Is it fair to blame junk food companies for people being overweight?

Why did you want one? Yes it is based on what some company tells you should have. Let me guess. You have a Mac?

I can lay blame at the companies feet as well because I know what they do to create a habit or addition on purpose with their product. Think about the great example of the cigarette companies. They are not the only ones that do this.

I had decided to own a computer because I liked using one at work. No, I don't own a Mac. When I opted to buy one the first time, truth is I went with the cheapest one. No company ever told me I should have one back then. Plenty of commercials now try to tell me I need this or that. So far, no effect. I was never one to try and keep up with the Jones' like many people. I think that seeing other people with stuff is the biggest reason some people opt to buy new stuff.

I was interested from the start in computers and thought they were awesome. I like technology, though never got into video games. Somehow, the multitude of commercials couldn't convince me that I should buy one. I have had the same vehicle for nearly 20 years. All those commercials for the latest fancy models have not gotten me into a dealer even though I could trade my current vehicle in for a new one. Even friends suggest that it's time for a new one. Sorry, I do what I like.

I use my computer for work to this day. It's a good thing to have and no one twisted my arm. Just like no one has to convince me that I should buy a winter coat, cat food, eggs or toilet paper. Some things you need and you find the best deal. Commercials aren't likely to direct you to the best deal and should be ignored. Doing your own homework is always the way to go.
So if you dont own a Mac then you have been marketed to and fallen for it. Its ok because most of the things we do is guided by marketing. The PC is one of the biggest examples of marketing there is. There are other cheaper and better OS's out there than Windows. Bill Gates just happened to be the one that marketed his stuff better. Your job helped with the marketing by providing you with a PC at work instead of a more efficient system. They didnt have to say a word. They just let you develop the habit of using one instead of another system. The best marketing acts on you at a subconscious level. You dont feel as if someone twisted your arm. They just told you what you wanted to hear and gave you the illusion you made the decision on your own. If you have your own personal tracking device you that you pay for then thats another example of marketing.

Not everyone is totally controlled but you better believe everyone is affected and controlled to some extent by marketing.

The PC I bought is totally different than the one at work. Knock it off with the stuff about everyone being tricked by companies. We make decisions on what we want to buy. Period. I chose my own computer the same way I choose what to eat. I do things in my own best interest.

I feel you are attempting to push the notion that we are all controlled by big companies and are helpless to fight against them. It's bull. People don't have to eat unhealthy foods. They choose to do so against their own best interests.

That's not quite true. If you're talking about tobacco, yes. Food: not so much. Between HFCS, buggered wheat, Frankenfoods and various chemical additives including hidden names, knowledge of what choice one is making is far beyond most people's ken and always a game of catch-up. And that's only for what's on the grocery shelf; it makes eating in a restaurant a complete crapshoot. When I buy a tomato, I reasonably presume that it's an actual tomato and not some hack scientist's lab experiment. When I buy milk, I reasonably presume that it's milk, and not a glass of cattle hormones and antibiotics. That's an entirely reasonable expectation.

Marketing is good as far as letting people know what is out there. It certainly isn't a crime, but I don't buy that people are doing things against their will. Maybe it's easy to trick some people, but they are letting themselves be taken advantage of in most cases.

Now you're blaming the victim.
No, it's not my responsibility as a consumer to think ahead of every insidious deception that a processed food company might think of in order to outsmart them. They have teams of specialists to achieve that deception; I just want to eat. Guess who's got the advantage there.

Marketing doesn't need to "let people know what's out there", and you're contradicting your earlier sentiment. Me, I think like you did three posts ago: when I decide I need something, I do the research myself. I don't need a marketer to try to convince me I need it.

Obamacare did big time marketing both before and after it was passed, didn't it? And those ads contained a great many lies. I guess that is the best example of people being fooled by ads. I sure hope they learn their lesson.

Here you're contradicting yourself again. Is the message recipient at fault, or not? Pick a side.

Meanwhile, it is a concern that some on the left are trying to use media to convince people that they have no control over their lives and they must rely on government to fix them. No personal responsibility, no blaming yourselves, just bad companies conning people into eating poorly and getting fat. Only government can possibly fix this.

No idea what you're talking about at this point...
It may have been around forever but not readily available and pushed via marketing like it is now. If you understood marketing you would realize how powerful it is. This is by design and not for your health but to seperate you from your money.

It doesn't work on me and many I know. I guess some just care about their health and aren't easily swayed by fancy commercials.

I don't care how attractive they make junk food look. Anyone with a brain knows that fats and too much sugar aren't good for you. So, now the left is vilifying companies for brainwashing people into eating themselves to an early death. Of course, that will be reason to tax or fine them, and don't forget to increase tax on sugar so those stupid people who were fooled by the big bad companies won't be able to afford their "fix."

