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Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

"...when you and other Uber-Zionists make statements like this, I suddenly lose enough tears to cry over terrorist attacks against Israel."

How charming... but that doesn't change the facts on the ground, nor trends, nor the predictable future... ain't that a bitch?
Does South Africa still steal black peoples' land and just give it away to whites? Nope. But Israel does steal Arab land and simply give it to Jews.
You don't know much about the history of Apartheid in South Africa, do you?

In the case of the Jews, you may consider it the spoils of victory in war, and forcing an antagonistic native contingent away rather than just slaughtering them.

Perhaps the Muslim-Arabs of the so-called Occupied Territories should not have opposed Israel back in 1948 and afterwards...

They chose sides poorly...

And now they (and their descendants) are dealing with the consequences of their bad decision...

Nations and Peoples steal land all the time.

Victory on the battlefield tends to settle disputes over land-title.

Besides, the Arabs stole it from somebody else a few hundred years ago, anyway.

It's simply their turn in the barrel.

Heck, the Arabs have that entire big sandbox to play in...

The least they can do is let the little poor kid down the block who goes to a different church, to have a little scoop of sand of their own that really won't be missed anyway, and to move-over just a skosh, to make room...

Victory on the battlefield tends to settle disputes over land-title.

But the Palestinians did not lose a war to Israel.
How charming... but that doesn't change the facts on the ground, nor trends, nor the predictable future... ain't that a bitch?

you know what's a real bitch?

hatred of Israel & Israelis. Too bad they deserve it.

How charming... but that doesn't change the facts on the ground, nor trends, nor the predictable future... ain't that a bitch?

you know what's a real bitch? hatred of Israel & Israelis. Too bad they deserve it.

Very nice, I"m sure.


Please fork-over your tax-money so that we can send more military aid to Israel.

Thank you for your generous contribution on behalf of the Nation and its Best Friends.


The U.S. Government
Very nice, I"m sure.


Please fork-over your tax-money so that we can send more military aid to Israel.

Thank you for your generous contribution on behalf of the Nation and its Best Friends.


The U.S. Government

Someday, assholes like you will not be able to unfairly and unjustly manipulate MY government into giving Israel undue and undeserved support and aid.

I pray and long, for that great day.

I suspect there will be a massive run on El Al tickets, when that day comes.
Very nice, I"m sure.


Please fork-over your tax-money so that we can send more military aid to Israel.

Thank you for your generous contribution on behalf of the Nation and its Best Friends.


The U.S. Government

Someday, assholes like you will not be able to unfairly and unjustly manipulate MY government into giving Israel undue and undeserved support and aid.

I pray and long, for that great day.

I suspect there will be a massive run on El Al tickets, when that day comes.

You go ahead and keep waiting for that day, while the rest of us enjoy reality. :cool:


What-in-the-world leads you to believe that the Palestinians will be allowed to REMAIN in the West Bank and Gaza long enough to overwhelm the Jews by sheer numbers?

Never gonna happen.

They'll be kicked-out by force long before that happens.

And the world won't lift a finger, as the Palestinians are scattered and neutralized.

As a matter of fact, most of the rest of the world will breathe a sigh of relief that it's finally over.

They won't be killed... they'll just be quickly and decisively overwhelmed by the IDF...

Then evicted and deported; put on the road to Amman and Beirut and Damascus and the like...

Luggage on top, kids in the back seat, with some Israeli compensation money in their pockets for their trouble, destination: new and happier lives...

Those who aren't smart enough to 'get out of Dodge' before that happens, anyway...

And the world will forget all about it with blinding speed.
Ethnic Cleansing,

"Ethnic cleansing is a the process or policy of eliminating unwanted ethnic or religious groups by deportation, forcible displacement, mass murder, or by threats of such acts, with the intent of creating a territory inhabited by people of a homogeneous or pure ethnicity, religion, culture, and history. Ethnic cleansing usually involves attempts to remove physical and cultural evidence of the targeted group in the territory through the destruction of homes, social centers, farms, and infrastructure, and by the desecration of monuments, cemeteries, and places of worship."

Ethnic cleansing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jews of the world, Unite!
What do you have to lose?
Very nice, I"m sure.


Please fork-over your tax-money so that we can send more military aid to Israel.

Thank you for your generous contribution on behalf of the Nation and its Best Friends.


The U.S. Government

Someday, assholes like you will not be able to unfairly and unjustly manipulate MY government into giving Israel undue and undeserved support and aid.

I pray and long, for that great day.

I suspect there will be a massive run on El Al tickets, when that day comes.

Yer barkin' up the wrong American (Irish-German/Roman Catholic) tree, me bucko...

Now hush... don't worry your pretty head over this... just fork over your tax money... thank you.
"...Ethnic Cleansing, Really?..."
Yeppers... although the Jews might possibly view it as a Gang Mikva for purification purposes, instead.

