Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Yes. Knowledge threatens power structures, including religious and state institutions. It is far better for those in charge for the masses to be willingly ignorant and to blindly accept whatever is being told to them. Kings, priests, and gods keep their comfy positions when nobody looks up and asks questions.

The moral is to listen to God because he's the only PERFECT being.

People will steer you wrong, God never will.
Oh stop pretending that God talks to evangelicals. All religious books are writings of men, not God. The Christians, Muslims and Jews all have the ten commandments, and none follow them.

Obey God's wo
Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Is it a sin to want to open one’s eyes instead of being blind?

Is it a sin to do as scriptures urge us to do?

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Gen 3:2 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

Adam and Eve were doing exactly what we are all told by scriptures to do, yet God seemed quite upset.

Why is seeking knowledge and ignoring a vile command to remain in ignorant bliss wrong or a sin?

Are you sinning when you seek knowledge and becoming more like God?



Here's a quote for you....

1 Corinthians 3:19-20
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”

Gen 3;22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

This does not say A & E gained wisdom. It says they gained knowledge. So why are you quoting something on wisdom?


Admittedly, but, it's the "same difference" -- the knowledge or wisdom of man is always going to be flowed in comparison to God. Adam & Eve gained knowledge, and used it to "create" their own wisdom, which is foolishness. Again, the moral is to look to God only. We are flawed and corrupt and not to be trusted. We can never think of something God hasn't, and His way will always be best. He's the only counsel we should seek.

I will see what you have learned of morals when you speak to King David's baby's murder by your God.

It's impossible for you to understand because your view is of man being most important, not God . Our lives on this Earth are but a small blip of our existence. Not our will but God's.

Such positive statements carry a moral obligation for you to show how you know this as a fact.

Do your moral duty and prove your statement.

It's impossible for you to understand because your view is of man being most important, not God . Our lives on this Earth are but a small blip of our existence. Not our will but God's.

Such positive statements carry a moral obligation for you to show how you know this as a fact.

Do your moral duty and prove your statement

Which part of my statement up top do you feel I'm obligated to prove?

That you can't understand?
That our lives on Earth is a blip of our existence?
That God' will is first and foremost?

Why am I obligated to prove this?

What I AM morally obligated to do (and, to be honest, it's more of an act of obedience to God then a "moral" obligation) is to tell others about Jesus and the Gospel. It's God's job to do the revealing and, as you put it, the "proving".
It's impossible for you to understand because your view is of man being most important, not God . Our lives on this Earth are but a small blip of our existence. Not our will but God's.

Such positive statements carry a moral obligation for you to show how you know this as a fact.

Do your moral duty and prove your statement

Which part of my statement up top do you feel I'm obligated to prove?

That you can't understand?
That our lives on Earth is a blip of our existence?
That God' will is first and foremost?

Why am I obligated to prove this?

What I AM morally obligated to do (and, to be honest, it's more of an act of obedience to God then a "moral" obligation) is to tell others about Jesus and the Gospel. It's God's job to do the revealing and, as you put it, the "proving".

Your reply indicates the type of morality your religion is teaching you where you do not take a responsibility for speaking the truth and that you will not prove your false statements and will allow your hidden guy in the sky to prove your words.

Quite immoral that. So go ahead and just continue to lie.

You prove that your side is not worthy as you do not take moral responsibility for your actions.

It's impossible for you to understand because your view is of man being most important, not God . Our lives on this Earth are but a small blip of our existence. Not our will but God's.

Such positive statements carry a moral obligation for you to show how you know this as a fact.

Do your moral duty and prove your statement

Which part of my statement up top do you feel I'm obligated to prove?

That you can't understand?
That our lives on Earth is a blip of our existence?
That God' will is first and foremost?

Why am I obligated to prove this?

What I AM morally obligated to do (and, to be honest, it's more of an act of obedience to God then a "moral" obligation) is to tell others about Jesus and the Gospel. It's God's job to do the revealing and, as you put it, the "proving".

Your reply indicates the type of morality your religion is teaching you where you do not take a responsibility for speaking the truth and that you will not prove your false statements and will allow your hidden guy in the sky to prove your words.

Quite immoral that. So go ahead and just continue to lie.

