Is it "Congress's" Constitutional Duty To Raise The Debt Ceiling?

And neither do Repubicans. Trump was running well over a trillion dollar deficit.

Republicans only care about spending cuts when they have someone else to blame the spending on.

This is between repubs in congress now and biden

sure, pay the debts, but the debts should never have been incurred in the first place, and both parties are to blame for increasing the debt trying to buy votes.

Every government in the world since the beginning of civilization incurs debt. Fortunately for us, the U.S. dollar is the world's currency reserve, so it doesn't matter how much debt the federal government has. If it did matter our economy would have been destroyed many years ago.

The fact is that the Government, like the banks, creates money out of thin air if it wants or it borrows it. The creation of money, on that scale, is really the authority to activate resources. Whether the money is created or borrowed, those resources create real wealth, which gives real value to the money created.

The difference between the government and the banks is that banks get paid back once the wealth is created. The government SHOULD get paid back thru taxes, but in our trickle up economy all the wealth goes to the wealthiest 0.01% who never have to pay it back. So the government debt keeps getting bigger.

If you really want to reduce the federal debt, then tax the wealthy. Don't stop the activation of resources that create real wealth.
Congress doesn't pay bills. That falls to the US Treasury which is a Department under the Executive Branch.
so semantics on who gets the funds from Taxes? always like pulling teeth with demfks. Can't just answer whether taxes are still collected. Did it really fking matter? The question was did we stop collecting taxes because the debt ceiling wasn't increased? And of course smart asses being smart asses performed their smart asses nonsense to the level of stupid again. Exposing as I enjoy doing, the ridiculous of demfkers.
Its true now

Dems want spending cuts in the military and only the military

Thats not acceptable
Why not? Much more meat on that bone.

Why not? Much more meat on that bone.

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You want to send American soldiers into battle to be killed with inadequate weapons

I wont do that while you allow fat welfare bums to stuff their faces with free junk food

Everyone including the military must give something

But in equal amounts across the board

SS and Medicare are contributed to a citizens entire working life.

Disabled vets earned their benefits with their bodies...

Retired vets gave their working careers to ensure you have the rights you enjoy today...

You are like most liberals an ungrateful POS.
It’s also like 2/3 of the budget so no cuts there. :dunno:
You want to send American soldiers into battle to be killed with inadequate weapons

I wont do that while you allow fat welfare bums to stuff their faces with free junk food

Everyone including the military must give something

But in equal amounts across the board
Too funny.
the fk it doesn't! If the budget isolates issues with payments, then the budget needs to be trimmed immediately. Can't spend what you ain't got.

Again - try paying attention.

The federal government has been spending what it ain't got for a very, very long time.
What money for the third time
"The federal government borrows money from the public by issuing securities—bills, notes, and bonds—through the Treasury. Treasury securities are attractive to investors because they are: Backed by the full faith and credit of the United States government. Offered in a wide range of maturities."

Any other stupid questions?
I think you don't really know what the debt ceiling is.

The debt ceiling is the means by which the US pays of their debt.

The budget is the means by which you raise it.

The GOP is refusing to pay of the debt if the Democrats aren't willing to give in on the GOP budget.

See how that works?

" I will let the the household go bankrupt, if I don't get my way in how the money is spend. Said no responsible adult ever"
Nope. Budget is the means by which you decide how much you will take in and how much you will spend.
The debt limit if allowing to pay for what was approved in past budgets.

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