Marketing does work on you. You have a device to access the internet which you dont need. You may be more aware of your food choices and the dangers inherent in junk food and therefore developed a habit to counteract the marketing. Food is akin to a drug and a very powerful one at that. Marketing simply drives your choice of food. Its all very strategic from the way every McDonalds looks exactly the same once you walk in the door with the fries to the left all the way to having them strategically placed in the community to draw you in with the big golden arches. People who simply say its not a dual problem are missing it. The companies are simply manipulating your instincts to make a profit. people need to educate themselves in regard to why they do what they do. Once they understand they can then take charge.
What a ridiculous statement. You must be one of those this is how I am so it must be true for everyone folks. I wasn't even on the internet a few years ago. Now with companies starting to force people to do shit online it is a necessity. Maybe not for you, but for many. Same goes for marketing. Just because you fall for marketing doesn't mean everyone else does. I know too many ring dings in the pie hole equals fatass. And no amount of marketing will sway me otherwise.
It may have been around forever but not readily available and pushed via marketing like it is now. If you understood marketing you would realize how powerful it is. This is by design and not for your health but to seperate you from your money.

It doesn't work on me and many I know. I guess some just care about their health and aren't easily swayed by fancy commercials.

I don't care how attractive they make junk food look. Anyone with a brain knows that fats and too much sugar aren't good for you. So, now the left is vilifying companies for brainwashing people into eating themselves to an early death. Of course, that will be reason to tax or fine them, and don't forget to increase tax on sugar so those stupid people who were fooled by the big bad companies won't be able to afford their "fix."

Marketing does work on you. You have a device to access the internet which you dont need. You may be more aware of your food choices and the dangers inherent in junk food and therefore developed a habit to counteract the marketing. Food is akin to a drug and a very powerful one at that. Marketing simply drives your choice of food. Its all very strategic from the way every McDonalds looks exactly the same once you walk in the door with the fries to the left all the way to having them strategically placed in the community to draw you in with the big golden arches. People who simply say its not a dual problem are missing it. The companies are simply manipulating your instincts to make a profit. people need to educate themselves in regard to why they do what they do. Once they understand they can then take charge.
What a ridiculous statement. You must be one of those this is how I am so it must be true for everyone folks. I wasn't even on the internet a few years ago. Now with companies starting to force people to do shit online it is a necessity. Maybe not for you, but for many. Same goes for marketing. Just because you fall for marketing doesn't mean everyone else does. I know too many ring dings in the pie hole equals fatass. And no amount of marketing will sway me otherwise.
Dont get upset about it. Everyone capitulates to marketing. You may be more aware of its affects but you simply have rationalized the extent of the affects upon you. No its not a necessity to own a device with internet access. You've been convinced its a necessity. You fall for marketing just like everyone else. You just have too big of an ego to admit it.
Another factor is that children don't play the way we used to. When not doing chores or homework, we were outside, always. We ran, played ball, built forts...lots of physical activity. Nowadays, what do kids do for entertainment? Sit on their asses, messing with electronic gadgets or gawking at the boob-tube. I'd much rather see the schools cut some of their touchy-feely bs classes than phys-ed and recess.

Dodge ball, anyone?

Sounds like you grew up in my neighborhood. I was always outside with friends playing kickball or riding our bikes. We built forts. We also built an igloo one winter and had snowball fights. Watched television on occasion, but mostly Saturday morning cartoons and maybe a show here or there.

It is sad that children these days spend too much time with electronic babysitters and don't get the physical activity that our generation did.

We grew up eating vegetables straight from the garden and meals made from scratch. My mom worked full time and there were 7 of us kids. Somehow, she found time to cook dinner, but we were expected to help with that and doing dishes after. Junk food was a rarity and I am lucky to have had parents who passed on good habits, which I passed on to my children.

We had rules growing up and you just didn't break them or you expected to face consequences. That has changed with many.
The coolest treat we'd get was dinner out. My parents had two places, one an Italian restaurant that served "family style" and the other a pizza joint, "Snoopy's", where we could get pizza and sarsaparilla. There were times when we'd go out to explore the woods and not get back home until dinner time. That was our "drop dead" time to be home...otherwise known as darkfall. I like having my granddaughters at my place here because we have no TV. During the day when the grown ups are working, the kids are welcome to explore the woods. Everyone helps prepare dinner and after dinner the table is cleared, the dishes done, and the board games or books come out. The adults and the children engage each other and enjoy the company.
Absolutely not, it isn't far to blame the junk/fast food for people being overweight. Assigning the blame on fast food or junk food companies is silly and takes away personal responsibility from the avid consumer. I know eating loads of terrible food is going make me hefty, if I choose to do so regardless, then I have no one blame but myself. If you want to be thinner then eat better food and exercise. I used to be pretty heavy, over the last 5 years I have lost 125lbs. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun but the results were undeniable. Those results became my driving force to maintain my weight loss. I had no one to blame for me being heavy other then myself. Unless you have some medical condition for being heavy then the blame lays entirely with the person and not fast/junk food companies.
Kudos! 125 lbs is definitely an achievement worthy of praise.
Absolutely not, it isn't far to blame the junk/fast food for people being overweight. Assigning the blame on fast food or junk food companies is silly and takes away personal responsibility from the avid consumer. I know eating loads of terrible food is going make me hefty, if I choose to do so regardless, then I have no one blame but myself. If you want to be thinner then eat better food and exercise. I used to be pretty heavy, over the last 5 years I have lost 125lbs. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun but the results were undeniable. Those results became my driving force to maintain my weight loss. I had no one to blame for me being heavy other then myself. Unless you have some medical condition for being heavy then the blame lays entirely with the person and not fast/junk food companies.
Kudos! 125 lbs is definitely an achievement worthy of praise.