Consider it preemptive and precautionary...

The Arab-Muslim Palestinians and their Arab-Muslim neighbors have sworn to 'cleanse' so-called Palestine of Jews and to make so-called Palestine sovereign from river to sea, and to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean.

And they've been threatening to do that since 1948, at least.

If that's not a threat to undertake Ethnic Cleansing, then I don't know what is.

Goose, meet gander.

"Do unto others, before they do unto you."

It's a choice between the ragtag Palestinians and themselves.

They chose themselves.

Big surprise.

Under similar us-or-them circumstances, 99.99% of the world's population would make the same choice.

The Palestinians are being slowly-but-surely squeezed off the last few scraps of land remaining to them, so that they'll take-the-hint and move to Jordan or Lebanon or Syria or Egypt of their own volition...

At some point, those who don't take the hint, will be forcibly evicted...

Eretz Yisrael will be 'whole' once again for the first time in 2,000 years...

And the rattlesnakes (suicide bombers and rocketeers and militias, sworn to destroy the Jews) in their midst will be nothing more than a quickly fading bad memory, as the so-called Palestinians scatter and assimilate and quickly lose their newfound and temporary cohesion...

Population shifts happen all the time...

Several of them within living memory, including some large-scale ones in Europe after the Allies had won WWII...

This will be nothing different, and that particular Road Show is almost ready to begin...

A quick look at the Palestinians own propaganda maps of their shrinking land under their control will serve-up a definitive clue to all but the dullest of partisan observers...

Any sane Palestinian with two shekels to rub together and an ounce of brains would be well-advised to get his family and his own ass out of Rump Palestine and to move to Jordan or Lebanon or Syria or Egypt or Saudi Arabia or wherever, to avoid Eviction Day...
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At some point, those who don't take the hint, will be forcibly evicted...

Eretz Yisrael will be 'whole' once again for the first time in 2,000 years....

If the Israeli Jews dare attempt to kick out the Arabs, they will be destroyed.

Utterly and totally destroyed.

and the Jews of the world will also suffer due to their brethren's Fascism.

.....but something tells me you're too stupid and arrogant to realize that.
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At some point, those who don't take the hint, will be forcibly evicted...

Eretz Yisrael will be 'whole' once again for the first time in 2,000 years....

If the Israeli Jews dare attempt to kick out the Arabs, they will be destroyed.

Utterly and totally destroyed.

and the Jews of the world will also suffer due to their brethren's Fascism.

.....but something tells me you're too stupid and arrogant to realize that.


Most Arab Militaries couldn't find their asses with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors...

Their general staffs piss their pants when they contemplate going up against the Israelis...

And there's no way in hell that the Palestinians are going to destroy the Jews of Israel, so...

I'm not sure who remains, beyond those folk, to do all this 'destroying'...

Do you have some kind of Avenging Force in mind that doesn't exist yet?

Still... it's an amusing thought...

Mebbe you can make a video game out of it...
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Anybody who thinks Israel is actually Palestine is delusional..its really that simple

Source: The Avalon Project : Jordanian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement, April 3, 1949

The term "in Palestine" is used regularly in all of the armistice agreements. The term "in Israel" is completely absent.

(d) In the sector from a point on the Dead Sea (MR 1925-0958) to the southernmost tip of Palestine, the Armistice Demarcation Line shall be determined by...

That agreement, that Israel signed, calls that territory Palestine. Before the ink was dry, Israel started calling that land Israel.

This proves an old adage to be true: Tell a lie often enough and people will believe it.

Completely irrelevant.
What I'm trying to say is that when you look at a map, and you find Israel, then the land marked as Israel, is actually Israel. And nobody can dispute that.
No matter how hateful a person is towards Israel, Israel is here. Deal with it

Israel is the only country I have seen where its map has a disclaimer on territory, legal status and boundaries.:lol::lol::lol:

Most Arab Militaries couldn't find their asses with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors...

And their general staffs piss their pants when they contemplate going up against the Israelis...

And there's no way in hell that the Palestinians are going to destroy the Jews of Israel, so...

I'm not sure who remains, beyond those folk, to do all this 'destroying'...

But it's an amusing thought...

hey asshole, put on your reading glasses if you can't read.

if Israel tries to commit ethnic cleansing/genocide against the Arabs of Palestine, the Arab world, the Muslim world, and Russia will make sure that Israel is wiped off the Earth.

and the Jews of the West will suffer too.
At some point, those who don't take the hint, will be forcibly evicted...

Eretz Yisrael will be 'whole' once again for the first time in 2,000 years....

If the Israeli Jews dare attempt to kick out the Arabs, they will be destroyed.

Utterly and totally destroyed.

and the Jews of the world will also suffer due to their brethren's Fascism.

