Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

We’ve heard this story from lying Democrats before….”We‘ll have serious talks AFTER you give us what we want…” The answer is NO.
The Debt Ceiling is not for negotiation... You are making sound that the raising of the debt ceiling is sole Democratic wish, it is an American thing.

This shows that Democrats are on the American side and Republicans will use American as hostages..
It wont be as bad as the big government libs tell us

Biden refuses to budge an inch because history says he wont have to

But he could and should compromise
Compromise? How about," I won't fuck with America's ability to pay back it's debt and it's populations financial future when theirs a Republican in the oval office", as the Dems did THREE times under Trump. "And you don't either."

Doesn't that sound like a reasonable compromise to you?
That somehow THIS is a moment that we should take advantage guys had 2 moments in 2017 and 2018 to cut the federal government down to the size of a PTA with a military. But you didn't do it.

If Trump were in office and this issue was to come up; you'd not be saying a damn word about the the opportunity to cut spending.

Of course I could be wrong. Why don't you post your quotes from 2017 and 2018 when you were lobbying for the debt ceiling not being raised. Now run along and fetch.
So, you have no desire whatsoever to cut spending. Spoken like a true lefty.
The Debt Ceiling is not for negotiation... You are making sound that the raising of the debt ceiling is sole Democratic wish, it is an American thing.

This shows that Democrats are on the American side and Republicans will use American as hostages..
It is the subverted DemocRATS that are holding America HOSTAGE!!!!!
You don't talk to people by holding a gun to their head. That is called extortion.
I don't know what you are talking about. First, Democrats refuse to even talk about cutting expenses. Second, you guys think the debt ceiling should be raised and Republicans are the only ones who have passed a bill to raise the debt ceiling. If you want it raised so badly then you need to write your Senators and the White House and tell them to pass the only bill out there that raises the debt ceiling. I'm beginning to think that we should just breach the debt ceiling because then Congress can't even spend one dollar more on anything. How refreshing that would be. And, if we default on our debt payments then no one will want to loan the US any money anymore, another plus.
So, you have no desire whatsoever to cut spending. Spoken like a true lefty.

$7.8 trillion in new debt under Trump in 4 years.

"BUT he had no choice".

This is why the idea of attacking the debt can get no traction. People don't demand it when "their guy" is in the White House because debt is a useful tool to try and keep them in the White House.
$7.8 trillion in new debt under Trump in 4 years.

"BUT he had no choice".

This is why the idea of attacking the debt can get no traction. People don't demand it when "their guy" is in the White House because debt is a useful tool to try and keep them in the White House.
Why are you guys so obsessed with Trump? Your only argument seems to be in favor of out of control spending because "the other side did it". We need to stop the out of control spending from both sides, don't you think?
Why are you guys so obsessed with Trump? Your only argument seems to be in favor of out of control spending because "the other side did it". We need to stop the out of control spending from both sides, don't you think?

No. I've long condemned BOTH sides. Try it sometime.
Think about it. Karine Jean-Pierre says:

“You’ve heard from the president multiple times during the last five months. He’s been very clear,” she said. “You’ve heard from the president; you’ve heard from the economic team; you’ve heard from Democrats, the leadership in the House, in the Senate talk — speak to this about the urgency, about Congress actually needing to act and doing their constitutional duty.”

So, if it was set up that it is up to Congress to raise the debt ceiling then that pretty much means that it isn't an automatic thing if they have to decide to do it. So, it is not Congress's Constitutional duty to just raise the debt ceiling automatically because it was set up that they debate it.

Further, I find it fairly amusing that some Democrats want to use the 14th amendment from 1868 to override a law from 1917.

Not to mention, Republicans in the House have already passed a debt ceiling increase. We're waiting on the Senate and Biden to pass it into law.

It's Congress's job to STOP GETTING US DEEPER INTO DEBT in the first place. It's their fiscal insanity that has created this insurmountable crisis in the first place. For decades, Congress (both sides of the aisle) have spent money very unwisely. And for some unknown reason, it's become America's “responsibility” to give our money to just about every other nation on earth. That's money that could have been invested in America's infrastructure; border security; homeless crisis; and much more. The filthy pigs running the show have created this economic monster and now demand that America's taxpayer carry the burden. It's infuriating and disgusting.
Why are you guys so obsessed with Trump? Your only argument seems to be in favor of out of control spending because "the other side did it". We need to stop the out of control spending from both sides, don't you think?
That would be a valid argument if you'd expressed the sentiment when it was actually happening under Trump. You've been a member since 2015. So I did a little experiment.

