Is it commonplace for doctors to dismiss all patients from their practice who aren’t vaxxed?

This doesn’t affect me personally, since I am vaxxed, but my doctor told me she told all her patients who have not been vaccinated that she will no longer accept them into her practice and that they need to find a new doctor. I’m just wondering if any posters here have run into this, and what your opinion is.

They should be quarantined in their houses until they are jabbed. They have no right to spread the disease to others.
They should be quarantined in their houses until they are jabbed. They have no right to spread the disease to others.
It's in the book ,,get educated
"In the book". Now he's hallucinating a book. Dementia for sure folks. My husband hallucinated a hostile, unattractive Eastern European family in the living room. To each his own. More "vaccines" might cure this.
Trump having meltdown

'Backed into a corner' Trump is having a 'meltdown' over the direction of the Capitol riot committee​

Appearing on MSNBC on Christmas Day, Guardian journalist Hugo Lowell explained that the tension is thick at Mar-a-Lago as former president Donald Trump is starting to realize he has been backed into a corner by revelations coming out of the House committee investigating the Jan 6th insurrection.

Speaking with host Lindsey Reiser, the political analyst stated that his sources claim Trump is having a "meltdown" and is furious with former aides who have been providing the bipartisan committee with information about White House doings related to the "Stop the Steal" rally that preceded the riot.
"You have some new reporting about what's unfolding in Trumpworld as this investigation ramps up," host Reiser prompted. "You write the former president appears deeply unnerved. You wrote, quote: 'Donald Trump is increasingly agitated by the House select committee investigating the capitol attack according to sources familiar with the matter and appears anxious he might be implicated in the sprawling inquiry into the insurrection even as he protests his innocence. What more do you know about what's going through his head right now?"
RELATED: 'Increasingly agitated' Trump is growing 'anxious' over House riot committee revelations: report
"So the portrait that emerges talking to current and former aides to Donald Trump is that he feels backed into a corner," Lowell began. "He's furious with Mark Meadows, his former White House chief of staff for cooperating with the committee and turning over documents that were pretty damning and pretty incriminating. He was especially upset when the committee started reading out these text messages that Meadows received and sent to lawmakers and received from Fox News hosts about the Capitol attack and he exclaimed at the TV and swore at the coverage."
"You know, this is one of the things that upsets him most: negative coverage," he continued. "He's also upset with aides for invoking Fifth Amendment protections before they go before the committee because he thinks it makes them look weak, and he's worried this could all bounce back at him and make it look as though he is involved in a crime. He's really furious and having a bit of a meltdown at the direction of the investigation."
Watch below:
Dude, 80% of us have not gotten it. You’re freaking out on 20%? I laugh my ass off at fks like you!
Keep on mocking the doctors the scientists Your 80% lol are so much smarter JUST CHECK and see how many unvaxed are in hospitals

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