Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

Pakistan was handed to the Muslims. Why not tell us how wonderful they are doing there when they are not busy suicide or car bombing innocent people because they don't like that particular sect?

because that's not the topic, is it? You're the King (Queen?) of Deflection.
Don't worry, Little Guy, anyone with a head on their shoulder knows that there is racism and religious intolerance all over the Muslim world. If you want to stick your head in the sand like the rest of the anti-Semites and just want to diss Israel, go right ahead.

If you want to start a thread on that, go ahead, I might even agree with you on some of the stuff. But does Muslim racism even justify taking their land in Palestine and passing a law so that they can't return to it, ever?
Btw, what's the sock thing with a hole in it? What does that even mean, I'm a sock?

it means two things.

first it means they think you are an "impersonator" or something like that, something the admin and mods take care of effectively in my opinion and i think your accusers realise this.

the most IMPORTANT meaning it has though is they have no adequate answer to the issue at hand and think that argument strictly by insult and with no content whatsoever serves. the only pirpose it serves though is salving the delicare egos of those who somehow feel that it is a blow to their mangood to admit a mistake. silly really.

it should be obvious to even the most casual of obsevers that their in an incredib;e amount of radism in israel and, if this board is any indication, in jewish culture as a whole, but they really are clueless when it comes to defining the problem and are unwilling to look at the problem of racism as it eists in their own society/culture.
So is the whole pro-Israel side here a bunch of babies, or is it just those clowns?

personally, i think this is not the place to discuss it and i should heed my own advice. in the future i will PM.

that being said though, the accusations of people impersonating other people or being anotheperson is generally limited to a few posters.

the topic is, of course, is israel the same as south arica and while their are similarities, to say they are the same would probably be erroneous.

it would not be a mistake at all though to say that the west bank is very close to being the same as south africa, and that is israel's doing.

personally, i think pro-palestinian and human rights supporters realoy make a mistake and play into the hands of the colonialist type arguments of the zionists by not differentiating between the two.
Pakistan was handed to the Muslims. Why not tell us how wonderful they are doing there when they are not busy suicide or car bombing innocent people because they don't like that particular sect?

because that's not the topic, is it? You're the King (Queen?) of Deflection.
Don't worry, Little Guy, anyone with a head on their shoulder knows that there is racism and religious intolerance all over the Muslim world. If you want to stick your head in the sand like the rest of the anti-Semites and just want to diss Israel, go right ahead.

in your response, you are just confirming his assertion about your constantly deflecting.

there is racism all over the world, to include here in the good ol' USA, but this is the palestine/israel forum and not some place to promote your bigotry and hatred of muslims at will. try to confine your extraordinary racist and hateful comments about peoples based upon their religion to matters concerning israel and palestine.

guess what? the fact that i am not discussing my ongoing bout with south east asian jungle rot from living in a wet climate does not mean thaat i am not concerned about it.

those "dog playing poker" pictures bug me too, and sometimes those voices of talking cats that i hear late at night.

israel has a lot of racism, or bigotry, or discrimination...
Btw, what's the sock thing with a hole in it? What does
that even mean, I'm a sock?

More likely it's more hasbara hate.
Don't take it personally.

"Until a few years ago, the main government agency carrying out Hasbara work was the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Media and Hasbara department.

"Under Ehud Olmert’s government, and more so under Netanyahu’s, there was a considerable increase in Hasbara efforts.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has launched for the first time a Hasbara Ministry, headed by a government minister (the current hasbara minister is Yuli Edelstein).

"The Hasbara Ministry includes a situation room, which operates in five languages; it has a new-media team that can reach, according to the office’s web page, 100,000 volunteers on social media networks, as well as many bloggers.

"UPDATE: The Ministry of Hasbara is hiring! 'Advantage to minorities and representatives of the gay community.' More details here."

Hasbara: Why does the world fail to understand us? | +972 Magazine
Somebody spreading IslamoNazi hate and terrorist propaganda shouldn't really be talking? You know the Internet is being watched by the govt., and guess what type they're profiling?
georgephillip, et al,

I keep asking!

