Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

Here is what should happen. Slash spending across the board, except for Defense. Put the American dollar back on the Gold Standard, pass the Balanced Budget Amendment, and force the Government to live within its fucking means! What is so damned difficult about that?
I bet you don't even know if you've ever voted for a POTUS who REDUCED the deficit he inherited...
No president has added one dime to the national debt. The congress does that.
You're FOS.

The longest government shutdown in history was in 2018–2019 under former President Donald Trump. That shut down lasted 35 days from December 22, 2018, to January 25, 2019.

Trump and Congress couldn’t agree on an appropriations bill to fund the federal government in 2019. Trump wanted $5.7 billion in federal funds budgeted to pay for a wall on the U.S. and Mexico border.

The shutdown cost the government an estimated $11 billion. Over 800,000 federal employees were partially or fully furloughed or had to work without being paid.
You're FOS.

The longest government shutdown in history was in 2018–2019 under former President Donald Trump. That shut down lasted 35 days from December 22, 2018, to January 25, 2019.

Trump and Congress couldn’t agree on an appropriations bill to fund the federal government in 2019. Trump wanted $5.7 billion in federal funds budgeted to pay for a wall on the U.S. and Mexico border.

No, to spend on the wall, not actually pay for it.
No, to spend on the wall,
not actually pay for it.
Paying for part of it, that Mexico was supposed to pay for.

Then, it was Trump who decided to shut down the government, via.........extortion.

The shutdown cost the government an estimated $11 billion. Over 800,000 federal employees were partially or fully furloughed or had to work without being paid.
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Yes, increasing spending at rates greater than revenue increases causes debt. Cuts in tax rates results in a long term increase in revenues

During Reagan’s first term, the top marginal tax rate was something like 80 or 90%. Revenues from that tax were about 450 billion dollars a year. Reagan persuaded to lower that tax rate into the low 30% range. Revenues from that same tax doubled to almost a trillion dollars. Congress, controlled by Democrats went wild with all that new revenue flowing in.
Cuts in tax rates results in a long term increase in revenues


Thats why Reagan was such a great president
Were you around in 1988 and 90 when the Communists reneged on promises they made to Reagan and Bush to cut spending in exchange for raising taxes? This is why they are backstabbers to the Nth degree.
I was around

Which is why I demand cash on delivery from libs instead of accepting their promises
The Constitution always over rides a law.

Lol I used to think that. I am guessing you have never seen a court room for anything other than traffic violations. What you say is true but the reality is much more complex than that.

Step one: Unconstitutional law is passed
Step two: Person is charged for breaking unconstitutional law. This is considered day one.
Step three: Person is convicted of breaking the unconstitutional law. This is day 180.
Step four: Appeal is reviewed and upheld. This is day 360.
Step five: Convicted person saves up enough money to hire a lawyer to take the case to the state supreme court. This is day 1016.
Step six: State supreme court upholds the decision. This is day 1245.
Step seven: Convicted person saves up enough money to hire a lawyer to appeal to the supreme court. This is day 1719.
Step eight: The US Supreme Court declares the law to be unconstitutional. The convicted person is free and clear from any wrong doing. This is day 1825.

So basically you are right but how right? Right enough to complete all 8 steps I mentioned above? It isn't worth 5 years of torture to most people to chase a principle. These unconstitutional laws can stay in effect for decades if they aren't challenged. If the punishment is minimal enough then the law never gets challenged. People just accept the punishment and just know they are right in their own heart. They just let the unjust law stand for practical reasons.
Lol I used to think that. I am guessing you have never seen a court room for anything other than traffic violations. What you say is true but the reality is much more complex than that.'s irrelevant where I have been.'s irrelevant where I have been.

There is a practical side of law and the right side of the law. We let the practical side win many times even when it is very wrong.

Proving you are right in court could take years.

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