I searched your name and 3 keywords. Debt ,spending, and deficit. While Trump was in office you have exactly zero posts mentioning those terms. Since Biden took office. 11 PAGES with posts containing the word debt, 16 PAGES containing the word spending., And 4 PAGES using the word deficit.

This is why we keep on mentioning Trump. Because each and every one of you prove by your actions that you couldn't have cared less when the single largest increase in the deficit occured during the tenure of a REPUBLICAN president.
It's Congress's job to STOP GETTING US DEEPER INTO DEBT in the first place. It's their fiscal insanity that has created this insurmountable crisis in the first place. For decades, Congress (both sides of the aisle) have spent money very unwisely. And for some unknown reason, it's become America's “responsibility” to give our money to just about every other nation on earth. That's money that could have been invested in America's infrastructure; border security; homeless crisis; and much more. The filthy pigs running the show have created this economic monster and now demand that America's taxpayer carry the burden. It's infuriating and disgusting.
The entire budget for foreign aid is less than 1 percent of the budget.

In my view there are 2 main reasons for the budget being out of control. 1. There's been a concerted effort to convince the American populace that you can have the government provide services free.

2. That taxation is a the government stealing money.

The tax burden in the US is the 4th lowest amongst the OECD countries. It is the lowest by a wide margin among the higher incomes. Income inequality on the other hand is the highest. Yet the GOP has convinced those on the right that the government takes to much taxes and that the wealthiest are victimized the worst and therefore more basic services should be cut.
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Raising taxes isn't a way?
You can squeeze the middle class because they cant run away from you

But the rich are far too clever for the bumbling fools in washington

They will move their money overseas where you cant touch them

And that will be a huge anchor on the economy

But here’s deal for you

Raise taxes $1 for every dollar of spending reduction EQUALLY ACROSS THE BOARD ON EVERY LINE OF THE BUDGET

Rather than merely soaking the rich make everyone share the pain
Compromise? How about," I won't fuck with America's ability to pay back it's debt and it's populations financial future when theirs a Republican in the oval office", as the Dems did THREE times under Trump. "And you don't either."

Doesn't that sound like a reasonable compromise to you?
Your bitterness is unmistakable but misplaced

We are in no mood to accept your and biden's empty promise to cut spending
You can squeeze the middle class because they cant run away from you

But the rich are far too clever for the bumbling fools in washington

They will move their money overseas where you cant touch them

And that will be a huge anchor on the economy

But here’s deal for you

Raise taxes $1 for every dollar of spending reduction EQUALLY ACROSS THE BOARD ON EVERY LINE OF THE BUDGET

Rather than merely soaking the rich make everyone share the pain
Income inequality in the US is the HIGHEST among developed nations. How are the rich being "soaked"?

My proposal is this. Why not stop funding elections by private money. Use public funds but control the length and the means by which a politician is allowed to campaign. No more endless election cycles but tightly controlled campaigns spanning a few weeks.

What this would achieve is changing the incentive for politicians from what is good for my donors to what is good for my constituents.

I think you would be amazed as to how it would change the way government spends money when making bad decisions in doing so can't be overcome by huge add buys.

Change accountability and you will create more responsible politicians.
Your bitterness is unmistakable but misplaced

We are in no mood to accept your and biden's empty promise to cut spending
LoL it's misplaced to want to be treated as you yourself treat people? And by the way Biden already seemingly agreed to freeze spending at current levels.
Trump's promises were also empty.
Trump is NOT IN OFFICE right now!!!!!
You're just ANOTHER contrarian ASSHOLE that can't face the REALITY of TODAY where the demented LEFT are not compromising as we head for DEFAULT!!!!
The Republican lead House PASSED A budget bill, and it is the Democrats that are stonewalling it!
My proposal is this. Why not stop funding elections by private money. Use public funds but control the length and the means by which a politician is allowed to campaign. No more endless election cycles but tightly controlled campaigns spanning a few weeks.
How do politicians become candidates who get the public money?

Will you limit the lib news media from assisting socialists that they prefer?

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