Is it commonplace for doctors to dismiss all patients from their practice who aren’t vaxxed?

Going back to just the OP (I didn't read but a handful of the responses to the OP).....anyway, going back to the OP: My dentist won't treat the non-vaxxed.

Told me he values his staff too much to put them at real risk given the close proximity ....not to mention the body fluids.....of dental work.

It's been some months since we had that discussion, so I don't know how that is working out for him.
But I did tell him that as a patient I respected and appreciated his stance. After all, I would have to sit in the same chair and be in the same small room those types of people who go unvaxxed would also use.

I hope it hasn't hurt his practice. Tho, I do drive by his office frequently enough on errands.....and the lot always seems full.
So there is that.

By cases the vaccinated are more susceptible to Omicron than the unvaccinated.

So, that was a bad business decision on his part. Oh well.
If it was up to me JC no one admitted to hospitals without 2 vaccinations Especially you and Docs wife Pass on at home

I am fully convinced that people who type such things have no idea that the damage done to their own immortal souls is far, far greater than whatever swill they're intending to shovel at their opponents.

I mean

Imagine wishing a painful home death on people because they would not acquiesce to an approved MEDICAL TREATMENT

Tend your soul. You have soul-sickness.
As I mentioned in another of these Covid threads just the other day --- I have two neighbors who are top-end nurses at their respective hospitals. And over wine at the house recently they each ---seperately ----described the awful burden, the crisis scenario, their hospitals and the staffs are undergoing due to the Covid surge.

And as mentioned earlier, each is very very dismissive and disrespectful of the un-vaxxed. I have no doubt they will require the staffs underneath them to treat all patience with professionalism. However, back in the break-room, over to the neighbors for wine.....they will unload on the "dumb jackasses", the "ignorant morons" who are lying in the ICU --unvaxxed----and creating the crisis in their hospitals.

So there is that. Two 'in-the-trenches' professionals with great nursing educations, long careers, and responsible positions in management in their respective hospitals. They think the unvaxxed are irresponsible undereducated morons.

If it was up to those nurses....each in their own hospital.....Covid patients should be treated in the mass casualty scenario of 'triage'.
Meaning, the unvaxxed go to the back of the line. Get treatment only after others have been treated.

I would not offer pushback to either woman. They are experienced, knowledgeable, and aware.
As I mentioned in another of these Covid threads just the other day --- I have two neighbors who are top-end nurses at their respective hospitals. And over wine at the house recently they each ---seperately ----described the awful burden, the crisis scenario, their hospitals and the staffs are undergoing due to the Covid surge.

And as mentioned earlier, each is very very dismissive and disrespectful of the un-vaxxed. I have no doubt they will require the staffs underneath them to treat all patience with professionalism. However, back in the break-room, over to the neighbors for wine.....they will unload on the "dumb jackasses", the "ignorant morons" who are lying in the ICU --unvaxxed----and creating the crisis in their hospitals.

So there is that. Two 'in-the-trenches' professionals with great nursing educations, long careers, and responsible positions in management in their respective hospitals. They think the unvaxxed are irresponsible undereducated morons.

If it was up to those nurses....each in their own hospital.....Covid patients should be treated in the mass casualty scenario of 'triage'.
Meaning, the unvaxxed go to the back of the line. Get treatment only after others have been treated.

I would not offer pushback to either woman. They are experienced, knowledgeable, and aware.
Bot post or I'll eat it.
As I mentioned in another of these Covid threads just the other day --- I have two neighbors who are top-end nurses at their respective hospitals. And over wine at the house recently they each ---seperately ----described the awful burden, the crisis scenario, their hospitals and the staffs are undergoing due to the Covid surge.

And as mentioned earlier, each is very very dismissive and disrespectful of the un-vaxxed. I have no doubt they will require the staffs underneath them to treat all patience with professionalism. However, back in the break-room, over to the neighbors for wine.....they will unload on the "dumb jackasses", the "ignorant morons" who are lying in the ICU --unvaxxed----and creating the crisis in their hospitals.

So there is that. Two 'in-the-trenches' professionals with great nursing educations, long careers, and responsible positions in management in their respective hospitals. They think the unvaxxed are irresponsible undereducated morons.

If it was up to those nurses....each in their own hospital.....Covid patients should be treated in the mass casualty scenario of 'triage'.
Meaning, the unvaxxed go to the back of the line. Get treatment only after others have been treated.

I would not offer pushback to either woman. They are experienced, knowledgeable, and aware.
And yet they have not told you being vaccinated does not stop you from contracting the virus nor spreading it, so maybe you and those two should think about that seeing they are as dangerous as the unvaccinated…
And yet they have not told you being vaccinated does not stop you from contracting the virus nor spreading it, so maybe you and those two should think about that seeing they are as dangerous as the unvaccinated…

Ah yes, the poster Jack Flint is quite right.
My nurse neighbors did not tell me that being vaccinated doesn't stop me from getting Covid.
But then they didn't have to.
I alread knew that.
Everybody I know knows that.
Only the uninformed or misinformed don't know that.

But what being vaccinated does my sturdy nurse neighbors will knowledgeably that it will protect me from tying up one of their critical ICU beds. (ps...they are treating critically ill people in the friggin' hallways because dumbass unvaxxed are sucking up all the ICU beds).

BTW, for those who cannot read between the lines of my post about my nurse-neighbors......I'm 100% behind them.
If they think 'triage-ing' the dumbass unvaxxed who come into their hospitals short of breath, wheezing, and complaining they can't breathe.....well, put 'em at the end of the line. Someone will get to them eventually.
There are other....smarter, more responsible....patients to tend to.
Ah yes, the poster Jack Flint is quite right.
My nurse neighbors did not tell me that being vaccinated doesn't stop me from getting Covid.
But then they didn't have to.
I alread knew that.
Everybody I know knows that.
Only the uninformed or misinformed don't know that.

But what being vaccinated does my sturdy nurse neighbors will knowledgeably that it will protect me from tying up one of their critical ICU beds. (ps...they are treating critically ill people in the friggin' hallways because dumbass unvaxxed are sucking up all the ICU beds).

BTW, for those who cannot read between the lines of my post about my nurse-neighbors......I'm 100% behind them.
If they think 'triage-ing' the dumbass unvaxxed who come into their hospitals short of breath, wheezing, and complaining they can't breathe.....well, put 'em at the end of the line. Someone will get to them eventually.
There are other....smarter, more responsible....patients to tend to.
Another one for the Nuremberg 2.0 list. It's gonna be quite a party.
Just like you don't have the power or political cache to kill a single honkey, right?
Who needs to kill you clowns when it's so much better to point and laugh at you for your entertainment value? You're the one with empty threats cuck boy. When are these "trials" that you're conducting in your cuck brain cavity supposed to take place?
Who needs to kill you clowns when it's so much better to point and laugh at you for your entertainment value? You're the one with empty threats cuck boy. When are these "trials" that you're conducting in your cuck brain cavity supposed to take place?
You will see, hershey.


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