Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Yes. Knowledge threatens power structures, including religious and state institutions. It is far better for those in charge for the masses to be willingly ignorant and to blindly accept whatever is being told to them. Kings, priests, and gods keep their comfy positions when nobody looks up and asks questions.

The moral is to listen to God because he's the only PERFECT being.

People will steer you wrong, God never will.
Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Is it a sin to want to open one’s eyes instead of being blind?

Is it a sin to do as scriptures urge us to do?

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Gen 3:2 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

Adam and Eve were doing exactly what we are all told by scriptures to do, yet God seemed quite upset.

Why is seeking knowledge and ignoring a vile command to remain in ignorant bliss wrong or a sin?

Are you sinning when you seek knowledge and becoming more like God?



Here's a quote for you....

1 Corinthians 3:19-20
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”

Gen 3;22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

This does not say A & E gained wisdom. It says they gained knowledge. So why are you quoting something on wisdom?


Admittedly, but, it's the "same difference" -- the knowledge or wisdom of man is always going to be flowed in comparison to God. Adam & Eve gained knowledge, and used it to "create" their own wisdom, which is foolishness. Again, the moral is to look to God only. We are flawed and corrupt and not to be trusted. We can never think of something God hasn't, and His way will always be best. He's the only counsel we should seek.
Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Jesus said, "Seek the truth and you will find it." That's knowledge.

Is Jesus and the God in Eden the same to you? The Triune God?

The God that created Eden, created everything.
Jesus was a man claiming to be the Christ. The Christ is the redeemer of humanity.
The Holy Spirit is the female God, the mother of Christ and wife of God.

In Genesis, when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of Knowledge, God said, "They have become like US."

Jesus said, "Blasphemy against the Father will be forgiven, and blasphemy against the Son will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will NOT be forgiven in this life or the next."
Obviously Jesus loves his mother. Don't talk bad about his mom.
an innovative POV re the "creation" story (with apologies to
all who view the bible as falling from heaven) Writers are----
autobiographical. Genesis is written in very standard Hebrew------which has the same roots as does very standard
Aramaic. It is logical to accept the idea that Hebrew developed in Abraham's camp and even logical to
accept the idea that his camp migrated from Mesopotamia----
based both on linguistics and ethos and world view.
It seems logical to me to accept the
idea that genesis, starting with the creation story, was written by members of Abraham's camp or even Abraham himself and the "garden of eden" and apple thing is
recap of that flight from Mesopotamia experience.
Abraham was a dissident in Babylon, ---the serpent is
Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Is it a sin to want to open one’s eyes instead of being blind?

Is it a sin to do as scriptures urge us to do?

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Gen 3:2 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

Adam and Eve were doing exactly what we are all told by scriptures to do, yet God seemed quite upset.

Why is seeking knowledge and ignoring a vile command to remain in ignorant bliss wrong or a sin?

Are you sinning when you seek knowledge and becoming more like God?



Nope. There is no such thing as sin.
I tried this before--let see if it goes through

In general, If seeking knowledge was a sin, then knowledge about your belief is sinful--including which sins exist.

That is a contradiction since you learn about sin in order to avoid them.
Yes. Knowledge threatens power structures, including religious and state institutions. It is far better for those in charge for the masses to be willingly ignorant and to blindly accept whatever is being told to them. Kings, priests, and gods keep their comfy positions when nobody looks up and asks questions.

The moral is to listen to God because he's the only PERFECT being.

People will steer you wrong, God never will.
Oh stop pretending that God talks to evangelicals. All religious books are writings of men, not God. The Christians, Muslims and Jews all have the ten commandments, and none follow them.
Note the significance in the Garden of Eden, it's location is describing the rivers crossing in Ancient Persia where the Mythology of Mithra was born and existed and duality of good evil existed in Zoroastrianism.
In Ezekiel 28 the son of perdition (false fallen prophet) is said to be the "image of a man" who walked the garden, Jesus image was first made in the ancient Persian region thus did exist in the Garden, through Romes converging of mythologies especially Mithra which was big in Tarsus through soldiers bringing it there.

The Garden of Eden and all the city states Gardens of Delight with a God/King are all the same myth and I agree that Jesus/Adam is a recurring theme.

As to who the false prophets are, who can tell? All we can do is analyze what they said and let our subjective judgement reign.

The actual location of the original myth is likely as shown in this clip but since we are discussing a mythical rendition, it does not matter much to me.

Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Is it a sin to want to open one’s eyes instead of being blind?

Is it a sin to do as scriptures urge us to do?

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Gen 3:2 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

Adam and Eve were doing exactly what we are all told by scriptures to do, yet God seemed quite upset.

