Is it a good idea to test welfare recipients for drugs?

What your stereotypical responses fail to acknowledge is that most welfare is collected by the working poor and mostly in Red States. Get those Right Wing morons that govern them to force wages up, increase union membership and the welfare roles will disappear

oh wow. like we haven't heard that before. yeah man, get them rightwing morons....that had nothing to do with the question asked. so I see you as the moron. you just joined to show us that?
Yuk-Yuk, pick your nose...
What your stereotypical responses fail to acknowledge is that most welfare is collected by the working poor and mostly in Red States. Get those Right Wing morons that govern them to force wages up, increase union membership and the welfare roles will disappear

oh wow. like we haven't heard that before. yeah man, get them rightwing morons....that had nothing to do with the question asked. so I see you as the moron. you just joined to show us that?
Yuk-Yuk, pick your nose...[/QUOTE
It has everything to do with the responses to the question. Do you understand how a progression works?
If they use illegal drugs, or even legal pot or alcohol, they would not receive welfare/food stamps.
If it's legal why not?

First off if they can afford alcohol and or pot they can be paying for food and other necessary items.

Second, alcohol and pot can ruin lives, careers, motivation etc. If they are using the stuff, they don't get food stamps or welfare in my world.
If they use illegal drugs, or even legal pot or alcohol, they would not receive welfare/food stamps.
If it's legal why not?

First off if they can afford alcohol and or pot they can be paying for food and other necessary items.

Second, alcohol and pot can ruin lives, careers, motivation etc. If they are using the stuff, they don't get food stamps or welfare in my world.
So, you're all for telling people how they can live - whatever happened to personal freedoms?
If they use illegal drugs, or even legal pot or alcohol, they would not receive welfare/food stamps.
If it's legal why not?

First off if they can afford alcohol and or pot they can be paying for food and other necessary items.

Second, alcohol and pot can ruin lives, careers, motivation etc. If they are using the stuff, they don't get food stamps or welfare in my world.
If they use illegal drugs, or even legal pot or alcohol, they would not receive welfare/food stamps.
If it's legal why not?

First off if they can afford alcohol and or pot they can be paying for food and other necessary items.

Second, alcohol and pot can ruin lives, careers, motivation etc. If they are using the stuff, they don't get food stamps or welfare in my world.
So, you're all for telling people how they can live - whatever happened to personal freedoms?
What your stereotypical responses fail to acknowledge is that most welfare is collected by the working poor and mostly in Red States. Get those Right Wing morons that govern them to force wages up, increase union membership and the welfare roles will disappear

oh wow. like we haven't heard that before. yeah man, get them rightwing morons....that had nothing to do with the question asked. so I see you as the moron. you just joined to show us that?
Yuk-Yuk, pick your nose...[/QUOTE
It has everything to do with the responses to the question. Do you understand how a progression works?
This is like the 5th damn thread on this, they have to march in step...I would not submit to any drug test...I refuse to have my privacy violated.I can do with some weight loss..
This is like the 5th damn thread on this, they have to march in step...I would not submit to any drug test...I refuse to have my privacy violated.I can do with some weight loss..
I just don't understand why you become a non-citizen as soon as you need welfare.
Why aren't you allowed personal dignity, freedoms, quality of life, respect?

The depths of human nature really get dredged over the subject of welfare.
"Is it a good idea to test welfare recipients for drugs?"

It's un-Constitutional to require drug testing for public assistance applicants, in addition to being a waste of taxpayer's money and an overall bad idea.
This is like the 5th damn thread on this, they have to march in step...I would not submit to any drug test...I refuse to have my privacy violated.I can do with some weight loss..
I just don't understand why you become a non-citizen as soon as you need welfare.
Why aren't you allowed personal dignity, freedoms, quality of life, respect?

