as SCOTUS will force her to withdraw them or transmit them as Trump has a right to a speedy trial. Not to mention that Pelosi is violating house rules by sitting on the articles she is mandated to IMMEDIATELY TRANSMIT TO THE SENATE.
Actually Pelosi does have a say. She can hold the bill of impeachment until McConnell agrees to a fair trial which means the senators hear the House charges, the House witnesses Trump would not allow to testify, the Trump defense, and the witnesses for the defense. Once all evidence is presented, the senators vote. This is called a Senate Trial. What McConnell has proposed is no witnesses, political rhetoric, and a quickly vote to acquit. That is a kangaroo court.

The House spent a lot time and effort on the impeachment and Pelosi, is right in not allow the Senate to simple ignore it's duty of a fair trial.
That's like a Prosecutor not pressing charges until he's sure of a guilty verdict. The Stalinist democrats are either childish or criminally irresponsible. They're an embarrassment.
Pressing for a fair trial is neither childish nor irresponsible. The Senate creates the rules for the trial and those rules should include witnesses for both the procession and the defense. Trump want's to be exonerated of the charges and that is not going to happen in a kangaroo court.
The articles of impeachment were brought by the house on party lines. I would have no problem with the senate dismissing the articles of impeachment on party lines. Turn about is fair play for those interested in "fair".
When it comes to impeachment, the duties of the House are far different than the Senate. The House is the equivalent of the Grand Jury in the criminal justice system. It determines whether charges should be brought against the accused and what those charges should be. The accused has no right to a defense because charges have not been made yet. The House impeachment is like a Grand Jury which is not a fair process and it is not meant to be.

The Senate trial is equivalent to a criminal trial where both sides are heard, evidence and witness are presented. If the Senate does not grant Trump a fair trial with the prosecution and the defense free to present evidence and call witness, there can be no exoneration for Trump. He will carry the stain of impeachment with him forever.
Fuck that.... Pelosi has NO SAY in what happens and Trump must be allowed to mount a defense unlike the House sham.... Pelosi wont be able to sit on the Articles as SCOTUS will force her to withdraw them or transmit them as Trump has a right to a speedy trial. Not to mention that Pelosi is violating house rules by sitting on the articles she is mandated to IMMEDIATELY TRANSMIT TO THE SENATE.
Actually Pelosi does have a say. She can hold the bill of impeachment until McConnell agrees to a fair trial which means the senators hear the House charges, the House witnesses Trump would not allow to testify, the Trump defense, and the witnesses for the defense. Once all evidence is presented, the senators vote. This is called a Senate Trial. What McConnell has proposed is no witnesses, political rhetoric, and a quickly vote to acquit. That is a kangaroo court.

The House spent a lot time and effort on the impeachment and Pelosi, is right in not allow the Senate to simple ignore it's duty of a fair trial.
That's like a Prosecutor not pressing charges until he's sure of a guilty verdict. The Stalinist democrats are either childish or criminally irresponsible. They're an embarrassment.
Pressing for a fair trial is neither childish nor irresponsible. The Senate creates the rules for the trial and those rules should include witnesses for both the procession and the defense. Trump want's to be exonerated of the charges and that is not going to happen in a kangaroo court.
The articles of impeachment were brought by the house on party lines. I would have no problem with the senate dismissing the articles of impeachment on party lines. Turn about is fair play for those interested in "fair".
When it comes to impeachment, the duties of the House are far different than the Senate. The House is the equivalent of the Grand Jury in the criminal justice system. It determines whether charges should be brought against the accused and what those charges should be. The accused has no right to a defense because charges have not been made yet. The House impeachment is like a Grand Jury which is not a fair process and it is not meant to be.

The Senate trial is equivalent to a criminal trial where both sides are heard, evidence and witness are presented. If the Senate does not grant Trump a fair trial with the prosecution and the defense free to present evidence and call witness, there can be no exoneration for Trump. He will carry the stain of impeachment with him forever.
The House is in some ways like a grand jury, but it is not the equivalent. For example, the names of the members of a grand jury are not public, and the proceeding of the GJ are also not public. You are correct that a grand jury is not necessarily a fair process. It has been said that a prosecutor can get a GJ to Indict a ham sandwich.

The vote of the house to impeach a president is public, and we know each vote. The members of the house answer to the people. It is very much a political process. Impeachment is not closed to the public and the members of the house will have to answer to the voting public concerning the fairness of the proceedings. If the president is impeached unfairly, then the senate can justly dismiss the charges by majority vote.

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