Racists should be destroyed on both sides of the Green Line starting with those who control the monopoly of violence:

"According to the 2004 U.S. State Department Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for Israel and the Occupied Territories, the Israeli government had done 'little to reduce institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country's Arab citizens.'[8]

"The 2005 US Department of State report on Israel wrote: '[T]he government generally respected the human rights of its citizens; however, there were problems in some areas, including... institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against the country’s Arab citizens.'[9]

"The 2010 U.S. State Department Country Report stated that Israeli law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, and that government effectively enforced these prohibitions.[10] Former Likud MK and Minister of Defense Moshe Arens has criticized the treatment of minorities in Israel, saying that they did not bear the full obligation of Israeli citizenship, nor were they extended the full privileges of citizenship.[11]"

Racism in Israel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

650, 000 Jews inflicted an ethnocracy on 1.2 million non-Jews in 1948 and three generations later their racist state is swirling the same drain as White South Africa a generation ago.

Can you hear the FLUSH?

What are the two (or more) races involved in the Racism?

Most Respectfully,

first of all, there do not have to be two or more "races" involved in racism.

your simple and simplistic dictionary definitions of "racism" fail to address a very complex problem and are merely an exercise in aggrandising your ego in a rather stupid and ignorant way.

shall i supply you with article after article decrying the racism among jews and israels and zionists and the state of israel? and you have my assurance that, unlike those who are celebrating your stance, my sources will be neutral or pro-israel unlike the regular parade of hate and propaganda of your cohorts.

you are aware that among your suppoters on this board of "israel has no racism" are those who regularly say "palestinians/arabs/muslims are animals" or worse or, in effect. racists and bigots.

forgive me for impugning your self perceived omnipotence, but the constant denial of the existence of a problem will not make it disappear.

vade in pace,
Oh so it exists because bigot anti Semites like you say so? Yeah, who cares what the definition of racism or apartheid is? SQUEAL says there is. And that's what matters. Ha ha ha.
because that's not the topic, is it? You're the King (Queen?) of Deflection.
Don't worry, Little Guy, anyone with a head on their shoulder knows that there is racism and religious intolerance all over the Muslim world. If you want to stick your head in the sand like the rest of the anti-Semites and just want to diss Israel, go right ahead.

in your response, you are just confirming his assertion about your constantly deflecting.

there is racism all over the world, to include here in the good ol' USA, but this is the palestine/israel forum and not some place to promote your bigotry and hatred of muslims at will. try to confine your extraordinary racist and hateful comments about peoples based upon their religion to matters concerning israel and palestine.

guess what? the fact that i am not discussing my ongoing bout with south east asian jungle rot from living in a wet climate does not mean thaat i am not concerned about it.

those "dog playing poker" pictures bug me too, and sometimes those voices of talking cats that i hear late at night.

israel has a lot of racism, or bigotry, or discrimination...
Guess what...guess what...guess what...IT DOESN' eloquently proven many times. The fact that you keep repeating and whining about it doesn't make it true.
Racism, even in the common vernacular, is most widely and broadly understood to mean bias or preference towards, or conflict between, distinguishable Race(s)...

There is no such thing as a Jewish Race or an Arab Race...

Virtually all of the peoples of the Mediterranean Basin are 'mutts' - poly-ethnic (and even poly-racial) 'beneficiaries' of a very long (20,000 or 30,000 years or better) and very broad admixture of ethnicities and races which dwell in the region...

Even 'ethnicity' is blurred when attempting to distinguish Jews from Arabs in Israel-Palestine, although some considerable percentage of the Jews living there are, stereotypically, a bit more light-skinned and European in appearance than their Arab-Muslim Palestinian neighbors...

We're not talking about Race Hatred between the parties...

We're talking about Group-vs-Group Hatred between the parties...

The dividing line between those Groups is largely defined by Religion and Cultural Inheritance and Philosophical Differences and immediate ancestry, as that pertains to old land-rights in the region.

Attempting to portray this particular Manifestation of Group Hate as Racial Hate is an artificial construct designed by pro-Palestinian advocates to trigger the maximum visceral revulsion for the Israeli side of this Hate-Relationship while leaving the Palestinian side seeming to be innocent (or, at least, less guilty) of such passions - given that Racial Hatred, nowadays, triggers revulsion in many Western countries.

But it's a falsehood - an artificial construct - vigorously pursued, and cleverly contrived and sustained - but, in the end, it's still a falsehood - and an artificial construct - and a propaganda tactic that needs to be called-out for what it is.

This is not a case of Race Hatred.

This is a case of Religious and Cultural Differences and Hostility.

And, in actuality, the Palestinians behave far more despicably in this than do their Israeli counterparts.

I have yet to see Israelis brainwashing their little children through their childrens' television programming and schools that it is God's Work to kill Palestinians, nor to pledge to drive the Palestinians into the sea, nor to wipe the Palestinians from the face of the earth, nor that a Jew will go to Heaven if he (or she) dies killing Palestinians.

