Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

So it's ok then for Republicans to blackmail Democrats to get spending cuts, right?
If you want to put that way but blackmail is against the law while congress has the legal authority to control the debt
The debts of the United States shall not be questioned.

The Constitution is clear on that fact.

Paying your bills for money you already spent, isn't a deal you make on money you're going to spend next year.

There are no deals. Pay your bills deadbeats.
What in the hell are you talking about? House Republicans have passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling. It is Biden and the Democrats who refuse to address the debt ceiling. They haven't even passed any bills. The only bill standing is the House Republican bill.
Hacks like this guy is the reason things don’t get done.

Trump says defaulting is that bad.

(trump never pays his own debts)
LOL. Ummmmmmmmmmmm, with about 70% of Americans saying the country is going in the wrong direction, neither Biden or the dems have taken any responsibility for any of it.

Yeah, and 81 million of them voted to kick Trump out of office after one term, and voted to retain Democrats in the Senate, and picked up state legislature seats, governorships, and only lost the House by 9 seats in a year Republicans should have won big.

So what was your point again?
THAT should happen during the budget negotiating process, not when you are about paying the bill.
Are you not going to pay a credit card bill until you come up with a budget?
"I'm not going to pay my credit card bill this month, until I come up with a budget for next month".
Guess what the credit card company would reply to that?
how does one negotiate with retards who declare no negotiation? Explain how it's congresses job to cowtie to the president?
So it's no problem if Biden bypasses Republicans, and raise the debt ceiling on his own right?
fk dude, he's been doing that since he got into office. How else did Ukraine get our tax money?
Any dime spent under Trump was signed off on by Democrats, most of it having to do with the pandemic. Since you think you are so good at searching then I challenge you to link to Democrats back in the Trump days, not wanting to spend money and don't bring up the wall because democrats stopped that money. I challenge you to find democrats complaining about the money that actually was spent under Trump. If you are diligent on searching for this then we will never see you again because it will take you forever to find anything and more than likely you won't post because you didn't find anything.
Doesn't take all that long.

Opposition to the Republican tax bill. A tax bill the CBO said would add 1.8 Trillion to the debt. This includes a calculation of potential economic benefits. And weirdly enough is NOT included in the demands of expenses that need to be rolled back by your deficit hawks.

And I don't think I'm good at searching. I don't need to be. The search function is perfectly capable of providing relevant information. Nor might I add are you trying to deny my premise.
Doesn't take all that long.

Opposition to the Republican tax bill. A tax bill the CBO said would add 1.8 Trillion to the debt. This includes a calculation of potential economic benefits. And weirdly enough is NOT included in the demands of expenses that need to be rolled back by your deficit hawks.

And I don't think I'm good at searching. I don't need to be. The search function is perfectly capable of providing relevant information. Nor might I add are you trying to deny my premise.
There are more revenues flowing into government than ever. We spend too much. We could start by stopping the flow of tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine every few weeks.
Trump is not relevant to the current situation.
On the contrary. If you say you want to decrease the debt by taking the full credit of the US hostage. Having absolutely no compuction about having increased that debt by the single largest amount in history under the previous guy becomes highly relevant. It shows that you don't have a problem with the debt simply with the current guy in office.
Doesn't take all that long.

Opposition to the Republican tax bill. A tax bill the CBO said would add 1.8 Trillion to the debt. This includes a calculation of potential economic benefits. And weirdly enough is NOT included in the demands of expenses that need to be rolled back by your deficit hawks.

And I don't think I'm good at searching. I don't need to be. The search function is perfectly capable of providing relevant information. Nor might I add are you trying to deny my premise.
I like how you think we all liked sending billions to ukraine to fight joe's war. hahahahahaahahhahahahahaha you fkers are so fking out of touch with middle class people.
There are more revenues flowing into government than ever. We spend too much. We could start by stopping the flow of tens of billions of dollars to Ukraine every few weeks.
never hear a demfk complain about the money that wasn't in the budget going out. too fking funny. They are truly anti american people. Joe's in so deep with ukraine, he has to give them money or get exposed for his traitorous actions.
On the contrary. If you say you want to decrease the debt by taking the full credit of the US hostage. Having absolutely no compuction about having increased that debt by the single largest amount in history under the previous guy becomes highly relevant. It shows that you don't have a problem with the debt simply with the current guy in office.
Again. Trump is not relevant to the current situation.

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