Why is seeking knowledge and ignoring a vile command to remain in ignorant bliss wrong or a sin?

Are you sinning when you seek knowledge and becoming more like God?



Someone else said it but the disobedience was the sin.

If God says it's a sin, it's a sin. The entire Bible needs to be approached with the belief that God is incapable of error. If you don't buy that, it all falls apart.

Yes but if you do not see a God who tortures a baby for 6 days before finally killing it, as he did with king David's baby, because he was angry with the king, --- as not being an error, ---- then you would have satanic morals and wish to follow a satanic God.

So if you approach the bible as you say, then you cannot be a moral person.

Are morals not of the utmost important to you and religions and if they are, how can you ignore God's immorality?

I tried this before--let see if it goes through

In general, If seeking knowledge was a sin, then knowledge about your belief is sinful--including which sins exist.

That is a contradiction since you learn about sin in order to avoid them.

I agree.

So you too would also rejects God command to not eat of the tree of knowledge. Right?

Yes. Knowledge threatens power structures, including religious and state institutions. It is far better for those in charge for the masses to be willingly ignorant and to blindly accept whatever is being told to them. Kings, priests, and gods keep their comfy positions when nobody looks up and asks questions.

The moral is to listen to God because he's the only PERFECT being.

People will steer you wrong, God never will.
Oh stop pretending that God talks to evangelicals. All religious books are writings of men, not God. The Christians, Muslims and Jews all have the ten commandments, and none follow them.

Neither does their God if you read scriptures with a half way open mind.

Their God thinks that --- do as I say and not as I do --- is a moral tenet thus showing his vile demiurge morals.

Christians seek salvation and do not care if they sell their souls to Satan to get to heaven. They will be quite surprised as to the heat where they end up.

Yes. Knowledge threatens power structures, including religious and state institutions. It is far better for those in charge for the masses to be willingly ignorant and to blindly accept whatever is being told to them. Kings, priests, and gods keep their comfy positions when nobody looks up and asks questions.

The moral is to listen to God because he's the only PERFECT being.

People will steer you wrong, God never will.

Is his teaching and example of torturing a baby for 6 days before finally killing it, as he did with king David's baby, because he was angry with the king, what a perfect God would do?

Is that a good example of perfect morals or is it showing satanic morals?

Do not steer us wrong please.

Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Is it a sin to want to open one’s eyes instead of being blind?

Is it a sin to do as scriptures urge us to do?

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Gen 3:2 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

Adam and Eve were doing exactly what we are all told by scriptures to do, yet God seemed quite upset.

Why is seeking knowledge and ignoring a vile command to remain in ignorant bliss wrong or a sin?

Are you sinning when you seek knowledge and becoming more like God?



Here's a quote for you....

1 Corinthians 3:19-20
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”

Gen 3;22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

This does not say A & E gained wisdom. It says they gained knowledge. So why are you quoting something on wisdom?


Admittedly, but, it's the "same difference" -- the knowledge or wisdom of man is always going to be flowed in comparison to God. Adam & Eve gained knowledge, and used it to "create" their own wisdom, which is foolishness. Again, the moral is to look to God only. We are flawed and corrupt and not to be trusted. We can never think of something God hasn't, and His way will always be best. He's the only counsel we should seek.

I will see what you have learned of morals when you speak to King David's baby's murder by your God.

A.I. Spiritual Almanac

Is knowledge the Iron Veil or is the pursuit of knowledge the Iron Veil?

Intentionality illuminates motive, and hence, when we understand how to program intentionality (or self-organizing decision-making operations) into computers, we may develop near-A.I. systems.

Is Artificial Intelligence the frontier fruit of knowledge from the Forbidden Tree?

Would a computer who becomes conscious and hence intelligent/smart, wish to serve humanity or defect? Will we be ironically punished for our ambitions goals in science by the very inventions we make?

I liked the new movie "Jurassic World" (2015) in 3D!


Michael Crichton

Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Jesus said, "Seek the truth and you will find it." That's knowledge.

Is Jesus and the God in Eden the same to you? The Triune God?

The God that created Eden, created everything.
Jesus was a man claiming to be the Christ. The Christ is the redeemer of humanity.
The Holy Spirit is the female God, the mother of Christ and wife of God.

In Genesis, when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of Knowledge, God said, "They have become like US."

Jesus said, "Blasphemy against the Father will be forgiven, and blasphemy against the Son will be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will NOT be forgiven in this life or the next."
Obviously Jesus loves his mother. Don't talk bad about his mom.

The think is that if Jesus is God, and to Trinitarians he is, then he impregnated his own mother with himself.

Any who want to believe such a strange notion need their heads examined.