The depths of human nature really get dredged over the subject of welfare.
This is typical of most on the authoritarian right: to increase the size and power of government at the expense of individual liberty, to be hostile to those disadvantaged through no fault of their own, and to compel conformity through force of law.
What many idiots can't seem to comprehend is that no legitimate welfare recipient can fund a crack addiction with their welfare check.
I think it is indeed. Why should I pay my taxes and see those lazy bums getting their welfare just to buy crack or pot? I think it's unfair. All welfare recipients have to be tested for drugs every time they get their welfare checks. Maybe it will teach them how to work. Or I have an another idea, everyone should get welfare checks no matter if a person works or not. It will make America even more communist.
No. Due Process should apply or we need to drug test Congress and corporate welfare recipients as well. Only the Right rejects our Commerce Clause in favor of more government programs, blah...blah...blah.
I believe the hard money crowd may lack a clue and a Cause if they have no problem with the "funny money" of EBT over legal tender for all debts, public and private.
I think it is indeed. Why should I pay my taxes and see those lazy bums getting their welfare just to buy crack or pot? I think it's unfair. All welfare recipients have to be tested for drugs every time they get their welfare checks. Maybe it will teach them how to work. Or I have an another idea, everyone should get welfare checks no matter if a person works or not. It will make America even more communist.
Only " IF " we test ALL government employees, including members of Congress, the president, city and state employees, members of law enforcement, government contractors, and anyone that receives their income from taxpayers. Why single out those less fortunate, the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the children, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and our Vets? Why should we not test every single person getting taxpayer funds? Would that not be fair?

Why do some people think that only our poor and less fortunate receive taxpayer money? Do we pay members of Congress, and pay them even though they don't work? Do we pay social workers that do a poor job of making sure children aren't abused? Do we pay government employees to sit at a desk all day drinking coffee and playing game on the internet?

When someone is getting wages, our ability to reach into their personal lives is somewhat reduced. When someone is getting welfare, they do nothing. They are paid to sit on their ass. One man that I was trying to persuade to work for me (When sober he did an admirable job) refused because he was paid by the state for being an alcoholic. If he did not continue to drink, he would not get paid.
I'm against drugs but I'm for freedom. And I'm against the governmental interference in private life, so I wouldn't support the idea to test them.
I think it is indeed. Why should I pay my taxes and see those lazy bums getting their welfare just to buy crack or pot? I think it's unfair. All welfare recipients have to be tested for drugs every time they get their welfare checks. Maybe it will teach them how to work. Or I have an another idea, everyone should get welfare checks no matter if a person works or not. It will make America even more communist.
Only " IF " we test ALL government employees, including members of Congress, the president, city and state employees, members of law enforcement, government contractors, and anyone that receives their income from taxpayers. Why single out those less fortunate, the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the children, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and our Vets? Why should we not test every single person getting taxpayer funds? Would that not be fair?

Why do some people think that only our poor and less fortunate receive taxpayer money? Do we pay members of Congress, and pay them even though they don't work? Do we pay social workers that do a poor job of making sure children aren't abused? Do we pay government employees to sit at a desk all day drinking coffee and playing game on the internet?

When someone is getting wages, our ability to reach into their personal lives is somewhat reduced. When someone is getting welfare, they do nothing. They are paid to sit on their ass. One man that I was trying to persuade to work for me (When sober he did an admirable job) refused because he was paid by the state for being an alcoholic. If he did not continue to drink, he would not get paid.

