Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

That's lefty trash talk. First, we are talking about tax revenues collected and now you have changed the subject to the rich got bigger tax breaks than the poor did. That isn't what we were talking about. We were talking about how after the tax cuts, tax revenue actually went up, not down.
Here you go snotty. Educate yourself then repeat that bit of stupidity.
Its their idea

Its called the Penny Plan
I think we simply don't see the gop for what it really is. deficits are great, so long as it's tax cuts for the 1%. And I'll give you that the gop plan fucks workers, but it appears noninflationary because the 1% DON'T SPEND THEIR TAX CUTS. LOL
I think we simply don't see the gop for what it really is. deficits are great, so long as it's tax cuts for the 1%. And I'll give you that the gop plan fucks workers, but it appears noninflationary because the 1% DON'T SPEND THEIR TAX CUTS. LOL
Equal across the board spending cuts are the only way to balance the budget
Of course they are playing politics. I have said so in this very thread. I have said that the only time we get fiscal responsibility is when there is a Democrat president and a Republican Congress so let's take advantage of how those stars lined up and work on being fiscally responsible.
You're the #1 distributor of bullshit in the nation.
You're a moron.
They do THAT during the budget process, idiot.
This is about paying a bill.

The debt limit is the total amount of money that the United States government is authorized to borrow to meet its existing legal obligations, including Social Security and Medicare benefits, military salaries, interest on the national debt, tax refunds, and other payments.

The debt limit does not authorize new spending commitments. It simply allows the government to finance existing legal obligations that Congresses and presidents of both parties have made in the past.

Yeah, with NO tax cuts, teabaggers wouldn't have anything to run on.
We’ve heard this story from lying Democrats before….”We‘ll have serious talks AFTER you give us what we want…” The answer is NO.
The SCOTUS will find for the Government, Biden, and avoid destroying the world economy.
You lefties are all the same. It's not about emotions. It is about the law. Whether the US is going off the fiscal cliff or not does not enter into the judgement of the case, only the law does and a conservative majority will decide by the law, not by whether we face Armagedon or not.
??????????????? What was bullshit? You guys are the real fact deniers.
That somehow THIS is a moment that we should take advantage guys had 2 moments in 2017 and 2018 to cut the federal government down to the size of a PTA with a military. But you didn't do it.

If Trump were in office and this issue was to come up; you'd not be saying a damn word about the the opportunity to cut spending.

Of course I could be wrong. Why don't you post your quotes from 2017 and 2018 when you were lobbying for the debt ceiling not being raised. Now run along and fetch.
You refuse to slow it down now.

Biden budget would cut deficit by $3 trillion, tax American rich​

CNBC › 2023/03/09 › biden-budget-wo...

Mar 9, 2023 — President Joe Biden released his budget on Thursday, vowing to cut $3 trillion from the federal deficit over the next decade, in part, by ...

Biden budget aims to cut deficits nearly $3T over 10 years​

AP News › article › biden-budget-deficit-tril...

Mar 9, 2023 — WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden's upcoming budget proposal aims to cut deficits by nearly $3 trillion over the next decade, the White ...
You won't even talk about it.
We did.
So, for the record, you are for runaway spending.
It seems the self proclaimed "conservatives" were.

US debt surged by $7 trillion under Trump. It will go much ...​

1685087519913.png › biden-stimulus-debt-trump

Jan 14, 2021 — President Donald Trump certainly lived up to his self-proclaimed status as the King of Debt during his term in office. The national debt ...

Like clockwork, teabaggers whine about spending, as soon as a democrat, gets elected.
We’ve heard this story from lying Democrats before….”We‘ll have serious talks AFTER you give us what we want…” The answer is NO.
Try that with a credit card company or ANY creditor.

"I'm NOT paying my bill this month or any month thereafter, until I can figure out, my budget".
Equal across the board spending cuts are the only way to balance the budget
Sure.............the 43 year old lie, brought up by Reagan and every teabagger "conservative" president since.
NOT when they are in office, only when a democrat is.
Not ONE has EVER balanced the budget or even reduced the deficit.
Equal across the board spending cuts are the only way to balance the budget
Raising taxes isn't a way? This BS is simply another way of the someone on the right saying that I only want to balance the budget if you can do so in my preferred way.

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