Thanks mate. It is odd to see myself in pictures from years past. I look like absurdly different, almost unrecognizable. It is a wonderful feeling. Cheers!
Absolutely not, it isn't far to blame the junk/fast food for people being overweight. Assigning the blame on fast food or junk food companies is silly and takes away personal responsibility from the avid consumer. I know eating loads of terrible food is going make me hefty, if I choose to do so regardless, then I have no one blame but myself. If you want to be thinner then eat better food and exercise. I used to be pretty heavy, over the last 5 years I have lost 125lbs. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun but the results were undeniable. Those results became my driving force to maintain my weight loss. I had no one to blame for me being heavy other then myself. Unless you have some medical condition for being heavy then the blame lays entirely with the person and not fast/junk food companies.

That Is commendable!! I know people who have struggled with losing weight and none regretted going through the hassle of changing habits. You seem to have a handle on things and getting started is always the hardest part.

For anyone else who wants to make a change, follow this diet:

Eat every three hours. Pick two different fruits each day. Anything except bananas. Pick a few different vegetables each day. No carrots. No potatoes. No corn. Choose different lean meats- chicken, ham, turkey or fish. Meat must weigh 4- 5 ounces. Unlimited vegetables. Seasoning okay, but no sauces. No sugar, pasta or bread for first month. No fruit juice since you are eating only fresh fruits. You can have coffee or tea, but no cream or sugar. No milk. No alcohol. No soda, not even diet.

Example of meals for one day:

1st meal. 1 peach, 4-5 oz. of lean ham
2nd meal. 4-5 oz. of turkey, unlimited tomatoes
3rd meal. 1 orange, 4-5 oz. of chicken
4th meal. 4-5 oz. of fish, unlimited cucumbers

If you are awake for a 5th meal, choose another vegetable and 4-5 oz. of meat or fish.

Drink lots of water. Only eat what is on above menu.

After the first month, you can add a few things. You can have two hard boiled eggs in the morning instead of meat. You can make a wrap sandwich with the meat and lettuce or spinach.

This diet, if adhered to, will change your metabolism and you will lose fat and keep it off. Best part is you won't be hungry and the diet is healthy.

I'm serious, I know quite a few people who have done this diet and they wish they would have done it sooner. If anyone here wants to slim down, I dare you to try this.
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Absolutely not, it isn't far to blame the junk/fast food for people being overweight. Assigning the blame on fast food or junk food companies is silly and takes away personal responsibility from the avid consumer. I know eating loads of terrible food is going make me hefty, if I choose to do so regardless, then I have no one blame but myself. If you want to be thinner then eat better food and exercise. I used to be pretty heavy, over the last 5 years I have lost 125lbs. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun but the results were undeniable. Those results became my driving force to maintain my weight loss. I had no one to blame for me being heavy other then myself. Unless you have some medical condition for being heavy then the blame lays entirely with the person and not fast/junk food companies.

That Is commendable!! I know people who have struggled with losing weight and none regretted going through the hassle of changing habits. You seem to have a handle on things and getting started is always the hardest part.

For anyone else who wants to make a change, follow this diet:

Eat every three hours. Pick two different fruits each day. Anything except bananas. Pick a few different vegetables each day. No carrots. Choose different lean meats- chicken, ham, turkey or fish. Meat must weigh 4- 5 ounces. Unlimited vegetables. Seasoning okay, but no sauces. No sugar, pasta or bread for first month. No fruit juice since you are eating only fresh fruits. You can have coffee or tea, but no cream or sugar. No milk. No alcohol. No soda, not even diet.

Example of meals for one day:

1st meal. 1 peach, 4-5 oz. of lean ham
2nd meal. 4-5 oz. of turkey, unlimited tomatoes
3rd meal. 1 orange, 4-5 oz. of chicken
4th meal. 4-5 oz. of fish, unlimited cucumbers

If you are awake for a 5th meal, choose another vegetable and 4-5 oz. of meat or fish.

Drink lots of water. Only eat what is on above menu.

After the first month, you can add a few things. You can have two hard boiled eggs in the morning instead of meat. You can make a wrap sandwich with the meat and lettuce or spinach.