Of all entitlement programs, only welfare demands nothing now, past or in the future. Test them if only to make sure they are employable.
Which ones? Test the elderly, the children, the handicapped, the disabled, the Vets, the mentally challenged, and those that are unable to support themselves? And, if someone fails the drug test, what do we do with them then? Do we allow them to starve, become homeless, and become even a bigger burden on society? If one or more parent fails a drug test, what do we do about feeding their children? If a Vet fails a drug test, do we allow them to starve after they have served their country? If a mentally challenged person fails a drug test, do we put them on the street to be abused and mistreated? If a person is disabled for any reason, do we require them to get a job, even though they're on disability due to not being able to work in the first place? Who do we feed and house, and who do we let starve and become homeless? Who do we appoint to be the judge? Are drug test 100% accurate? Which testing labs are 110% accurate and never make a mistake?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Here is the solution. If they are receiving a welfare check and not working they should be getting tested because drugs simply drive people further away from the workforce. Minus pot of course but pot does hinder ones ability to be hired when it shouldn't. Why should the tax payers pay someone to manipulate the system to be lazy. Now im sure not everyone is lazy but if they are not lazy how are they contributing to this nation? Why do the middle class hard American workers make only slightly more that someone who gets welfare and food stamps? We are loosing hope in the middle class and people are starting to get pissed at least from what I see because its getting harder and harder to get by. Everything is going up except wages and stress levels are rising. The way I see it is if you are collecting welfare and not actively pursuing a job or career and you fail a surprise test then there needs to be some reprimand. put them in jail for a week or a month and get them clean and put them to work in there and maybe put them in a training program of their choice. Give them fair warning this is going to happen so they can prepare. Is it really fair that the majority of the nation has to live paycheck to paycheck just to have a place to call their own and afford food and maybe a vacation here and there and have to rely on insurances to cover any major incidences because it is almost impossible to save money these days? There is a better way and im sure if we work together the best solution can be obtained.
I think it is indeed. Why should I pay my taxes and see those lazy bums getting their welfare just to buy crack or pot? I think it's unfair. All welfare recipients have to be tested for drugs every time they get their welfare checks. Maybe it will teach them how to work. Or I have an another idea, everyone should get welfare checks no matter if a person works or not. It will make America even more communist.
Only " IF " we test ALL government employees, including members of Congress, the president, city and state employees, members of law enforcement, government contractors, and anyone that receives their income from taxpayers. Why single out those less fortunate, the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the children, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and our Vets? Why should we not test every single person getting taxpayer funds? Would that not be fair?

Why do some people think that only our poor and less fortunate receive taxpayer money? Do we pay members of Congress, and pay them even though they don't work? Do we pay social workers that do a poor job of making sure children aren't abused? Do we pay government employees to sit at a desk all day drinking coffee and playing game on the internet?

When someone is getting wages, our ability to reach into their personal lives is somewhat reduced. When someone is getting welfare, they do nothing. They are paid to sit on their ass. One man that I was trying to persuade to work for me (When sober he did an admirable job) refused because he was paid by the state for being an alcoholic. If he did not continue to drink, he would not get paid.

Of all entitlement programs, only welfare demands nothing now, past or in the future. Test them if only to make sure they are employable.
Which ones? Test the elderly, the children, the handicapped, the disabled, the Vets, the mentally challenged, and those that are unable to support themselves? And, if someone fails the drug test, what do we do with them then? Do we allow them to starve, become homeless, and become even a bigger burden on society? If one or more parent fails a drug test, what do we do about feeding their children? If a Vet fails a drug test, do we allow them to starve after they have served their country? If a mentally challenged person fails a drug test, do we put them on the street to be abused and mistreated? If a person is disabled for any reason, do we require them to get a job, even though they're on disability due to not being able to work in the first place? Who do we feed and house, and who do we let starve and become homeless? Who do we appoint to be the judge? Are drug test 100% accurate? Which testing labs are 110% accurate and never make a mistake?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Here is the solution. If they are receiving a welfare check and not working they should be getting tested because drugs simply drive people further away from the workforce. Minus pot of course but pot does hinder ones ability to be hired when it shouldn't. Why should the tax payers pay someone to manipulate the system to be lazy. Now im sure not everyone is lazy but if they are not lazy how are they contributing to this nation? Why do the middle class hard American workers make only slightly more that someone who gets welfare and food stamps? We are loosing hope in the middle class and people are starting to get pissed at least from what I see because its getting harder and harder to get by. Everything is going up except wages and stress levels are rising. The way I see it is if you are collecting welfare and not actively pursuing a job or career and you fail a surprise test then there needs to be some reprimand. put them in jail for a week or a month and get them clean and put them to work in there and maybe put them in a training program of their choice. Give them fair warning this is going to happen so they can prepare. Is it really fair that the majority of the nation has to live paycheck to paycheck just to have a place to call their own and afford food and maybe a vacation here and there and have to rely on insurances to cover any major incidences because it is almost impossible to save money these days? There is a better way and im sure if we work together the best solution can be obtained.
"Jealous" because the least wealthy know how to avoid taxes without having to lobby Congress for a tax loophole large enough to drive a yacht through? envy is never a good thing.
I think it is indeed. Why should I pay my taxes and see those lazy bums getting their welfare just to buy crack or pot? I think it's unfair. All welfare recipients have to be tested for drugs every time they get their welfare checks. Maybe it will teach them how to work. Or I have an another idea, everyone should get welfare checks no matter if a person works or not. It will make America even more communist.
Only " IF " we test ALL government employees, including members of Congress, the president, city and state employees, members of law enforcement, government contractors, and anyone that receives their income from taxpayers. Why single out those less fortunate, the poor, the disabled, the elderly, the children, the handicapped, the mentally challenged, and our Vets? Why should we not test every single person getting taxpayer funds? Would that not be fair?