I think we've lost a little perspective here, regarding specifics, intensity, scale, frequency and audience - in the context of Hate-Mongering by one party or the other.
Btw, what's the sock thing with a hole in it? What does
that even mean, I'm a sock?

More likely it's more hasbara hate.
Don't take it personally.

"Until a few years ago, the main government agency carrying out Hasbara work was the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Media and Hasbara department.

"Under Ehud Olmert’s government, and more so under Netanyahu’s, there was a considerable increase in Hasbara efforts.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has launched for the first time a Hasbara Ministry, headed by a government minister (the current hasbara minister is Yuli Edelstein).

"The Hasbara Ministry includes a situation room, which operates in five languages; it has a new-media team that can reach, according to the office’s web page, 100,000 volunteers on social media networks, as well as many bloggers.

"UPDATE: The Ministry of Hasbara is hiring! 'Advantage to minorities and representatives of the gay community.' More details here."

Hasbara: Why does the world fail to understand us? | +972 Magazine
Somebody spreading IslamoNazi hate and terrorist propaganda shouldn't really be talking? You know the Internet is being watched by the govt., and guess what type they're profiling?

blustery immigrants from iran who pretend to be good americans but know very little about our country?
Don't worry, Little Guy, anyone with a head on their shoulder knows that there is racism and religious intolerance all over the Muslim world. If you want to stick your head in the sand like the rest of the anti-Semites and just want to diss Israel, go right ahead.

in your response, you are just confirming his assertion about your constantly deflecting.

there is racism all over the world, to include here in the good ol' USA, but this is the palestine/israel forum and not some place to promote your bigotry and hatred of muslims at will. try to confine your extraordinary racist and hateful comments about peoples based upon their religion to matters concerning israel and palestine.

guess what? the fact that i am not discussing my ongoing bout with south east asian jungle rot from living in a wet climate does not mean thaat i am not concerned about it.

those "dog playing poker" pictures bug me too, and sometimes those voices of talking cats that i hear late at night.

israel has a lot of racism, or bigotry, or discrimination...
Guess what...guess what...guess what...IT DOESN' eloquently proven many times. The fact that you keep repeating and whining about it doesn't make it true.

guess what...guess what...guess what...i, and the rest of the honest world, disagree.

OK guy, lean back and take a big breath. We all feel your pain.

those "dog playing poker" pictures bug me too, and sometimes those voices of talking cats that i hear late at night.

I have my Black Lab (Raven) right beside me here. She likes the pictures:


guess what...guess what...guess what...i, and the rest of the honest world, disagree.

I'm still looking for the rest of the "honest world." Just because the Israelis are suspicious and untrusting of the neighborhood, doesn't mean they are paranoid or racist. It only means that the neighbors have relatives with dubious pasts.

Most Respectfully,
because that's not the topic, is it? You're the King (Queen?) of Deflection.
Don't worry, Little Guy, anyone with a head on their shoulder knows that there is racism and religious intolerance all over the Muslim world. If you want to stick your head in the sand like the rest of the anti-Semites and just want to diss Israel, go right ahead.

in your response, you are just confirming his assertion about your constantly deflecting.

there is racism all over the world, to include here in the good ol' USA, but this is the palestine/israel forum and not some place to promote your bigotry and hatred of muslims at will. try to confine your extraordinary racist and hateful comments about peoples based upon their religion to matters concerning israel and palestine.

guess what? the fact that i am not discussing my ongoing bout with south east asian jungle rot from living in a wet climate does not mean thaat i am not concerned about it.

those "dog playing poker" pictures bug me too, and sometimes those voices of talking cats that i hear late at night.

israel has a lot of racism, or bigotry, or discrimination...

You can repeat that (the bold) all the time, but when it comes to racism, bigotry and discrimination...
well, you know EXACTLY how that sentence ends
More likely it's more hasbara hate.
Don't take it personally.

"Until a few years ago, the main government agency carrying out Hasbara work was the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Media and Hasbara department.

"Under Ehud Olmert’s government, and more so under Netanyahu’s, there was a considerable increase in Hasbara efforts.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has launched for the first time a Hasbara Ministry, headed by a government minister (the current hasbara minister is Yuli Edelstein).

"The Hasbara Ministry includes a situation room, which operates in five languages; it has a new-media team that can reach, according to the office’s web page, 100,000 volunteers on social media networks, as well as many bloggers.

"UPDATE: The Ministry of Hasbara is hiring! 'Advantage to minorities and representatives of the gay community.' More details here."

