Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

LoL it's misplaced to want to be treated as you yourself treat people? And by the way Biden already seemingly agreed to freeze spending at current levels.
No empty promises wrapped up in vague “seemingly agreed” statements

Sign the dprnding freeze into law along with the debt increase or its no deal
Trump is NOT IN OFFICE right now!!!!!
You're just ANOTHER contrarian ASSHOLE that can't face the REALITY of TODAY where the demented LEFT are not compromising as we head for DEFAULT!!!!
The Republican lead House PASSED A budget bill, and it is the Democrats that are stonewalling it!

I've condemned the whole thing.........that's the part you and others completely skip over. I'm not trying to defend any of them. They all have failed and are failing us.

Trump may not be president but when he was he failed immensely and many want to give him another shot at it.
Thats a boondoggle the country can do without
You're right .
Tax cuts fix EVERYTHING.
I remember obama’s “shovel ready” jobs project

What a joke

Teabaggers didn't think so.
They are the jokes.

Sen. Rick Scott, carrying on a tradition, takes credit for ...​

PolitiFact › article › feb › sen-rick-sc...

Claim: "(I) am proud that Senator Rubio and I were able to help secure an unprecedented $1 billion for Everglades restoration, the largest single amount ever...

House Republicans tout infrastructure funding they voted ...​

1685105852006.png › Politics › story

Jan 24, 2022 — House Republicans who voted against the infrastructure bill have been touting funding for their state that came from it.

Republicans blasted for taking credit for infrastructure ...​

Yahoo › republicans-blasted-for-taki...

Jan 25, 2022 — Democrats are promising to keep tabs during the 2022 campaign on Republican lawmakers praising projects funded by the Bipartisan ...
But for different reasons

Trump got no support from the sleazy swamp rats in his oen party

And he fell right in line with them by signing off on all of it. Words are just that. Actions are quite another thing.
You're right .
Tax cuts fix EVERYTHING.

Teabaggers didn't think so.
They are the jokes.

Sen. Rick Scott, carrying on a tradition, takes credit for ...

View attachment 788898
PolitiFact › article › feb › sen-rick-sc...
Claim: "(I) am proud that Senator Rubio and I were able to help secure an unprecedented $1 billion for Everglades restoration, the largest single amount ever...

House Republicans tout infrastructure funding they voted ...

View attachment 788900 › Politics › story
Jan 24, 2022 — House Republicans who voted against the infrastructure bill have been touting funding for their state that came from it.

Republicans blasted for taking credit for infrastructure ...

View attachment 788902
Yahoo › republicans-blasted-for-taki...
Jan 25, 2022 — Democrats are promising to keep tabs during the 2022 campaign on Republican lawmakers praising projects funded by the Bipartisan ...
What you are describing is business as usual in washington

Many good republicans come to washington with idealism only to grow ears and a tail

So much so that we cant tell them apart from the dems

But the fiscally conservative republican base is their rudder whether they like it or not
It looks to me like the House has done its job and passed a bill that the Senate and White House are sitting on. Ergo, it's not the Republicans in the House that are blocking anything.
candycorn, it looks like you think my post is fake news. What exactly do you think is fake about it? The House DID pass a debt ceiling bill, correct? That means it's now up to the Senate and the White House to either get on board or present their own bill and thrash out a compromise, yes? They have not done so.

Basically, the democrats are holding up progress.
Congress is Constitutionally bound to care for the general welfare of the United States. House Republicans are trying to make this a political football. Well fuck that! We will not negotiate with Congressional terrorists.

You need to stop voting for fucked up pieces of shit!
They're not holding up the works, democrats are. Bottom line.
You lefties are all the same. It's not about emotions. It is about the law....
And when you read the words of the 14th the law and ruling are clear.
Unless, of course, your overwhelming desire to "own the libs" exceeds your ability to reason.
Which you and the MAGATS in the House have already admitted.
That would be a valid argument if you'd expressed the sentiment when it was actually happening under Trump. You've been a member since 2015. So I did a little experiment.

I searched your name and 3 keywords. Debt ,spending, and deficit. While Trump was in office you have exactly zero posts mentioning those terms. Since Biden took office. 11 PAGES with posts containing the word debt, 16 PAGES containing the word spending., And 4 PAGES using the word deficit.

This is why we keep on mentioning Trump. Because each and every one of you prove by your actions that you couldn't have cared less when the single largest increase in the deficit occured during the tenure of a REPUBLICAN president.
Any dime spent under Trump was signed off on by Democrats, most of it having to do with the pandemic. Since you think you are so good at searching then I challenge you to link to Democrats back in the Trump days, not wanting to spend money and don't bring up the wall because democrats stopped that money. I challenge you to find democrats complaining about the money that actually was spent under Trump. If you are diligent on searching for this then we will never see you again because it will take you forever to find anything and more than likely you won't post because you didn't find anything.
When a Democrat holds the WH. Otherwise they spend like drunken sailors.
The best budget times we have in recent history are when a democrat is in the White House and Congress is controlled by Republicans. We need another Newt to hold another Bubba's feet to the fire.
What you are describing is business as usual in washington

Many good republicans come to washington with idealism only to grow ears and a tail

So much so that we cant tell them apart from the dems

But the fiscally conservative republican base is their rudder whether they like it or not
Sure...........something they always claim but NEVER put into practice........until a democrat is in office.
Any dime spent under Trump was signed off on by Democrats, most of it having to do with the pandemic. Since you think you are so good at searching then I challenge you to link to Democrats back in the Trump days, not wanting to spend money and don't bring up the wall because democrats stopped that money. I challenge you to find democrats complaining about the money that actually was spent under Trump. If you are diligent on searching for this then we will never see you again because it will take you forever to find anything and more than likely you won't post because you didn't find anything.
OF course, just like Trump..............NEVER MY FAULT.
"I take no responsibility".
The best budget times we have in recent history are when a democrat is in the White House and Congress is controlled by Republicans. We need another Newt to hold another Bubba's feet to the fire.
Smokin' OP, you seem to disagree with what I said. What specifically did you object to? The part where the closest thing we had to a balanced budget was when Newt and Bubba crossed swords?

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