Is Israel's wall evil?

Israel's wall is:

  • Fine.

    Votes: 20 66.7%
  • Evil.

    Votes: 10 33.3%

  • Total voters
So, Judaism isn't a backwards murderous tribal cult, that stands against civilization???????

The Buffer-zone by Israel, shoots at people approaching the Wall, including little children.

Some moral civilization, sure..
Muslims strap bombs to their own children. If that was happening in my neighborhood, I'd be killing them before they could get near me. Idiot.

Only problem is Jews decided to make their Israel neighborhood there.
Civilization is a problem? What is it about the backwards murderous tribal cult of Islam that you admire? Strapping bombs on their children and teaching them to hate fellow human beings simply because they're Jewish?

I didn't know Civilzation includes shooting into crowds killing in terroristic massacres like Israel has been doing??
Civilization believes in self preservation. Do you lock your doors at night?

What about the Palestinian right to self preservation against violent intruders who have for many decades stole their land, bulldoze their houses. walled them off & shoot into them with massacres?
Trump's wall as we all know is supposed to be "evil". But what about Israel's wall? Shouldn't Israel have an open border?

Trump's wall is not 'evil'. It's idiotic.

As is comparing the relations between Israel and the Palestinians and the relationship between Latinos and the United States.

Seriously! Think before you post!
Muslims strap bombs to their own children. If that was happening in my neighborhood, I'd be killing them before they could get near me. Idiot.

Only problem is Jews decided to make their Israel neighborhood there.
Civilization is a problem? What is it about the backwards murderous tribal cult of Islam that you admire? Strapping bombs on their children and teaching them to hate fellow human beings simply because they're Jewish?

I didn't know Civilzation includes shooting into crowds killing in terroristic massacres like Israel has been doing??
Civilization believes in self preservation. Do you lock your doors at night?

What about the Palestinian right to self preservation against violent intruders who have for many decades stole their land, bulldoze their houses. walled them off & shoot into them with massacres?
That's too bad. The land belongs to the strongest and the ones able to defend it. When it comes to choosing between Israel or muslims, I will always choose the Jew. They have contributed far more to civilization and progress in this world than Islam. Have you ever seen the list of Nobel prize winners? There are hundreds of Jews. Can't find any muslims.
Only problem is Jews decided to make their Israel neighborhood there.
Civilization is a problem? What is it about the backwards murderous tribal cult of Islam that you admire? Strapping bombs on their children and teaching them to hate fellow human beings simply because they're Jewish?

I didn't know Civilzation includes shooting into crowds killing in terroristic massacres like Israel has been doing??
Civilization believes in self preservation. Do you lock your doors at night?

What about the Palestinian right to self preservation against violent intruders who have for many decades stole their land, bulldoze their houses. walled them off & shoot into them with massacres?
That's too bad. The land belongs to the strongest and the ones able to defend it. When it comes to choosing between Israel or muslims, I will always choose the Jew. They have contributed far more to civilization and progress in this world than Islam. Have you ever seen the list of Nobel prize winners? There are hundreds of Jews. Can't find any muslims.

I'm going to have to pick Muslims.

The Muslim Palestinians are victims of a sort of Neo-Colonialism.

The Muslims are mostly Right-Wing & Jews mostly Left Wing.

The Jews are 1,000 X more responsible for the decay & collapse of Western civilization.
Civilization is a problem? What is it about the backwards murderous tribal cult of Islam that you admire? Strapping bombs on their children and teaching them to hate fellow human beings simply because they're Jewish?

I didn't know Civilzation includes shooting into crowds killing in terroristic massacres like Israel has been doing??
Civilization believes in self preservation. Do you lock your doors at night?

What about the Palestinian right to self preservation against violent intruders who have for many decades stole their land, bulldoze their houses. walled them off & shoot into them with massacres?
That's too bad. The land belongs to the strongest and the ones able to defend it. When it comes to choosing between Israel or muslims, I will always choose the Jew. They have contributed far more to civilization and progress in this world than Islam. Have you ever seen the list of Nobel prize winners? There are hundreds of Jews. Can't find any muslims.

I'm going to have to pick Muslims.

The Muslim Palestinians are victims of a sort of Neo-Colonialism.

The Muslims are mostly Right-Wing & Jews mostly Left Wing.

The Jews are 1,000 X more responsible for the decay & collapse of Western civilization.
You're an idiot. The Jew has contributed greatly in medicine, literature, science, arts. Etc. Tell me what muslims have contributed to the betterment of mankind.
You're an idiot. The Jew has contributed greatly in medicine, literature, science, arts. Etc. Tell me what muslims have contributed to the betterment of mankind.

Mathematics, medicine, literature, astronomy...

Science in the medieval Islamic world - Wikipedia

In fact, when White People in Europe were covering themselves in shit to prevent the plague, the Islamic World was making great advances in medicine.
You're an idiot. The Jew has contributed greatly in medicine, literature, science, arts. Etc. Tell me what muslims have contributed to the betterment of mankind.

Mathematics, medicine, literature, astronomy...

Science in the medieval Islamic world - Wikipedia

In fact, when White People in Europe were covering themselves in shit to prevent the plague, the Islamic World was making great advances in medicine.
So what happened? Seems like they have regressed.
Jewish and Arab Islam Nobel Prize Winners
Any culture that straps bombs on their own children and brainwashed them with hatred is one backwards sick culture. Only an ignorant or sick mind would defend it.
Everyone needs to look at this list of Nobel prize winners. Decide for yourself who has contributed more to civilization, Jew or Muslim.
Jewish and Arab Islam Nobel Prize Winners

So, it's okay to Mistreat people if they don't contribute as much to the Nobel Prize?

It's okay to steal from, wall off, and shoot at, and go to war with those who are Inferior?

Wow, you have a poor construct of Morality, not much of a Christian, more of a Zionist sh*t & shill.

The Wall is ONLY wrong, because Jewish Israelis are using it to mark their thievery, and to hide behind, as they massacre Palestinians by the dozens.

Some Jewish contributions are ridiculous too, including some Nobel Prize winners.

Nobel prize winner Jewish terrorist Menachem Begin, who was behind terroristic massacre the Deir Yassin Massacre, and involved with an Terrorist Irgun behind bombing the King David Hotel, killing British Peace-Keepers.

Nobel Prize winner Jewish Henry Kissinger, who was behind overthrowing Allende, and causing people dead, he also helped open up Free-Trade with China, helping to build up China's economy at our expense.

Nobel Prize winner Jewish Fritz Habert, the Father of Chemical Warfare.

Other notable Jewish inventions are Marxism, Cultural Marxism, the Atomic Bomb, Hydrogen Bombs, the Tsar Bombe, the Russian Mafia, the Murder INC gang, the Gulag system, early Letter bombs, the Church of Satan, etc. etc.

I would be no means call Jewish existence particularly favorable.

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