This diet, if adhered to, will change your metabolism and you will lose fat and keep it off. Best part is you won't be hungry and the diet is healthy.

I'm serious, I know quite a few people who have done this diet and they wish they would have done it sooner. If anyone here wants to slim down, I dare you to try this.

Carrots?? What's the issue with carrots? :confused:

I agree about the fruit, and I did much of this in shedding 65 lbs since last winter. The main first thing I did was to give up on wheat. That accounted for half the weight loss all by itself, and I knew it would from having done it before. But I'm not strict about it, will slip some occasional pasta and cereal. I don't hold back on eggs at all and I really don't skimp if it's a protein meal. I can pig out and still lose weight as long as it's not a meal of carbs. Besides wheat the other thing I had to change was eating too late at night and then going to sleep before it had a chance to burn. Those two things were the main strategy.
Absolutely not, it isn't far to blame the junk/fast food for people being overweight. Assigning the blame on fast food or junk food companies is silly and takes away personal responsibility from the avid consumer. I know eating loads of terrible food is going make me hefty, if I choose to do so regardless, then I have no one blame but myself. If you want to be thinner then eat better food and exercise. I used to be pretty heavy, over the last 5 years I have lost 125lbs. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun but the results were undeniable. Those results became my driving force to maintain my weight loss. I had no one to blame for me being heavy other then myself. Unless you have some medical condition for being heavy then the blame lays entirely with the person and not fast/junk food companies.

That Is commendable!! I know people who have struggled with losing weight and none regretted going through the hassle of changing habits. You seem to have a handle on things and getting started is always the hardest part.

For anyone else who wants to make a change, follow this diet:

Eat every three hours. Pick two different fruits each day. Anything except bananas. Pick a few different vegetables each day. No carrots. Choose different lean meats- chicken, ham, turkey or fish. Meat must weigh 4- 5 ounces. Unlimited vegetables. Seasoning okay, but no sauces. No sugar, pasta or bread for first month. No fruit juice since you are eating only fresh fruits. You can have coffee or tea, but no cream or sugar. No milk. No alcohol. No soda, not even diet.

Example of meals for one day:

1st meal. 1 peach, 4-5 oz. of lean ham
2nd meal. 4-5 oz. of turkey, unlimited tomatoes
3rd meal. 1 orange, 4-5 oz. of chicken
4th meal. 4-5 oz. of fish, unlimited cucumbers

If you are awake for a 5th meal, choose another vegetable and 4-5 oz. of meat or fish.

Drink lots of water. Only eat what is on above menu.

After the first month, you can add a few things. You can have two hard boiled eggs in the morning instead of meat. You can make a wrap sandwich with the meat and lettuce or spinach.

This diet, if adhered to, will change your metabolism and you will lose fat and keep it off. Best part is you won't be hungry and the diet is healthy.

I'm serious, I know quite a few people who have done this diet and they wish they would have done it sooner. If anyone here wants to slim down, I dare you to try this.

Carrots?? What's the issue with carrots? :confused:

I agree about the fruit, and I did much of this in shedding 65 lbs since last winter. The main first thing I did was to give up on wheat. That accounted for half the weight loss all by itself, and I knew it would from having done it before. But I'm not strict about it, will slip some occasional pasta and cereal. I don't hold back on eggs at all and I really don't skimp if it's a protein meal. I can pig out and still lose weight as long as it's not a meal of carbs. Besides wheat the other thing I had to change was eating too late at night and then going to sleep before it had a chance to burn. Those two things were the main strategy.

Carrots are too sweet naturally. Same with bananas.

Each person is different and it's a matter of sticking to a diet. On the diet I posted, people get encouraged right away because it actually works and they don't have to starve or live on rice cakes. It seems like people are more apt to stick to a diet if they can see results fairly soon and some get to the point where they are obsessed with losing weight. My hubby once just cut the sugar from his coffee and lost weight. It's easier with guys. Anyway, good for you for finding something that works and sticking to it. I hope it inspires others to give it a shot.

Oh, and since the companies apparently get credit or blame for the results of the food you eat, be sure to send thank you cards to whatever companies sell the fruits and veggies you eat. After all, they would get the blame if their food made you fat, right?

I see a lot of commercials for those healthy vegetables and fruits. Since one poster here believes that the companies all brainwash you with marketing tricks, why don't more people get suckered into buying more peas and green beans with all those Green Giant and Del Monte commercials? Hmmm, I am beginning to think that individuals ultimately make their own choices and marketing just doesn't always work.
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It may have been around forever but not readily available and pushed via marketing like it is now. If you understood marketing you would realize how powerful it is. This is by design and not for your health but to seperate you from your money.

It doesn't work on me and many I know. I guess some just care about their health and aren't easily swayed by fancy commercials.

