Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

More likely it's more hasbara hate.
Don't take it personally.

"Until a few years ago, the main government agency carrying out Hasbara work was the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Media and Hasbara department.

"Under Ehud Olmert’s government, and more so under Netanyahu’s, there was a considerable increase in Hasbara efforts.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has launched for the first time a Hasbara Ministry, headed by a government minister (the current hasbara minister is Yuli Edelstein).

"The Hasbara Ministry includes a situation room, which operates in five languages; it has a new-media team that can reach, according to the office’s web page, 100,000 volunteers on social media networks, as well as many bloggers.

"UPDATE: The Ministry of Hasbara is hiring! 'Advantage to minorities and representatives of the gay community.' More details here."

Hasbara: Why does the world fail to understand us? | +972 Magazine
Somebody spreading IslamoNazi hate and terrorist propaganda shouldn't really be talking? You know the Internet is being watched by the govt., and guess what type they're profiling?

Profession writers looking to buy pressure cookers and their husbands researching backpacks?

"Michelle Catalano and her family were shaken and made anxious on Wednesday after being visited by 'six gentleman in casual clothes'—who turned out to be local police operating under the authority of, or least in connection with, federal agencies—and getting 'peppered' with questions resulting from a series of coincidently entered search terms made on their home computer in recent weeks.

"Catalano, who writes professionally, explained the whole story in her own words on her blog. In way of background, she explained:

"Most of it was innocent enough. I had researched pressure cookers. My husband was looking for a backpack. And maybe in another time those two things together would have seemed innocuous, but we are in “these times...'”

Online Search for Pressure Cooker Sparks Police Visit | Common Dreams
Since Georgie Boy is so, so intelligent and naturally loves this country very much, he certainly must appreciate that people all over the world have differences of opinions on many different subjects, and no doubt he likes the fact that here in America people are allowed to express themselves freely, just as Georgie Boy does on the Internet, bashing Israel and those he calls "kosher" every chance he gets.

A myth-illogical apartheid
"...Zionists have never based their right to occupy Palestine on anything except superior military might, always backed-up by the reigning superpower of the day..."

Yep... fun, ain't it?

"...their conduct today on the West Bank and Gaza is a continuation of the policy of 'creeping annexation' until all the land between the River and the sea is ruled by Jews..."

Yep... this was well-known, as far back as 1922, never mind 1948...


...and it is just as true 91 years later, in 2013, as it was in 1922.

Nothing new there.

"...In 2007, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination..."

The Israelis are not out to discriminate against Palestinians.

They just want them to move outside the country, as that country is defined in the 1922 League of Nations Partition Plan.

Once that happens (and it will - just look at today's maps of the few slices of non-contiguous land still under Palestinian control within those borders) all of that horseshit goes away.
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Now... now... now... ya'll aren't saying that Muslims are capable of discrimination, above and beyond that which they accuse Israel of manifesting, are you?

Anti Semites hold Israel to standards even higher than Western nations. :cuckoo:

why post a pic from a hate site called bare naked islam.

i can't believe you peeps. you actually have no idea what you are doing, do you.

OK guy, lean back and take a big breath. We all feel your pain.

those "dog playing poker" pictures bug me too, and sometimes those voices of talking cats that i hear late at night.

I have my Black Lab (Raven) right beside me here. She likes the pictures:


guess what...guess what...guess what...i, and the rest of the honest world, disagree.

I'm still looking for the rest of the "honest world." Just because the Israelis are suspicious and untrusting of the neighborhood, doesn't mean they are paranoid or racist. It only means that the neighbors have relatives with dubious pasts.

Most Respectfully,

i'll see your chicken and raise you a dozen eggs.

just because the israelis are paranoid and racist doesn't mean they should blame it on their neighbours. the palestinians, after all, did not flood post war europe and try to create a state by marginalising the native peoples.
sealadaigh, et al,

Oh, I can't believe you said that.

just because the israelis are paranoid and racist doesn't mean they should blame it on their neighbours. the palestinians, after all, did not flood post war europe and try to create a state by marginalising the native peoples.

Well yeah. We thought of it first! When did you ever know a Palestinian to have an original thought?

"...why post a pic from a hate site called bare naked islam. i can't believe you peeps. you actually have no idea what you are doing, do you."

Doesn't matter.

I spotted the image elsewhere, months ago, and Googled it, today, to insert on this page.

And clicked on the first iteration found on the Google Image search-results page, to copy its URL without even looking at the URL, in order to bring it here.

It's a great image.

It sends exactly the right message, to counter Islamic claims of discrimination.

In effect: "Yeah. Look who's talking. You've got a long-standing tradition of that yourselves, stretching back more than a thousand years, and still going strong."

That's the message.

That's the value of the image.

Not whether the chosen iteration on a search-engine came from Site A or B or C.

Don't bother me with the small shit when I'm on a roll.

Or shall I pull-up something from any of a hundred-and-one Islamic hate-sites as a counterweight?