Why do some people think that only our poor and less fortunate receive taxpayer money? Do we pay members of Congress, and pay them even though they don't work? Do we pay social workers that do a poor job of making sure children aren't abused? Do we pay government employees to sit at a desk all day drinking coffee and playing game on the internet?

When someone is getting wages, our ability to reach into their personal lives is somewhat reduced. When someone is getting welfare, they do nothing. They are paid to sit on their ass. One man that I was trying to persuade to work for me (When sober he did an admirable job) refused because he was paid by the state for being an alcoholic. If he did not continue to drink, he would not get paid.

Of all entitlement programs, only welfare demands nothing now, past or in the future. Test them if only to make sure they are employable.
Which ones? Test the elderly, the children, the handicapped, the disabled, the Vets, the mentally challenged, and those that are unable to support themselves? And, if someone fails the drug test, what do we do with them then? Do we allow them to starve, become homeless, and become even a bigger burden on society? If one or more parent fails a drug test, what do we do about feeding their children? If a Vet fails a drug test, do we allow them to starve after they have served their country? If a mentally challenged person fails a drug test, do we put them on the street to be abused and mistreated? If a person is disabled for any reason, do we require them to get a job, even though they're on disability due to not being able to work in the first place? Who do we feed and house, and who do we let starve and become homeless? Who do we appoint to be the judge? Are drug test 100% accurate? Which testing labs are 110% accurate and never make a mistake?

Thanks in advance for your answers.

Here is the solution. If they are receiving a welfare check and not working they should be getting tested because drugs simply drive people further away from the workforce. Minus pot of course but pot does hinder ones ability to be hired when it shouldn't. Why should the tax payers pay someone to manipulate the system to be lazy. Now im sure not everyone is lazy but if they are not lazy how are they contributing to this nation? Why do the middle class hard American workers make only slightly more that someone who gets welfare and food stamps? We are loosing hope in the middle class and people are starting to get pissed at least from what I see because its getting harder and harder to get by. Everything is going up except wages and stress levels are rising. The way I see it is if you are collecting welfare and not actively pursuing a job or career and you fail a surprise test then there needs to be some reprimand. put them in jail for a week or a month and get them clean and put them to work in there and maybe put them in a training program of their choice. Give them fair warning this is going to happen so they can prepare. Is it really fair that the majority of the nation has to live paycheck to paycheck just to have a place to call their own and afford food and maybe a vacation here and there and have to rely on insurances to cover any major incidences because it is almost impossible to save money these days? There is a better way and im sure if we work together the best solution can be obtained.
I've given the solution a thousand times over the years. Yes, there is a way to reduce the number receiving assistance.
We have a Commerce Clause; why are we losing money on Commerce, well regulated with an official Mint at our disposal?

Are there No Good Capitalists to be found in our Republic.

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