Hasbara: Why does the world fail to understand us? | +972 Magazine
Somebody spreading IslamoNazi hate and terrorist propaganda shouldn't really be talking? You know the Internet is being watched by the govt., and guess what type they're profiling?

blustery immigrants from iran who pretend to be good americans but know very little about our country?
I guess we should go with Irish, anti Semite neo Nazi Islamic terrorist worshippers like you then.
in your response, you are just confirming his assertion about your constantly deflecting.

there is racism all over the world, to include here in the good ol' USA, but this is the palestine/israel forum and not some place to promote your bigotry and hatred of muslims at will. try to confine your extraordinary racist and hateful comments about peoples based upon their religion to matters concerning israel and palestine.

guess what? the fact that i am not discussing my ongoing bout with south east asian jungle rot from living in a wet climate does not mean thaat i am not concerned about it.

those "dog playing poker" pictures bug me too, and sometimes those voices of talking cats that i hear late at night.

israel has a lot of racism, or bigotry, or discrimination...
Guess what...guess what...guess what...IT DOESN' eloquently proven many times. The fact that you keep repeating and whining about it doesn't make it true.

guess what...guess what...guess what...i, and the rest of the honest world, disagree.
You and the Islamic world and a bunch of Nazi anti Semites don't count.

OK guy, lean back and take a big breath. We all feel your pain.

those "dog playing poker" pictures bug me too, and sometimes those voices of talking cats that i hear late at night.

I have my Black Lab (Raven) right beside me here. She likes the pictures:


guess what...guess what...guess what...i, and the rest of the honest world, disagree.

I'm still looking for the rest of the "honest world." Just because the Israelis are suspicious and untrusting of the neighborhood, doesn't mean they are paranoid or racist. It only means that the neighbors have relatives with dubious pasts.

Most Respectfully,
And that's exactly why Squeal admires them.
because that's not the topic, is it? You're the King (Queen?) of Deflection.
Don't worry, Little Guy, anyone with a head on their shoulder knows that there is racism and religious intolerance all over the Muslim world. If you want to stick your head in the sand like the rest of the anti-Semites and just want to diss Israel, go right ahead.

If you want to start a thread on that, go ahead, I might even agree with you on some of the stuff. But does Muslim racism even justify taking their land in Palestine and passing a law so that they can't return to it, ever?
Can you tell us why the UN said that anyone who has been in the area only two years could be considered a refugee? Do you consider someone who has been in any area for only two years indigenous to that area? Yessiree, we sure did see the millions and millions of actual refugees as a result of World War II clamoring to get back to their original countries and reclaim all their old houses , didn't we, BumberClyde? Meanwhile, I guess you are another one who thinks Winston Churchill and the officials in the area who saw what was going on were liars when they reported that these Arabs were coming in droves from the poor surrounding countries when the Jews had jobs from them. Are you comatose, or don't you see how the population is changing in Europe, America and Canada where people are swarming in from different countries? I don't know why these posters like BumberClyde think that most of the viewers actually think they care about the Arabs, but it is the same whine from them about the Arabs not being able to return.
Don't worry, Little Guy, anyone with a head on their shoulder knows that there is racism and religious intolerance all over the Muslim world. If you want to stick your head in the sand like the rest of the anti-Semites and just want to diss Israel, go right ahead.

in your response, you are just confirming his assertion about your constantly deflecting.

there is racism all over the world, to include here in the good ol' USA, but this is the palestine/israel forum and not some place to promote your bigotry and hatred of muslims at will. try to confine your extraordinary racist and hateful comments about peoples based upon their religion to matters concerning israel and palestine.

guess what? the fact that i am not discussing my ongoing bout with south east asian jungle rot from living in a wet climate does not mean thaat i am not concerned about it.

those "dog playing poker" pictures bug me too, and sometimes those voices of talking cats that i hear late at night.

israel has a lot of racism, or bigotry, or discrimination...

You can repeat that (the bold) all the time, but when it comes to racism, bigotry and discrimination...
well, you know EXACTLY how that sentence ends
Don't worry, Toast. I think most viewers realize that Seal and company are not interested in what is happening to innocent people in the Muslim world. You will never see them on any forum discussing this, nor would they ever discuss the terrible racism in the Muslim world where people not only are murdered for their religious beliefs but also for the color of their skin. Meanwhile, Seal had a heck of a good time playing Solly the Jewish longshoreman plus other characters , like these characters actually had something to do with the Middle East. Now he is having a heck of a good time getting on his high horse.
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Now... now... now... ya'll aren't saying that Muslims are capable of discrimination, above and beyond that which they accuse Israel of manifesting, are you?