I really don't see the point, but I'll be happy to oblige, if that is indicated later.
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sealadaigh, et al,

Oh, I can't believe you said that.

just because the israelis are paranoid and racist doesn't mean they should blame it on their neighbours. the palestinians, after all, did not flood post war europe and try to create a state by marginalising the native peoples.

Well yeah. We thought of it first! When did you ever know a Palestinian to have an original thought?

Aw come on Rocco, Palestinians, racist or bigoted?! Naaaaah. Who woulda eva thought?!

If you ask me, with supporters like Squeal why would Palestinians ever need enemies? Just my humble opinion.

2 questions I'm curious about:

1) How/why did the Jews end up with the good part with the beaches and coastline and the arabs got sand?

2) When these lines were drawn up, were the arabs all supposed to leave the Jewish part (by force if necessary), or was everyone already living there going to be allowed to stay put?


2 questions I'm curious about:

1) How/why did the Jews end up with the good part with the beaches and coastline and the arabs got sand?

2) When these lines were drawn up, were the arabs all supposed to leave the Jewish part (by force if necessary), or was everyone already living there going to be allowed to stay put?


1) The land that was allotted to them in the U.N partition plan was the reason they got the beaches. However, the Arabs got Gaza, which is by the beach

2) Good question. I would imagine that if the Arabs wanted to stay in the Jewish part, they would have to become Israeli civilians. And vice versa for the Jews living in the Arab side.

2 questions I'm curious about:

1) How/why did the Jews end up with the good part with the beaches and coastline and the arabs got sand?

2) When these lines were drawn up, were the arabs all supposed to leave the Jewish part (by force if necessary), or was everyone already living there going to be allowed to stay put?


1) The land that was allotted to them in the U.N partition plan was the reason they got the beaches. However, the Arabs got Gaza, which is by the beach

2) Good question. I would imagine that if the Arabs wanted to stay in the Jewish part, they would have to become Israeli civilians. And vice versa for the Jews living in the Arab side.
1) the UN didn't exist back in 1922.
2) So why were the Jews allowed to kick out the arabs and pass a law of non-return for them?

2 questions I'm curious about:

1) How/why did the Jews end up with the good part with the beaches and coastline and the arabs got sand?

I dunno. The British and the League of Nations liked the Jews better than the Arabs?

"...2) When these lines were drawn up, were the arabs all supposed to leave the Jewish part (by force if necessary), or was everyone already living there going to be allowed to stay put?. Thanks."

I dunno. My guess is that, in each section, the fewer of The Opposite present upon one's soil, the better; for both Jews and Arabs; akin to the Expulsions of Jews from Arab lands during the 1948-1970 timeframe.

In any event, it is clear that the Israelis are playing to the 1922 Partition Map, and always have been. They're nearly there, now, and I wish them success in the end-game.
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"The question is not 'Is Israel the same as South Africa?'

What a silly OP.
SA is nothing like Israel; South Africa was never blindly paid for by the American taxpayer and America never started any wars, leading to the deaths of so many Americans to save SA the trouble of actually having any Jews die when Christians could die instead..
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"The question is not 'Is Israel the same as South Africa?'

What a silly OP.
SA is nothing like Israel; South Africa was never blindly paid for by the American taxpayer and America never started any wars, leading to the deaths of so many Americans to save SA the trouble of actually having any Jews die when Christians could die instead..

Oh look, another idiot whining that the U.S gives Israel money.

So original freddie boy. I have never heard that before :lol:

2 questions I'm curious about:

1) How/why did the Jews end up with the good part with the beaches and coastline and the arabs got sand?

2) When these lines were drawn up, were the arabs all supposed to leave the Jewish part (by force if necessary), or was everyone already living there going to be allowed to stay put?

Duh, what grade did you graduate from? "The Jewish part" has been the Jewish part aka ancient Israel for 3000 years. And you ask how "they ended up with it? It's the same land their ancestors lived, loved, and built.
2 questions I'm curious about:

1) How/why did the Jews end up with the good part with the beaches and coastline and the arabs got sand?

2) When these lines were drawn up, were the arabs all supposed to leave the Jewish part (by force if necessary), or was everyone already living there going to be allowed to stay put?


1) The land that was allotted to them in the U.N partition plan was the reason they got the beaches. However, the Arabs got Gaza, which is by the beach

2) Good question. I would imagine that if the Arabs wanted to stay in the Jewish part, they would have to become Israeli civilians. And vice versa for the Jews living in the Arab side.
1) the UN didn't exist back in 1922.
2) So why were the Jews allowed to kick out the arabs and pass a law of non-return for them?
The land was under the control of the British after the collapse of the Ottomans who controlled it for 700 years. The Arabs never controlled or owned an inch of the land for 800 years. They are recent invaders from neighboring lands. The League of Nations which later evolved into the UN allocated some of the land to the Jews aka Israel, and most of it to the Arab Muslims aka Jordan.
"The question is not 'Is Israel the same as South Africa?'