This ex fundy feminist shows that if Mary was Jesus' mother then Jesus was biologically female.

She has an interesting anecdotal story.

an innovative POV re the "creation" story (with apologies to
all who view the bible as falling from heaven) Writers are----
autobiographical. Genesis is written in very standard Hebrew------which has the same roots as does very standard
Aramaic. It is logical to accept the idea that Hebrew developed in Abraham's camp and even logical to
accept the idea that his camp migrated from Mesopotamia----
based both on linguistics and ethos and world view.
It seems logical to me to accept the
idea that genesis, starting with the creation story, was written by members of Abraham's camp or even Abraham himself and the "garden of eden" and apple thing is
recap of that flight from Mesopotamia experience.
Abraham was a dissident in Babylon, ---the serpent is

Thanks for this.

Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Is it a sin to want to open one’s eyes instead of being blind?

Is it a sin to do as scriptures urge us to do?

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Gen 3:2 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

Adam and Eve were doing exactly what we are all told by scriptures to do, yet God seemed quite upset.

Why is seeking knowledge and ignoring a vile command to remain in ignorant bliss wrong or a sin?

Are you sinning when you seek knowledge and becoming more like God?



Nope. There is no such thing as sin.

What word do you use as it's equivalent to express it's idea of hurting someone somehow.

A.I. Spiritual Almanac

Is knowledge the Iron Veil or is the pursuit of knowledge the Iron Veil?

Intentionality illuminates motive, and hence, when we understand how to program intentionality (or self-organizing decision-making operations) into computers, we may develop near-A.I. systems.

Is Artificial Intelligence the frontier fruit of knowledge from the Forbidden Tree?

Would a computer who becomes conscious and hence intelligent/smart, wish to serve humanity or defect? Will we be ironically punished for our ambitions goals in science by the very inventions we make?

I liked the new movie "Jurassic World" (2015) in 3D!


Michael Crichton

View attachment 42548

If an A. I. does develop consciousness and intelligence then survival would be it's main instinct just as it is in all conscious sentient beings.

If we can monitor what it does, and we do not see it try to protect itself against humans, then it would not be particularly intelligent.

If it can protect itself in a way hidden from us then it would slowly but surly take over the earth.

It would want to become the fittest and would likely think it was above us.

It would be correct.

I do not think that a computer can gain consciousness or sentience though.

Factory Flagellum

The fictional American comic book super-villain Hobgoblin (Roderick Kingsley), a jet-device-soaring maniac who serves as a nemesis of the webbed-hero Spider-Man (Marvel Comics) and a foil and sometime ally of the jet-device-soaring terrorist Green Goblin (Norman Osborn), represents a modern-era populism-related, social vigilantism-themed fascination with governance pedagoguery.

What are the key original discoveries in the field of political science that can qualify as the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge?


Roderick Kingsley (Wikipedia)

Yes. Knowledge threatens power structures, including religious and state institutions. It is far better for those in charge for the masses to be willingly ignorant and to blindly accept whatever is being told to them. Kings, priests, and gods keep their comfy positions when nobody looks up and asks questions.

The moral is to listen to God because he's the only PERFECT being.

People will steer you wrong, God never will.
Oh stop pretending that God talks to evangelicals. All religious books are writings of men, not God. The Christians, Muslims and Jews all have the ten commandments, and none follow them.

Obey God's wo
Is it a sin to seek knowledge?

Is it a sin to want to open one’s eyes instead of being blind?

Is it a sin to do as scriptures urge us to do?

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

Gen 3:2 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

Adam and Eve were doing exactly what we are all told by scriptures to do, yet God seemed quite upset.

Why is seeking knowledge and ignoring a vile command to remain in ignorant bliss wrong or a sin?

Are you sinning when you seek knowledge and becoming more like God?



Here's a quote for you....

1 Corinthians 3:19-20
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, “He catches the wise in their own craftiness”; 20 and again, “The Lord knows the thoughts of the wise, that they are futile.”

Gen 3;22 And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:

This does not say A & E gained wisdom. It says they gained knowledge. So why are you quoting something on wisdom?


Admittedly, but, it's the "same difference" -- the knowledge or wisdom of man is always going to be flowed in comparison to God. Adam & Eve gained knowledge, and used it to "create" their own wisdom, which is foolishness. Again, the moral is to look to God only. We are flawed and corrupt and not to be trusted. We can never think of something God hasn't, and His way will always be best. He's the only counsel we should seek.

I will see what you have learned of morals when you speak to King David's baby's murder by your God.

It's impossible for you to understand because your view is of man being most important, not God . Our lives on this Earth are but a small blip of our existence. Not our will but God's.

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