You prove that your side is not worthy as you do not take moral responsibility for your actions.


If God moves your heart to seek him and explore Him once hearing the good news, that's a good thing.
Expecting someone to know everything and hand it to you on a silver platter is just manipulation and a debate tactic.

This is not a debate. It's eternal destiny - If you stop and listen, God may be drawing you now.
It's impossible for you to understand because your view is of man being most important, not God . Our lives on this Earth are but a small blip of our existence. Not our will but God's.

Such positive statements carry a moral obligation for you to show how you know this as a fact.

Do your moral duty and prove your statement

Which part of my statement up top do you feel I'm obligated to prove?

That you can't understand?
That our lives on Earth is a blip of our existence?
That God' will is first and foremost?

Why am I obligated to prove this?

What I AM morally obligated to do (and, to be honest, it's more of an act of obedience to God then a "moral" obligation) is to tell others about Jesus and the Gospel. It's God's job to do the revealing and, as you put it, the "proving".

Your reply indicates the type of morality your religion is teaching you where you do not take a responsibility for speaking the truth and that you will not prove your false statements and will allow your hidden guy in the sky to prove your words.

Quite immoral that. So go ahead and just continue to lie.

You prove that your side is not worthy as you do not take moral responsibility for your actions.


If God moves your heart to seek him and explore Him once hearing the good news, that's a good thing.
Expecting someone to know everything and hand it to you on a silver platter is just manipulation and a debate tactic.

This is not a debate. It's eternal destiny - If you stop and listen, God may be drawing you now.

What God is doing is not the issue.

You not taking responsibility for the truthfulness of what you say is the issue and you get a big fail for truth as you will not back up what you are saying.

You are bearing false witness and stating that your beliefs are fact without showing how you could possible know them to be facts and not just your personal beliefs.

You are relying on Jesus to save you when he tells you that your salvation is in your own hands and you are relying on God top fill in the blanks for what you state as facts.

Grow up any time now and start taking responsibility for yourself, child.

Yes. Knowledge threatens power structures, including religious and state institutions. It is far better for those in charge for the masses to be willingly ignorant and to blindly accept whatever is being told to them. Kings, priests, and gods keep their comfy positions when nobody looks up and asks questions.

The moral is to listen to God because he's the only PERFECT being.

People will steer you wrong, God never will.
Oh stop pretending that God talks to evangelicals. All religious books are writings of men, not God. The Christians, Muslims and Jews all have the ten commandments, and none follow them.

Obey God's wo
Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Is it a sin to want to open one’s eyes instead of being blind?

Is it a sin to do as scriptures urge us to do?

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Gen 3:2 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

Adam and Eve were doing exactly what we are all told by scriptures to do, yet God seemed quite upset.

Why is seeking knowledge and ignoring a vile command to remain in ignorant bliss wrong or a sin?

Are you sinning when you seek knowledge and becoming more like God?



Here's a quote for you....

1 Corinthians 3:19-20
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”

Gen 3;22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

This does not say A & E gained wisdom. It says they gained knowledge. So why are you quoting something on wisdom?


Admittedly, but, it's the "same difference" -- the knowledge or wisdom of man is always going to be flowed in comparison to God. Adam & Eve gained knowledge, and used it to "create" their own wisdom, which is foolishness. Again, the moral is to look to God only. We are flawed and corrupt and not to be trusted. We can never think of something God hasn't, and His way will always be best. He's the only counsel we should seek.

I will see what you have learned of morals when you speak to King David's baby's murder by your God.

It's impossible for you to understand because your view is of man being most important, not God . Our lives on this Earth are but a small blip of our existence. Not our will but God's.
"Seek the truth, and you will find it."-Jesus But you can't find the truth as long as you hold on to church dogma instead of looking for it. It doesn't matter what anyone "believes", only what is real. "Believing" the world is flat, doesn't make it so. "Believing" there is no God, doesn't make it so. "Believing" that being a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Jew is the only way to find God doesn't make it so. You can't condemn all the Native Americans that existed until the "Christians" came and stole their land and evangelized them. The Hopi call the creator God MASAUWU, and he's just as real as yours, because it's all the same God.

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