I don't care how attractive they make junk food look. Anyone with a brain knows that fats and too much sugar aren't good for you. So, now the left is vilifying companies for brainwashing people into eating themselves to an early death. Of course, that will be reason to tax or fine them, and don't forget to increase tax on sugar so those stupid people who were fooled by the big bad companies won't be able to afford their "fix."

Marketing does work on you. You have a device to access the internet which you dont need. You may be more aware of your food choices and the dangers inherent in junk food and therefore developed a habit to counteract the marketing. Food is akin to a drug and a very powerful one at that. Marketing simply drives your choice of food. Its all very strategic from the way every McDonalds looks exactly the same once you walk in the door with the fries to the left all the way to having them strategically placed in the community to draw you in with the big golden arches. People who simply say its not a dual problem are missing it. The companies are simply manipulating your instincts to make a profit. people need to educate themselves in regard to why they do what they do. Once they understand they can then take charge.
What a ridiculous statement. You must be one of those this is how I am so it must be true for everyone folks. I wasn't even on the internet a few years ago. Now with companies starting to force people to do shit online it is a necessity. Maybe not for you, but for many. Same goes for marketing. Just because you fall for marketing doesn't mean everyone else does. I know too many ring dings in the pie hole equals fatass. And no amount of marketing will sway me otherwise.
Dont get upset about it. Everyone capitulates to marketing. You may be more aware of its affects but you simply have rationalized the extent of the affects upon you. No its not a necessity to own a device with internet access. You've been convinced its a necessity. You fall for marketing just like everyone else. You just have too big of an ego to admit it.
Alrighty then. Be a good boy and take your meds.
No. It is only fair to blame the person who consumes junk food in large quantities, for being overweight. Personal responsibility and accountability. Two attitudes most Americans used to be proud of possessing.

By this rational ^^^ it is only fair to blame the person who consumes Meth and not those who produce and sell the product.
Absolutely not, it isn't far to blame the junk/fast food for people being overweight. Assigning the blame on fast food or junk food companies is silly and takes away personal responsibility from the avid consumer. I know eating loads of terrible food is going make me hefty, if I choose to do so regardless, then I have no one blame but myself. If you want to be thinner then eat better food and exercise. I used to be pretty heavy, over the last 5 years I have lost 125lbs. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun but the results were undeniable. Those results became my driving force to maintain my weight loss. I had no one to blame for me being heavy other then myself. Unless you have some medical condition for being heavy then the blame lays entirely with the person and not fast/junk food companies.

That Is commendable!! I know people who have struggled with losing weight and none regretted going through the hassle of changing habits. You seem to have a handle on things and getting started is always the hardest part.

For anyone else who wants to make a change, follow this diet:

Eat every three hours. Pick two different fruits each day. Anything except bananas. Pick a few different vegetables each day. No carrots. Choose different lean meats- chicken, ham, turkey or fish. Meat must weigh 4- 5 ounces. Unlimited vegetables. Seasoning okay, but no sauces. No sugar, pasta or bread for first month. No fruit juice since you are eating only fresh fruits. You can have coffee or tea, but no cream or sugar. No milk. No alcohol. No soda, not even diet.

Example of meals for one day:

1st meal. 1 peach, 4-5 oz. of lean ham
2nd meal. 4-5 oz. of turkey, unlimited tomatoes
3rd meal. 1 orange, 4-5 oz. of chicken
4th meal. 4-5 oz. of fish, unlimited cucumbers

If you are awake for a 5th meal, choose another vegetable and 4-5 oz. of meat or fish.

Drink lots of water. Only eat what is on above menu.

After the first month, you can add a few things. You can have two hard boiled eggs in the morning instead of meat. You can make a wrap sandwich with the meat and lettuce or spinach.

This diet, if adhered to, will change your metabolism and you will lose fat and keep it off. Best part is you won't be hungry and the diet is healthy.

I'm serious, I know quite a few people who have done this diet and they wish they would have done it sooner. If anyone here wants to slim down, I dare you to try this.

Carrots?? What's the issue with carrots? :confused:

I agree about the fruit, and I did much of this in shedding 65 lbs since last winter. The main first thing I did was to give up on wheat. That accounted for half the weight loss all by itself, and I knew it would from having done it before. But I'm not strict about it, will slip some occasional pasta and cereal. I don't hold back on eggs at all and I really don't skimp if it's a protein meal. I can pig out and still lose weight as long as it's not a meal of carbs. Besides wheat the other thing I had to change was eating too late at night and then going to sleep before it had a chance to burn. Those two things were the main strategy.

Carrots are too sweet naturally. Same with bananas.

Each person is different and it's a matter of sticking to a diet. On the diet I posted, people get encouraged right away because it actually works and they don't have to starve or live on rice cakes. It seems like people are more apt to stick to a diet if they can see results fairly soon and some get to the point where they are obsessed with losing weight. My hubby once just cut the sugar from his coffee and lost weight. It's easier with guys. Anyway, good for you for finding something that works and sticking to it. I hope it inspires others to give it a shot.