.....but something tells me you're too stupid and arrogant to realize that.


Most Arab Militaries couldn't find their asses with both hands in a well-lit room surrounded by mirrors...

Their general staffs piss their pants when they contemplate going up against the Israelis...

And there's no way in hell that the Palestinians are going to destroy the Jews of Israel, so...

I'm not sure who remains, beyond those folk, to do all this 'destroying'...

Do you have some kind of Avenging Force in mind that doesn't exist yet?

Still... it's an amusing thought...

Mebbe you can make a video game out of it...

That is not how it is going to go down.
Israel would never try to kick out the Arabs.

It would lead to a nuclear war.

The Palestinians and Israelis will have to learn to share the land.

cause if they can't share it, no one will have it.
"...hey asshole, put on your reading glasses if you can't read..."

My, my, my... such keyboard-warrior passion...

"...if Israel tries to commit ethnic cleansing/genocide against the Arabs of Palestine, the Arab world, the Muslim world... will make sure that Israel is wiped off the Earth..."


It won't be genocide... just ethnic cleansing... more like Preemptive Eviction and Resumption of Title...

Better tell your Avengers to hurry though...not much time left... tick, tick, tick...

Oh, and, BTW...

The Arab World and the Muslim World have ganged-up on Israel before...


And gotten their asses kicked for their trouble...



The Arabs are gonna wipe-out the Jews of Israel...


The Israelis have been tearing the Arabs a new asshole for 65 years...

With most of that BEFORE Israel built a 200+ warhead nuclear arsenal, complete with long-range delivery systems...

You've got a great sense of humor, kid...

"...and Russia will make sure that Israel is wiped off the Earth..."

The Russians do not want to go to war with the United States over the issue of Israel.

Russia is only able to threaten nuclear war at this juncture in history.

Russia cannot project conventional power far-abroad; it was never very good at it in the past, beyond Eastern Europe and long supply and communication lines, and they'll have Turkey and NATO to contend with, if it comes to that.

No... we won't see Russia going to war with Israel and the US over something as unimportant as kicking a couple of million Palestinians out of the country and shipping them off to the safety of Jordan or Lebanon or Syria or Egypt and the like.

The Russians are far too intelligent and pragmatic for that; besides, in their heart-of-hearts, the Russians don't like the Muslims very much either (see Chechnya).

But I'm sure they'll be happy to sell you some more AK-47s and RPGs and SAM batteries and ground radars and 30-year-old jet fighters and such... hard currency only, of course...

And, if they don't Go Conventional, then they SURE-as-hell don't want to start a nuclear war over a bunch of lost-cause Muslim loser-types whom they don't like nor trust very much anyway.

"...and the Jews of the West will suffer too."

I don't know from WHOM, but I'm sure we can take your word for that...

Have a pleasant evening, dreaming sugar-plum visions of Jihad, mine good colleague...
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"...That is not how it is going to go down."
True, Tinny...

It will end with a flurry of financial and logistics and military preparations, a swift, decisive and brutal military campaign that completely overwhelms them and forces them to surrender, then they will be patched-up, packed-up, given some moving and starting-over money, and packed-off to Lebanon and Jordan and such... and that in the not-too-distant future. You can smell it in the air now, metaphorically speaking, and your own propaganda maps tell the same tale for anyone who has an ounce of brains to read between the lines.
"...That is not how it is going to go down."
True, Tinny...

It will end with a flurry of financial and logistics and military preparations, a swift, decisive and brutal military campaign that completely overwhelms them and forces them to surrender, then they will be patched-up, packed-up, given some moving and starting-over money, and packed-off to Lebanon and Jordan and such... and that in the not-too-distant future. You can smell it in the air now, metaphorically speaking, and your own propaganda maps tell the same tale for anyone who has an ounce of brains to read between the lines.

I don't think so. Israel will rot out from the inside like a bad tooth.

Israel is losing popular support around the world and governments that support Israel are starting to wobble. Of course IAW, BDS, and others are pushing this right along.

The US is in its waning years as a superpower. It will go broke and collapse like all other empires have.
"...I don't think so. Israel will rot out from the inside like a bad tooth. Israel is losing popular support around the world and governments that support Israel are starting to wobble. Of course IAW, BDS, and others are pushing this right along. The US is in its waning years as a superpower. It will go broke and collapse like all other empires have."
BDS is a joke; the last desperate gasp of a dying, failed-state Rump Palestine; which will soon be a government-in-exile; degenerating at last into a short-lived fraternal organization; it's a circus flea.

Oh, and, America will, indeed, collapse at some point, but the Palestinians own Eviction Day will come many years before that, so, don't count too much on that.
South Africa is trying to right the wrongs of Apartheid.

Meanwhile Israel is stealing more Arab land.

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