Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

Get off your high horse

Politics in washington is a dirty business and both sides do it

My side is driven by THE ABSOLUTE FACT that we cant keep adding to the national debt forever

And that is in everyones interest

Your side has NEVER not raised the debt ceiling.
Since 1960 the debt ceiling has been raised 78 times. The congress did that in every case.
Think about it. Karine Jean-Pierre says:

“You’ve heard from the president multiple times during the last five months. He’s been very clear,” she said. “You’ve heard from the president; you’ve heard from the economic team; you’ve heard from Democrats, the leadership in the House, in the Senate talk — speak to this about the urgency, about Congress actually needing to act and doing their constitutional duty.”

So, if it was set up that it is up to Congress to raise the debt ceiling then that pretty much means that it isn't an automatic thing if they have to decide to do it. So, it is not Congress's Constitutional duty to just raise the debt ceiling automatically because it was set up that they debate it.

Further, I find it fairly amusing that some Democrats want to use the 14th amendment from 1868 to override a law from 1917.

Not to mention, Republicans in the House have already passed a debt ceiling increase. We're waiting on the Senate and Biden to pass it into law.

Pros and cons of the debt ceiling increase...


1. Provides financial flexibility: Raising the public debt ceiling allows governments to borrow more money to fund their programs and services.

2. Stimulates the economy: By borrowing more money, governments can inject more cash into the economy, which can lead to job creation and increased economic growth.

3. Supports government obligations: Increases in the debt ceiling can help support commitments governments have made, such as social programs or infrastructure improvement.

4. Helps stabilize financial markets: When governments signal their ability to meet financial obligations through debt ceiling increases, it can calm markets and stabilize investor confidence.


1. Can lead to a debt crisis: Excessive borrowing can lead to a debt crisis if the government is unable to pay back the loans or becomes too reliant on borrowing.

2. Can decrease confidence in the government: Raising the debt ceiling frequently or excessively can decrease public confidence in the government's financial management abilities and result in a negative impact on the country's credit rating.

3. Can cause higher interest rates: When a country's debt increases, lenders may require higher interest rates to compensate for the increased risk, which can lead to higher borrowing costs for the government and consumers.

4. Limits future financial options: Raising the public debt ceiling often results in the need for future revenue increases or spending cuts to offset the increased debt, which can limit future financial options.

Just consider it thoroughly before making the final decision!
Pros and cons of the debt ceiling increase...


1. Provides financial flexibility: Raising the public debt ceiling allows governments to borrow more money to fund their programs and services.

2. Stimulates the economy: By borrowing more money, governments can inject more cash into the economy, which can lead to job creation and increased economic growth.

3. Supports government obligations: Increases in the debt ceiling can help support commitments governments have made, such as social programs or infrastructure improvement.

4. Helps stabilize financial markets: When governments signal their ability to meet financial obligations through debt ceiling increases, it can calm markets and stabilize investor confidence.


1. Can lead to a debt crisis: Excessive borrowing can lead to a debt crisis if the government is unable to pay back the loans or becomes too reliant on borrowing.

2. Can decrease confidence in the government: Raising the debt ceiling frequently or excessively can decrease public confidence in the government's financial management abilities and result in a negative impact on the country's credit rating.

3. Can cause higher interest rates: When a country's debt increases, lenders may require higher interest rates to compensate for the increased risk, which can lead to higher borrowing costs for the government and consumers.

4. Limits future financial options: Raising the public debt ceiling often results in the need for future revenue increases or spending cuts to offset the increased debt, which can limit future financial options.

Just consider it thoroughly before making the final decision!

Now do defaulting on the debt instead of addressing budget issues in the actual budget process.

How much will it cost the taxpayers to default in terms of government costs, increased cost for consumer debt, and impact in retirement savings heavily invested in the stock market.

IMHO, this is what comes from using the reconciliation process for taxes and spending where only 51 votes are needed in the Senate rather than 60. In effect the majority of 51 has shut out the minority from having any control over that particular bill and therefore ought to face the consequences of the increase in the debt as a result. If it's a bipartisan bill where both parties signed up for it then that's different and neither party ought to obstruct that.
IMHO, this is what comes from using the reconciliation process for taxes and spending where only 51 votes are needed in the Senate rather than 60. In effect the majority of 51 has shut out the minority from having any control over that particular bill and therefore ought to face the consequences of the increase in the debt as a result. If it's a bipartisan bill where both parties signed up for it then that's different and neither party ought to obstruct that.
Politicians will go right on borrowing and spending until the nation collapses. At some point they will steal all our retirement savings by firing up the printing presses devaluing the currency. It's going to get ugly in the end.
Politicians will go right on borrowing and spending until the nation collapses. At some point they will steal all our retirement savings by firing up the printing presses devaluing the currency. It's going to get ugly in the end.
they are all just evil pricks. Let's call a spade a spade.
The Debt Ceiling is not for negotiation... You are making sound that the raising of the debt ceiling is sole Democratic wish, it is an American thing.

This shows that Democrats are on the American side and Republicans will use American as hostages..
We can’t sustain your spending.
You mean people on Social Security, Disability, Retired Veterans, Disabled veterans, orphans.

Just like the GOP to tax the hell out of the poor and infirmed while letting the rich walk free.

Typical leftist, you don't grasp the difference between getting free government shit and earning job benefits, it's just too complicated for you, you're butt stupid

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