Oh, and since the companies apparently get credit or blame for the results of the food you eat, be sure to send thank you cards to whatever companies sell the fruits and veggies you eat. After all, they would get the blame if their food made you fat, right?

I see a lot of commercials for those healthy vegetables and fruits. Since one poster here believes that the companies all brainwash you with marketing tricks, why don't more people get suckered into buying more peas and green beans with all those Green Giant and Del Monte commercials? Hmmm, I am beginning to think that individuals ultimately make their own choices and marketing just doesn't always work.

That's an interesting point -- produce doesn't get advertised. And no, a can of Green Giant peas doesn't count, nor is that really advertised either. Fruit doesn't get advertised. At the most these real foods might be mentioned in the supermarket flyer, and even then only what their prices are.

Nobody advertises carrots; they advertise Hot Pockets. Nobody advertises celery; they advertise Otis Splukmeyer muffins complete with 32 grams of fat. Nobody markets pears or plums or grapefruit; what they market is McNuggets and chicken wings in sugar sauce and microwaveable plastic platters and the idea that you can save all that horribly creative time in the kitchen, because we'll it for you and give you a drive-through so you don't even have to leave your car and suffer the degradation of walking 40 feet into the store.

As I keep saying -- advertising exists only to convince us to buy crap we don't need. But to pretend this sort of deception isn't dishonest -- is just dishonest.
It may have been around forever but not readily available and pushed via marketing like it is now. If you understood marketing you would realize how powerful it is. This is by design and not for your health but to seperate you from your money.

It doesn't work on me and many I know. I guess some just care about their health and aren't easily swayed by fancy commercials.

I don't care how attractive they make junk food look. Anyone with a brain knows that fats and too much sugar aren't good for you. So, now the left is vilifying companies for brainwashing people into eating themselves to an early death. Of course, that will be reason to tax or fine them, and don't forget to increase tax on sugar so those stupid people who were fooled by the big bad companies won't be able to afford their "fix."

Marketing does work on you. You have a device to access the internet which you dont need. You may be more aware of your food choices and the dangers inherent in junk food and therefore developed a habit to counteract the marketing. Food is akin to a drug and a very powerful one at that. Marketing simply drives your choice of food. Its all very strategic from the way every McDonalds looks exactly the same once you walk in the door with the fries to the left all the way to having them strategically placed in the community to draw you in with the big golden arches. People who simply say its not a dual problem are missing it. The companies are simply manipulating your instincts to make a profit. people need to educate themselves in regard to why they do what they do. Once they understand they can then take charge.
What a ridiculous statement. You must be one of those this is how I am so it must be true for everyone folks. I wasn't even on the internet a few years ago. Now with companies starting to force people to do shit online it is a necessity. Maybe not for you, but for many. Same goes for marketing. Just because you fall for marketing doesn't mean everyone else does. I know too many ring dings in the pie hole equals fatass. And no amount of marketing will sway me otherwise.
Dont get upset about it. Everyone capitulates to marketing. You may be more aware of its affects but you simply have rationalized the extent of the affects upon you. No its not a necessity to own a device with internet access. You've been convinced its a necessity. You fall for marketing just like everyone else. You just have too big of an ego to admit it.
Alrighty then. Be a good boy and take your meds.
I guess I've gone and hurt your feelings. I apologize.
Absolutely not, it isn't far to blame the junk/fast food for people being overweight. Assigning the blame on fast food or junk food companies is silly and takes away personal responsibility from the avid consumer. I know eating loads of terrible food is going make me hefty, if I choose to do so regardless, then I have no one blame but myself. If you want to be thinner then eat better food and exercise. I used to be pretty heavy, over the last 5 years I have lost 125lbs. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun but the results were undeniable. Those results became my driving force to maintain my weight loss. I had no one to blame for me being heavy other then myself. Unless you have some medical condition for being heavy then the blame lays entirely with the person and not fast/junk food companies.

That Is commendable!! I know people who have struggled with losing weight and none regretted going through the hassle of changing habits. You seem to have a handle on things and getting started is always the hardest part.

For anyone else who wants to make a change, follow this diet:

Eat every three hours. Pick two different fruits each day. Anything except bananas. Pick a few different vegetables each day. No carrots. Choose different lean meats- chicken, ham, turkey or fish. Meat must weigh 4- 5 ounces. Unlimited vegetables. Seasoning okay, but no sauces. No sugar, pasta or bread for first month. No fruit juice since you are eating only fresh fruits. You can have coffee or tea, but no cream or sugar. No milk. No alcohol. No soda, not even diet.

Example of meals for one day:

1st meal. 1 peach, 4-5 oz. of lean ham
2nd meal. 4-5 oz. of turkey, unlimited tomatoes
3rd meal. 1 orange, 4-5 oz. of chicken
4th meal. 4-5 oz. of fish, unlimited cucumbers

If you are awake for a 5th meal, choose another vegetable and 4-5 oz. of meat or fish.