What a silly OP.
SA is nothing like Israel; South Africa was never blindly paid for by the American taxpayer and America never started any wars, leading to the deaths of so many Americans to save SA the trouble of actually having any Jews die when Christians could die instead..
You're right SA is nothing like Israel. Israel absorbed two million Arab Muslims and gave them equal rights as Israeli citizens. Israel also absorbed hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians blacks in a massive humanitarian mission led by its Government. That's what a democracy with compassion does.

Ethiopian Jews in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Ethiopian Jews in Israel [2][3][4] (Hebrew: יהודי אתיופיה בישראל) or the Ethiopian Jewish community in Israel[5][6] (Hebrew: קהילת יהודי אתיופיה בישראל or העדה האתיופית בישראל) refers to the immigrants and descendants of the immigrants of the Beta Israel communities of Ethiopia, who nowadays reside in Israel.
Most of Beta Israel community emigrated from Ethiopia to Israel during two massive waves of immigration mounted by the Israeli government—"Operation Moses" (1984) and during "Operation Solomon" (1991)[7][8].
Today Israel is home to the largest Beta Israel community in the world with about 121,000 citizens of Ethiopian descent in 2009,[1] who are mainly assembled in the smaller urban areas of central Israel.[9]
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1) The land that was allotted to them in the U.N partition plan was the reason they got the beaches. However, the Arabs got Gaza, which is by the beach

2) Good question. I would imagine that if the Arabs wanted to stay in the Jewish part, they would have to become Israeli civilians. And vice versa for the Jews living in the Arab side.
1) the UN didn't exist back in 1922.
2) So why were the Jews allowed to kick out the arabs and pass a law of non-return for them?
The land was under the control of the British after the collapse of the Ottomans who controlled it for 700 years. The Arabs never controlled or owned an inch of the land for 800 years. They are recent invaders from neighboring lands. The League of Nations which later evolved into the UN allocated some of the land to the Jews aka Israel, and most of it to the Arab Muslims aka Jordan.

Bumberclyde is new here so here is an excellent explanation for him and anyone else who is interested. I have put this video on the forum before. It explains the situation clearly. The Professor speaking, Professor Howard Grief, has written an excellent comprehensive book which anyone interested in the situation should try to read. Details below with reviews of the book on the web page.

[ame=]Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Legal Foundation And Borders Of Israel Under International Law: A Treatise on Jewish Sovereignty over the Land of Israel: Howard Grief: 9781936778553: Books[/ame]
1) the UN didn't exist back in 1922.
2) So why were the Jews allowed to kick out the arabs and pass a law of non-return for them?
The land was under the control of the British after the collapse of the Ottomans who controlled it for 700 years. The Arabs never controlled or owned an inch of the land for 800 years. They are recent invaders from neighboring lands. The League of Nations which later evolved into the UN allocated some of the land to the Jews aka Israel, and most of it to the Arab Muslims aka Jordan.

Bumberclyde is new here so here is an excellent explanation for him and anyone else who is interested. I have put this video on the forum before. It explains the situation clearly. The Professor speaking, Professor Howard Grief, has written an excellent comprehensive book which anyone interested in the situation should try to read. Details below with reviews of the book on the web page.

[ame=]Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Legal Foundation And Borders Of Israel Under International Law: A Treatise on Jewish Sovereignty over the Land of Israel: Howard Grief: 9781936778553: Books[/ame]

So basically, a bunch of old white guys got together in San Remo and decided what was going to happen to land they had never even been to, regardless of what the occupants wanted? Did I get that right? So in other words, Israel has no real basis to its claims then.
The land was under the control of the British after the collapse of the Ottomans who controlled it for 700 years. The Arabs never controlled or owned an inch of the land for 800 years. They are recent invaders from neighboring lands. The League of Nations which later evolved into the UN allocated some of the land to the Jews aka Israel, and most of it to the Arab Muslims aka Jordan.

Bumberclyde is new here so here is an excellent explanation for him and anyone else who is interested. I have put this video on the forum before. It explains the situation clearly. The Professor speaking, Professor Howard Grief, has written an excellent comprehensive book which anyone interested in the situation should try to read. Details below with reviews of the book on the web page.

[ame=]Howard Grief - EC4I middle east conflict documentary: Give Peace A Chance - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Legal Foundation And Borders Of Israel Under International Law: A Treatise on Jewish Sovereignty over the Land of Israel: Howard Grief: 9781936778553: Books[/ame]

So basically, a bunch of old white guys got together in San Remo and decided what was going to happen to land they had never even been to, regardless of what the occupants wanted? Did I get that right? So in other words, Israel has no real basis to its claims then.

No, you have it incorrectly. You need to particularly take notice of what is said up until 3 mins 50 seconds.

The Mandate was based on what the Zionists and the Arabs wanted. You may need to watch the video a couple of times, stopping and rewinding, as it is important you get to know the facts.

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