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Now... now... now... ya'll aren't saying that Muslims are capable of discrimination, above and beyond that which they accuse Israel of manifesting, are you?

Anti Semites hold Israel to standards even higher than Western nations. :cuckoo:
it means two things.

first it means they think you are an "impersonator" or something like that, something the admin and mods take care of effectively in my opinion and i think your accusers realise this.

the most IMPORTANT meaning it has though is they have no adequate answer to the issue at hand and think that argument strictly by insult and with no content whatsoever serves. the only pirpose it serves though is salving the delicare egos of those who somehow feel that it is a blow to their mangood to admit a mistake. silly really.

it should be obvious to even the most casual of obsevers that their in an incredib;e amount of radism in israel and, if this board is any indication, in jewish culture as a whole, but they really are clueless when it comes to defining the problem and are unwilling to look at the problem of racism as it eists in their own society/culture.
So is the whole pro-Israel side here a bunch of babies, or is it just those clowns?

personally, i think this is not the place to discuss it and i should heed my own advice. in the future i will PM.

that being said though, the accusations of people impersonating other people or being anotheperson is generally limited to a few posters.

the topic is, of course, is israel the same as south arica and while their are similarities, to say they are the same would probably be erroneous.

it would not be a mistake at all though to say that the west bank is very close to being the same as south africa, and that is israel's doing.

personally, i think pro-palestinian and human rights supporters realoy make a mistake and play into the hands of the colonialist type arguments of the zionists by not differentiating between the two.

Zionists have never based their right to occupy Palestine on anything except superior military might, always backed-up by the reigning superpower of the day; their conduct today on the West Bank and Gaza is a continuation of the policy of "creeping annexation" until all the land between the River and the sea is ruled by Jews.

"In 2007, the UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination reported that Palestinians and Israeli settlers in the occupied territories are subject to different criminal laws, leading to longer detention and harsher punishments for Palestinians than for Israelis for the same offenses.[68]

"Amnesty International has reported that in the West Bank, Israeli settlers and soldiers who engage in abuses against Palestinians, including unlawful killings, enjoy 'impunity' from punishment and are rarely prosecuted.

"However Palestinians detained by Israeli security forces may be imprisoned for prolonged periods of time, and reports of their torture and other ill-treatment are not credibly investigated.[69][70][71]

"John Dugard has compared Israeli imprisonment of Palestinians to policies of Apartheid-era South Africa, saying 'Apartheid's security police practiced torture on a large scale. So do the Israeli security forces. There were many political prisoners on Robben Island but there are more Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli jails.' [72]"

Israel and the apartheid analogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Btw, what's the sock thing with a hole in it? What does
that even mean, I'm a sock?

More likely it's more hasbara hate.
Don't take it personally.

"Until a few years ago, the main government agency carrying out Hasbara work was the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its Media and Hasbara department.

"Under Ehud Olmert’s government, and more so under Netanyahu’s, there was a considerable increase in Hasbara efforts.

"Prime Minister Netanyahu has launched for the first time a Hasbara Ministry, headed by a government minister (the current hasbara minister is Yuli Edelstein).

"The Hasbara Ministry includes a situation room, which operates in five languages; it has a new-media team that can reach, according to the office’s web page, 100,000 volunteers on social media networks, as well as many bloggers.

"UPDATE: The Ministry of Hasbara is hiring! 'Advantage to minorities and representatives of the gay community.' More details here."

Hasbara: Why does the world fail to understand us? | +972 Magazine
Somebody spreading IslamoNazi hate and terrorist propaganda shouldn't really be talking? You know the Internet is being watched by the govt., and guess what type they're profiling?

Profession writers looking to buy pressure cookers and their husbands researching backpacks?

"Michelle Catalano and her family were shaken and made anxious on Wednesday after being visited by 'six gentleman in casual clothes'—who turned out to be local police operating under the authority of, or least in connection with, federal agencies—and getting 'peppered' with questions resulting from a series of coincidently entered search terms made on their home computer in recent weeks.

"Catalano, who writes professionally, explained the whole story in her own words on her blog. In way of background, she explained:

"Most of it was innocent enough. I had researched pressure cookers. My husband was looking for a backpack. And maybe in another time those two things together would have seemed innocuous, but we are in “these times...'”

Online Search for Pressure Cooker Sparks Police Visit | Common Dreams

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