Drink lots of water. Only eat what is on above menu.

After the first month, you can add a few things. You can have two hard boiled eggs in the morning instead of meat. You can make a wrap sandwich with the meat and lettuce or spinach.

This diet, if adhered to, will change your metabolism and you will lose fat and keep it off. Best part is you won't be hungry and the diet is healthy.

I'm serious, I know quite a few people who have done this diet and they wish they would have done it sooner. If anyone here wants to slim down, I dare you to try this.

Carrots?? What's the issue with carrots? :confused:

I agree about the fruit, and I did much of this in shedding 65 lbs since last winter. The main first thing I did was to give up on wheat. That accounted for half the weight loss all by itself, and I knew it would from having done it before. But I'm not strict about it, will slip some occasional pasta and cereal. I don't hold back on eggs at all and I really don't skimp if it's a protein meal. I can pig out and still lose weight as long as it's not a meal of carbs. Besides wheat the other thing I had to change was eating too late at night and then going to sleep before it had a chance to burn. Those two things were the main strategy.

Carrots are too sweet naturally. Same with bananas.

Each person is different and it's a matter of sticking to a diet. On the diet I posted, people get encouraged right away because it actually works and they don't have to starve or live on rice cakes. It seems like people are more apt to stick to a diet if they can see results fairly soon and some get to the point where they are obsessed with losing weight. My hubby once just cut the sugar from his coffee and lost weight. It's easier with guys. Anyway, good for you for finding something that works and sticking to it. I hope it inspires others to give it a shot.

Oh, and since the companies apparently get credit or blame for the results of the food you eat, be sure to send thank you cards to whatever companies sell the fruits and veggies you eat. After all, they would get the blame if their food made you fat, right?

I see a lot of commercials for those healthy vegetables and fruits. Since one poster here believes that the companies all brainwash you with marketing tricks, why don't more people get suckered into buying more peas and green beans with all those Green Giant and Del Monte commercials? Hmmm, I am beginning to think that individuals ultimately make their own choices and marketing just doesn't always work.

That's an interesting point -- produce doesn't get advertised. And no, a can of Green Giant peas doesn't count, nor is that really advertised either. Fruit doesn't get advertised. At the most these real foods might be mentioned in the supermarket flyer, and even then only what their prices are.

Nobody advertises carrots; they advertise Hot Pockets. Nobody advertises celery; they advertise Otis Splukmeyer muffins complete with 32 grams of fat. Nobody markets pears or plums or grapefruit; what they market is McNuggets and chicken wings in sugar sauce and microwaveable plastic platters and the idea that you can save all that horribly creative time in the kitchen, because we'll it for you and give you a drive-through so you don't even have to leave your car and suffer the degradation of walking 40 feet into the store.

As I keep saying -- advertising exists only to convince us to buy crap we don't need. But to pretend this sort of deception isn't dishonest -- is just dishonest.
My point exactly. We (the public) eat like crap because thats what is pushed in the media. If they banned advertising crappy food and pushed healthy foods people would eat healthier. Its amazing to me that people that consider themselves intelligent cant see this.
Absolutely not, it isn't far to blame the junk/fast food for people being overweight. Assigning the blame on fast food or junk food companies is silly and takes away personal responsibility from the avid consumer. I know eating loads of terrible food is going make me hefty, if I choose to do so regardless, then I have no one blame but myself. If you want to be thinner then eat better food and exercise. I used to be pretty heavy, over the last 5 years I have lost 125lbs. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun but the results were undeniable. Those results became my driving force to maintain my weight loss. I had no one to blame for me being heavy other then myself. Unless you have some medical condition for being heavy then the blame lays entirely with the person and not fast/junk food companies.

That Is commendable!! I know people who have struggled with losing weight and none regretted going through the hassle of changing habits. You seem to have a handle on things and getting started is always the hardest part.

For anyone else who wants to make a change, follow this diet:

Eat every three hours. Pick two different fruits each day. Anything except bananas. Pick a few different vegetables each day. No carrots. No potatoes. No corn. Choose different lean meats- chicken, ham, turkey or fish. Meat must weigh 4- 5 ounces. Unlimited vegetables. Seasoning okay, but no sauces. No sugar, pasta or bread for first month. No fruit juice since you are eating only fresh fruits. You can have coffee or tea, but no cream or sugar. No milk. No alcohol. No soda, not even diet.

Example of meals for one day:

1st meal. 1 peach, 4-5 oz. of lean ham
2nd meal. 4-5 oz. of turkey, unlimited tomatoes
3rd meal. 1 orange, 4-5 oz. of chicken
4th meal. 4-5 oz. of fish, unlimited cucumbers

If you are awake for a 5th meal, choose another vegetable and 4-5 oz. of meat or fish.

Drink lots of water. Only eat what is on above menu.

After the first month, you can add a few things. You can have two hard boiled eggs in the morning instead of meat. You can make a wrap sandwich with the meat and lettuce or spinach.

This diet, if adhered to, will change your metabolism and you will lose fat and keep it off. Best part is you won't be hungry and the diet is healthy.

I'm serious, I know quite a few people who have done this diet and they wish they would have done it sooner. If anyone here wants to slim down, I dare you to try this.
That's pretty much the program I followed to lose weight earlier this year. To keep the weight off, you do have to make some permanent changes. Heavy, starchy carbs and sugary treats should be treats, not dietary staples. Same applies to fried food. You really do have to pay attention to labels and especially avoid high fructose corn syrup. I try to keep a fairly stable daily calorie count and compensate if I indulge in a high calorie treat.
Absolutely not, it isn't far to blame the junk/fast food for people being overweight. Assigning the blame on fast food or junk food companies is silly and takes away personal responsibility from the avid consumer. I know eating loads of terrible food is going make me hefty, if I choose to do so regardless, then I have no one blame but myself. If you want to be thinner then eat better food and exercise. I used to be pretty heavy, over the last 5 years I have lost 125lbs. It wasn't easy and it wasn't always fun but the results were undeniable. Those results became my driving force to maintain my weight loss. I had no one to blame for me being heavy other then myself. Unless you have some medical condition for being heavy then the blame lays entirely with the person and not fast/junk food companies.

That Is commendable!! I know people who have struggled with losing weight and none regretted going through the hassle of changing habits. You seem to have a handle on things and getting started is always the hardest part.

For anyone else who wants to make a change, follow this diet:

Eat every three hours. Pick two different fruits each day. Anything except bananas. Pick a few different vegetables each day. No carrots. Choose different lean meats- chicken, ham, turkey or fish. Meat must weigh 4- 5 ounces. Unlimited vegetables. Seasoning okay, but no sauces. No sugar, pasta or bread for first month. No fruit juice since you are eating only fresh fruits. You can have coffee or tea, but no cream or sugar. No milk. No alcohol. No soda, not even diet.

Example of meals for one day:

1st meal. 1 peach, 4-5 oz. of lean ham
2nd meal. 4-5 oz. of turkey, unlimited tomatoes
3rd meal. 1 orange, 4-5 oz. of chicken
4th meal. 4-5 oz. of fish, unlimited cucumbers

If you are awake for a 5th meal, choose another vegetable and 4-5 oz. of meat or fish.

Drink lots of water. Only eat what is on above menu.

After the first month, you can add a few things. You can have two hard boiled eggs in the morning instead of meat. You can make a wrap sandwich with the meat and lettuce or spinach.

This diet, if adhered to, will change your metabolism and you will lose fat and keep it off. Best part is you won't be hungry and the diet is healthy.

I'm serious, I know quite a few people who have done this diet and they wish they would have done it sooner. If anyone here wants to slim down, I dare you to try this.

Carrots?? What's the issue with carrots? :confused:

I agree about the fruit, and I did much of this in shedding 65 lbs since last winter. The main first thing I did was to give up on wheat. That accounted for half the weight loss all by itself, and I knew it would from having done it before. But I'm not strict about it, will slip some occasional pasta and cereal. I don't hold back on eggs at all and I really don't skimp if it's a protein meal. I can pig out and still lose weight as long as it's not a meal of carbs. Besides wheat the other thing I had to change was eating too late at night and then going to sleep before it had a chance to burn. Those two things were the main strategy.
With the similar program I followed, it wasn't just potatoes and carrots, it was all root vegetable (beets, turnips, rutabagas, etc) because those vegetables tend to have lots of starch, carbs, and sugar.
Not one thing in the worst junk food can make someone fat unless the PERSON eats it. Anyone that blames the food itself is a moron.
If someone chooses to eat healthy (I despise those words) more power to them. If they choose to eat something else more power to them. People need to be left alone. It's amazing that the same people who don't want anyone in their bedrooms fall all over themselves snooping in every one else's kitchen.
If someone chooses to eat healthy (I despise those words)

"eat healthily". Better?

... more power to them. If they choose to eat something else more power to them. People need to be left alone. It's amazing that the same people who don't want anyone in their bedrooms fall all over themselves snooping in every one else's kitchen.

Too bad that was never the question here. The question was, and is, "are the purveyors of said junk food responsible". And you didn't address that at all.

But since you're here -- should overweight people be shot in the face? You know, like you want to do with pot smokers?
No. It is only fair to blame the person who consumes junk food in large quantities, for being overweight. Personal responsibility and accountability. Two attitudes most Americans used to be proud of possessing.

By this rational ^^^ it is only fair to blame the person who consumes Meth and not those who produce and sell the product.
I agree, demand begets supply.

That "here, the first hit is free" bullshit is just that, bullshit.

I favour legalization of all drugs.

If for no other reason, natural selection.

Who needs people that cannot handle their dope?

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